IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

My understanding is that with the regular protocol - you start lupron for approx a week before stimms. On the short protocol - you start lupron 2x per day starting day 3 but jump into stimms right away on day 4. I think the difference is just that they don't put your ovaries to sleep for the week to start.

I will be on Lupron, Follistim and Menopur for 10-15 days. Anyone know much about Menopur? I see a lot of girls talk about Follistim but not much about Menopur.

So the all-inclusive list of meds will be:
DHEA(now through IVF),
BCP(month before IVF),
lupron(days 3-~15),
follistim(days 4-~15),
menopur(days 4-~15),
doxycycline(prior to ER),
progesterone(after ER) and
Estrace (after ET). Fun times! I will be one gigantic hormone! :)
31, I had seen a lot of people mention Menopur in other threads so I went off to google what it was and why wasn't I on it. Now of course I don't remember what I found out, and can't seem to find the helpful information again. I do remember that it probably wouldn't be necessary in my situation. (31, good responder, good FSH levels, etc, just unexplained)

Menopur has FSH and LH in it, while Follistim is just FSH.

What trigger shot will you be using? I was prescribed both Ovidrel AND HCG. For my IUIs I just did Ovidrel. :shrug: I have my orientation on November 14, so I'll find out for sure how many days they expect me to do what medicines. But they are targeting a 12/9 Retrieval.
Hi all had consultation yesterday with 2 nurses not Alot happened to be honest however I left feeling more positive than I have for years, smiling like a Cheshire cat even know I know it's not going to be easy and there's no garentee it will be successful I just feel like after so long we are getting somewhere like there's light at the end of the tunnel!

Glad everything went well - it really is great to feel like you are finally getting somewhere with ttc. You are one step closer to that BFP :happydance:

hmph.... I know I shouldn't put any thought into it, because my clinic must know what it's doing... but why is Desperate starting Lupron so much earlier and the Retrieval/Transfer so much later than mine? :dohh: So far as i know, I'm not on whatever the "short protocol" is.

Drives me crazy how everybody does things differently! I wish there was one protocol that worked 100% of the time, and we could all compare apples to apples!! :flower:

I think a lot depends on each individual situation and whether they factor in previous cycles or things like PCOS. My clinic's IVF paperwork lists 3 possible protocols for DR. It doesn't break down why but some people are on lupron and others just go straight from BCP. I suspect I am on the short BCP protocol because of age and pcos. :shrug:
Springy - how did today's scan go?

I thought I posted in here too but apparently forgot to paste it in over here :)

Today scan went REALLY well!!!! I now have 4 beautiful follicles growing, two on the left, two on the right with all 4 being between 1.1 and 1.3. The doctor said this looks MUCH better than the previous month as they are all clustered together around the same size and growing at the same rate!

So I take another 100IU tonight, back for more blood and scan tomorrow. I am thinking at the size they are at that my IUI won't be till Tuesday & Wednesday the very earliest I think Monday & Tuesday.

I am MUCH happier today and am just going to relax, not stress and be happy with the way things are progressing.

As another member on here posted "Patience is not the ability to wait, it is the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting ...." (Unknown) THIS is my NEW motto to live by!!!!!:thumbup:
:yipee: Hooray! Awesome news Springy! :happydance: Those sizes sound perfect!
:yipee: Hooray! Awesome news Springy! :happydance: Those sizes sound perfect!

Thanks! I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up TOO high as I know that if it isn't successful I will feel so defeated but its really hard. I'm thinking only positive thoughts!!!!!
Thanks! I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up TOO high as I know that if it isn't successful I will feel so defeated but its really hard. I'm thinking only positive thoughts!!!!!

That's all you can do at this point. At least if this time doesn't work you are all lined up for IVF, but FX you won't need it :thumbup:
Hi everyone!
I'll start IVF in January (BCP in late December). We're trying one more IUI in November, but I gave up the hope that it will work. We just want to do it because we still have some money left in our insurance account and we want to use it all.
My RE wants to be aggressive with me because I have low AMH, and wants to put me on short protocol and start me on a double dose of medication. I probably won't need so much stimulation because I produced 7 follicles on my last IUI cycle, with just clomid and 2 75IU Follistim injections, but I'll let her do her job. I prefer an agressive RE who will take out the best of me. :D She can always adjust medication if she sees I respond too well. I'm a little bit scared about the amount of hormones I will put in my body, this is all that worries me about IVF, I'm not scared of needles and retrieval.
had my first consultation with gyne re ivf yesterday!
i have pcos and hubbys sperm was low-ish motility but nothing terribly bad.
have had 10 months on clomid with regular 32 day cycles so he says thats unexplained.

