IVF in March/April-1st Round! Any 1st time buddies here..?!

my first scan is due on 28th May morning

hope to see sticky bean healthy, and may be sticky BEANS :D <3
My RE is very happy with the levels, and he in doubt of more then one embryos

so just i hope for the best :)

woow Good aiden's, congrats dear

i'm praying everyone got their BFP this month , hugssss

Thank you! :)

Oooo, yay, so many scans! :dance: How exciting!! I think ill be having my first scan sometime mid next week :). I'm very excited for that!

And I agree with Aien, I pray that everyone gets their BFP's this cycle!
I'm also exciting for my first scan though DH looks more :D
yesterday night he asking me why RE given this late scan date hahahah

1wk more ... hoping for the best and i'm sure till tht heart beat also start.. m i right?
Hi Aein, the absolute earliest that you can see a heartbeat is 5 weeks and 6 days, so you should be able to see one (or two!) when you have your scan. Your HCG level was incredibly high for the day that you had it undertaken. I bet you are pregnant with twins :)
My RE said as long as the levels are higher than 1,000, there's a chance you can see but they say once levels are at 3,000, they can definitely see the little babes :). Good like Aien!!! Yay!

AFM, I had my repeat beta today and my levels went from 80 to 201 in 48hrs! More than doubled which is soo amazing! I'm even more excited today then I was yesterday! :) I'm very excited to be sharing U/S pics and such!! What an amazing feeling!

i'm again on full bed rest, i got implantation hemorrage :(
thursday evening sudden bleeding start i call my gynea and taken duphaston 40mg together and cyclogest suspissory... till morning all was relax
den i go for scan tht went normal too, but just 2 Gestational sacs were seen, no yolk sac o fetal heartbeat

they said to come back for rescan next week as scheduled

need your prayers girls.... no bleeding from tht night till now, just brown threads i feel and thats all... they said scan showed some blood still inside and it will come out in light bleeding form but if heavy bleeding rushed to hospital same time
should i worry girls :S

one sac at 6wks 1d -
2nd sac at 5wks 6d
Try not to worry Aein. I have had very bad bleeding during this pregnancy. It started at 5+3 and was dark brown but at 6+2 I had very bad bright red blood loss which lasted 36 hours. I had a scan at 5+3 and 6+3 and on the latter scan a heartbeat was detected. I have a large pool of blood quite close to the cervix which is where the blood is coming from. I still have some dark brown spotting now and have been getting quite bad cramps throughout. I was certain that I'd had a miscarriage after the red blood (one morning I covered 10 sheets of toilet paper with red blood). Apparently some woman do bleed throughout pregnancy. Try to keep rested until your next scan and be as positive as you can (easier said than done, I know as I myself am constantly worried). Am thinking of you :hugs:
I will be praying for you Aien! As frustrated said, try not to worry too much! (as hard as that can be!) My RE said bleeding can be quite common after IVF, because as frustrated stated, blood can pool up from the procedures. And I'm not a professional but I think everything sounds good! What are your doctors thoughts? Stay rested and very hydrated. Many prayers your way! :hugs:

Also, I know plenty of women who didn't see a heartbeat so early on but then a few days to a week later, there it was! I have faith everything will be ok. When is your next scan? Sry if u already said..
Aien, just as the other girls said I would not worry to much. When I went for my first scan I was told that I had a pocket of blood that once it broke I might see blood. I was told it is very common. Haven't seen any blood yet. Go back Tuesday for second scan. Will see if the pocket is still there. I will also be graduated to my obgyn on Tuesday as we'll.
Woohoo, graduated to the OB! :haha: I can't wait! I do love my RE, it'll just be nice to have closer appts and be past that milestone. Very happy for u dbluett!
thanks sweet girls

and yes m on bed rest, just washroom n bedroom but seriously i dont like water taste but sipping again and again

Frustrated, yes last night when DH was abt to put susspisory in vagina he said blood and tht was really drk brown, but on pad just a small and aftertht nuthing till now 16hrs after ... and ys they said it will be ON OFF.. but light, if any heavy bleeding just rushed to emergency same time

My gnea chkd scan n said i must be happy n relax as its 100% normal and its like implantation hemorrage

my scan is on Thursday 28th....
It sounds like your doing all the right things, Aien. I'm not a fan of water either :-\. But like u, ive been forcing myself to sip it. My RE said Gatorade is good as well...idk if u like that or not. Hopefully at your next scan they'll see that most of the blood came out already. It sounds like ur OB is feeling positive about everything so thats a good sign! I bet everything will be great! I know this is all really scary though. I'm not still spotting but I had a little bit of spotting from implantation at 7dp3dt-8dp3dt. I know that made me nervous as heck but when I called my RE, they said the same as yours...As long as its not heavy, there's no cause for alarm. My RE said 25% of IVF patients tend to spot or even full on bleed (with healthy pregnancy's) due to the procedures and such. I'm still over here praying for you!

