IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

I'm devastated this morning .... only ONE follicle on my left side! 4 days of 75IU has yielded only ONE follcile!??! HOW can that be?!?!?! Last month on 150IU I had 12!!!! Is there no happy medium?!?!?!?!?!?

They are upping my dose tonight to 100IU but I am not holding out any hope that this will help my situation. Once again we're just washing money down the drain .....

Oh no! Carolyn I'm so sorry hun, I know what a letdown that is for you :hugs:

There is still a chance more will develop, try not to lose hope. Will you still do an IUI if there is only one at trigger?

Even though it feels like a waste of money, there is a positive side because this will help them learn more when planning for your IVF. Better to have this happen on an IUI than when you are all geared up for an IVF cycle. This way when they are deciding your IVF meds they will know not to start you so low and can better judge your response.

Hang in there :hugs: When is your next scan?

31 said the same thing to me "at least you're learning about your cycles now and not with IVF" so THANK YOU both for bringing me back to reality about the situation!!

I am not sure what we will do at trigger if there is only 1. We did two IUI earlier this year with only 1 and both were obliviously BFN so I'm tempted if I don't have another one pop up to just go with timed intercourse but we shall see what my hubby says tonight. I haven't talked to him at all about it today other than via some text messages first thing this AM when I went for the scan.

I have scans booked everyday this week, they monitor you really closely when you're using injectables. And the one follicle was only 1.0 so I am really hoping that with the increased dose for tonight and probably the next few days that the follicles grow, grow, grow and I end up with 2 or 3. I wanted 3 or 4 but I'll take even 2 or 3 at this point in time!!!!!
31 said the same thing to me "at least you're learning about your cycles now and not with IVF" so THANK YOU both for bringing me back to reality about the situation!!

I am not sure what we will do at trigger if there is only 1. We did two IUI earlier this year with only 1 and both were obliviously BFN so I'm tempted if I don't have another one pop up to just go with timed intercourse but we shall see what my hubby says tonight. I haven't talked to him at all about it today other than via some text messages first thing this AM when I went for the scan.

I have scans booked everyday this week, they monitor you really closely when you're using injectables. And the one follicle was only 1.0 so I am really hoping that with the increased dose for tonight and probably the next few days that the follicles grow, grow, grow and I end up with 2 or 3. I wanted 3 or 4 but I'll take even 2 or 3 at this point in time!!!!!

I totally understand the frustration. I went from 3-5 on pills to only 2 on injectibles and was like WTF! I try to remind myself that so much is trial and error and they don't even know why most of the time. I think you do have a chance of more showing up before trigger, there is still plenty of time. Did they check your E2 today or do they wait til later in the cycle to check that at your clinic?
Ugh, I know that sinking feeling when they only find one. I do hope the increased dose kicks more of them into high gear. I went ahead and did the IUI with only one. Figured if 6 didn't work and 5 didn't work, let's see if having only 1 would possibly mean higher quality... It's all such a crapshoot.
Ugh, I know that sinking feeling when they only find one. I do hope the increased dose kicks more of them into high gear. I went ahead and did the IUI with only one. Figured if 6 didn't work and 5 didn't work, let's see if having only 1 would possibly mean higher quality... It's all such a crapshoot.

I only ever had the 1 on clomid and so when we used the Gonal F the first month and I responded SO well I was like "THIS IS AMAZING! This is my MIRACLE drug!" Not so much this month ..... But I agree if it didn't work with 5 to 7 last time maybe 1 or 2 will work this month for me.

31 said the same thing to me "at least you're learning about your cycles now and not with IVF" so THANK YOU both for bringing me back to reality about the situation!!

I am not sure what we will do at trigger if there is only 1. We did two IUI earlier this year with only 1 and both were obliviously BFN so I'm tempted if I don't have another one pop up to just go with timed intercourse but we shall see what my hubby says tonight. I haven't talked to him at all about it today other than via some text messages first thing this AM when I went for the scan.

