Hi everyone!
Once again haven't been on
here for a while, but in my defence we have a LOT going on! We had just started our forst cycle of ivf and I was trying to stay off here anyway as I didn't want to drive myself insane!
I wanted to let you know how I got as I always find it useful hearing other people's stories.
I was put on short protocol as my AMH meant I was at high risk of OHSS. I made it to egg collection (26 eggs) and they did a 'straight to freeze' cycle because the amount of eggs meant it was too dangerous to do a transfer. We were disappointed but just so pleased to have eggs and to get to fertilisation ( we have 8 frozen embies now).
Anyway, I was understandably pretty uncomfortable after EC but though it was normal. however when I was still feeling worse by 2 days later, and having being warned by the nurse at LWH I got myself checked out at A+E.
Long story short, I was admitted to LWH with OHSS and on a drip for a couple of days
feel much better now and just taking it easy. Giving my body a rest so it's in good shape for a frzen cycle in a few months!
Just want to say this is pretty rare (I've been told) so any ladies going through a cycle - don't worry! And if you have concerns just ring the Hewitt - they were great at every point! One piece of advice - if you travel to hewitt for treatment (ie it's not your local hospital) and you do end up needing further checks at your local hospital after your EC, MAKE SURE they contact Liverpool, we had a nightmare with our local hospital, they had no clue what to do with supspected OHSS and didn't bother ringing the Hewitt even when we gave them the contact number and explained our situation.
anyway, sorry for the ramble, hope it's useful to someone!!!
Good luck to those of you going through your cycles at the moment