IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

AFM - had a scan yesterday and again today. Today there are 3 follicles on my right side measuring 1.7, 1.5 and 1.3. I have another 100IU to inject tonight and I'm HOPING that they will all be over 1.5 tomorrow and I can trigger.
Looking good :thumbup: I would think the 1.3 would catch up by the time you trigger and have the IUI so looks like you will end up with 3 follies after all :happydance:

Yep! I am thinking that the 1.3 will for sure be over 1.5 by tomorrow and then by the time I actually ovulate it will be even bigger - YIPPEEE to 3 follicles and PRAYING that my estrogen is at a reasonable level too!!!

Can I join? AF should be here on Tuesday or Wednesday. I will then begin my first IUI w/ clomid/trigger. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Hopefully she will be here early so that I can be at the doctors by the end of the week for my first scans and blood work.

Welcome! Let's hope that this is our month for BFPs via IUI!!!
UGHHH not really the way I wanted to start my work week off ......

I went in today and I have only 2 mature follicles and my LH yesterday was starting to rise so they had to trigger today to ensure that they didn't "miss" this cycle. So I am COMPLETELY bummed about having only 2 mature follicles! I have a 1.8 and a 1.7 which they say is large enough for an injectable cycle to trigger (I know on oral meds they wait till its 2.0) and I then have a 1.3 which didn't move in size from yesterday to today. I did ask about waiting one more day to let the 1.3 catch up and they said we could but the issue becomes if my LH doesnt plateau but at the same time doesn't get high enough on its own they will miss the window to trigger which would end up with a wasted cycle. So while I am completely bummed that I don't have 3 or 4 follicles I will take the 2, have my IUI done this week and just wait for my IVF consultation in two weeks time.
UGHHH not really the way I wanted to start my work week off ......

I went in today and I have only 2 mature follicles and my LH yesterday was starting to rise so they had to trigger today to ensure that they didn't "miss" this cycle. So I am COMPLETELY bummed about having only 2 mature follicles! I have a 1.8 and a 1.7 which they say is large enough for an injectable cycle to trigger (I know on oral meds they wait till its 2.0) and I then have a 1.3 which didn't move in size from yesterday to today. I did ask about waiting one more day to let the 1.3 catch up and they said we could but the issue becomes if my LH doesnt plateau but at the same time doesn't get high enough on its own they will miss the window to trigger which would end up with a wasted cycle. So while I am completely bummed that I don't have 3 or 4 follicles I will take the 2, have my IUI done this week and just wait for my IVF consultation in two weeks time.

Hopefully one of those becomes fertilized! Lots baby dust to you! :hugs:
UGHHH not really the way I wanted to start my work week off ......

I went in today and I have only 2 mature follicles and my LH yesterday was starting to rise so they had to trigger today to ensure that they didn't "miss" this cycle. So I am COMPLETELY bummed about having only 2 mature follicles! I have a 1.8 and a 1.7 which they say is large enough for an injectable cycle to trigger (I know on oral meds they wait till its 2.0) and I then have a 1.3 which didn't move in size from yesterday to today. I did ask about waiting one more day to let the 1.3 catch up and they said we could but the issue becomes if my LH doesnt plateau but at the same time doesn't get high enough on its own they will miss the window to trigger which would end up with a wasted cycle. So while I am completely bummed that I don't have 3 or 4 follicles I will take the 2, have my IUI done this week and just wait for my IVF consultation in two weeks time.

Aw - sorry the 3rd one didn't catch up :hugs:. I've triggered at 1.8 before so I don't think that will be an issue at all. I guess if the 1.3 didn't grow any it probably wouldn't have been viable anyway. I believe a mature egg is possible in anything over 1.4 so you never know. There is still time before ovulation. What is your E2 looking like? Two good eggs with a reasonable E2 is better than lots with an E2 through the roof like it was last time.
UGHHH not really the way I wanted to start my work week off ......

I went in today and I have only 2 mature follicles and my LH yesterday was starting to rise so they had to trigger today to ensure that they didn't "miss" this cycle. So I am COMPLETELY bummed about having only 2 mature follicles! I have a 1.8 and a 1.7 which they say is large enough for an injectable cycle to trigger (I know on oral meds they wait till its 2.0) and I then have a 1.3 which didn't move in size from yesterday to today. I did ask about waiting one more day to let the 1.3 catch up and they said we could but the issue becomes if my LH doesnt plateau but at the same time doesn't get high enough on its own they will miss the window to trigger which would end up with a wasted cycle. So while I am completely bummed that I don't have 3 or 4 follicles I will take the 2, have my IUI done this week and just wait for my IVF consultation in two weeks time.

Aw - sorry the 3rd one didn't catch up :hugs:. I've triggered at 1.8 before so I don't think that will be an issue at all. I guess if the 1.3 didn't grow any it probably wouldn't have been viable anyway. I believe a mature egg is possible in anything over 1.4 so you never know. There is still time before ovulation. What is your E2 looking like? Two good eggs with a reasonable E2 is better than lots with an E2 through the roof like it was last time.