going first ultrasound on weds and bloods for us both this week, then hopefully will start on the meds beginning of dec. AMH i think was 41 which is he said was good, and he feels positive about the ivf because im only 23 my eggs are good.

going to do short protocol because of risk of OHSS. quite excited but need to convince myself theres more chance it wont work than it will work!

bit nervous for the scan on weds!!x
Hi everyone!
I'll start IVF in January (BCP in late December). We're trying one more IUI in November, but I gave up the hope that it will work. We just want to do it because we still have some money left in our insurance account and we want to use it all.
My RE wants to be aggressive with me because I have low AMH, and wants to put me on short protocol and start me on a double dose of medication. I probably won't need so much stimulation because I produced 7 follicles on my last IUI cycle, with just clomid and 2 75IU Follistim injections, but I'll let her do her job. I prefer an agressive RE who will take out the best of me. :D She can always adjust medication if she sees I respond too well. I'm a little bit scared about the amount of hormones I will put in my body, this is all that worries me about IVF, I'm not scared of needles and retrieval.
Welcome babyhopes13 :hi:
I'm the same way - whatever my RE wants me to do I will do. I try not to think about the hormones. If no meds then no BFP so I will do what I have to do. FX your last IUI does the trick for you :dust:

had my first consultation with gyne re ivf yesterday!
i have pcos and hubbys sperm was low-ish motility but nothing terribly bad.
have had 10 months on clomid with regular 32 day cycles so he says thats unexplained.

going first ultrasound on weds and bloods for us both this week, then hopefully will start on the meds beginning of dec. AMH i think was 41 which is he said was good, and he feels positive about the ivf because im only 23 my eggs are good.

going to do short protocol because of risk of OHSS. quite excited but need to convince myself theres more chance it wont work than it will work!

bit nervous for the scan on weds!!x

Welcome Manchester :hi:

At 23 you should have great odds for IVF (50% range I think) but I definitely understand not wanting to get your hopes up too high. Good luck at your scan Wed :flower:
Hi everyone!
I'll start IVF in January (BCP in late December). We're trying one more IUI in November, but I gave up the hope that it will work. We just want to do it because we still have some money left in our insurance account and we want to use it all.
My RE wants to be aggressive with me because I have low AMH, and wants to put me on short protocol and start me on a double dose of medication. I probably won't need so much stimulation because I produced 7 follicles on my last IUI cycle, with just clomid and 2 75IU Follistim injections, but I'll let her do her job. I prefer an agressive RE who will take out the best of me. :D She can always adjust medication if she sees I respond too well. I'm a little bit scared about the amount of hormones I will put in my body, this is all that worries me about IVF, I'm not scared of needles and retrieval.

Welcome! :) Sounds like we are in the same boat. My AMH test came back VERY low so I will be on the short protocol also. I expect my cycle to start around Dec 15 so that will be the start of the BCP. Maybe your IUI will work and you won't need IVF!! Fingers crossed!
Hi ladies- I'm new here but have seen most of you before on my nightly google searches for iui, gonal-f, injectables, etc. DH and I have been ttc since July 2009 and have done 6 rounds of clomid while trying at home over the last two years. Swimmers are all good, but I don't ovulate without meds.

RE recommended iui early on, but I've been in a lot of denial about my messed up hormones. So, now, after having boxes of gonal-f in our fridge since February, we're finally moving forward with iui. I went from feeling very sad and angry to feeling very excited about two weeks ago, and now I am really looking forward to starting injections and getting that BFP. I don't know what caused the emotional switch, but it feels so great. I can finally talk about our plan without bursting into tears!

Anyway, so excited to be on this journey alongside all of you. tonight is day two of prometrium to bring on af and then the real fun starts. Should be doing the iui late Nov or early Dec :).
Hi ladies- I'm new here but have seen most of you before on my nightly google searches for iui, gonal-f, injectables, etc. DH and I have been ttc since July 2009 and have done 6 rounds of clomid while trying at home over the last two years. Swimmers are all good, but I don't ovulate without meds.

RE recommended iui early on, but I've been in a lot of denial about my messed up hormones. So, now, after having boxes of gonal-f in our fridge since February, we're finally moving forward with iui. I went from feeling very sad and angry to feeling very excited about two weeks ago, and now I am really looking forward to starting injections and getting that BFP. I don't know what caused the emotional switch, but it feels so great. I can finally talk about our plan without bursting into tears!

