IVF in june/july 2012

Drsquid, wooohoooo! Very excited for you. Afamilygal, I'm so sorry to hear your predicament. Be brave, I'd definitely do the IUI! We live in the most unique time ever on this planet, we have fantastic medical knowledge. Try to have faith that they will take care of you and things will work out.

I also have low ovarian reserve, they said I may not respond well to IVF stims. We're doig it in the fall. I'm preparing by taking CoQ10, DHEAS and a gazillion other meds to help make the eggies robust. fx and for you too.
Dr squid, don't work too hard, keep relaxed and nurse that BFP!
Thank you guys so much, you're all so sweet. I really appreciate all the responses and support. you guys are the best. :hugs:
I did my soul searching (thanks JMC :hugs: ) and decided to go ahead with the IUI. I'm terrified but I guess it's just a risk I have to take.
I will trigger tonight and have the IUI's tomorrow and Tuesday. Here goes nothing right? I hope this works (and nothing scary happens) but if it doesn't I'm prepared to gather as much info as I can before the next round in September. Hopefully we can get it right the second time! I will be doing acupuncture for sure and adding the extra egg aiding stuff to my vitamin diet!

2 have 4 kids- how did they determine you had a low reserve?

amylou- I am really scared of multiples but like DrSquid says there is always the reduction if we HAVE to. I would rather stay the hell away from that if I can (its SO sad, it pains me to even think about it... they do it at 12 weeks!!!)
and I would only do it if I HAD to, like there were more than 3 babies and it was likely they would all die otherwise. twins is scary but 4 follicles is not even equivalent to 2 embryos so I'm trying not to worry about that.

raelynn- Im sad too, but I'm still xing my fingers for you!!!

Ms TX- good luck tomorrow!!!

Dr. Squid- WAHAY!!! that's definitely a line! is the trigger out of your system by now? if so that is a BFP- congrats!!

Thanks again guys :hugs: I wish you all the very very best
Yay afamilygal!!! So happy with the decision!! Good luck!!
Thank you guys so much, you're all so sweet. I really appreciate all the responses and support. you guys are the best. :hugs:
I did my soul searching (thanks JMC :hugs: ) and decided to go ahead with the IUI. I'm terrified but I guess it's just a risk I have to take.
I will trigger tonight and have the IUI's tomorrow and Tuesday. Here goes nothing right? I hope this works (and nothing scary happens) but if it doesn't I'm prepared to gather as much info as I can before the next round in September. Hopefully we can get it right the second time! I will be doing acupuncture for sure and adding the extra egg aiding stuff to my vitamin diet!

2 have 4 kids- how did they determine you had a low reserve?

amylou- I am really scared of multiples but like DrSquid says there is always the reduction if we HAVE to. I would rather stay the hell away from that if I can (its SO sad, it pains me to even think about it... they do it at 12 weeks!!!)
and I would only do it if I HAD to, like there were more than 3 babies and it was likely they would all die otherwise. twins is scary but 4 follicles is not even equivalent to 2 embryos so I'm trying not to worry about that.

raelynn- Im sad too, but I'm still xing my fingers for you!!!

Ms TX- good luck tomorrow!!!

Dr. Squid- WAHAY!!! that's definitely a line! is the trigger out of your system by now? if so that is a BFP- congrats!!

Thanks again guys :hugs: I wish you all the very very best

My fingers are crossed that everything goes perfectly for you! Thanks for the well wishes. I'm ready for this, it's been a long time coming!
Afamilygal - That is so exciting! Praying everything goes well tomorrow and Tuesday and you'll have your bfp very soon!
afamily- good luck. fingers crossed. i only did a 5000 unit trigger (previously did 10,000 units and it was out of my system by day 11). was gonna test again tomorrow but.. only have 1 left so.. itll be tuesday before beta
Afamilygal, they determined this through the FSH levels and the u/s. Through the u/s they said that in most women my age they see 11-30 bright follies, I had 1 left. This 1 could have 2000 eggs but that's just a scarything for me. When you look up the stats for 1 follie it says less than 10% chance of getting preggers.
I'm v excited for you brave lady, good decision!!! FX for you.
seriously, I love you guys.
Thank you so much for all the sweet words. :hugs: I'm all set to go! I just dropped off DH's specimen and I go in for the IUI at noon. dum dum DUUUUUM!!! :laugh2:

I'm still bummed about it all, it's hard when you get yourself motivated for something and then the plan changes. I'm trying to learn to 'roll with the punches' but it doesn't mean I don't want to punch something! :ninja:

Oneof14- thanks! I am happy too. It is good to know that this whole thing wasn't a total waste. I doubt that this will even work but it is certainly worth the shot. good luck to you too!!!

MsTX- yes I hope this is the end of the road too :)

raelynn- thanks and I am praying for you too!!! when do they think ER will be? I'm very excited for you. I will be IVF'ing vicariously through you :winkwink:

Dr Squid- well if it's out then its out!!! horray!! very exciting! I would test again today if I were you. one left- who cares?! do it!! :D GL on Tuesday with your beta!