My first u/s may be on the 28th as well...FX thats a very blessed day for us both! :hugs:
I wish I could go on bedrest! With a demanding 10 month old baby and a house full of chores there is no chance of that though. I am just so tired all of the time, but am struggling to sleep at night. I seem t feel really hot at night, which is unusual for me as I usually feel cold. I've been having very odd dreams too. I also find it hard to drink very much. If I manage a glass or two a day I am doing well. What's worse is the carb craving. I really need to get that under control!
I wish I could go on bedrest! With a demanding 10 month old baby and a house full of chores there is no chance of that though. I am just so tired all of the time, but am struggling to sleep at night. I seem t feel really hot at night, which is unusual for me as I usually feel cold. I've been having very odd dreams too. I also find it hard to drink very much. If I manage a glass or two a day I am doing well. What's worse is the carb craving. I really need to get that under control!

lol, I had/have all the above! I CANNOT Get comfortable at night for the life of me! I think my ovary's still swollen. I dont have a 10 month atm though, mines already 7! Yikes! Lol. I have been able to drink a ton, but I've been making sure of that due to my ovary. And omgosh, talk about odd dreams! Lol! And the hot flashes...ughh! I dont understand it! Its been so cold in our house but I'm wake up sweating. I'm sure the progesterone isn't helping any of this though!
Goodluck aidensmom, hope for the best for 28th inshahAllah <3

frustrated... can understand dear for you its really a hard task to manage bed rest
dont you have anybody in family to look after ur baby with you

afm, me n dh living here alone in KSA , we cant call anyone frm his or my family even on visit visa :< my MIL i wish to call her but my youngest SIL is schizophenia patient and no one else back home dere to take care of home n stuff
Best of luck Aein and aidensmommy1 on your upcoming scans.

I had my second scan today. Everything looks good. Heart beat was 161. I have been graduated to my OBGYN. I have an appointment there in 2 weeks. So hard to believe that after almost 5 years of trying I am actually pregnant. It's kinda surreal.

I really haven't had many cravings (yet), but let me tell you mint chocolate chip ice cream taste even better to me. LOL

I am also starting to notice that i am having trouble getting comfy at night. I was looking at getting a pregnancy pillow. But not sure I am completely sold yet. Anybody else looked at these?
I already have a pregnancy pillow from last year. I used it a lot last time round, but you really don't need one until you've got a fairly good sized bump. I'm not sure it would help you get any more comfortable now. We have the most comfortable bed in the world, yet I still can't get comfortable at the moment. I don't think the pillow would help yet though. I guess I could take it to be tonight with me and see. My husband will be horrified to see the return of the pillow. It got more cuddles from me that he did for a long time!

Aein, no we don't have any family living in the same country as us and in any event, I wouldn't want anyone to know that I'm pregnant until I get into the second trimester.
I need a new pregnancy pillow in the worst way, already!

So my scan is actually Friday the 29th instead but thats ok :) My beta today was a whopping 3,151! The first scan is just to confirm the babys in my uterus of course and then we'll have our scan for the HB June 10th! So excited!

dbluett, congrats on graduating to the OB!! :dance: I have been having ALOT of trouble getting comfy at night too. I think the swollen ovary's have something to do with it, as I wasn't this uncomfortable with my son so early on. I have been craving pickles like crazy lol! Its such an original craving but I have it, bad! I'm also craving ice cream, probably because I'm SO hot lately!

Aien, how are you?!
good news dbluett, wishing you hnh 9mnths... and yes after many years struggle this thing make question in mind, really i am pregnant, is it me .....: :)

Frustrated, hnn same like us we just told my mil, fil and my 2 elder sister about pregnancy, until end of 3rd mnth safely we'll let other knew too no issue , inshahAllah

i.m doing pretty good aidensmommy :) tdy i feel nauseous so drank an orange flavor tang ... den i craved to ate rice , i just stand in kitchen n cooked myself and when i show my DH pic on wtsapp, he was asking, from where rice came :D lol
and he become angry why i stand in kitchen :(

m happy as my tummy is coming to normal routine for potty :D nt eating prunes or sachet for constipation too

m excited for tomorrow scan early morning.. hope to hear some good news :)
I will be stalking, waiting on your scan, Aien! FX! I do think you'll see the HB this time. I think it was just a little too early last time. Prayers are with you!

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