IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

AQ - if it helps I think all the doc and nurses and embryologist have been totally shocked with my cycle - I don't think it's a normal cycle by what they are saying to me an ive been extremely lucky but absolutely agree you need to talk about things to change for your next cycle. As a suggestion could you not ask for a meeting with more than one doctor/ consultant and get the benefit of more brains, suggestions and ideas? I saw Dr Russell and he was great and was the one that suggested I research DHEA so was open to ideas and I'm not sure it made the difference or not. Also I had it agreed with him that if I got two embies he would fight for me to have 2 transferred - true to his word he did, I know he's not a consultant which initially I was worried about but he was great
I know your feelings exactly AQ, You know how I feel about the Women's so we won't go into that. I think they definately should have used ICSI to give you a better fertilisation rate at the end of the day it does no harm and when your working with low numbers they should at least try it.

I don't know if I'm jumping the gun but I keep thinking about donor eggs coz it's the same price for a donor cycle abroad as it is here I keep thinking maybe that will solve one problem but I just don't want to give up on my own genes just yet I'm only 30 FFS and the fact that I could do egg sharing tells me that my AMH can't be too bad, I guess I'm just clutching at straws for the next cycle to work xxxx

Hope everyone is well xx
MrsE- Thanks, yes i deffo want answers as im only 30 and im pretty annoyed they didnt do icsi on the last cycle knowing what poor response i had the previous one so i want answers and i pray we get to have another nhs funded cycle with extra drugs to help implantation or whatever. x

Bugs- I am pretty pissed off with the womens myself. I will be demanding some answers at the FU appt. If your AMH etc is ok it maybe a implantation issue with you? maybe get some immune testing done before you go again? i know my eggs are the issue so at the end of the day when all other options have been exhausted we may need to go the egg donor route. Our friend and her dh have already agreed to donate eggs if we needed them so we have that to fall back on but like you, i am 30 and want our child to have my genes and also be a part of my mum so i can carry on the family gene pool but if there is no way of doing that then at least with a donor i would get to be pregnant and have that bond with my baby even tho it wouldnt have the same genes as me it would have dh's and i would be giving he/she life so its something i would do if all else fails x
Sharkey - how are you? Scan tomorrow I think. Good luck got everythig crossed for you.

Our 3rd embie didn't make it to Blasto so can't be frozen so correct decision on the two we transferred. So if this doesn't work we're back to a new cycle! Anyway hopefully we don't need it please god!

Bugs - glad to hear you are looking at options we will all become mummies some day I do believe that keep the pma x

Melbram - hope you get some answers too

AQ - I'm not sure why they didn't do ICSI with your last cycle to see how the fertilisation rate changes vs IVF. I'm sure you will find out at your next appt x

Fingers crossed for all of you xx
I think it is definately an implantation thing with me, the fact I always bleed early tells me that something is wrong, I'm just waiting on my test results to send to the new clinic to see what they suggest xxx
Bugs - have you done 2 cycles at HC and then 2 at Care so are you moving clinics cos I heard that Care were very good. I have a friend who got pregnant there 2ng cycle and was very complimentary. Good luck x
MrsE; congratulations on having 2 embies back!! I suppose the both of you can't wait until the 20th, will you be POAS or just OTD? How much was the Embryoscope? We were thinking of doing It but haven't done anything with the leaflet..... Now you can put your feet up & relax :) (sort of) :haha:

AQ; we were shocked that we got 9 follies, 2 of them won't catch up In time though.... I wont sleep tonight until I find out If they have grown enough by the morning. While everyone Is talking on the subject of ICSI, I will be asking them tomorrow why we haven't been offered It, my OH will also be asking to.... My assumption was that ICSI was given for male factor Infertility? Both MrsE & I have AMH of 0.00 and neither partner has fertility factors, so why has one couple been offered It and not another?? How you getting on with the painkillers? Hope you will be feeling better soon & that you get all the answers from LWH!! x

Bugs - I take It you have had bad experiences at LWH? x

Melbram - I would chase them up for the letter, I had to chase them up quite a few times x

AFM; I'm back tomorrow morning having a scan to check If my follies have grown enough or EC on Friday & hoping that I can get a few questions answered x

Anyone heard how Lindy Is? x

Hello to everyone else x x
Yeah mrs e75 I did my 1st 2 at the women's and then 1 egg share cycle and 1 normal cycle at Care. I would do another one at Care coz they have been great but it's just too expensive for what we pay for 1 in the UK we could have 2 abroad. Because my OH has got kids already we don't get any free cycles which is shit but what can you do !!!