They didn't tell me what my E2 was looking like other than to say "it looks great" ... I will ask for sure tomorrow when I am there for the IUI.

I read somewhere that on an injectable cycle anything over 1.4 can contain a viable egg so here's to hoping maybe I do have a 3rd in there. And I guess 2 is twice as good as my previous IUI where I only ever had 1 .... and then last time with an E2 of 4800 with 7!!!

I just hope that when I move to IVF (yes I don't hold out much hope for this cycle!) that they are able to get a lot of eggs retrieved as this cycle with only 2 has dimished my hope for responding to drugs for IVF .... all in all NOT a good day for me :(:sad2:
UGHHH not really the way I wanted to start my work week off ......

I went in today and I have only 2 mature follicles and my LH yesterday was starting to rise so they had to trigger today to ensure that they didn't "miss" this cycle. So I am COMPLETELY bummed about having only 2 mature follicles! I have a 1.8 and a 1.7 which they say is large enough for an injectable cycle to trigger (I know on oral meds they wait till its 2.0) and I then have a 1.3 which didn't move in size from yesterday to today. I did ask about waiting one more day to let the 1.3 catch up and they said we could but the issue becomes if my LH doesnt plateau but at the same time doesn't get high enough on its own they will miss the window to trigger which would end up with a wasted cycle. So while I am completely bummed that I don't have 3 or 4 follicles I will take the 2, have my IUI done this week and just wait for my IVF consultation in two weeks time.

Aw - sorry the 3rd one didn't catch up :hugs:. I've triggered at 1.8 before so I don't think that will be an issue at all. I guess if the 1.3 didn't grow any it probably wouldn't have been viable anyway. I believe a mature egg is possible in anything over 1.4 so you never know. There is still time before ovulation. What is your E2 looking like? Two good eggs with a reasonable E2 is better than lots with an E2 through the roof like it was last time.

They didn't tell me what my E2 was looking like other than to say "it looks great" ... I will ask for sure tomorrow when I am there for the IUI.

I read somewhere that on an injectable cycle anything over 1.4 can contain a viable egg so here's to hoping maybe I do have a 3rd in there. And I guess 2 is twice as good as my previous IUI where I only ever had 1 .... and then last time with an E2 of 4800 with 7!!!

I just hope that when I move to IVF (yes I don't hold out much hope for this cycle!) that they are able to get a lot of eggs retrieved as this cycle with only 2 has dimished my hope for responding to drugs for IVF .... all in all NOT a good day for me :(:sad2:

don't worry springy!! :hugs: ivf involves even MORE medication and it's more intense, i'm sure you'll respond great!!
They didn't tell me what my E2 was looking like other than to say "it looks great" ... I will ask for sure tomorrow when I am there for the IUI.

I read somewhere that on an injectable cycle anything over 1.4 can contain a viable egg so here's to hoping maybe I do have a 3rd in there. And I guess 2 is twice as good as my previous IUI where I only ever had 1 .... and then last time with an E2 of 4800 with 7!!!

I just hope that when I move to IVF (yes I don't hold out much hope for this cycle!) that they are able to get a lot of eggs retrieved as this cycle with only 2 has dimished my hope for responding to drugs for IVF .... all in all NOT a good day for me :(:sad2:
I hate it when they just say 'looks great' :growlmad: I guess they know we all obsess about the numbers but I would rather obsess about a number than obsess wondering what it was. From what I understand your E2 should be 150-200 per egg so that is how I figure I had 2 with an E2 in the 370s last time.

:hugs: I know how you feel - I have zero hope in IUI for me at this point. I don't think you should have an issue responding to IVF though. You were on a low dosage this cycle so I'm sure they will up it a lot for IVF. I got 2 at 150IU Gonal F for an IUI and they are starting me at 300IU and then 225IU for the first 5 days of stims of IVF. I'm sure they have learned a lot from your two injectible IUI cycles and if you end up going to IVF you will get what you need :thumbup:
Hello ladies,

I hope you don't mind if I join. We were scheduled for another IUI in November but for some reason my follicles didn't not grow the way I expected them so the Dr wanted to push the IUI to this coming wednesday which is impossible since DH is out of town all week :cry: so we :sex: hoping the sperm can hang in there until wednesday when I'm due to ovulate. I'll have to wait two weeks and then we can start another IUI in early December. If this one doesn't work then we are looking at IVF sometime next year.
Hello ladies,

I hope you don't mind if I join. We were scheduled for another IUI in November but for some reason my follicles didn't not grow the way I expected them so the Dr wanted to push the IUI to this coming wednesday which is impossible since DH is out of town all week :cry: so we :sex: hoping the sperm can hang in there until wednesday when I'm due to ovulate. I'll have to wait two weeks and then we can start another IUI in early December. If this one doesn't work then we are looking at IVF sometime next year.

