IVF in june/july 2012

Thanks girls! I just hope it keeps getting darker. I have my beta on July 5th so I will know for sure then.

Raelynn- I didn't have a great fertilization report either so I know the feeling. I pray those 2 you got keep growing nicely. One is all you need!
MsTX - That is so great! Congrats!!

Afamilygal - So glad you're doing better today

We got our fertilization report today. Out of my 15 egg, 11 were mature, but only 2 fertilized. I'm kind of sad that after all that we only have 2 little embryos but I have to remember that hubby's sample probably wasn't the greatest quality since we were only able to retrieve a few through the TESE operation. At least we have some and have a chance at having our biological children. Just praying our two embryos keep on growing

Rae darlin Im sorry. :( you are absolutely right to put a positive spin on this- you still have a lot that is in the 'good' column but I can hear that you are disappointed and I wish it had gone the way you had hoped it would.
I have faith that these 2 (or at least one) will get to be children you hold in your arms. :hugs:
I was so sad when the dr told me that I could probably only expect one , MAYBE 2 embryos after IVF but he said "you only need one and the objective is really to end up with one baby right?" and he was right! I just have to adjust my expectations (easier said than done)
(pls accept my apologies...a wee bit long)
A family gal, I see you've posted your diagnosis of low ovarian reserve. Can I ask you how they mainly assessed that? My doc said she could only see 1 Antral follie remaining but didn't do the AMH test. My FSH varied wildly from one month to another (16/Feb, 6.5/Mar). Should I ask for an AMH test, is it more difinitive than u/s + FSH.
The fc hasn't been terribly aggressive with my treatment, a little chlomid and 1 iui and now I'm on 2 month natural break. I see the doc again July 23 and I think I'm going to beg her to get me in for IVF ASAP and tell her my concerns about how slow we're moving if i have 1antral follie left. I feel we're kind of dragging feet, puttering along. The nurse suggested that I couldn't do ivf if I haven't at least tried another iui and then proceeded to tell me I'm now also on a two month wait for any further treatment (had chlomid x3). I called back to the secretary & put myself on the IVF wait list anyway...deposit is paid, presentation is July 5th, we'll be ready to go! Before my appt, I think I'd do better knowing how you ladies, also diagnosed with depleted ovarian reserve, have been treated (how fast into IVF you've been 'triaged').
I lay awake every night thinking my chances of having a family are slipping out of my fingers. I know there's adoption and egg share, but you know how it is, selfishly I want to smile down on our jointly created little bundle of love.:cry:
(pls accept my apologies...a wee bit long)
A family gal, I see you've posted your diagnosis of low ovarian reserve. Can I ask you how they mainly assessed that? My doc said she could only see 1 Antral follie remaining but didn't do the AMH test. My FSH varied wildly from one month to another (16/Feb, 6.5/Mar). Should I ask for an AMH test, is it more difinitive than u/s + FSH.
The fc hasn't been terribly aggressive with my treatment, a little chlomid and 1 iui and now I'm on 2 month natural break. I see the doc again July 23 and I think I'm going to beg her to get me in for IVF ASAP and tell her my concerns about how slow we're moving if i have 1antral follie left. I feel we're kind of dragging feet, puttering along. The nurse suggested that I couldn't do ivf if I haven't at least tried another iui and then proceeded to tell me I'm now also on a two month wait for any further treatment (had chlomid x3). I called back to the secretary & put myself on the IVF wait list anyway...deposit is paid, presentation is July 5th, we'll be ready to go! Before my appt, I think I'd do better knowing how you ladies, also diagnosed with depleted ovarian reserve, have been treated (how fast into IVF you've been 'triaged').
I lay awake every night thinking my chances of having a family are slipping out of my fingers. I know there's adoption and egg share, but you know how it is, selfishly I want to smile down on our jointly created little bundle of love.:cry:

Hi 2Havemorekids, I probably am not going to be of much use to you since I only recently got told by my Dr that he believes my ovarian reserve to be low. We only know this as I started doing the IVF and it got canceled since I was having what he believed to be a poor response on a fairly high amount of Gonal F with the long protocol (lupron)
He still doesn't know why this happened (I'm 28) and all my previous tests have been in the normal range. I have never had an AMH but if this IUI doesnt work Ill be going in for another round of tests to see what they say. (I already have the paperwork just in case!)
so basically, they weren't able to tell there was an issue until I was knee deep into it. as far as I can tell, none of the tests are definitive but I think if you insisted on another test, you would get it. I don't see how it could hurt.

I totally get wanting your own (if you can) after all, who wouldn't right?
speaking of which, I just asked my sister if she would be at all open to it and she said her fiance is not comfortable with it and that if they were to even think about it, we would need to wait until after she has had at least one (maybe 2 ) children. so that's not much of an option anymore which makes me so sad... :cry: I know its a lot to ask, I really do but I would never have even hesitated if the roles were reversed.

sorry if I wasn't much help. GL!!
rae- im sorry.. did you guys do icsi? hope your 2 are nice and strong embies =)

mstx- wow time went fast.. and that is what mine looked like on day 6. yay
Yes, we did ICSI. That was our only option given the limited sample we had. I'm ok with just having 2 (of course some backups would have been ideal) but just really really hoping nothing goes wrong and they continue to develop.
they will, they will!!! (the embys will grow dance)

we've all the emoticons working for you!! x
Here are pics of the test I took this morning 6dp5dt. Its definitely getting darker!