My experience at the women's wasn't great my 1st IVF ended up ectopic and when they removed my tube they slipped and punctured my bladder and I ended up with a shocking water infection coz I had to have a catheter for weeks. I think I started coming on this thread around the time of my ectopic so if your bored on your 2 week wait it'll give you something to read, 2nd thoughts it'll scare you to death so maybe not ha ha !!!
I had an Ectopic back In 2008, was one of the most painful & horrible things I have been through.. It resulted In an emergency laparotomy, right tube rupturing & being removed....... As I didn't know I was pregnant (on the pill) and still having bleeds I didn't think anything of It, I was 13wks gone & I nearly died..... Due to other circumstances I was on strong painkillers at the time so I was a ticking time bomb & not feeling a thing :-( To this day It still haunts me, only feels like yesterday when I was crying hysterically Into theatre :-( I know exactly what It feels like x
Sharkey - I was told to do a CB digital but she said to test on thurs 20th April but thurs is 19th so a little confused so I've got two tests but don't think it would matter cos 19th is exactly 2 weeks from EC and fertilisation so think I will do it on 19th. The Embryoscope was £700 which is a lot of money but we looked at it that it may help gather as much info as poss of we needed to do 2nd cycle. I would do it again I we can afford it though - just thought anything was worth trying. You just need to check if there is room for you in the Embryoscope - only have one machine and it takes 6 patients at a time so of you're interested let them know ASAP, you pay before EC.

Definately ask about ICSI, would do that again next time too.

Just tryin to take it easy - had planned on sun and mon being my chill days and work today but hey never mind. Yes not long until testing I suppose just hope we get the BFP!

Bugs - lordy that's not good at all not surprised you are not a fan. I may wait to read your story until after I get my results cos I may have to go back for another cycle I you don't mind!! :)

I think ectopics are just the cruellest things ever it's like your nearly pregnant but oh no not quite, I couldn't believe I'd come so far on my 1st cycle for it to end like that xx
Sharkey - I was told to do a CB digital but she said to test on thurs 20th April but thurs is 19th so a little confused so I've got two tests but don't think it would matter cos 19th is exactly 2 weeks from EC and fertilisation so think I will do it on 19th. The Embryoscope was £700 which is a lot of money but we looked at it that it may help gather as much info as poss of we needed to do 2nd cycle. I would do it again I we can afford it though - just thought anything was worth trying. You just need to check if there is room for you in the Embryoscope - only have one machine and it takes 6 patients at a time so of you're interested let them know ASAP, you pay before EC.

Definately ask about ICSI, would do that again next time too.

Just tryin to take it easy - had planned on sun and mon being my chill days and work today but hey never mind. Yes not long until testing I suppose just hope we get the BFP!

Bugs - lordy that's not good at all not surprised you are not a fan. I may wait to read your story until after I get my results cos I may have to go back for another cycle I you don't mind!! :)


No not at all I'm trying to find a clinic in Cyprus and I hate reading the bad stuff I just want the nice stories xx
Mrse that is great news, put ur feet up and give the little blighters a chance to snuggle up.

AQ i know exactly how u feel. I am just as disappointed with hc, when we had no fertilisations, i cant help feeling they missed something then. The 2 meetings i have had with Mr Gazvani have just left me more and more confused each time. In the first meeting i didnt have pcos and then when the first cycle failed and at the fu i did have pcos but a different type where there are no cycsts on my ovaries. During my baseline scan i did have cycsts so according to the nurses i did have pcos with cycsts. When the embryologist rang she said i need to quiz the doctors as to why i have been put in this situation again because everything from their end was fine. I feel so let down after having such high hopes for lwh.
I had 2 ruptured ectopics within 6mths of eachother in 2010 which resulted in losing both tubes and i nearly died 2nd time around due to internal bleeding so yes ectopics are very cruel. You not only lose your baby but in cases like mine, your fertility and almost your life too. x

Yasmine- i dont blame u for feeling so let down. I do too altho im thankful i got to transfer both cycles so at least i had a tiny chance. When is your FU appt? we need answers big time before next cycle! would you consider donor eggs if there is a issue with your eggs? or maybe they can try assisted hatching?? we want to try again with my own eggs but we have a friend willing to donate if need be x

Sharkey- Good luck for scan an i hope they get lots of eggs at collection x

MrsE- How is the 2ww going so far?x

Hi to melbram, del, foxey, laura,babies,bugs an all the gang.
Sorry not many personals. I am drowsy on these tablets xxx
Morning ladies - so far the 2ww is dragging but I can't complain cos I actually will only be waiting 10 days so hoping its not too bad! Got a few things planned - lunch with girlfriends tomorrow, Friday I'm going to book at facial, sat will be at my parents cos hubby is abandoning me to go to wembely - he's a blue an I'm a red but given my embies we decided it was not worth the risk of me being pushed and jumped on so I'm staying home. Then grand national dinner with my parents and then I'll snuggle up at home. Sunday depending on weather we may go out for Sunday lunch. Then will only be 4 days until testing so not too bad. Feel bloated and a little constipated oh and tired but all of that is progesterone - have a heavy feeling in my tummy and odd pain/twinge but trying not to analyse everything cos too early yet for implantation I think will be more end of this week. Please god!!

