IVF in june/july 2012

Raelyn, good luck tomorrow! Glad to see your two embies are doing well. This will be it and you won't have to worry about the ones that didn't fertilize!!

Ninamomma, it's always good to hear others having positive outcomes! Congrats on your

Mstx, exciting to see another bfp in the making!!

Familygal, I'm sorry to hear you have disappointing news from your doc :(
It was perfect timing for you to get away and have some fun! I hope you are having a blast and letting everything go right now!!

Afm, I have my appt tomorrow morning and will find out what my doc thinks about my estrogen levels and I'm really really hoping that I'll be able to proceed with everything as planned.
I start stims tonight. I can't believe we are here. I guess it is cruise control from here on out.

Any advice?
Newbiemum- don't worry, you will do great! It's much easier than you think it will be :)

L4hope- good luck at your appt today!
Thanks Ms Tx! Gosh I was so nervous about this appt. I was shaking and everything! But thankfully it went pretty well even though my day 3 estroidal was high, they are letting us proceed with the shared risk program, just we won't get a full refund if it doesn't work. But I'm sure it will work! Whew!!! Big weight off my shoulders. But then also making everything so real! Went over all the medications and signed consents. I start Lupron on Thursday. One annoying thing happened. Someone forgot to give me the information sheet for my trial transfer so I didn't know I needed to have a full bladder. They had to reschedule it for next week. I just can't stay away from the place! All in all I'm happy and excited to get things started!
Hi everyone - I have been reading forums through my IVF experience but just now posting and this is my first one. Our first IVF cycle failed last year, ended in April. Second cycle started in June and I'm on my 4th day of stims. I was devastated when we got our BFN last year but I'm hopeful and ready for this round. I've been doing acupuncture for over a year now and also took supplements the last few months (stopped before my IVF cycle). Also giving DH supplements which he just "loves" (not). Anyway, glad to join you girls...:flower:
Hey ladies, ET went well this morning. We transferred back both our embryos now just praying they decide to stick around.
Glad your transfer went well Raelynn! Stick embies stick!!
Hi ladies,

Hoping I could join you all. I've been on my stims for 6 days now with egg collection planned for Monday 9th July (although I'm sure anything could happen!!)
I went for a scan today and I've only got three follies in each ovary.
Am a but gutted if I'm honest but my consultant tried to reassure me that it's quality and not quantity???
Anyway, hope everyone else is doing well!! On with the stims!!
Hiya ladies! Hello to the new comers! Welcome and good luck with your cycles! Let's get some more BPFs on this thread gals!
Wanted to drop a quick note to say yay to rae on her transfer!! :happydance:
Exciting... When is beta?

Had a ton of fun at the concert, didn't meet Ben Harper but he was amazing and our seats were incredible!!
Super fun, I needed that.
Still having cramping, such a nuisance cause it is probably nothing but I can't help but wonder. I'm exhausted from staying up last night! Nap time!!! :winkwink:
Rae- that sounds like great news about the powerhouse embryos! good luck with the transfer tomrrow!

familygal- when are you going to test? we're keeping our fingers crossed that everything goes well for you!
It's great that you have the concert to distract from the wait. DH and I both bought ourselves things so that we had something to get excited about for a bit- I got a new bike. I know, the bike doesn't make much sense but I figure I'll use Murphy's law to my advantage and hope that I won't be able to ride it for a year or so! I realize my thought process is pretty convoluted but I really needed something to look forward to.

I started my stims last night. I was getting pretty bad hot flashes and night sweats on the lupron alone. I was having trouble sleeping for a few nights because I woke up drenched a few times each night. Anyone else have trouble with this? Hopefully it won't get worse with the new meds.

Hi! Yay to your Stims! Won't be long now! :D
I like your bike gift, very cute. Bikes are so much fun!
I'm not going to test until about 14 dpiui. try to hold off on the crazy for as long as possible. :winkwink:

I had little trouble on lupron. A few hot flashes and headaches. Did they cut down ther dose now you're on Stims??
Afamilygal - So happy the concert was a great break for you! It sounds like a blast.

My beta is scheduled for July 13. Seems so far away now but hoping it comes quickly
famly- bummer on not meeting him

rae- yay on being pupo

afm- preg mention
afm -progesterone was greater than 80 (and nurse said something about having to dilute it to get a read). they told me to stop my progesterone supplement and they will retest thursday.. yay for no more goo.. didnt realize they were doing a beta too.. it was 1369 (or 1389 gotta ask again i got distracted after she told me). also told them that im going for my us with my ob rather than having it at the ivf clinic cause my doc will be on vaca and i dont know his partner at all so that just seemed weird and ick to me to go to an old dude i dont know rather than my ob who i like.. they said today theyd prefer me to do my us at the ivf clinic.. told them no problem if they do it free cause im out of pocket and have insurance with my ob. we will see what they decide end mention
rae- great news about the successful transfer!

drsquid-that's really exciting that you are starting to talk about the ob!

familygal- they did cut down on my lupron dose about a day or two before I started my stims and I've been sleeping much better and not having hot flashes recently. There were a few days that I almost left work early because of it.
The concert sounds like tons of fun!
everhopeful - good luck. Don't be discouraged by the numbers, true that quality matters and hope your retrieval is successful. Mine should be next week but don't know my follie info until Thursday morning with my first sono after I started stims.
Rae- I know what you mean about beta feeling far away. It it will be here soon! Yay! Exciting!! Can't remember if you said you would test before beta or not..
And the concert was what I needed. Fun is so crucial at crappy times to help remind us that it's not all bad. Sometimes it can feel that way.

Amy- so glad the new dose is better for you.:)

DrSq- the talk about OBs is exciting indeed!!
I'll probably cave and test before. I don't know how long I can hold out though. I'm already itching to know and I know it is waaay too early. I hate waiting.
Hopeful girl- thanks for your kind words. I should be having my egg retrieval on Monday 9th or Tuesday 10th. I have my final scan this Saturday. Really nervous and excited! Hope your scan goes well on Thursday and good luck for your retrieval! Xx

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