IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Yay Jules - fantastic isn't it when they say you can start stim such a milestone. Well done you! Oh once you start stim the time goes faster then slower again in 2ww lol!

Anyone heard from Lindy? I hope she's ok x

Sharkey - bet you are feeling nice and bloated by now I don't envy you at all. Havin said that I've felt bloated since EC and still do but that's the progesterone I think. Lol!!!

The 10 day wait is torture but only a week to go!! Hopefully I will be reporting a BFP and start a roll on our page!!

Have a great day everyone - baby dust to you all xx
Yes it's like winning something !! Can't wait to start tonight ! Weird that you look forward to injections lol! Xx
Babydust; good luck with the alternative diet If you decide to do It x

Jules78; congratulations on the baseline scan :happydance: It feels like another hurdle has been accomplished doesnt It! You will be fine on the stimms, time will go quite quickly..... I can't believe we will be doing the EC on Monday, It's flown really quickly x

AQ - have the painkillers kicked In for you yet? x

MrsE; have you had any signs or symptoms yet? Hope you get your :bfp: with myself & everyone to follow suit..... With the embryoscope, did you get to see any developments at any time? When did you start taking the progesterone? x

AFM; I am crossing everything that I get big fat juicy follies on Monday morning and plenty of eggies!! I feel bloated but It's not that uncomfortable right now... I must of got used to It :haha:

Hope everyone Is okay? X x X
Sharkey - no I didn't get to see my embies until transfer when they asked I we wanted to see them on the tv screen. I cried straight after the transfer - happy years cos I just wasnt sure I would have got to that point - soppy I know!

Started on the delightful progesterone I think the evening after EC or the following morning- cant remember but they will write it all in your white book so don't worry.

I'm having lots of twinges and aches but all that can be the progesterone cos had some before I got my embies back so know its not particularly a sign. I'm more tired now than ever was on DR for Stimms but again they say side effect of progesterone. So no real symptoms to give me indication either way! They are keeping me in my toes and guessing ha, ha :)
Hi Jules

What time were you at hc this morning? Me and my husband were there between nine and ten getting karotype test results back. We had to wait ages as my husbands had disappeared. They both came back normal which I'm so relieved about. I'm terrible in the waiting room as I try and guess what stage everyone is at and thought a few ladies were

having baseline scans as they went in and seemed to come out and then go back in for drug training. If you were there around the same time I probably saw you in waiting room.

Hi to everyone else. We are starting short Protocol at care next month so am trying to be as healthy as possible in preparation!

Laura-congratulations on your wonderful news. I hope we all get some of your babydust x x
training. If you
Hi cvaeh!
We were there at 8am so may have been a bit before you .... When we were in waiting room there was 3 other couples and one of them had 2 children with them . I had a red coat on so can't miss me :)
I'm like you though, I'm always wondering where everyone is at !

Did our 1 st stimm injection..... I cried !! I think the emotion of it is so much and you just realise how much your putting your body through. Plus the stimms are thicker aren't they and dh said it wasn't as easy as buserelin! We were amazed at how the powder just evaporates as soon as you puncture the vial !
We are still injecting in the stomach.... Weren't told any other place... On th DVD it shows the thigh ? Anyhow, my poor stomach has had enough !!!

Hope everyone is ok xx
Hi jules

We got there about half eight so probably just missed you. It seemed really busy there today. I think it today was probably our last visit now we've moved to care.

The menopur is a right pain to mix but once you get used to it it becomes quite easy. We injected in the tummy too x x
Jules I think HC only like tummy cos I did ask about thigh but said no tummy area. Yep I was on fostimon and same thing much thicker than Buserlin. Just wait when my tummy got bloated towards the end one night my OH injecte me but the needle bounced back out was very strange on but only happened once - think my tummy had enough by that point too, ha, ha it was protesting I think :)

How many powders are you on? I was on 6 so took a while mixing but OH was a pro pretty soon.