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Hi ladies, Im probably a bit late in joining this thread, but wanted to share my story with you as I dont really have anyone to speak to about this. My history is I have had 2 unexplained mcs and 2 ectopic pregnancies, one of which caused a removal of my left tube. That all happened during the course of two years, then I didnt get pregnant again for 18months. I was referred for IVF to the Lister clinic in London, but the cost was pretty intimidating. I then went back to Belgium to speak with a specialist there, I am Belgian and we can have 6 cycles done for free there on the NHS. I was able to start immediately, which was great. I managed to get 15 eggs retrieved, although sadly only 2 were of a decent quality. We had one embie put back and the other was frozen. I didnt feel any symptoms at all during the 2ww and when I tested at 7dp3dt I got a negative. I fished the test out of the bin to double check and saw a really faint line, but according to the test, this can happen if you look at the test after more than 10mins. I retested two days later and again got a very faint line, but this time within the test time, but as I didnt feel pregnant at all, and actually had period like cramping, I thought it was probably residual hcg from the trigger. I got my beta test done on Friday and thank the lord, I am pregnant, my beta was 281 and progesterone was 142. I hope this post can inspire you guys who dont have symptoms or who are getting a very faint bfp and are unsure about it. Im still terrified of it all going wrong and dont really have anyone to speak to about this, but hope you all have some great news coming and we can all expect a little miracle in 9 months time.
ninamama- Congrats and thanks for the encouraging words! How far along are you now?
Thank you MsTX - your hpts look very promising! About the dates, I dont really know. The first day of self injections was the 30th of May. My LMP was at the start of May, I had a three week period during the puffing so my cycle was completely out of tune. I had the retrieval done on the 14th of June and the ET on the 17th. Im 14 days passed the ET today.
Thanks for the encouragement ninamama!

Congratulations MsTx- looks like great news!

afamilygal- so sad to hear about your situation. I think it's really hard for people who have never been through infertility struggles to understand how difficult it is.
Great line MsTx! Praying it just gets darker and darker each day!

I got the call this morning that our little embryos are still going strong! One is a 2 cell and one is a 4 cell! They're transferring them tomorrow morning!
Thats great news raelynn! I'm so happy to hear that!
Yay! Lots of happy news! Congrats to ma tx for some awesome bfps, horray to Rae for your wonderful embryos! Gl tomorrow dear!
And that's a happy story from Nina- congrats on your bfp after such a long struggle!
Hi Amy! Hugs!

Afm, now in LA. The show is tonight! SO Excited!!
Feeling good, normal. Some cramping now and then- could be anything! Nothing out of the norm save some sharp pain in my left ovary area. Hope it's not a cyst or something scarier!!
Hope you are all doing well and feeling good.
Rae- that sounds like great news about the powerhouse embryos! good luck with the transfer tomrrow!

familygal- when are you going to test? we're keeping our fingers crossed that everything goes well for you!
It's great that you have the concert to distract from the wait. DH and I both bought ourselves things so that we had something to get excited about for a bit- I got a new bike. I know, the bike doesn't make much sense but I figure I'll use Murphy's law to my advantage and hope that I won't be able to ride it for a year or so! I realize my thought process is pretty convoluted but I really needed something to look forward to.

I started my stims last night. I was getting pretty bad hot flashes and night sweats on the lupron alone. I was having trouble sleeping for a few nights because I woke up drenched a few times each night. Anyone else have trouble with this? Hopefully it won't get worse with the new meds.
hey all. gad to hear we are all getting there slowly but surely
mstx that is defo a line....faint but defo there....super congrats to you girl..hope i wont be too long behind ya!!!!

the clinic was on today are our little embies are progressing nicely enough aiming for a day 5 transfer but wil know tomorrow whether or not it will be a day 3.....i dont mind which ever is the best for us......getting excited now.....another step along the way

but its still scary as it still can go horribly wrong but im praying and hpoing what will be able to get to blast stage ideally and some left for freezing...that is an ideal situ

glad all is everything is going alright for everyone

hope all is good with everyone
love hearing everyones updates
hugs to all
Mstx- this may sound weird but... Don't keep testing you are gonna make yourself nuts trying to decide if they are darker. A line is a line is positive. You are getting a beta right? I just see so many people getting upset cause a line looks a smidge lighter one day etc. you are preggo :)

Rae- fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Drsquid- I agree completely! Thanks for the advice. I wanted to make sure it was getting darker but now that I know I think I will stop. I have my beta on thursday. I can't wait!!! How are you feeling? Got any new symptoms?
mstx- yay for reassuring yourself and i cant wait for your beta. by then the numbers are gonna be crazy high. umm im just really tired. oh and today i started having to pee every 5 mins it feels like. and i keep not being able to find anything i wanna eat. nothing sounds bad per se, but nothing sounds good and lots of stuff just doesnt taste right. had a fab chicken sandwich though. oh and first weird really bad smell. at trader joes today there ws this horrible reek from the bananas./ good thing i dont like them anyway, i wouldnt have been able to get near them

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