IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

sowanted- i would definitely recommend Care. They haven't been able to help us yet but the care they give is very good.

Africa- surely Mr k wouldn't let you appeal if you didn't have a chance.

Gemz- sorry to hear about your uncle. how did your appointment with the nurse go today?

afm- got back from our appointment in Belgium last night. it was such an intense day but we have had the moat test to see if it is an egg or sperm Problem. They said by adding the activation procedure we could get fertilization so would be worth a try. the only problem is it would mean cycling over there which is a bit daunting. i will do anything though so we have to wait for the results to see the best route to take. I am a bit worried as she scanned me. i was on day 14 with no sign of ovulation. i usually have quite regular cycles so am hoping its just down to the failed cycle two months a go. i am having sharp pains in my right ovary today which i have never had before. anyone any ideas what this could be as there wasn't any sign of anything yesterday? i know i definitely haven't released an egg yet as i take my temperature x x
Cvaeh- That all sounds great! means you have a much better chance next cycle. It is good to have a plan B isnt it. As regards no sign of ovulation, maybe the stress has made your body react a little different. I would not worry too much as we have enough to deal with and im sure all will come right in the end and if it doesnt, then its not the end ;-)
When are u looking to start your next cycle? xxx
Africa- we were hoping to have another cycle in January. it depends where we decide to do it. if we go to Belgium i will try and plan it round my February half term. If we decide on care i will start the hrt in December. i am a bit down today. one of my friends has just had a beautiful little boy and another has announced her second pregnancy.

have you had anymore news on your appeal?
Hi to everyone else x x x x
Ah i know that feeling :(
I was so down last wk when our friends had their 4th child. The wife is same age as me and shes had 4 kids and i would be so thankful for just 1... life is so unfair. Our other friends are due their baby next week too. Its never ending. I am happy for them but so sad for us if that makes sense. I have a naming ceremony to endure this sunday too and all the women going have babies. Just 1 other woman that has no kids but thats cos shes 24 and single. You should join the thread i started for ladies who are starting treatment in Jan/Feb 2013. There are around 6 of us so far xxx
Evening everyone....
Hope you are all well.....
Gemz I'm really sorry to hear about your uncle, how u doing? When is the funeral?
Hi Polly, and congrats on your baby....6 weeks, what a lovely Christmas you will have this year.
Hi sowanted.....have you progressed any further....there's quite a few appointments involved.
How you feeling AQ?
How you doing cvaeh...Belgium sounds very positive....would you start the drugs here, before you go? I get really bad overy pain on ovulation day...Dr K said that's a very good sign. I've read that flying can prevent you from ovulating one month.
AFM....still just taking it one day at a time and not getting excited yet. Had my GP appointment yesrerday and she did the forms for our local hospital.. And booked me in with the mid wife for 8th Nov for the first blood screening tests.... Does anyone know what these are for??? So that will be 2 days after the 7 week scan. Also did another clearblue yesterday and got the 3+!!
Hi to anyone I may have missed.
Nite nite j x
Hi Everyone
Cvaeh - i really hope you get some answers from the clinic in Belgium! If you do decide to do a cycle with them will you have to stay in Belgium for the entire cycle?
I know how everyone feels when other people are having their babies and so easily as well it seems. It used to really bother me but i am really trying to not let it get me down. Being happy for someone else is better than feeling down and negative. Although easier said than done!
Joanne- all i can seek is eeek!!!! I truly wish you a very happy and healthy pregnancy.
AQ - i will join your thread because i think thats probably when my treatment will be starting!

So i attended PIE at the Women's tonight. Went as i expected and have just been looking through the mountain of information they give you! Although whilst we were there i bumped into a guy i sit right next to in work with his girlfriend!! i couldn't believe it! It was a bit akward! haha i wonder what we will say to each other in the morning. Small world heh? Anyway we have to go on the 14th November to do our blood tests. No appointment for a sperm test yet though? Does that normally come separately?

Fingers crossed we can start in the early new year?!
Hi lovetoeatcake.....when we went to pie we were scanning the room for people we knew!!
We took the sperm sample in when we went in for the blood tests, maybe worth phoning to see if you should have been given a pot.
I can't remember if you said why you got referred to the HC?
J x
Hello Everyone!!!

Just a quick up-date from me as early nights seem to win these days....... Sorry I haven't been on here much, between the tiredness, SJD & pregnancy I'm all over the place x x

Apologies for the lack of personals x x

Was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes last Wednesday, upset & emotional Is an understatement :-( Can't believe I failed the GTT and that there's no Diabetes In our family either..... At the moment I'm just recording my blood sugar levels seven times a day & managing It on my own with a controlled diet but the consultant said things can change quickly & I might have to go on medication! Looks like we will be Induced at 38wks or sooner going off with what they have said so far so we'll be at home by xmas day with our bubba If all goes well with Induction or CSec (either one could apply) Only 8 weeks go, WOW!!! I'm now at the hospital up to twice a week that bit I dont mind the bit I'm really getting scared about Is the baby's health & size etc as there can be many complications with GD :-(

Apologies for the post, my head Is all over the place & I just want this little one here safe & sound now x x
Hi all

Lovetoeatcake- if we decide to do a cycle in Belgium we could possibly have some of the initial scans in UK if we can find a clinic willing to do them. we would then have to go for day 10 scan until hopefully embryo transfer. It is all a bit daunting. We have found out recently that there is a clinic in London that do the procedure we may need but they have only done it twice. i am in contact with a girl who got two blastocysts in Belgium with procedure and is trying again in London thatso may see how she gets on.

joanne- yes we would down regulate here with the pill before either having baseline scan here or over there. my temperature seems to have gone up now which links in with the pains i had. i wonder if its possible for doctor to miss the follicle? all sounds good with you x

Africa- i will definitely join the Jan / Feb thread. its good to havehave people going through the same things at the same time.