I'm officially not sleeping very well that's now 3 nights I've been awake at 5.30am and this morning 3.30am!! I need the toilet and then can't get back to sleep most frustrating but putting it down to progesterone. Anyone else had this after transfer?

Sharkey - trigger shot tomorrow isn't it? Yeahhhh exciting stuff.

Cveah - good luck at care I have a friend who is 6 mths pregnant who did IVF there so fx xx
Hi jules

We got there about half eight so probably just missed you. It seemed really busy there today. I think it today was probably our last visit now we've moved to care.

The menopur is a right pain to mix but once you get used to it it becomes quite easy. We injected in the tummy too x x

Hi Cvaeh

Which care is it you are going to?? I have just completed my first cycle with care manchester and am now 6weeks 3days with a singleton.

Good Luck.xx
Hey stickypolly, its great to hear from you. A massive congratulations, im so happy for you both.

I have just been doing a load of research on care manchester and i have been reading nothing but positive comments. People who i have spoke to have also spoke very highly of them.

Although i am taking a break from ivf for a year (emotionally i cant take anymore) i am looking at starting my next cycle, with care. I have also been recommended lister in london however i have come across some negative comments about lister which is pushing more towards care

Once again a massive congrats and i wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Hi lovely ladies.

Thanks mrse75

I have been checking on you all and willing you all on just not been up to posting. Been a difficult couple of weeks to be honest and not something I had thought could happen ( I was that focused on my getting my positive test) ANyway, keep going girlies. Cxxxx
Hi jules

We got there about half eight so probably just missed you. It seemed really busy there today. I think it today was probably our last visit now we've moved to care.

The menopur is a right pain to mix but once you get used to it it becomes quite easy. We injected in the tummy too x x

Hi Cvaeh

Which care is it you are going to?? I have just completed my first cycle with care manchester and am now 6weeks 3days with a singleton.

Good Luck.xx

Hi StickyPolly

Congratulations! Have you had your first scan yet? We are hopefully having our third cycle (and hopefully final one!!!) at Care Manchester in May. Its good to hear a success story from there x x x
Lindy - lovely to hear from you and know that we are all thinking I you and AQ regardless I how we get on in our next stages. I can't imagine how you feel cos I'm on my 2ww (well 10 day wait cos of Blasto transfer) so I can't talk from experience. Big hugs though xx

A bit of a wierd question and prob tmi but today I've noticed CM but quite thick - not sure what is going on or if that's AF on her way but don't usually get that before period get it at Ov. Anyone any ideas what's going on or had this happen to them?
Mrse75- I know, 10 days is enough to wait isn't it, don't know how I would have coped any longer!! Not sure about CM sorry. Xx
MrsE75; do you think It could be the progesterone that you see In abundance?
I can't really help much coz I won't be starting the bum bullets until Monday :)

Lindy; nice seeing you back on here, sending you :hugs: x Have been thinking about you over the last couple of weeks. Im sure with space / time and the help of your husband and you both shall get through this..... I'm truly sorry It didn't work out the way It was meant to, life can be cruel sometimes but unfortunately unavoidable x x x x

AFM; final Buserelin 7:30am tomorrow & shall be having the trigger at 8:30pm tomorrow night :happydance: Not looking forward to the EC, scared that they will say (we are sorry your follies havent grown enough or there weren't any eggs) but I suppose I will have to cross that bridge when It comes to It...... I honestly cant believe that the cycle Is nearly over, I just hope that we will be one of the lucky ones on OTD x x

Hello to all the girlies, sending you all :hugs: x
Sharkey - nope this is Definately different to the bum pellets - that only usually lasts for a short time after you've inserted them this is much later in the day and different consultancy (sorry tmi!). No idea I may google but trying to stay away from googling cos it can get you thinking all sorts of things I always find!

Oh well sure it will all come to light soon ish one way or the other!
Sorry it poste before I'd finished!

