IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

I honetly have so much hope right now! It was such a hard step to admit that we needed to see an RE, like you said. but now that we have done it, we both feel so confident! It's nice to start to see an "end" in sight!! :hugs: All the :dust: right back atcha!!

Thanks for the dust :flower:

I was the same way. I was VERY upset when my Ob/Gyn said I needed to go to an RE but once I did I found it very empowering. It is like going from hoping and praying things will work out to feeling like you are taking charge of the situation. There is still a lot we can't control but at least we know we are doing everything we can.

I was on letrozole alone and a combo of clomid and letrozole for my IUIs. I found the letrozole to have way fewer side effects than clomid, but that varies from person to person I think. I know some ladies have reported headaches on letrozole. Either way I know I am willing to take whatever they say to get my BFP :thumbup:

AGREED! I will do whatever it takes!! :) I did have alot of hot flashes with clomid so I am hoping the letrazole will be better! We shall see! Either way, we are 1 step closer!! and hopefully this will be it for us!! :happydance: Looking forward to stalking this thread!! lol! and keeping up with everyone! Thank you for responding with a warm welcom!! :flower:
Look what showed up in my frying pan today! I'm taking it as a sign :):happydance:


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I honetly have so much hope right now! It was such a hard step to admit that we needed to see an RE, like you said. but now that we have done it, we both feel so confident! It's nice to start to see an "end" in sight!! :hugs: All the :dust: right back atcha!!

Thanks for the dust :flower:

I was the same way. I was VERY upset when my Ob/Gyn said I needed to go to an RE but once I did I found it very empowering. It is like going from hoping and praying things will work out to feeling like you are taking charge of the situation. There is still a lot we can't control but at least we know we are doing everything we can.

I was on letrozole alone and a combo of clomid and letrozole for my IUIs. I found the letrozole to have way fewer side effects than clomid, but that varies from person to person I think. I know some ladies have reported headaches on letrozole. Either way I know I am willing to take whatever they say to get my BFP :thumbup:

AGREED! I will do whatever it takes!! :) I did have alot of hot flashes with clomid so I am hoping the letrazole will be better! We shall see! Either way, we are 1 step closer!! and hopefully this will be it for us!! :happydance: Looking forward to stalking this thread!! lol! and keeping up with everyone! Thank you for responding with a warm welcom!! :flower:

I experienced hot flashes and headaches on the letrozole but I was on a pretty high dose. (12.5mg) I have heard other ladies say that the side effects were much less than clomid.
Hello everyone, I'm new to all this - going straight to IVF as my tubes are blocked due to bowel surgeries. Been on NHS waiting list for a year, and we're very lucky to get funded treatment. I wonder if anyone is looking at mid Dec AF to start meds in new year on long protocol? It would be good to know I'm not alone, and to be able to give some moral support in return. Scared and excited in equal measure and not quite sure how Xmas is going to go (MIL staying and doesn't know)..
Hello everyone, I'm new to all this - going straight to IVF as my tubes are blocked due to bowel surgeries. Been on NHS waiting list for a year, and we're very lucky to get funded treatment. I wonder if anyone is looking at mid Dec AF to start meds in new year on long protocol? It would be good to know I'm not alone, and to be able to give some moral support in return. Scared and excited in equal measure and not quite sure how Xmas is going to go (MIL staying and doesn't know)..

Welcome! You are definitely not alone!
I'll start BCP around Dec 15th and then will be doing the short - old lady ovaries- protocol starting the first week of January.
Good to know there's someone else out there! They were 50/50 with me and said that I could be a candidate for the short protocol (I'm 35), but as this is the first try they want to stick with old faithful (long protocol). I suppose it's all about learning how I'll respond, one big experiment.

Hope the New Year brings us all what we wish for.
Hello everyone, I'm new to all this - going straight to IVF as my tubes are blocked due to bowel surgeries. Been on NHS waiting list for a year, and we're very lucky to get funded treatment. I wonder if anyone is looking at mid Dec AF to start meds in new year on long protocol? It would be good to know I'm not alone, and to be able to give some moral support in return. Scared and excited in equal measure and not quite sure how Xmas is going to go (MIL staying and doesn't know)..

Hi PGLady! Welcome :hi:
Look what showed up in my frying pan today! I'm taking it as a sign :):happydance:

Definitely a good sign :oneofeach:

Hello everyone, I'm new to all this - going straight to IVF as my tubes are blocked due to bowel surgeries. Been on NHS waiting list for a year, and we're very lucky to get funded treatment. I wonder if anyone is looking at mid Dec AF to start meds in new year on long protocol? It would be good to know I'm not alone, and to be able to give some moral support in return. Scared and excited in equal measure and not quite sure how Xmas is going to go (MIL staying and doesn't know)..

Welcome PGLady :hi:

I'm starting meds in the new year as well, but I believe I will be on short protocol due to PCOS and 'old lady ovaries'.

I'll start BCP around Dec 15th and then will be doing the short - old lady ovaries- protocol starting the first week of January.

