IVF in june/july 2012

Rae, so happy everything went well for you and that your DH's did have to have the Tese, looking forward to the update!! Not too long before you get your BFP!!

Dsquid, how are you feeling?
oneof- im super tired. went to bed at 10 which was a mistake. shoulda gone to bed earlier. wanna try to hit the gym today which likely wont happen... gonna def go this weekend
Glad everything went well Rae! Looking forward to hearing your updated over the next few days.
oneof- im super tired. went to bed at 10 which was a mistake. shoulda gone to bed earlier. wanna try to hit the gym today which likely wont happen... gonna def go this weekend

Kudos to you for going to the gym still. When is your ultrasound appointment to find out how many beans you have?
oneof- well i havent done it yet. havent gone since 2 days before er. im feeling all ick and bloaty today too.. they said any day after the 12th but doc is going on vaca on the 13th which is fine cause im pissed at him anyway. but.. i dont know his partner and dont really wanna go to him. i emailed my ob to ask when i could come back to her but she is on vaca til monday. ill likely get someone at work to do one well before that anyway
Haha, I love that you take charge and if someone cant do it, you do it youself. Did you go to the gym while you were stimming?? My doctor was so strict about me not going. Something about getting your ovary twisted. Which in my case, I was never in any danger of.
oneof- i stopped doing impact stuff.. that is when you can get torsion. lifting is no biggie. you can also do the bike or elliptical etc. i was soo tired on lupron. im hoping i get out of work in time to get to my lifting class at 5.30 but it is unlikely. im not sure i have the willpower to go just ride the bike
hi all, hope you are doing well
i had my EC today and got 24 eggs very happy now just waiting for the call tomorrow that hopefully a good few fertilise...so nervous about it now

the EC itself was grand, was knocked out so didit feel anything was a bit groggy for about 30mins then went for brekkie. had cramps most of the day but nothing that a few panadol didnt fix.
the only thing that could go wrong the doc said was i could get ohss,which i really dont want
anyhow dont feel sick so hooefully not, the other thing was they found fluid in the ovary or womb i dont know which, so they will need to drain that,if they do a transfer in the next few days

the joys of ivf/icsi
hugs to all xxx
Congrats on a successful ER Mammy!! Looks like we'll be TWWing it together!
one of 14 & a family gal- Wishing you both success with your iui's and praying we all get our BFP's together!

raelynn and mammywannabe- congrats on making it through the egg retrieval! Now we can all suffer together until we can POAS! I am already dying to!

drsquid- What day past transfer did you test? I am really trying to hold off but man its hard! I think I might in the morning or wait until the morning after tomorrow. I dont know how much longer I can hold off.

To everyone I missed, im sorry and im wishing for the best for each of you. I haven't had too much time on my actual computer and its so hard to do the personals from my phone! I look forward to each of your updates and I hope to be updating with some good news soon!!!
MsTx - What day are you on now? I can already feel the excitement so I'm sure waiting to test is going to be pure torture! Hopefully I can find something to distract myself or at least keep me busy.
Hi everyone, sorry i've been away for a couple days....been some rough days that's for sure....We received bad news that our cycle failed and i'm not pregnant. Then the receptionist tells me my RE is scheduled out till August 15th but she'll put us on the waiting list! WHA?!?!? I told her that we're in the cost sharing program and have to complete everything in 18 months so there's no way we can just wait around for a month and a half...I mean technically we probably could but there's no way I wanted to! Especially with frozen embryos....Anyways, the IVF nurse coordinator called me today and said no worries and got us an appointment for next Thursday so I only have to wait a week. Then it's on to our first FET approximately August 9th she said. Ugh, terrible terrible week so sorry i've been MIA and sorry for not doing personals...but im just too exhausted. Wishing you all luck and thinking of you all!

Sorry to hear
I am supposed to wait on my period to show to contact the clinic. I have been on Lupron for 7 days. I have had the lightest spotting today. Should I be calling now? Or when I get a full flow? Or do you get a full flow on Lupron? Oh goodness....
Mstx- 6 days post 5 day so 11 days. And it was super faint. Thought it was neg and went back to bed then looked a few min later and saw it wasn't but just barely.

One of- lifted tonight. Yay. Was mostly hard cause I haven't been since the 11th. Now I'm crashing whih sucks cause im supposed to watch a friends band
I will be 5dp5dt tomorrow so it might be a little early but if I do cave and test and its negative then I will know the trigger is out, right? That's what I'm telling myself. We will see. I will definitely keep y'all posted on when I do.
Ok so I did a test late last night that was BFN, maybe a possible shadow. This was from this morning. You can't see it as well in the picture but its a noticeable light pink line!!! :happydance: I really hope this is the start of something good!


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afamilygal - I'm so sorry you're struggling with this. We all understand the strain this whole process puts on you so whine away! I think we all have days where we just feel like breaking down and throwing a fit over the unfairness of this all when others can get pregnant at the drop of a hat. I am praying and keeping fingers tightly crossed that IUI works for both you and oneof14 so the struggle will be over!

AFM - Everything went great with ER this morning. They got 15 eggs and the doctor and nurses were very happy with that so I am as well. My dad took me in this morning since we still hadn't heard if the frozen sperm survived or if hubby had to go in for another TESE operation. He texted my dad while I was in the pre-op area that the frozen sperm survived so that was wonderful news ahead of time that he didn't need another operation. He came to the hospital after he heard to be with me in recovery.

Everything went very smoothly. The IV was a little pinchy but the nurse who did it was awesome and kept me talking to distract me the whole time. Anesthesia was great! I woke up thinking I had accidentally fallen asleep during a doctors appointment at first but then I figured it out :) My nurses were all so wonderful and made the whole process very easy. I haven't had much more than some mild cramping so recovery is going great too.

15 eggs! Woohoo! Rae- that's wonderful! I am so happy to hear that the frozen sperm survived too- also great news!
that's funny that you didn't know where you were, I have had that before too, its a funny feeling. so glad the nurses were great, I love a good nurse, they really do make all the difference don't they? :)

thanks for the sweet words, you're a doll. I'm feeling better today, I think I might call my doctor and ask him about it all but for now I feel much calmer.
Im 4dpIUI now and I'm really wanting a decaf tea but I heard that any amount of caffeine can relax the muscles and the muscles in your fallopian tubes can't work as hard to get a fertilized egg down the uterus where it needs to be. probably nonsense to be thinking one cup of decaf black tea might make a difference but I really want to feel like I did everything I could to avoid another ectopic. silly really... :) TTC... It's enough to drive a girl mad.
anyhoo! cant wait to hear the results on your eggys. :)
Mammy- holy cow- 24 eggs?! goodness, that had to have hurt!! :) I hope OHSS stands far away! be sure to take it easy!

MsTX- WOOOHHOOOO!!!!!!! that is one very obvious line my dear!!! congratulations!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
MsTX - That is so great! Congrats!!

Afamilygal - So glad you're doing better today

We got our fertilization report today. Out of my 15 egg, 11 were mature, but only 2 fertilized. I'm kind of sad that after all that we only have 2 little embryos but I have to remember that hubby's sample probably wasn't the greatest quality since we were only able to retrieve a few through the TESE operation. At least we have some and have a chance at having our biological children. Just praying our two embryos keep on growing

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