I was exactly the same about EC it felt like it was jumping Beachers Brook in the national but I'm sure you will be absolutely fine. They wouldn't have given you the go ahead for trigger unless they were sure about the size of your follies. The worst part is going through this and not knowing if you even have eggs given out AMH so I totally understand. I don't have any words of wisdom other than take it one hurdle at a time - the only way I got through it personally.

Fingers crossed - so exciting but just realised that means depending on what day transfer you have we won't be 2ww buddies :( the lady told me to test on thurs 20th but realised after that thurs is 19th so assuming she meant that cos it will be two weeks on weds I had collection so should be about right I think.

Hi jules

We got there about half eight so probably just missed you. It seemed really busy there today. I think it today was probably our last visit now we've moved to care.

The menopur is a right pain to mix but once you get used to it it becomes quite easy. We injected in the tummy too x x

Hi Cvaeh

Which care is it you are going to?? I have just completed my first cycle with care manchester and am now 6weeks 3days with a singleton.

Good Luck.xx

Hi StickyPolly

Congratulations! Have you had your first scan yet? We are hopefully having our third cycle (and hopefully final one!!!) at Care Manchester in May. Its good to hear a success story from there x x x

Thanks Cvaeh

Yes we had our first scan (6week) on Thursday it was incredible to be honest, we actually saw the heart beating so amazing. We have anpther scan in couple weeks so be 8 weeks by then.
I have so much praise for CARE Manchester if i am honest, it was nice to be treated like an individual and not just a number.
we feel so lucky for our first cycle to have worked.

Good luck hun i will keep popping back over the coming months to see how everyone is getting on or may even see you on te CARE message boards.

Hey stickypolly, its great to hear from you. A massive congratulations, im so happy for you both.

I have just been doing a load of research on care manchester and i have been reading nothing but positive comments. People who i have spoke to have also spoke very highly of them.

Although i am taking a break from ivf for a year (emotionally i cant take anymore) i am looking at starting my next cycle, with care. I have also been recommended lister in london however i have come across some negative comments about lister which is pushing more towards care

Once again a massive congrats and i wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Thnaks Babydust, we did alot of research night and da about CARE manchester and i looked on the message boards to see what people were saying about them.
I cannot speak more highly of them, my wife started the process by egg donating and then i egg shared so hopefully we have helped out some other ladies along the way. though the whole process they treat you as an individual and not just another patient its so nice.
we are lucky for te cycle to havae worked first time but if it hadnt we would not of hesitated to have stayed with care for continuous cycles.

well 6 week scan done and 8 week in couple weeks and then hopefully be discharged from care to our GP/midwife.

i would highly recommend CARE to anyone.

Hi ladies.

MrsE- Yes i was the same after both transfers getting up at silly times for the loo and not sleeping too well. Think its a combination of nerves and weak bladder after getting our bits poked about. Hope the rest of the 2ww goes fast for you. You have a great chance with 2 blasts on board. Can i ask how old are you? as each time we have started our cycles they have always gone on an on about SET an it does my head in. As it goes we obviously didnt have to push the matter as only ever got 1 embie but just incase we ever got 2 i would want 2 transferred due to my issues anyway x

Sharkey- Enjoy needle free day tomorrow an GL for EC. It only takes one good egg! x

Hi to babydust, lindy, polly, melbram, del, foxey, laura, cvaeh and all the gang x

AFM- I am enjoying taking time out from anything pregnancy related tbh. I am just concentrating on getting myself healthy an used of my meds for my neuralgia. Its been a tough few wks. I am back to work on monday and go to Benidorm 27th for a long wkend with the girls which is much needed! iv gained a stone in weight in past 6wks too so its back on the diet on monday an start going gym again. I am focusing on myself for a change. FU appt is June at my request and we will go from there. I have a docs appt next wk to get her to send a letter to PCT requesting additional funding an if that fails we wont be having treatment again intill the winter when we have saved enough to go to cyprus an have ICSI as half the price that it is here. Anyway hope everyone is well and GL to all xxx

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