IVF in june/july 2012

Congrats to those who have made it to the TWW & I don't know which path I will be on, but there must be a reason for those diverted off the IVF journey (for now). I guess easier said (typed) than actually going through it.

I am day 6 of Lupron....waiting for my monthly cycle.

I can't wait to hear about more BFPs :)

I wish you all sticky embryos & lots of vacations to get through this.
Hi ladies! I stayed away while on my mini vacay. Figured it would do me good to completely relax and not think about ttc at all. Not that I could completely forget about it, but at least I tried!

Drsquid, again congrats on your bfp! Fingers crossed for you that it's one healthy baby.

Afamilygal and oneof14...sorry you're ivf cycles switched to IUI. Like you said familygal, you have to try to find the positives...four eggs for your IUI is awesome! You're concert
sounds like it will be a blast!!

Mstx, glad all went well with your transfer and you have some frosties!
Ultrasound and bloodwork went well yesterday - all clear to start the rest of the injections tomorrow night! Bloodwork on Sunday morning and I am praying that we stay on track for the 7/9 retrieval:?

Is anyone else doing anything special to prepare? I stopped drinking totally (I only had 3/4 week) switched to half caffine coffee and one a day of those. I stopped going to the gym and increased my full fat dairy. I am still walking my dog every day. Oh, I heard that raspberries and pineapple were good for fertility - so I have been eating those like crazy too. I think at this point I would do just about anything...lol
I almost forgot - the Lupron side effects (I was having PMS) went away totally after the first 4 days. I am starting the Follistem and Solution X tomorrow and cutting the Lupron down by half. What have some of your expiriences been with these meds? The Dr. said mostly fatigue...

Also, congrats to drsquid on your bfp! :happydance:
Hi everyone, sorry i've been away for a couple days....been some rough days that's for sure....We received bad news that our cycle failed and i'm not pregnant. Then the receptionist tells me my RE is scheduled out till August 15th but she'll put us on the waiting list! WHA?!?!? I told her that we're in the cost sharing program and have to complete everything in 18 months so there's no way we can just wait around for a month and a half...I mean technically we probably could but there's no way I wanted to! Especially with frozen embryos....Anyways, the IVF nurse coordinator called me today and said no worries and got us an appointment for next Thursday so I only have to wait a week. Then it's on to our first FET approximately August 9th she said. Ugh, terrible terrible week so sorry i've been MIA and sorry for not doing personals...but im just too exhausted. Wishing you all luck and thinking of you all!
jmc - I'm so so sorry that this cycle didn't work out for you. I'm sure that is so devastating after going through this whole process. Take all the time you need to deal with that. I think it is great that you pushed for earlier dates for your FET though! I'm so glad you have some frozen embryos you can use and you'll be starting back up pretty soon. Fingers crossed this one is perfect and works for you!!

ER is at 9am tomorrow morning and I'm nervous...mostly about getting an IV. I'm such a chicken when it comes to needles. We are also waiting to hear if hubby has to go in for another TESE operation tomorrow because the stupid lab failed to let us know if his frozen samples from previous operation survived defrost today. So we go into tomorrow not really knowing what will happen.
Jmc- sorry to hear about the bad week. It's good that you got in for starting the fet in August. All the waiting is so tough!

Raelynn- good luck with the er tomorrow.

Missannabelle- looks like we'll be on a similar schedule. I should have my er around July 11 or 12. I also heard that pineapple was good for fertility but I think the thing I read said it was the core part that was good. I've also tried to increase my protein intake and stopped drinking coffee.

Drsquid- congrats on the bfp!

Familygal- have a great time at the concert!
Hello Ladies, my husband and I are in our first round of IVF we already have done treatment and had an egg retrieval on june 5th 2012 but ended up with Hyper stimulation syndrome anyone else developed this?
jmc- im so sorry. glad they squeezed you in

rae - good luck tomorrow

afm preg mention 2nd beta was 349, more than doubled. my progesterone is super high for some reason at 279. they are gonna retest monday and having me wait to take the crinone. no wonder im sooo tired. supposed to get an us after the 12th.. doc goes on vaca the 13th and im not off til the 18th. got an appt but ill likely cancel and just go to my ob. i dont wanna see the doc's partner instead of him. no point end mention
JMC- Oh my gosh... I'm so completely broken hearted for you. :cry: I can't even imagine how hard this must be... I wish I had something to say or do that could help you or ease your pain :( but the frozen will work! it will it will!!!
:( I'm so sorry friend.
perhaps we will be pregnant sort of around the same time? I restart my IVF in September so not so far behind... big hug :hugs:
ER is at 9am tomorrow morning and I'm nervous...mostly about getting an IV. I'm such a chicken when it comes to needles. We are also waiting to hear if hubby has to go in for another TESE operation tomorrow because the stupid lab failed to let us know if his frozen samples from previous operation survived defrost today. So we go into tomorrow not really knowing what will happen.

Good luck Rae! I'll be thinking of you! and about the IV, I am normally so dehydrated by the time operations come that I'm so happy to have the IV in cause it makes you feel better. Just don't watch them do it and tell them ahead of time that you are frightened of needles, they will help you and put a good nurse on the job. :) You'll be fine, I promise.
Let us know how it goes!!!

afm- Im so sleepy, I'm hitting the hay now. :sleep: I'm so sad for JMC :( I was/am so hopefully for all you girls. hugs to all of you. sleep well...
Thanks eveyrone....I appreciate your support more than you know.

