IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Mrs E : this is our 2nd cycle, first cycle was abandoned before egg collection then we changed to a shorter protocol. Original problem is low AMH but having seen your response to treatment then I suppose all is not lost x
Sammy- I'm so sorry. It's hard when you have invested so much. Maybe try and get an appointment with the embryologist to get more information?

Mrse- they are doing well :) keep growing. X
To be honest I had a great 1st cycle, got my BFP but miscarried they think quality of eggs. 2nd we got 1 mature egg but it didn't fertilise. This time I've done all immune/nk cells test plus found out I have bicornia uterus and its small so that could have contributed to my mc but nhs didn't find any of this out. My latest cycle was an antagonist priming cycle which I've done a lot of research about and did ask HC at my follow up but they poo pood the idea but it just made sense to me. Have a scan day 1-2 to check you naturally have follicles (got some at start surely means you have a better chance) then short protocol both my nhs cycles were long which again I questioned.

I thought that if you don't get to EC and cycle cancelled it doesn't count as one of your nhs cycles you may want to check with them cos you may get another go.

personally after my nhs cycles i went to see 3 FS recommended to me including Kingsland and to be honest he as good as said we are not the right place for me personally cos his only solution was 8amps of drugs!!! I went with the person I felt was speaking sense for my case. If you want the details happy to give them to you when you are ready. It's such a difficult process added tothe AMH issue plus I have uterus issue. Hopefully I am giving all low amh ladies hope and that all goes well but not out of the woods yet. It's a matter of getting the right protocol for you that's the key I'm learning! Good luck and we're here for you xxx
Mrse so pleased for you! Fx everything goes to plan tomorrow

Sammy I'm really sorry try not to loose how might just e slow starters.

Afm good news at last!! Seeing the specialist on 11th feb to do my final checks for op - hopefully they should give us the ok to have an op end of feb!!!
Yay Gemz that's great news!!!!

So that's you and AQ having ops soon then you can get on with cycles xx
MrsE- Wow 3 embies is amazing! you stand a great chance of blast transfer and a frozen or 2! everything crossed for you. As regards NHS cycles, if you have had all the drugs and triggered and then they get no eggs or embies, it still counts as a full NHS cycle as its the cost of the drugs that counts according to the nurse on my 1st cycle x

Sammy- I am so sorry :( i was devastated when we got the call last cycle in the morning to say none of my 6 eggs fertilised and then we got a call at 4pm to say they had checked them again and we had one embryo! so weird. Sadly didnt stick though. Stay strong x

Gemz- Really glad they are sorting you out for your lap! then you can start and have a better chance x

Lindy- My op is end of this mth on the 31st so not too long now x
Thanks AQ - not long to go now!

Hmm I was under the impression that's its at egg collection the cycle counts - need to check that one, sammy I've just checked my work email account and its not as clear cut; generally it counts however you can argue otherwise as the tarrif (the payment the hospital get from your pct) is 2/3 of full ivf cost. Therefore you could be partially funded or overrule as per nice (although its tough)

Keeping fx crossed for you x x
On my 1st cycle as i only had 4 follicles when it came to EC the nurse asked did i want to cancel EC or go ahead. I asked would it count as one cycle used up and she said yes that's why i went ahead with EC or would of been waste of a cycle xxx
Morning everyone! Has anyone got snow?? :)

MrsE - good luck for tomorrow is it? have been trying to keep track!

Gill - fx for a good outcome for you

AQ and Gemz - good luck for your ops, have you had a lap done before? i had one done about 2 yrs ago, more as investigation than treatment luckily. i found the anaesthetic was the worst bit for me, but was just glad to have had it done!

lovetoeatcake - how are you getting on? :)

AFM - nothing to report, just waiting! I have been trying to keep up with you ladies on here, but don't always have full access to be able to post :s

Hi all,

Thanks for your kind words.
Its such a cruel process and we are very numb today.. Plus £5k lighter and no embryo! When we checked later yesterday my eggs just hadn't played ball!! We spent the day having a post match analysis and the only concern we have is that maybe they left us too late and my eggs were over mature. Typically my latest day for ovulation is 13/14 at a push so day 16 for collection was a lot later than the norm. Not sure if that had any effect.

I am so lucky to have the most supportive and undefeated hubby in the world so its hard to stay down for long.

I will channel my energy in routing for you all until we decide our next step x

You are all at different stages and no doubt will go through the same highs and lows!

MrsE .. Wishing you a really positive outcome and I may get back to you about your contacts as you seem to have similar difficulties as we have.

Gemz, AQ, bear and everyone else.. Positive thoughts for you too xx

It's been a big weight to have others to share with so keep this thread going .. Xx
Hello Everyone well its definitely snowing where i am! I took the day off to take my dad to the hospital. Got to drive to Clatterbridge from Maghull, so looking forward to that!

