IVF in june/july 2012

Jmc- I'm sorry to hear that you've been down. It's good that they were able to freeze some embryos. The Fet cycle is much easier to deal with since there so so many fewer meds. I've also heard that its better (all around) since your body doesn't have to go through the stress of stimming then straight into pregnancy- it gives your body a chance to recover before starting the pregnancy. Hopefully August will come fast for you!
good luck with ER MissAnnabelle, Everhopeful and Amy!!!
(hope I didn't miss anyone :s )
wishing all of you the best of luck!!

Ms TX- congrats, thats wonderful news!! do you think there is one or two?

DrSquid- hows it going with you? have you had your u/s yet?
(sorry I tried to go a few pages back but I've missed a good few days so sorry if you guys have already answered these q's!)

rae- how are you feeling dear? getting close to beta right?

jmc- Im sorry this has been tough but you do hear of a lot of women who get their BFPs with the frozen embies. I still have much hope for you.

oneof14- how are you feeling love?

congrats on starting your cycles to those of you who are beginning- GL to you all!

afm- AF is due today or tomorrow, I bet Ill start spotting today. I have prepared myself for that. I didn't really think this was going to work so hopefully I won't be too sad. After all, it isnt even the worst news I'll have had in the past 3 weeks!! (trying to stay positive- it isn't easy)
hugs to you all!!! :hugs:
Hi ladies, I'm in my 2 ww I'm driving myself in sane I feel completely normal so scared it hasn't worked, did any of u have any symptoms?
Congrats the bfps! X

The 2ww is driving me mad as well. My beta is Friday and that still seems forever away. I don't really have any symptoms other than my boobs swelling up and being a bit tender (I'm assuming this is from the meds) I've had some slight cramping the last couple days but thats about it. I wouldn't worry about symptoms though because the meds will cause most of them and I've heard plenty of pregnancy success stories with no symptoms at all.

Hi everyone! I've been MIA for awhile now...just been so down in the dumps after our failed cycle. Wanted to log on quick and say congrats to MsTx and DrSquid!! Good luck to all the others in the middle of stims and TWW!! I'm sorry i've been missing but it's just been tough.

Went for our follow up appt on Thursday and looks like we're on schedule for our FET on August 9th...wish I could say im excited for it but at least it's moving forward...

So sorry that you are struggling. I can imagine it is terribly hard! I'm really worried about this not working myself because we don't even know where to go from here. We have no frosties and hubby isn't sure if he wants to go through another TESE operation or not if this doesn't work especially since we have to pay for both IVF and his operation....we may have to switch to donor at that point. I've heard lots of success stories from FET so hopefully this is the key for you and you'll be on your way to your BFP very soon!

rae- how are you feeling dear? getting close to beta right?

afm- AF is due today or tomorrow, I bet Ill start spotting today. I have prepared myself for that. I didn't really think this was going to work so hopefully I won't be too sad. After all, it isnt even the worst news I'll have had in the past 3 weeks!! (trying to stay positive- it isn't easy)
hugs to you all!!! :hugs:

I'm doing ok. Struggling with the wait and really worried this won't work. We're not really sure where to go from here if it doesn't work so I'm really scared that we don't have any sort of plan. I've had some light cramping the last few days so not sure if that is a good or bad sign. Beta is Friday.

Really hoping this IUI works for you!!
Afamilygal- I'm really not sure. I've read so many different beta stories and they are all different but if I had to take a guess i am going to say 1 since my numbers didn't triple or anything. We will see in 2 1/2 weeks!!!
Amylou- thanks for the support hun...I've heard good things with FET's so im still hopeful but I was so dang positive with our first cycle! How are things coming along with you?! I am going to go back a few pages and read so I can get updated on you gals

Afamilygal - hi hun...how are you hanging in there?? Did you get your beta or are you just testing or just waiting for AF? You said you are expecting her today or tomorrow but can't remember if you had a beta as well. Thanks for keeping hope for me....I need all I can get!!

raelynn - hi hun! Glad to see you are in your TWW!!! Almost there! Don't give up hope yet....I can't wait to see your good news on Friday. Thanks for your kind words...it's been tough but it could be worse and that's all I keep trying to remind myself. I can't imagine being in your position though with your poor hubby having to go through the operation. Is your DH ok with donor?? That would be tough to do the operation again...poor guy. I realllyyyyyy hope that you don't even have to worry about that anymore and that you get your BFP on Friday!!
Day 6....kinda uncomfortable. They went down on meds. I think ihabe 10-12 follicles, but they are small. Did the second. U/s today.
Jmc- I'm so sorry. We haven't thought about what to do if this doesn't work. We've used all our savings for this chance and I'm not going to have any extras for freezing!
Everything crossed for you that Aug works!!

AFM- I have just taken my trigger shot and have to be up in London bright and early on Tuesday.

Really hope you are all well and very good luck to those on the 2WW!

Ive been away for the weekend and this page always moves so fast. I know Im missing ladies but I'll try to do better this week!

Jmc, I'm sorry you are going through this disappointment. It's understandable you had to take a break and feel sad. I know it's one of my fears, but I'm sure it is for all of us after ttc for so long. I'm sure it's hard to think positive just yet, but FET cycles work well for
many people. August will be here in no time!

Rae, good luck this week! Looking forward to hearing your good news this week! I can just imagine the stress and pressure with adding TESE on top of the rest of the IVF process! Fingers crossed for your bfp! :)

Familygal, I hope a surprise bfp comes your way! If AF does unwelcomely show herself, do you have a plan set for your next cycle?