Welcome HappyBunny :wave: Of course we don't mind - the more the merrier :flower:

It is so frustrating when stuff like that happens :hugs:. Hopefully your DH has super sperm and they hang on til Wed. :dust:

Are you on clomid/letrozole or injectibles this cycle?
Hey ladies

Age: 30
DH: 26
TTC since: July 2010
History: 1 failed IVF
Plan: IVF January 2012

Initially got put forward for IVF because of hubbys sperm issues....that has since been rectified and now it is discovered I have poor egg reserve and quality.

Fingers crossed for a positive result in the new year

Good luck to all you ladies xxx
Hello ladies,

I hope you don't mind if I join. We were scheduled for another IUI in November but for some reason my follicles didn't not grow the way I expected them so the Dr wanted to push the IUI to this coming wednesday which is impossible since DH is out of town all week :cry: so we :sex: hoping the sperm can hang in there until wednesday when I'm due to ovulate. I'll have to wait two weeks and then we can start another IUI in early December. If this one doesn't work then we are looking at IVF sometime next year.

Welcome to the thread!! Hoping that your IUI later this month / early December is all you need and we can avoid IVF together!!!
Hey ladies

Age: 30
DH: 26
TTC since: July 2010
History: 1 failed IVF
Plan: IVF January 2012

Initially got put forward for IVF because of hubbys sperm issues....that has since been rectified and now it is discovered I have poor egg reserve and quality.

Fingers crossed for a positive result in the new year

Good luck to all you ladies xxx

Welcome KristyHart :hi:

I guess the positive is that hubby's sperm issues put you in a position to find out about your other challenges sooner than you probably would have otherwise. FX your next IVF does the trick :dust:
Hello ladies,

I hope you don't mind if I join. We were scheduled for another IUI in November but for some reason my follicles didn't not grow the way I expected them so the Dr wanted to push the IUI to this coming wednesday which is impossible since DH is out of town all week :cry: so we :sex: hoping the sperm can hang in there until wednesday when I'm due to ovulate. I'll have to wait two weeks and then we can start another IUI in early December. If this one doesn't work then we are looking at IVF sometime next year.

Welcome HappyBunny :wave: Of course we don't mind - the more the merrier :flower:

It is so frustrating when stuff like that happens :hugs:. Hopefully your DH has super sperm and they hang on til Wed. :dust:

Are you on clomid/letrozole or injectibles this cycle?

I am on clomid. This last round I did 150mg plus a trigger shot. We can do another two rounds before moving to injectibles.
Hello ladies,

I hope you don't mind if I join. We were scheduled for another IUI in November but for some reason my follicles didn't not grow the way I expected them so the Dr wanted to push the IUI to this coming wednesday which is impossible since DH is out of town all week :cry: so we :sex: hoping the sperm can hang in there until wednesday when I'm due to ovulate. I'll have to wait two weeks and then we can start another IUI in early December. If this one doesn't work then we are looking at IVF sometime next year.

Welcome HappyBunny :wave: Of course we don't mind - the more the merrier :flower:

It is so frustrating when stuff like that happens :hugs:. Hopefully your DH has super sperm and they hang on til Wed. :dust:

Are you on clomid/letrozole or injectibles this cycle?

I am on clomid. This last round I did 150mg plus a trigger shot. We can do another two rounds before moving to injectibles.

Remind me again why your cycles were cancelled? I know I read it in another thread but refresh my memory....
Hi Springy,

My first two cycles were cancelled in April and May due to no sperm in one and no motility in the other. We waited and put DH on vitamins and FB. We did have one IUI in October but we didn't get pregnant and we would had another one tomorrow if it wasn't for DH being out of town. We did bd last night and I should ovulate tomorrow FX!!
Hi lovely ladies,

Can I join :hi:

Me: 29 - unexplained infertility
DH: 33 - Super Sperm!! (apparently)
TTC: since 2005
History: 2x M/C and 1 recently partly successful IVF that ended in another M/C at 5 weeks

So back to TTC with IVF number 2, probably starting in Feb 2012. But as always, hoping for a natural BFP in the mean time.

:hugs: to you all
Hi Springy,

My first two cycles were cancelled in April and May due to no sperm in one and no motility in the other. We waited and put DH on vitamins and FB. We did have one IUI in October but we didn't get pregnant and we would had another one tomorrow if it wasn't for DH being out of town. We did bd last night and I should ovulate tomorrow FX!!

I think you should be covered since you were able to BD last night - FX for you :dust:
Hi lovely ladies,

Can I join :hi:

Me: 29 - unexplained infertility
DH: 33 - Super Sperm!! (apparently)
TTC: since 2005
History: 2x M/C and 1 recently partly successful IVF that ended in another M/C at 5 weeks

So back to TTC with IVF number 2, probably starting in Feb 2012. But as always, hoping for a natural BFP in the mean time.

:hugs: to you all

Hi JDH :wave:

I followed your story in the other thread and am so sorry for your loss :hugs: Hopefully IVF#2 will do the trick for you :dust:

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