Sammy - i am so so sorry that your eggs didn't fertilise. Nothing i can say will make you feel better, i am just glad that your husband is so positive. That will get you through this difficult time. It sounds as though it would definitely be worth getting the name of MrsE clinic and the details of her protocol.
Gemz - Thats great news about your op. Fingers crossed you will start your next cycle really soon!
AQ- hope time is moving fast for you too. Not long now!
MrsE- Still have my fingers crossed that your embies keep growing healthy and strong!
Hi Bear - I'm fine, hope you are doing ok too. It's definitely a waiting game this IVF lark!

Well i had my appointment yesterday and everything is fine and we can start! Woop! My next AF isn't due for another three weeks so still a bit of waiting to go, but at least we have one more shot at au natural! Haha. The nurse said we need to have ICSI, which my hubby is a bit disappointed about. He has been taking wellman vitimins for ages now and i think he was hoping his sperm count would have improved. It hasn't and the morphology actually went down a percentage point. I did remind him he wasn't well at the time he did the test but he is disappointed. He is especially worried that ICSI has more risk of abnormalities. I have tried to reassure him the risk is still low but he is still disappointed. Is there anything else he can take to try and boost his count? I'm sure i read on here a while ago that one of the consultants doesn't rate the wellman vitimins and recommends other vitimins but i cant remember what they were?
We have also said we want to use EEVa. I got an email shortly afterwards telling me who to get in touch with if i want to use it. However i noticed you only use it for 48 hours. Does that mean you have a three day transfer? Can you not get your embryo to blasto if you use Eeva?
Well thats it for me, so just got to focus on being positive, eating healthy and thinking positive thoughts!
Keep safe if driving in the snow today!
Hi lovetoeatcake, we had ICSI and now have a gorgeous healthy baby boy. My hubby had three very poor SA results. He made some small changes, drinking more water, rather than pop etc, baggy underwear, mobile not in pocket. He was advised to take zinc and a really high dose of vitamin C. I think the levels are lower in multi vits so you need a individual vit C in the highest dose you can find.
Just before we started the cycle he produced a normal sample, and also a normal sample for EC. We still had ICSI cos of the original samples, and I'm so glad we did as we had poor fertilisation and I think if we had ivf we would have had no embies!

What you have to remember is that there is a risk of abnormalities with any pregnancy, and any risks with ivf/ICSI are still low overall xxx
Hi lovetoeatcake, we had ICSI and now have a gorgeous healthy baby boy. My hubby had three very poor SA results. He made some small changes, drinking more water, rather than pop etc, baggy underwear, mobile not in pocket. He was advised to take zinc and a really high dose of vitamin C. I think the levels are lower in multi vits so you need a individual vit C in the highest dose you can find.
Just before we started the cycle he produced a normal sample, and also a normal sample for EC. We still had ICSI cos of the original samples, and I'm so glad we did as we had poor fertilisation and I think if we had ivf we would have had no embies!

What you have to remember is that there is a risk of abnormalities with any pregnancy, and any risks with ivf/ICSI are still low overall xxx

thanks for this post susie as it gives me hope too. my dh has made those same changes (except for the vit c, altho he is on a conception vitamin) so this makes me hopeful that we will get good results from icsi :thumbup:
Mrs E: Good luck tomorrow FX for a BFP soon!

Sammy: Im so sorry to hear your eggs didnt fertilise :hugs: Great that you have supportive hubby xxx

Gems: Great news about your opx

Lovetoeatcake: Congrats on getting the go ahead the rollercoaster will soon start! We had to have ICSI to due to OH's count etc - we wernt told what his count was for the EC and when I asked about it at FU was told they dont count it? My OH is taking 1000mg of Vitc, Zinc and VIt E as recommended by the consultant x

AFM: Sent home from work early due to the snow - result :happydance: As for round 2 I am just waiting for AF to arrive then I will be ringing up to start again
Hi ladies, haven't been about for a while but just wanted to say for the mens swimmers we were advised by Care for OH to take menevit you get it on the Internet from Australia it's about £65 for a 3 month supply but definately worth it my OH's morphology went from 44% to 90 something% in 3 months so definately worth a try.
I have been popping in on everyone's progress and I'm sorry to hear your journey didn't end as you'd planned Sammy but keep strong and positive.

MrsE great news on getting too blast such an achievement and I hope you get some stickies xxxx

I am in full swing on cycle #6 and I promise to update with any result good or bad but I'm trying not to over analyse this one and just going through the motions really.

Hope everyone else is well xxxx
Good to see you bugs- will keep fx for you. Xx

Mrse - good luck tomorrow.

We were told at the last minute to consider ICSI as dh was borderline. Think it devastates them but to us we just look at the end goal. We had read up on ICSI and asked about the risks etc but the embryologist said have ICSi because you get good fertilisation then they choose the strongest embbies.
Melbram - not long now hey!!

Bugs - good luck with your current cycle xx

Afm - we made it to London in all the snow cos have to be at the clinic for 10 am! Just pray when I get there things are good.


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