IVF in june/july 2012

mammywannabe- Thank you! Good luck with your egg collection. I pray it all goes well and you have plenty of nice embryos.

oneof14- I am also praying for you and that things go well so that you dont have to do iui in August.

drsquid- Sorry you aren't feeling 100%. I am anxious to hear your beta results. Will you be hearing back from them today?

AFM- I got a call from the nurse today saying that they were able to freeze my remaining 3 embryos today. I was so happy to hear that!!! I have been taking it easy today but I did take my son to go see the movie Brave. It was cute. It was nice to get out of the house and feel like I was doing something since I have pretty much been cooped up since the egg retrieval. I am not sore anymore and today is the first day I haven't been uncomfortable from it, thank God! Ok so, I haven't actually given all of my stats in 1 update for the front page so here it goes:

Start BCP 5/14-6/3
Start Lupron 5/28
AF 6/6
Start Bravelle & Menopur 6/9
Trigger 6/18
Retrieval 6/20 (25 retrieved, 14 mature, 5 fertilized)
Transfer 6/25 (2 hatching blasts)
3 embryos frozen 6/26
OTD set for 7/5 at 9am
MsTX - That is so great that they got to freeze your extras! I want to see Brave too. I think the main girl looks super cute with her crazy red hair :)

And for me...I finally spoke with my nurse this afternoon and asked when they're thinking I'll trigger since I still don't have my lupron for it. She said tomorrow or Thursday! Crazy! They're going to switch me to the HCG trigger instead since my e2 has been good so things are happening soon! They also doubled my gonal f tonight, bumped me up to 150iu so I guess they're hoping to give my follicles one last push. I'm excited and very nervous too!
rae- fingers crossed

mstx- yay for feeling better and yay for frosties.. i havent heard anything yet. doc's office called at 5 to tell me that quest said they wouldnt have results til 6 (so glad i had blood drawn at 9:30am) and that they might call them to my doc or they might just fax them and theyd call tomorrow.. i actually have questions for my doc and hope he doesnt call while im in court
Mammywannabe- good luck for Friday!

oneof14- yay to IUI #1!!! glad to hear your DH's count was good. yay! I still have a lot of hope for you dear!

MsTX- thats great news about the freezing! glad to hear you aren't sore anymore. Your idea to test 14 days past trigger is good- it should not be in your system by then.

raelynn- horray for trigger coming soon! that's exciting right? I'm sure you are nervous but I really believe it is going to be a ok and you will be done SO soon!! :happydance:

DrSquid- that's a good looking BFP if I ever saw one!!! cant wait to hear about your beta results- good luck!

AFM- had my second IUI today. DH's count was even better than yesterday. 98 million! he is a freak. I joked to the Dr that he is making me look bad. :)
but I'm really glad at least one of us is ok. He's very chuffed about his 'super sperm' men... so I'm officially in the 2ww tomorrow! I asked my clinic for a beta test regardless of my AF coming or not since last time I got a full AF but was still pregnant. not normal and I dont trust anything but the betas... :)

AND I'm going to a Ben Harper concert on Sunday and I get to go back stage! YEAH! super fun, I love that man. (whistle) he is not ugly... :)
I guess if I were doing the IVF I would never have been going to LA to do this so there's a plus right there. (still trying to find them- Im still a little bitter but getting over it) ;)

alright my dearies! sleep well and see you in the morning!! :hugs: and :kiss:
family- yay for awesome swimmers.. congrats on the concert and backstage passes. always fun.. beta was 148. now im paranoid about twins
Yes the plan is to do ivf in July. I have my ivf class on July 3rd. I am so excited and nervous. I go back to the RE tomorrow to check on things since my surgery. I have started bleeding a bit more but am hoping this is normal. Everything else looked good with the uterine evaluation once the cleared up the bleeding situation. I am nervous about the shots etc, especially after all the poking and prodding last week. I am not sure of dates yet for ivf. My cervix is tilted so far back that the speculum is excruciating so the plan so far is to be put out for both the retrieval and transfer.
I am so sorry to hear about those that haven't had success so far. It is such a difficult thing to go through. I feel very alone in the process. Most of my friends are done having kids and just don't understand. Good luck and baby dust to all!
Drsquid- That is a great number. Hoping for just 1 for you!
Congrats drsquid!