Afamilygal - Thanks hun... it can't be any more devastating than having to cancel your cycle so i'm sure you have a pretty good idea of how i'm feeling. How are you holding up hun? Your IUI's went well I see so lets hope you don't even have to worry about getting to September!! But you're right...at least we both have something to look forward to still since we'll be close in timing again...keep me updated on your progress! When is your beta?! Are you going to test before?
jmc - I'm so so sorry that this cycle didn't work out for you. I'm sure that is so devastating after going through this whole process. Take all the time you need to deal with that. I think it is great that you pushed for earlier dates for your FET though! I'm so glad you have some frozen embryos you can use and you'll be starting back up pretty soon. Fingers crossed this one is perfect and works for you!!

ER is at 9am tomorrow morning and I'm nervous...mostly about getting an IV. I'm such a chicken when it comes to needles. We are also waiting to hear if hubby has to go in for another TESE operation tomorrow because the stupid lab failed to let us know if his frozen samples from previous operation survived defrost today. So we go into tomorrow not really knowing what will happen.

Thanks raelynn, I hope this one works too! I don't know much about FET's though and if they have good success rates...my worst fear now is that the day of the transfer they'll call and say that none of the frozen ones survived the thaw....yikes, I guess we'll see.

Good luck with your ER tomorrow! Honestly, the worst part of the whole process for me was the IV...not to scare you but it was and I always have a hard time with IV's....it really wasn't that bad though...ask if they can numb the area first...that's what they did for me so it wasn't quite as bad as others i've had. I'll be praying that your poor hubby doesn't have to do his operation tomorrow....how stressful for you to have to worry about that tonight...Best of luck hun....i'll be thinking of you! Keep us posted.
Thanks eveyrone....I appreciate your support more than you know.

Afamilygal - Thanks hun... it can't be any more devastating than having to cancel your cycle so i'm sure you have a pretty good idea of how i'm feeling. How are you holding up hun? Your IUI's went well I see so lets hope you don't even have to worry about getting to September!! But you're right...at least we both have something to look forward to still since we'll be close in timing again...keep me updated on your progress! When is your beta?! Are you going to test before?

Im not sure, Im going to try not to test but I will probably cave. beta is on the 10th. but Im not feeling so good about it.

Im really upset cause on another thread, someone mentioned that endometriosis affects ovarian reserve which I didn't know. so Ive been doing some research and I found that doing surgery on a woman with endo to remove it can cause MUCH more problems... my FSH before the surgery was normal but if the surgery somehow affected my ovarian reserve, I might have blown my only chance to have a baby...
I hope not. I hope this is not the case but I'm now terrified that my Dr did the wrong thing. My endo is stage 3, and it sounds like he should have maybe left it alone (left it on my ovarians and tube) and had my go straight to IVF which is where I am ANYWAYS. Im so mad and hurt that all of this is happening. I can't seem to catch a break and I'm so so tired of it all.
Im sure a lot of you can relate to that feeling...
If this IUI didnt work Im going to have my day 3 blood run again and if my FSH is NOW higher than I know the surgery hurt everything badly.
dammit. :cry:
sorry to be such a weepy mess today.
Familygal, I'm sorry you are feeling upset and worried. I know how you feel as I'm sure many others here do too. It's hard going through this process for so long and continuing to hit bumps in the road! I really hope that you'll get your bfp and won't have to worry anymore. If not than you can figure out what's next. I too am no concerned about ovarian reserve which is the worst feeling. Then you question why didn't you know sooner and waste precious time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Raelynn - Looking forward to your update.

Jmc - I am so terribly sorry you are going through this! :hugs:

Family - I am sorry you are going through yet another bump in the road. Honestly, I dont think endometriosis can effect ovarian reserve. When I had my very first ultrasound, my doctor was concerened I guess because he didnt see a high AFC and therefore wanted to wait for my AMH test to come back to determine how to proceed TTC wise. So I think they can tell from the AMH test, from what I've been told. I am sure your doctor checked your AMH as well as AFC prior to IVF. At least that is what I am hoping to be accurate :hugs: to you! I am praying that your IUI works so there is no need for concern!!!
Thanks guys. would you believe that no one tested my AMH? he said we didnt need to since I was only just 28. grumble grumble.. If this IUI doesnt work I've insisted on them redoing the FSH, E2, as well as do a AMH and another AFC (first one was normal)
We'll hopefully we able to tell something from all that.
also, he mentioned a very low estrogen BCP but I always thought a high estrogen was better for women with reduced ovarian reserve when undergoing IVF?
What were you on oneof14?? (or anyone else who has low ovarian reserve)
afamilygal - I'm so sorry you're struggling with this. We all understand the strain this whole process puts on you so whine away! I think we all have days where we just feel like breaking down and throwing a fit over the unfairness of this all when others can get pregnant at the drop of a hat. I am praying and keeping fingers tightly crossed that IUI works for both you and oneof14 so the struggle will be over!

AFM - Everything went great with ER this morning. They got 15 eggs and the doctor and nurses were very happy with that so I am as well. My dad took me in this morning since we still hadn't heard if the frozen sperm survived or if hubby had to go in for another TESE operation. He texted my dad while I was in the pre-op area that the frozen sperm survived so that was wonderful news ahead of time that he didn't need another operation. He came to the hospital after he heard to be with me in recovery.

Everything went very smoothly. The IV was a little pinchy but the nurse who did it was awesome and kept me talking to distract me the whole time. Anesthesia was great! I woke up thinking I had accidentally fallen asleep during a doctors appointment at first but then I figured it out :) My nurses were all so wonderful and made the whole process very easy. I haven't had much more than some mild cramping so recovery is going great too.
rae- yay for the great numbers and good defrost. cant wait to hear about mature rate and fertilization! glad you are feeling well

family- im 39 and never got mine tested either. only fsh

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