Anyway, so excited to be on this journey alongside all of you. tonight is day two of prometrium to bring on af and then the real fun starts. Should be doing the iui late Nov or early Dec :).

Welcome to BnB ShaneDaddy :wave: and congrats on your first post :flower:

It is a really big shift when you have to accept the need for AC, but we have definitely all been there. I found it very empowering once I got used to the idea. Hopefully your injectible IUI will be all you need to get that BFP
Hi everyone!
I'll start IVF in January (BCP in late December). We're trying one more IUI in November, but I gave up the hope that it will work. We just want to do it because we still have some money left in our insurance account and we want to use it all.
My RE wants to be aggressive with me because I have low AMH, and wants to put me on short protocol and start me on a double dose of medication. I probably won't need so much stimulation because I produced 7 follicles on my last IUI cycle, with just clomid and 2 75IU Follistim injections, but I'll let her do her job. I prefer an agressive RE who will take out the best of me. :D She can always adjust medication if she sees I respond too well. I'm a little bit scared about the amount of hormones I will put in my body, this is all that worries me about IVF, I'm not scared of needles and retrieval.

Hi Babyhopes! Welcome to the thread :) HOPING that BOTH our IUI this month our our last and we don't need to move onto IVF but if we do its a great group of ladies here who will provide us both with a lot of support.

What are you doing with your IUI this month? Same as last month - clomid + follistim??

had my first consultation with gyne re ivf yesterday!
i have pcos and hubbys sperm was low-ish motility but nothing terribly bad.
have had 10 months on clomid with regular 32 day cycles so he says thats unexplained.

going first ultrasound on weds and bloods for us both this week, then hopefully will start on the meds beginning of dec. AMH i think was 41 which is he said was good, and he feels positive about the ivf because im only 23 my eggs are good.

going to do short protocol because of risk of OHSS. quite excited but need to convince myself theres more chance it wont work than it will work!

bit nervous for the scan on weds!!x

Welcome Manchester! :hi: Glad to hear your IVF consultation went well! You definitely do have time on your side with only being 23. If you have any questions about the injections etc. feel free to ask.

Hi ladies- I'm new here but have seen most of you before on my nightly google searches for iui, gonal-f, injectables, etc. DH and I have been ttc since July 2009 and have done 6 rounds of clomid while trying at home over the last two years. Swimmers are all good, but I don't ovulate without meds.

RE recommended iui early on, but I've been in a lot of denial about my messed up hormones. So, now, after having boxes of gonal-f in our fridge since February, we're finally moving forward with iui. I went from feeling very sad and angry to feeling very excited about two weeks ago, and now I am really looking forward to starting injections and getting that BFP. I don't know what caused the emotional switch, but it feels so great. I can finally talk about our plan without bursting into tears!

Anyway, so excited to be on this journey alongside all of you. tonight is day two of prometrium to bring on af and then the real fun starts. Should be doing the iui late Nov or early Dec :).

Welcome ShaneDaddy :hi: If you have any questions about IUI / Gonal F feel free to ask away. I'm on my 4th and final IUI and this one and my 3rd were done using Gonal F. Once you get past the mental aspect of having to self inject it will be a breeze!

AFM - had a scan yesterday and again today. Today there are 3 follicles on my right side measuring 1.7, 1.5 and 1.3. I have another 100IU to inject tonight and I'm HOPING that they will all be over 1.5 tomorrow and I can trigger. My left side is apparently my lazy ovary as they aren't growing at all :( But on the good side that is where my endometriosis was so I'm kind of happy that all the growth is on my right side so there would be no issue with any returning endo hampering my chances this month.

REALLY hoping to trigger tomorrow as I'm getting a little sick of the morning scans and bloodwork and would just like to get into the TWW!!!!

Hope everyone has had a great weekend :)
Can I join? AF should be here on Tuesday or Wednesday. I will then begin my first IUI w/ clomid/trigger. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Hopefully she will be here early so that I can be at the doctors by the end of the week for my first scans and blood work.
AFM - had a scan yesterday and again today. Today there are 3 follicles on my right side measuring 1.7, 1.5 and 1.3. I have another 100IU to inject tonight and I'm HOPING that they will all be over 1.5 tomorrow and I can trigger.
Looking good :thumbup: I would think the 1.3 would catch up by the time you trigger and have the IUI so looks like you will end up with 3 follies after all :happydance:
Can I join? AF should be here on Tuesday or Wednesday. I will then begin my first IUI w/ clomid/trigger. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Hopefully she will be here early so that I can be at the doctors by the end of the week for my first scans and blood work.

Welcome Angel baby :hi: Good luck with your IUI :dust:

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