IVF in june/july 2012

Thank you hoping4baby2! I waited 4 days first one was negativ but on day 5 was a very light line that was Thursday and today it was really strong!how about you?when did you have your transfer?xxx
Hi all-

Not feeling very hopeful for this cycle now. My boobs had been really sore, getting heavier and heavier until last night. Last night my boobs stopped hurting and I'm sure that's not a good sign!
Cried myself to sleep but going to try wait until Tuesday to test but feel like I have given up hope already!
I always promise myself that I won't get my hopes up and every month I do!!
And with nothing frozen we are going to have to wait to save up for another round of IVF!!

Anyway, hope everyone else out there is good! Xx

From someone that was pregnant - my symptoms came & went frequently. Try not to get stressed out.
Thank you hoping4baby2! I waited 4 days first one was negativ but on day 5 was a very light line that was Thursday and today it was really strong!how about you?when did you have your transfer?xxx

That's so exciting!!! Congratulations!!! I had a day 3 transfer on Thursday (7/19). I'm going to try to wait until the 28th or 29th to test. My beta is the 30th and DH is heading out of town that day so I want to have an idea of what that test will say while he is home.
Thank you hoping4baby2! I waited 4 days first one was negativ but on day 5 was a very light line that was Thursday and today it was really strong!how about you?when did you have your transfer?xxx

That's so exciting!!! Congratulations!!! I had a day 3 transfer on Thursday (7/19). I'm going to try to wait until the 28th or 29th to test. My beta is the 30th and DH is heading out of town that day so I want to have an idea of what that test will say while he is home.

I will cross my fingers for you hope it works!:flower: it's horrible all this waiting!how do you feel since they put it back in?i had horrible cramps they getting better now but feel sick and my head is killing today!:growlmad: I'm really happy about the positiv but so scared it will still go wrong I read you can have a positiv and have a chemical pregnancy! I sooo hope it works! How many embryos did you have transferred ? Xxx
Thank you hoping4baby2! I waited 4 days first one was negativ but on day 5 was a very light line that was Thursday and today it was really strong!how about you?when did you have your transfer?xxx

That's so exciting!!! Congratulations!!! I had a day 3 transfer on Thursday (7/19). I'm going to try to wait until the 28th or 29th to test. My beta is the 30th and DH is heading out of town that day so I want to have an idea of what that test will say while he is home.

I will cross my fingers for you hope it works!:flower: it's horrible all this waiting!how do you feel since they put it back in?i had horrible cramps they getting better now but feel sick and my head is killing today!:growlmad: I'm really happy about the positiv but so scared it will still go wrong I read you can have a positiv and have a chemical pregnancy! I sooo hope it works! How many embryos did you have transferred ? Xxx

Your beta will be here soon! I remember taking a million tests when I was PG with my DS. I literally had a giant ziploc bag full of them to prove to myself it was true. LOL! It took me just over a year to get PG with him, so after 4 1/2 years of trying for this one, I can imagine I could fill two or three giant bags full of tests for reassurance. LOL!

I feel ok since it went back in - a bit crampy (kind of like a cross between AF and ovulation cramps) and TIRED! I was still sore from ER when I went in for the transfer, so I know some of that is still working its way out of me. We only put one back in b/c I have juvenile diabetes (so I'm already high risk) and I had a tough pregnancy with my son, so my hubby was wayyy too anxious to put in more than one. Still waiting to hear if the other one we had will make it to freeze. I'm PRAYING it does. If not, this may be our only shot. It was looking good at day 3, but I guess you never know. We started with 11 retrieved and by day 3 had just 2 that looked good. :cry:

Trying to stay focused on the one that is in me now - hoping this little embie is nestling in and growing stronger each day. :winkwink:
Thank you hoping4baby2! I waited 4 days first one was negativ but on day 5 was a very light line that was Thursday and today it was really strong!how about you?when did you have your transfer?xxx

That's so exciting!!! Congratulations!!! I had a day 3 transfer on Thursday (7/19). I'm going to try to wait until the 28th or 29th to test. My beta is the 30th and DH is heading out of town that day so I want to have an idea of what that test will say while he is home.