Afm, I started Lupron on Thursday night. So far so good... The needle is not to bad and I don't feel any new side effects so far. I cant wait to stop bcp this week. Then the real fun begins with stimming!
Hi ladies,
My third u/s this am went well. They are going to tell me this afternoon if I am supposed to do the trigger tonight or come back in tomorrow for another u/s.
I just got into work and found out one co worker is prego (i hadnt seen her in awhile and is visibly prego) and a second one just told me she is also pregnant at 12 weeks. Our office is small (maybe 4 or5 women of child bearing age). So I just found out that almost half of the fertile women in our office are prego. I'm happy for them but it just makes it even more painful for me to see the daily reminder of where I cant get to. Especially when all I want to do is go home curl up on my couch.
Sorry for the rant. I hope everyone is doing well.
amy- that is so hard. good luck

family- preg mention i did an us at work.. there are 2 sacs.. one sac looked like it had two yolk sacs in it.. so of course im terrified now it is triplets (please dont say congrats, or yay, this is NOT a good thing). gonna try to get another us tomorrow end mention
Drsquid- I pray you see that one baby you were hoping for. Good luck at your next us and keep us posted!
Just got home from er. 13 really good eggs, so here's hoping I get 2 fertilized. I will find out in the morning. Looking at Thursday for the et. Good luck to everyone who is still on this path and a big congrats to those who have their bfps!
miss annabelle- wow great! good luck dear!

Dr Squid- Im sorry it might not have turned out the way you had planned but it is defiantly best to wait with these things- time will tell. sorry if you are scared, I would be scared too. what are the odds of that happening? have you asked your Dr?

amy- good luck with trigger, hope it is soon! and sorry about all the pregnant coworkers... that is just so hard I know. it always makes me feel bad that I feel sad about it but it is natural for us to be envious of those who have what we so badly desire. your time is soon my dear!!

L4hope- thanks! I'm not expecting anything but the witch, I started spotting this morning. :( Im still going to go for the beta since I was pregnant last time I had a full AF but I am not hopeful. as for the plan- Im going to try to meet with my Dr soon to get a good plan in place. Im still so confused... long protocol, BCP, lupron, microflare... it seems to work so differently for so many women- I hope my Dr has a good idea about what to do :)
Thanks for asking :hugs:

everhopeful- I understand the concern about having nothing to freeze, it's likely that I won't either and that makes me sad... but listen, lots of women get pregnant and then their fertility chances improve naturally after giving birth. not sure what your situation is but thats a nice little fact. so hopefully you'll get your BFP very soon! GL!

jmc- having a beta done tomorrow but I fully expect it to be 0.
Im so sorry you have been so sad... but like I said before, this FET will be the one! I gotsa feelin' in ma bones!!! :) :hugs:

MsTX- very exciting, cant wait to hear!

Rae- good luck Friday! Hope you get good news! :hugs:

afm- like I said, Im spotting so Im just waiting for AF to show up, we leave LA today- it has been wonderful to get away. just what the Dr ordered...
and since Im not pg, I dont have to worry that all my other summer plans to get out of the heat won't be happening. aka- the silver lining...
hugs to all!!
Thanks for the support. I came home for lunch to walk my dog so now I'm feeling a bit better.

Drsquid- that does sound scary. good luck with the u/s tomorrow. how many weeks along are you now?

missannabelle- congratulations on the successful er! we're keeping our fingers crossed for great fertilization!

afamilygal- sorry to hear about the spotting- we all know the feeling of hoping that it won't be there. Its great that you were able to take a bit of a vacation though!
Raelynn - Thanks for sharing, thought maybe I was being overly critical of them but that was the worse interaction I've had with them. On a lighter note I have my trigger shot tonight and ER on Wednesday... here we go!

Ms TX - Congratulations!
amylou123 - so sorry, honey. I know exactly how you feel and it is okay to have those feelings - we are really happy for our friends but so sad and painful for us. We still have hope and are moving forward, we keep picking ourselves up and dusting ourselves off. Try to stay positive (challenge for me at time for sure). Looks like maybe you and I are on pretty much same schedule. I'm waiting for my call tonight about my trigger and my timing for ER on Wednesday. Good luck, girl!
Just got home from er. 13 really good eggs, so here's hoping I get 2 fertilized. I will find out in the morning. Looking at Thursday for the et. Good luck to everyone who is still on this path and a big congrats to those who have their bfps!

That is awesome!
amylou123 - so sorry, honey. I know exactly how you feel and it is okay to have those feelings - we are really happy for our friends but so sad and painful for us. We still have hope and are moving forward, we keep picking ourselves up and dusting ourselves off. Try to stay positive (challenge for me at time for sure). Looks like maybe you and I are on pretty much same schedule. I'm waiting for my call tonight about my trigger and my timing for ER on Wednesday. Good luck, girl!

You guys are a few days ahead of me. Good luck! I willnbe waiting to hear how it went.
Afamilygirl- thanks for your very kind words. I think if there is nothing to freeze this time then we will save and try once more but hopefully this time will work!!
Getting pregnant first time was pretty straight forward but since then I have had an ectopic and a miscarriage. My left tube that is left is not very good so IVF seems to be the only way for us.

ER is set for tomorrow morning. Leaving here at 6.30am!! Joys!!

Hope everyone else is well!!

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