2have4kids- I'll bet you have that 2000 good eggs in the follicle! I have a good friend who has a very low ovarian reserve and was told her chance of success with IFV was 10-15% and she got pg the first time and he is the CUTEST baby ever. So I have a lot of hope for you and for me!
good luck with the next round! I sure hope they get a good plan in place for you and you get your BFP :hugs: btw, what all are you taking for your 'robust' eggs :)
I just got back from my b/w and u/s and I am concerned about my follies. They like to see 6 mature follies and so far I dont have 6 mature, while I do have 8 follies only 2 or 3 of them are mature and ready. I have been stimming for 12 days already. I am so scared they are going to cancel my cycle. The nurse didnt mention canceling but, WTH is going on. They are growing, just very very slow. Has any of you hard of woman stimming very slowly passed 15 days???? I am so so scared. If this cycle gets cancelled, I am not sure I can go through IVF again!!
Oneof- I have no suggestions. Only offering hugs and crossed fingers that those follies get with the program.

Family- I know the frustration but I have my fingers crossed for your iui. I'm going to test again tomorrow before my beta. Not sure when I will get the results though cause I think they run betas m,w,f only but they ran it for me last time.
Well, I just go the call. They cancelled my cycle. I am completey devastated. I didnt speak to the doctor yet, just the nurse and she said the doctor seems to think it was the protocol I was on. My follies were all over the place. They are converting into an IUI. I am heartbroken and afraid that the next protocol wont work either.
Oneof14- I am so sorry to hear that and praying this iui does the trick for you.

I just got home from my Egg transfer. They transferred 2 day 5 hatching blasts. The doctor said he gives me a 70% chance of success. He said everything looked perfect and that he was very happy. I got pictures of them which made me tear up a little. It's the first time I have been able to have even the possibility of being pregnant in 15 months since my last ectopic. I had another 5 months prior to that so I have been tubeless since then. Now it's time for lots of rest and positive thinking!
Oneof14 - I am crushed for you. I know you've been worrying about this all along and to have it happen is terrible. I'm so sorry and I just pray that you and afamilygal both have great luck with these IUI cycles. Even though it wasn't what you were expecting, I hope it works out for the best!

afamilygal - They haven't let me know when trigger will be yet. My doc is finally back from vacation and my nurse will be in the office tomorrow too so I'm hoping now that I have my actual team back I'll get some better info. Must be soon since they're having me go in every day now instead of every other. I'm going to guess Thursday but we shall see. How are things going with the IUI?

MsTX - That is so exciting!! I love that they let you have pictures of them too. Hopefully they'll be getting nice and comfy over the next few days.

drsquid - Good luck on your beta tomorrow!

jmc - How are things going for you? When will you get your beta results again?

I again didn't get any measurements today. I am so hoping my actual doc does the ultrasounds tomorrow morning since he's back from vacation. Maybe then I'll have an idea of what is going on. I'm starting to get that full feeling you all were talking about. I figure trigger should be sometime this week and they still need to order it for me! My estradiol shot up to 1628 today so they're very pleased with that. I'm getting anxious to be done!
Well, I just go the call. They cancelled my cycle. I am completey devastated. I didnt speak to the doctor yet, just the nurse and she said the doctor seems to think it was the protocol I was on. My follies were all over the place. They are converting into an IUI. I am heartbroken and afraid that the next protocol wont work either.

no no no!!! Oh honey. I am so so sorry. I know how disappointing it is. Are you ok??? why do you think the next protocol might not work?? Surely they have a lot more information to work with now no?
My dr mentioned the micro flare protocol:


have you heard of this? maybe this would work better, the two of us can do lots of research together and get to the bottom of it!
I'm really very sorry. You must be crushed. I am giving you a big BIG cyber-hug :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

but maybe this IUI will work! you never know right? that's what you told me. This could be it! the problem is that they don't know the quality of the eggs til they get them out of your body so for all you know, your eggs are top notch!!! I'm going to cross my fingers for the both of us.
Do they know when they will want you to trigger? will you do 2 IUIs (back to back) or just one?

ps. PM me if you want to vent. big hug.
Dr Squid- let us know what happens tomorrow!

MsTX- so glad it went well, I'm praying for you and your little embyros! can you upload the picture? I'd love to see it!
Im sorry about your ectopic and losing your tubes, but I have a friend who did IVF after losing both her tubes and hse is pg with twins!!

Raelynn- sorry things seem to be a bit unclear right now, hopefully with your team back you will begin to feel a bit safer. It does indeed sound like it will be soon, so exciting. I'm sorry about the full feeling. I'll bet its sore with so many follicles. :(
but hopefully tomorrow they will tell you to trigger and then ER will be Thursday. That's when I thought mine would be (pity party. seriously I am still so bummed, and now oneof14 too?? I almost cried when I read her post!)

They'll have to get you a prescription to be filled locally- be sure to get that sorted tomorrow morning first thing. you dont want to be left in the lurch!!

Your estrodiol numbers sound promising! Have you had any weight gain?
GL tomorrow dearie! :hugs:

JMC- hope you're hanging in there love- beta is soon right? :D

amylou- hows it going with you?
Is there a way I can do it from my phone? If not then I will have to wait until I can get out of bed tomorrow :/ thanks for the positive words :) I do know that they were rated a 5BB and a 5BC. I know A is the best but I chose not to google anything about that because I would rather be ignorant and think positive thoughts. The embryologist told me that they both looked very promising and so did the doctor. That's nice to hear :)
I didn't get a's or b's. Merely that they were 5's. I'll post pics when I get home of mine
I find the grading system confusing, but I believe the A, B, C grades are given only to blastocytes and it refers to the inner mass quality. that sound right? and A is the best- it means that it has many cells, tightly packed- so YAY! it doesnt get much better than a grade A blastocyte!!! :happydance:

I think the numbers is blastocyte expansion grade. (like how far it progresses- with hatching and all)

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