I will cross my fingers for you hope it works!:flower: it's horrible all this waiting!how do you feel since they put it back in?i had horrible cramps they getting better now but feel sick and my head is killing today!:growlmad: I'm really happy about the positiv but so scared it will still go wrong I read you can have a positiv and have a chemical pregnancy! I sooo hope it works! How many embryos did you have transferred ? Xxx

Your beta will be here soon! I remember taking a million tests when I was PG with my DS. I literally had a giant ziploc bag full of them to prove to myself it was true. LOL! It took me just over a year to get PG with him, so after 4 1/2 years of trying for this one, I can imagine I could fill two or three giant bags full of tests for reassurance. LOL!

I feel ok since it went back in - a bit crampy (kind of like a cross between AF and ovulation cramps) and TIRED! I was still sore from ER when I went in for the transfer, so I know some of that is still working its way out of me. We only put one back in b/c I have juvenile diabetes (so I'm already high risk) and I had a tough pregnancy with my son, so my hubby was wayyy too anxious to put in more than one. Still waiting to hear if the other one we had will make it to freeze. I'm PRAYING it does. If not, this may be our only shot. It was looking good at day 3, but I guess you never know. We started with 11 retrieved and by day 3 had just 2 that looked good. :cry:

Trying to stay focused on the one that is in me now - hoping this little embie is nestling in and growing stronger each day. :winkwink:

I hope soooo much it will work and you can freeze the other one!when will you find out?did you get a picture of your embryo too before they put it back in?are you from the uk? We not doing anymore tests now until Tuesday just hope it's staying in!Xxxx
Hi tinkerbell,I'm in the uk too in west Yorkshire here they only do blood tests don't know why!:) xx

Oh really? Is that NHS or private cycle? We were jut given a hpt and told to call them with the results either way.
Congratulations btw x
Good luck to all waiting for beta! Can I ask how your egg retrieval went? I'm most nervous about that. Tomorrow is stim day 10 and we have our follow-up at the clinic. I expect they'll give me a trigger date/time tomorrow, so i'm getting excited but really nervous about the egg retrieval after hearing many horror stories.
Is anyone else at the Ottawa Fertility Clinic?
Hi all-

Not feeling very hopeful for this cycle now. My boobs had been really sore, getting heavier and heavier until last night. Last night my boobs stopped hurting and I'm sure that's not a good sign!
Cried myself to sleep but going to try wait until Tuesday to test but feel like I have given up hope already!
I always promise myself that I won't get my hopes up and every month I do!!
And with nothing frozen we are going to have to wait to save up for another round of IVF!!

Anyway, hope everyone else out there is good! Xx

I know exactly how you're feeling, my boobs were so tender from a couple of days after ET, I couldn't even lean on them but yesterday they just stopped and now feel fine :cry: and I've had cramping for days now which feels like AF is on her way. We also didn't get anything frozen.
Sending hugs your way x

Hi guys - you took the words right out if my mouth. Today I've been down because earlier in the week had bad headache all day then next morning boobs were killing me. Feel like i could:hugs: be but today less symptoms. So tough to keep the faith especially when it isn't 1st cycle. I try to be hopeful but i just don't think i am. I'm sure a lot of it is us trying to protect ourselves from the devastating BFN... such a roller coaster. I bought hpt to take next week but scared. My beta is thursday. We just have to hang in there and believe it is still possible... hugs and baby dust
Keep faith Hopeful, what's meant to be will be!
I totally understand how you feel though. I was really down on Thursday, on our way to our f-up appt. My DH kept trying to be positive and I think I was bringing him down, and I kept trying to explain that I appreciate how optimistic and positive he is, but I also need to be realistic and I know what the statistics say about my chances of this working so I need to be prepared for the worst if even hopeful for the best outcome.
Guys don't seem to understand it, maybe since they're not having their hormones flipped all over the map and going through the emotional turmoil we do going through this process.
I want to be happy and sure and positive, but I know if I let myself feel completely sure that this is going to work, and it doesn't, it will be a much larger fall than if I give myself a reality check once in a while.
KMFX that things work out to our advantage anyway!
Hi tinkerbell,I'm in the uk too in west Yorkshire here they only do blood tests don't know why!:) xx

Oh really? Is that NHS or private cycle? We were jut given a hpt and told to call them with the results either way.
Congratulations btw x

We on nhs and you? How does it work in London? Do you only get one try on nhs? Here they just changed it so if it's not working first time they pay for another put in if you have any frozen if you don't have any that's it then!where abouts in London are ya? We used to live in Knightsbridge when my hubby was in the army! Miss it! Love London :) thank you, still don't wanna really believe it soooo nervous !xx
Hi hopeful girl- really got my fingers crossed for you for Thursday!!