I have scans booked everyday this week, they monitor you really closely when you're using injectables. And the one follicle was only 1.0 so I am really hoping that with the increased dose for tonight and probably the next few days that the follicles grow, grow, grow and I end up with 2 or 3. I wanted 3 or 4 but I'll take even 2 or 3 at this point in time!!!!!

I totally understand the frustration. I went from 3-5 on pills to only 2 on injectibles and was like WTF! I try to remind myself that so much is trial and error and they don't even know why most of the time. I think you do have a chance of more showing up before trigger, there is still plenty of time. Did they check your E2 today or do they wait til later in the cycle to check that at your clinic?

They check my estrogen every day when I have blood done with my scan so this cycle I will have them done CD7 through CD13 or until my IUI whichever is sooner. I went to a spin class tonight and it did make things much better - I am calmer and feel less anxious about only the one follicle now.
Hi all. I had my ART consult. We have the go ahead. I will now be starting Lupron after next AF. Never been so excited to see it. .... should be next week. IVF tentatively Dec 6- Dec 14. Yeah.... good luck all. I will keep you posted.
Hi all. I had my ART consult. We have the go ahead. I will now be starting Lupron after next AF. Never been so excited to see it. .... should be next week. IVF tentatively Dec 6- Dec 14. Yeah.... good luck all. I will keep you posted.

YAY!!!!!! This is excellent news :) I'll pray for a December 13th transfer - that's my birthday and it could be your lucky day!!!!

AFM - went in for another scan today. Dr said there is no change but that it is too early to see the effects of an increased dose of the Gonal F. I'm to take 100IU tonight and tomorrow and go back on Friday morning for more bloodwork and another scan. REALLY praying that the 100IU kicks my body into follicle overdrive :)
Hi all. I had my ART consult. We have the go ahead. I will now be starting Lupron after next AF. Never been so excited to see it. .... should be next week. IVF tentatively Dec 6- Dec 14. Yeah.... good luck all. I will keep you posted.
:yipee: Great news D! :yipee: I forget, do you know what stims you will be taking?

AFM - went in for another scan today. Dr said there is no change but that it is too early to see the effects of an increased dose of the Gonal F. I'm to take 100IU tonight and tomorrow and go back on Friday morning for more bloodwork and another scan. REALLY praying that the 100IU kicks my body into follicle overdrive :)

Yeah, I was surprised they would have you come in next day. Hopefully by Friday you will see some effects of the increased meds. Sending lots of positive vibes your way :thumbup:
Hi all. I had my ART consult. We have the go ahead. I will now be starting Lupron after next AF. Never been so excited to see it. .... should be next week. IVF tentatively Dec 6- Dec 14. Yeah.... good luck all. I will keep you posted.

Yeah! That is exciting :) Try to take some time to relax a bit before the cycle starts. Do something fun/nice for yourself!
Hi all. I had my ART consult. We have the go ahead. I will now be starting Lupron after next AF. Never been so excited to see it. .... should be next week. IVF tentatively Dec 6- Dec 14. Yeah.... good luck all. I will keep you posted.

YAY!!!!!! This is excellent news :) I'll pray for a December 13th transfer - that's my birthday and it could be your lucky day!!!!

AFM - went in for another scan today. Dr said there is no change but that it is too early to see the effects of an increased dose of the Gonal F. I'm to take 100IU tonight and tomorrow and go back on Friday morning for more bloodwork and another scan. REALLY praying that the 100IU kicks my body into follicle overdrive :)