I got the news this morning that I'll be triggering tonight! Crazy! We're still trying to sort out some confusion around when hubby will need to go in for his TESE (if needed). ER is Friday!
I had my 2nd IUI today, DH had 59 million swimmers w/89% motility! I honestly don't even feel like I'm ovulating! We are going bd tonight for good measure then leave it in Gods hands. I have to start the progesterone suppositories tomorrow evening!!
Afamilygal, have a great time this weekend with the concert and backstage passes, you certainly can use a fun weekend!!!

We are going to AC this weekend and definitely booking a trip to Napa the 3rd week in July. I too am bitter about the ivf being cancelled.
I had my 2nd IUI today, DH had 59 million swimmers w/89% motility! I honestly don't even feel like I'm ovulating! We are going bd tonight for good measure then leave it in Gods hands. I have to start the progesterone suppositories tomorrow evening!!

great numbers!! well good luck darling! we also DTD last night to (and I'm quoting my RE here) 'carpet bomb' my eggs with sperm. HA! silly man...

I think we will be less bitter next week when we have had enough to process it all and maybe start feeling hopeful that the IUI's worked. I hope they did! FX!!

you cant feel ovulation? holy cow, mine was SO sore, I spent all day in bed yesterday after the IUI. Ow Ow Ow. I did ovulate 4 eggs though. I'm feeling MUCH better today. (phewph!)

sounds like you are in for a fun weekend too- yay! hope you have a great time!
DH keeps joking that I'm going to try to run away with Ben Harper. I'm like- yeeeaaaah. cause he isn't happily married with children and I would somehow sweep him off his feet. What a lun!
I have had a major crush on the man for a looong time but what kind of a back stabbing hussy does DH think I am? good grief...

:) BIG hugs xxx
Congrats drsquid!

I got the news this morning that I'll be triggering tonight! Crazy! We're still trying to sort out some confusion around when hubby will need to go in for his TESE (if needed). ER is Friday!

YAY YAY YAY!!! good for you miss rae! the trigger can sting so ice yourself up really well.
Thanks! I am so nervous about that needle! But it is a means to an end so I'll have to get through it.
I didn't find the trigger hurt much but I did find the injection spot tended to be a bit sore the next day

Yay for Vaca and yay for 4 eggs.
Trigger was fine. I iced for a few minuted before and didn't even feel it. I feel like a huge baby for getting so worked up about it. I used a heating pad afterwards to relax my muscle and it has only been the tiniest bit sore so far. Off for blood work and ultrasound this morning to make sure it worked but pg test this morning came up positive so it looks like I've got hcg in my system. ER tomorrow whoa!
L4- have fun on your vaca. I say get away if you can for sure! the time will pass quickly enough. ;) good luck on your sono tomorrow!

Thanks afamilygal! Yes it's always nice to get away, and to have a beach nearby is even better. You mentioned not being busy with work...I'm a teacher so I'm off for the summer. Don't get me wring I love love love it!! And it's nice for all of the appts, but it does make it seem like time is going slow. On the flip side I feel like I can relax more too which is a good thing for this process. I hope you find some tricks for making the shots less ouchy!

I teach too. It was interesting at the psych consult that she pointed out that there are many teachers going through this process during the summer.
I have been taking Lupron since Monday and I was wondering if anyone else has expierienced any PMS/mood swings? That is the only side effect that I have noticed so far. It's not too bad, but definitely noticable.

Yep & tongue tied a lot
decided to test this am.. blank white as always so i went and laid back down.. a few minutes later i had to look again.. super faint line which didnt require squinting.. i cant stop looking at the silly thing every few minutes

I don't know much about pregnancy tests with ART, but this looks good! I didn't even get that when I was naturally pregnant with my first.

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