I think you are right, it's a defence mechanism that kicks in to protect ourselves. In life I'm a very optimistic person but when it comes to pregnancy I'm not so optimistic!! Been there, done that, A LOT, and always come crashing back down.
Apart from my one BFP 4 years ago...

Really hope that everyone here gets their BFP!!

Had Er today. It is quite unbelievable but they got 38 eggs. Luckily I had done the lupron trigger so hopefully that will help ith the ohss. The only thing that stinks is that they couldnt give me the hsg shot after so now I have to do pio injections instead of the other kind.im pretty sore especially on the right side but not too bad. Ugh thought I was done with Shots but what you do? Can't wait until fertilization report tomorrow

Congrats Lina
Had Er today. It is quite unbelievable but they got 38 eggs. Luckily I had done the lupron trigger so hopefully that will help ith the ohss. The only thing that stinks is that they couldnt give me the hsg shot after so now I have to do pio injections instead of the other kind.im pretty sore especially on the right side but not too bad. Ugh thought I was done with Shots but what you do? Can't wait until fertilization report tomorrow

Congrats Lina

Hi ya! Thank you :) Wow 38 eggs! That's good!I wish you all the best and that you have loads of good ones!whats the hsg shot? Never heard of it! Xxxx
Hi tinkerbell,I'm in the uk too in west Yorkshire here they only do blood tests don't know why!:) xx

Oh really? Is that NHS or private cycle? We were jut given a hpt and told to call them with the results either way.
Congratulations btw x

We on nhs and you? How does it work in London? Do you only get one try on nhs? Here they just changed it so if it's not working first time they pay for another put in if you have any frozen if you don't have any that's it then!where abouts in London are ya? We used to live in Knightsbridge when my hubby was in the army! Miss it! Love London :) thank you, still don't wanna really believe it soooo nervous !xx

I'm NHS too, we're in Greenwich and get 1 fresh cycle but other parts of London get 2 and some even 3 which seems really unfair. We did also get 2 FETs but they are no good to us because we had no embryos to freeze :(
You miss London? Are you crazy? Haha! I seriously hate it and hope to move away soon.
Tinkerbell,that's so wrong they should have the same rules everywhere in the uk!yeah I do miss some stuff! Lol but rent in central is far to much that's why we staying here :) xxx
Had Er today. It is quite unbelievable but they got 38 eggs. Luckily I had done the lupron trigger so hopefully that will help ith the ohss. The only thing that stinks is that they couldnt give me the hsg shot after so now I have to do pio injections instead of the other kind.im pretty sore especially on the right side but not too bad. Ugh thought I was done with Shots but what you do? Can't wait until fertilization report tomorrow

Congrats Lina

That's amazing! Good luck
Lina and Tinkerbell- I'm out in Hampshire but my ER and ET all takes place in London!!
Must admit I'm not a fan of the traffic but London certainly has a lot going on!!
I have to pay for my IVF as I already have a son but I had to pay to conceive him as Hampshire only gives IVF to those between 35-38 years old.
I'm 29 so still don't fall into that bracket!!
Recently a few of our local hospitals have been telling those on the IVF waiting list that sadly they won't receive any help. Budget cuts!! Very sad!! I feel awful for all those ladies who have had their lives on hold. Very sad!!

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. I had a great chat with my hubby last night and we have a plan in case this cycle hasn't worked. That's all I needed I think... Just to know my next step.

Omg that's bad! Why only for people in that age? It's just wrong!im glad they don't do that up here I would go mad! They really need to change it so it's everywhere the same!still having cramps like af sometimes!hope it goes away soon!we did a plan too just in case it's not working! I really hope it's working for you everhopeful! I have all my fingers crossed xxx

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