Springy - I see follicles in your future. High Quality follicles. :) :baby:
Hello everyone! I have a few questions and would like and and everyone's insight and opinion on this...well, my first round of Clomid and then first IUI is gadfly approaching and for anyone who didn't see my prior post about this..my RE wants me to try at least 3 cycles before we do a lap to see if I quite possibly have endometrosis and lately I've been questioning that decision...here is my question to you ladies...if it were you wouldn't you want to know this prior to going through with spending all the money on IUI's and having this stacked against you?!? To everyone that isn't in my position apparently it's a no brainer that's why I wanted to seek your opinions and insight because you all understand what this is like to go through and not needing more stacked against you!! Thanks so much!! :)
Hello everyone! I have a few questions and would like and and everyone's insight and opinion on this...well, my first round of Clomid and then first IUI is gadfly approaching and for anyone who didn't see my prior post about this..my RE wants me to try at least 3 cycles before we do a lap to see if I quite possibly have endometrosis and lately I've been questioning that decision...here is my question to you ladies...if it were you wouldn't you want to know this prior to going through with spending all the money on IUI's and having this stacked against you?!? To everyone that isn't in my position apparently it's a no brainer that's why I wanted to seek your opinions and insight because you all understand what this is like to go through and not needing more stacked against you!! Thanks so much!! :)

Hi LunaLu - is there any reason to suspect endometriosis? We did 3 cycles with medication and IUI before doing my lap because I didn't present with typical symptoms of endometriosis. When I did the lap they did find a very small patch on my left ovary which was very early stages so even if they did the lap before any of my treatment cycles they wouldn't have found anything.

Remind me, have you had an HSG test done to check your tubes? That is one thing I would do for sure before you start any drugs or IUI.

If your HSG was clear and you don't present with typical endo symptoms it is worth going through with at least a few cycles medicated with IUI before surgery.

After the 3 clomid + IUI cycles would you use other drugs with IUI or would you go directly to IVF?
Thanks for your reply! Yes, had an hsg and an ultrasound of my ovaries and everything came back good..all blood work and also the semen analysis all checked out good as well. I have extremely painful periods and they are heavy..I feel as if the pain I go through every month isnt the norm and kinda deep down I feel that there may be a problem. I'm not sure what we would go on to after the IuI's..this has been so much to take in at once so were basically just trying to roll with the punches right now!!
Thanks for your reply! Yes, had an hsg and an ultrasound of my ovaries and everything came back good..all blood work and also the semen analysis all checked out good as well. I have extremely painful periods and they are heavy..I feel as if the pain I go through every month isnt the norm and kinda deep down I feel that there may be a problem. I'm not sure what we would go on to after the IuI's..this has been so much to take in at once so were basically just trying to roll with the punches right now!!

Well this is how it was explained to me by my doctor - Not all women who have painful heavy periods have endometriosis and not all women who have light periods with no cramping are exempt from endo. Everyone is affected differently.

Have you always had heavy painful periods (i.e. even when you were in your teenage years)? If so then it is less likely that it is endometriosis but given your situation if you prefer to just know right away if that is the issue and having the lap first is possible then I don't see why you can't request it and do it sooner rather than later.

I had a 6 to 8 week wait to get into to do my lap, so if you're in a similar situation, you could always book the lap and then do one medicated cycle with IUI before and then do the lap if you're not pregnant.
They've gotten worse as I've gotten older but you have a great point..I think I'm going to go ahead and at least do the one IUI and see what I can do in regards to the lap..thanks for your advice..I appreciate it so much! :)
Hello everyone! I have a few questions and would like and and everyone's insight and opinion on this...well, my first round of Clomid and then first IUI is gadfly approaching and for anyone who didn't see my prior post about this..my RE wants me to try at least 3 cycles before we do a lap to see if I quite possibly have endometrosis and lately I've been questioning that decision...here is my question to you ladies...if it were you wouldn't you want to know this prior to going through with spending all the money on IUI's and having this stacked against you?!? To everyone that isn't in my position apparently it's a no brainer that's why I wanted to seek your opinions and insight because you all understand what this is like to go through and not needing more stacked against you!! Thanks so much!! :)

I agree with Springy on the lap. You can always move the lap up if you decide you want to, but it doesn't hurt to do an IUI in the meantime. I would think if your RE felt endo was likely he would have you do the lap first.
Sending dust your way :dust:
Desperate -- looks like we'll be doing IVF on much the same schedule! Yay for IVF buddies! I start Lupron on November 17, with an anticipated retrieval on December 9 and transfer on December 12.