Sharkey - how did the scan go this morning??

This weather is poo today too which is slightly depressing!

Hugs to you all xxxxxxxx
Bugs; I would'nt wish an ectopic on my worst enemy, we could'nt believe that we were told I was pregnant on a Friday for our world to be turned up-side on the Monday and that It was an Ectopic :cry: x

AQ, I would definately consider donated eggs If It came to It, even though It would be heartbreaking not having my own bi-logical child. At least I will be the mother and I will of nurtured the baby :) .... x

MrsE- Well how Is the 2ww? It seems you have the first week jammed packed and covered, hopefully I will be In the 2ww very soon :) x

Hi to everyone :) x ]

AFM; We went for the scan this morning, most of the follies have'nt grown as much as they had hoped for. The main three follies are ranging In sizes from 14mm - 16.5mm, the other follies have not grown as much since Monday's scan so they are very slow growers, so the Matron gave us a few more days of stimming until Friday and I will be having the HcG shot Saturday evening....... Booked In for our EC Monday morning :happydance: While we were there we discussed ICSI and the Embryoscope. Both of us decided to go for the Embryoscope which was a bit steep money wise but If It helps then It will all be worth It In the end. As for the ICSI, they could understand our point of wanting It and It Is now been written all over our case notes ready for Monday..... The matron called me while we were on our way home and said the Embryologists will talk to us prior to EC to talk us through the pros & cons of doing the ICSI & to see If we still want to go ahead with It. The Embryologists also mentioned to the Matron that It would depend on OH :spermy: but all his results have come back perfect so they dont see a problem :happydance: Now all I need Is for the follies to grow and get some eggies x x Wish me luck girlies :)
Sharkey - great news they are giving you and extra few days of stim - grow follies grow!! I'm sure you will be more than fine. Strange cos no one discussed the pros and cons of ICSI with us - honestly hosp don't help themselves when they treat each person differently!! Anyway I am where I am and feel so blessed and lucky to have my 2 embies onboard. One thing that is bothering me is that a sister did the transfer and didn't use a ultrasound which I thought they had to make sure they get them in the right place! Anyone else have this? My OH is just telling me to not think about it and get stresed cos thy've done thousands so know what they are doing - just hoping so!

Sharkey - need to drink tonnes of water, some protein and milk to get those follies nice and big x

MrsE; You are very lucky Indeed to have 2 embies on board let alone 2 blasts :happydance: Im hoping the few extra days stimming will make them grow much more, cmon follies.... I will be one very happy bunny If we get one eggie..... Theres pros & cons on just about everything so I would'nt worry about It :), matron gave us a leaflet to read through which just mentions the procedure etc. I thought they had to use the scan also?? Weird!!

Im drinking plenty of water with a dash of honey, thats all I've been having for months now and a pint of milk before bed :) .....x
Sharkey good luck with the follies and the trigger shot on saturday. Grow follies grow.

Mrse seems like u have got a busy few days ahead of you, your 10 days will fly past.

Sarah - no i wouldnt consider donor eggs, its out of the question for me. My sister has offered it to us but its not something i would consider. Both dh and i have discussed this and we both feel the same.

A friend of mine who is struggling to have children too (ttc for 6 years but has not yet had any medical treatment) was telling me that she went to see a herbal doctor in birmingham and he has told her just by taking her pulse that her body is not ready to go through pregnancy because she is lacking in certain vitamins and minerals. He has given her an alternative diet. A friend previous to her did the same thing and 6 months later she was pregnant. Im quite sceptical of this, so im just going to wait and see if my friend is successful. If so i may give it a go before i try another cycle of ivf
Morning girls! ope you are all doing ok.
Mrs E hope you are doing ok in the 2ww .... i have all my fingers crossed for you.
Sharkey - im hoping your follies grow and grow! thinking of you!

Lindylou - how are you doing?

AQ - hope you feel better soon xx

AFM - I went for baseline scan this morning - went really well. Lining was nice and thin. Currently on day 20 of DR and today we are able to start stimms! Got a scan on day 7 and day 10 and possible ec on the 23rd but obviously will just have to see how i respond to stimms. Got all our fingers crossed.

Hi to everyone xx

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