Sharkey- not long now. take care.

Hi to everyone else x x x
Hi everyone :flower:

Cvaeh sounds like you have got a good plan, I hope that this works for you and we are celebrating a bfp for you in the new year :hugs:

Jo I can't remember what the blood tests were for :wacko: it's just basic screening at that point, and they do your weight, blood pressure etc. can't wait to see your scan x

Sharkey I hope you are ok :hugs: I worried about every little thing when I was pregnant, such a precious cargo, especially after what we have gone through to get there! I can understand your worries but now gd is diagnosed you will be monitored and there should be no risks to baby, it's people that don't bother with ante natal care that have the problems. At least you will get induction at 38 weeks and be home for a lovely christmas :baby: Try and relax and talk to the midwife if you are really anxious x

Hi to everyone else xx
Jo- FANTASTIC news!! huge congrats to you. Must all be so surreal. Good luck for your scan and midwife appt. How exciting! x

Lovetoeatcake- Glad the PIE went well and nice to see you in our other thread :) x

Sharkey- Wow i cant believe your almost 30wks! where has the time gone!! x

AFM- Mr K is away till next wk so his PA Julie is going to inform him of the letter from pct and see what can be done although to be honest not looking likely we will win this appeal. Does anyone have any feedback on what private treatment at the womens is like compared to NHS? I know that north west fertility deal with it dont they? xxx
Hi Susie, cross posted there :) looking forward to meeting you on the 10th if you can still make it :) i know you and Lisa have inboxed me but anyone else wanting to come please let me know by sunday as im going to book the table on monday as it gets busy on a sat xxx
Hi girls

Sorry it's been a while, we've been in a bit of a mess since my uncle died. It's got to go to an inquest, the coroner have said that its death by internal bleeding so they're not ruling anything out at the moment

Funeral is next week so I've been helping my cousins the best I can. Neither of them are rich and te funeral is over 3000 as they've got to move his body back to London. It's so not fair on them. We're all helping as best we can but it doesn't feel like enough

Afm I'm doing ok, period number 3 turned up yesterday (boo) only 2 and a half weeks since the last one. Getting fed up with this now - still waiting for our follow up, but were meeting the director of nursing on Tuesday over our complaint with the X-ray and ultrasound department. Occupational health were brilliant. They've told work to back off and at the stage of ivf we were at that I'm protected under the law! That was my 'scam' Jo - but I didn't want to tip work of just in case! My absence following our failled ivf has been removed from my record and a new policy is being written as I speak

AQ sorry I haven't been in touch l, ill dig out all our paperwork and pass it along - don't worry it's such a hard slog but it'll be worth it in the end.

Sorry for the lack of personals I've quickly skimmed the forum, promise ill send messages out tonight when I've read everyone's comments!

Hope your all good

Big hugs gem x xx
Hi Gem.

Sorry about your uncle but good you are helping your family cope with their grief.
Glad work sorted things out for you. You don't need even more stress!
That would be great if u could get any info for me. I am not feeling very confident tbh as the last letter from pct said i have the right to re-appeal but to have no expectation whatsoever that the result will change basically. Worth a shot though and would appreciate any further info that may tip the balance. Thanks hun an big hugs xxx
Hello everyone,
Hope you're all doing ok.
How you doing Sharkey? Have you had any further updates? Really hope you are ok.
How you getting on Gemz......thinking of you for the funeral this week.

I woke up for work as normal this morning, just with a bit of tummy ache but when I went to the loo passed quite a lot of blood...and a large clot...sorry for TMI!
Stopped very quickly though, and haven't had any since. Spoke to the HC and they got me into do a HCG blood test, then repeat it again on Wed to check my hormone levels are rising as they should be. They couldn't really tell me much, but not to go to work til we know more and rest up. So been on the sofa all day trying to relax!
Will keep you posted.
Love x
Aww, get plenty of rest and i hope wed's blood test shows a adequate rise. Such a worry isnt it. Everything crossed that its just something and nothing.
Msg me on fb and let me know how u get on xxx
Jo I hope everything is ok sweetie :hugs: I had bleeding at about 5 weeks, v scary. I also had the blood tests. When I went in for the 2nd lot I got upset and they agreed to scan me, I just needed to know. So you could ask on wed? It's not unusual to bleed so try and stay relaxed, i know how scary it is tho! They say lie on left side as it helps blood flow to the placenta, that's what I did. Keep us updated xx
Hi Littlegemz- im really to sorry to hear whats going on at the moment. My heart goes out to you and your family. I'm glad you managed to sort things out with work.
Joanne C - Hope you are ok? Fingers crossed it is nothing and your little baby is growing healthy and strong.
Thinking of you too AQ.

As for me just waiting for my blood tests which are on the 14 November. Waiting, waiting always waiting!!
Jo..... That happened to me at 6 weeks.... And they scanned me and that's how we found out about the twins! None the less it was very frightening and scary. Just keep resting, I'm sure everything is fine. I still have little spots now and again.

Hope everyone else is well xxx
Hi girls :hi:
not been on for a while as LO is keeping me busy... Busy but happy, had her 4 week check today and she now weighs 9lb 10oz the little fatty, she was only 7lb 5 when she was born!

Jo- hope everything went ok with the blood tests today

gemz- so sorry to hear about your loss, big hugs :hugs:

aq- just big :hugs: to you too, I can't imagine how you are feeling, just hope that you are the exception with regards to your appeal and they do the only decent thing and give you a third go :thumbup:

haven't really had time to read through all of the posts so I'm sorry for the lack if personals. Hope everyone is doing ok & staying as positive as possible.

Lots of :dust: to you all


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