Let's get this hormonal party started!!! :dance:

Luna... I'd agree, go ahead and start the IUI and see how it goes. If the HSG was clear, I wouldn't think it would be a high priority to do a lap.
Hello ladies! I have read thru this thread and love hearing that I am not alone! Although I wish none of us were going thru all of this!! My DH and I had our first appt. with our RE today and we really liked him! We will be doing our first IUI in December, which will be my next cycle!! I am so excited I can hardly take it!! Have any of you ever had an SIS test? I have had an HSG...this is just a little different. I am really hoping to stay in contact with all of you wonderful mommys-to-be over the next couple of weeks!! All things work together for our good!! :)
Hello ladies! I have read thru this thread and love hearing that I am not alone! Although I wish none of us were going thru all of this!! My DH and I had our first appt. with our RE today and we really liked him! We will be doing our first IUI in December, which will be my next cycle!! I am so excited I can hardly take it!! Have any of you ever had an SIS test? I have had an HSG...this is just a little different. I am really hoping to stay in contact with all of you wonderful mommys-to-be over the next couple of weeks!! All things work together for our good!! :)

Welcome LivForHim :hi:

We are all definitely not alone - and as hard as it is to realize you need an RE it is definitely exciting to take that next step and feel hopeful again :thumbup:

I didn't have a SIS, I had a HyCoSy. I think they are pretty much the same type of thing though. Just another fun way to check out the uterus and tubes - woo hoo! :haha:

Will you be on clomid for your IUI or are they going to go ahead and start you on the injectible meds?

Sending :dust: your way!
Hello ladies! I have read thru this thread and love hearing that I am not alone! Although I wish none of us were going thru all of this!! My DH and I had our first appt. with our RE today and we really liked him! We will be doing our first IUI in December, which will be my next cycle!! I am so excited I can hardly take it!! Have any of you ever had an SIS test? I have had an HSG...this is just a little different. I am really hoping to stay in contact with all of you wonderful mommys-to-be over the next couple of weeks!! All things work together for our good!! :)

Welcome LivForHim :hi:

We are all definitely not alone - and as hard as it is to realize you need an RE it is definitely exciting to take that next step and feel hopeful again :thumbup:

I didn't have a SIS, I had a HyCoSy. I think they are pretty much the same type of thing though. Just another fun way to check out the uterus and tubes - woo hoo! :haha:

Will you be on clomid for your IUI or are they going to go ahead and start you on the injectible meds?

Sending :dust: your way!

Thank you for the welcome!! I am looking forward to another test to check out my uterus and tubes!! Funny the things we get excited for when TTC! :haha: I will actually be taking Letrazole for ovulating! I have been on WAY to many rounds of clomid with my OBGYN, so we are trying something a little different! I do ovulate on my own, this is just a little extra kick to get some more eggys out there!! I honetly have so much hope right now! It was such a hard step to admit that we needed to see an RE, like you said. but now that we have done it, we both feel so confident! It's nice to start to see an "end" in sight!! :hugs: All the :dust: right back atcha!!
I honetly have so much hope right now! It was such a hard step to admit that we needed to see an RE, like you said. but now that we have done it, we both feel so confident! It's nice to start to see an "end" in sight!! :hugs: All the :dust: right back atcha!!

Thanks for the dust :flower:

I was the same way. I was VERY upset when my Ob/Gyn said I needed to go to an RE but once I did I found it very empowering. It is like going from hoping and praying things will work out to feeling like you are taking charge of the situation. There is still a lot we can't control but at least we know we are doing everything we can.

I was on letrozole alone and a combo of clomid and letrozole for my IUIs. I found the letrozole to have way fewer side effects than clomid, but that varies from person to person I think. I know some ladies have reported headaches on letrozole. Either way I know I am willing to take whatever they say to get my BFP :thumbup:

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