I have the 'old lady ovaries' protocol too! :jo: Looks like you, PG and I will be stimming around the same time :thumbup:

AF finally showed for me today on cd49. Planning to call the clinic tomorrow and go ahead and have them put me on BCP. Another 49 days will put me late Dec and I don't want to risk a cyst or an even longer cycle delaying things. Those 49 days off meds sure were nice though...
Hi all would love to join your thread :)
Have ivf consult 3/11 less than a week now :D been ttc 5yrs+ had laparscopy a month ago and found pcos, endo and both tubes are blocked hoping to start treatment in jan/ feb as hubby2be is in the army and posted elsewhere at present x

How did your consult go today?
I wonder if anyone is looking at mid Dec AF to start meds in new year on long protocol? It would be good to know I'm not alone, and to be able to give some moral support in return. Scared and excited in equal measure and not quite sure how Xmas is going to go (MIL staying and doesn't know)..

Welcome, PGLady. I'll be starting meds in mid Dec but with a short protocol. I'll def. be around to offer moral support! Ooooh, keeping MIL in the dark and she'll be staying w. you? Now that's exciting. :thumbup: We're not tellin' anyone but our folks are too far to suspect anything unless we just slip up and blab.
[/QUOTE] (Springy)Well this is how it was explained to me by my doctor - Not all women who have painful heavy periods have endometriosis and not all women who have light periods with no cramping are exempt from endo. Everyone is affected differently.[/QUOTE]

So true, Springy. I had heavy periods (Niagara Falls for a dy each cycle) but no real pain. The dr found endo while he was removing a fibroid. I would never have known otherwise.

I've been away for a bit working and dreamin'. It's CD3 and I'm happy that my ivf consult is only a month away now, and the procedure will be late Dec. Remember my out-of-state clinic didn't need new labs even though my old ones were run years ago? Well thankfully a new RE moved to town and I saw her today. I'm just going to get everything I think I need to have done w. this new doc and rely my old out-of-state RE for the ivf alone. She ran the CD3 bloodwork today and I'll be getting CD10 fasting/insulin bloodwork, and progesterone on CD17 rather than CD21 since my cycle is 24 dys instead of 28. I'm excited. She referred me to get a HSG too, which is great bc my last one was 2 yrs ago. And she coded everything in a way that it will be covered as I have no infertility coverage. And I'm supposed to do Clomid cd5-9 to test my reserve. I hope this will not mess up my hormones too much for injectables in Dec. I'm excited just to hopefully rule some things out for my peace of mind before the ivf. My old RE probably knows there's nothing to rule out but I just need confirmation. ;)
Yeah... I think I will start Lupron on 11/9 ish... and they talked about a transfer date by december 16. IVF buddies!:thumbup:

Desperate -- looks like we'll be doing IVF on much the same schedule! Yay for IVF buddies! I start Lupron on November 17, with an anticipated retrieval on December 9 and transfer on December 12.

Let's get this hormonal party started!!! :dance:

Luna... I'd agree, go ahead and start the IUI and see how it goes. If the HSG was clear, I wouldn't think it would be a high priority to do a lap.
I will hope for Dec 13th then... Can't hurt to have extra good ju ju... lol

Hi all. I had my ART consult. We have the go ahead. I will now be starting Lupron after next AF. Never been so excited to see it. .... should be next week. IVF tentatively Dec 6- Dec 14. Yeah.... good luck all. I will keep you posted.

YAY!!!!!! This is excellent news :) I'll pray for a December 13th transfer - that's my birthday and it could be your lucky day!!!!

AFM - went in for another scan today. Dr said there is no change but that it is too early to see the effects of an increased dose of the Gonal F. I'm to take 100IU tonight and tomorrow and go back on Friday morning for more bloodwork and another scan. REALLY praying that the 100IU kicks my body into follicle overdrive :)
They have me scheduled for HMG (Repronex) and FSH (Gonal F).

Hi all. I had my ART consult. We have the go ahead. I will now be starting Lupron after next AF. Never been so excited to see it. .... should be next week. IVF tentatively Dec 6- Dec 14. Yeah.... good luck all. I will keep you posted.
:yipee: Great news D! :yipee: I forget, do you know what stims you will be taking?

AFM - went in for another scan today. Dr said there is no change but that it is too early to see the effects of an increased dose of the Gonal F. I'm to take 100IU tonight and tomorrow and go back on Friday morning for more bloodwork and another scan. REALLY praying that the 100IU kicks my body into follicle overdrive :)

Yeah, I was surprised they would have you come in next day. Hopefully by Friday you will see some effects of the increased meds. Sending lots of positive vibes your way :thumbup:
Hi all had consultation yesterday with 2 nurses not Alot happened to be honest however I left feeling more positive than I have for years, smiling like a Cheshire cat even know I know it's not going to be easy and there's no garentee it will be successful I just feel like after so long we are getting somewhere like there's light at the end of the tunnel!
So the appointment the nurses explains in detail every stage answers all my weird and wonderful questions we cam start when ever we like in the new year so we have decided to start right away in Jan! We have a consultation on the 29th nov with the doc to sort out treatment plan and confirm meds, it's so much to take in though isnt it x hope everyone else is doing well I must find out what all the abbreviations mean then I will understand what others are saying x
They have me scheduled for HMG (Repronex) and FSH (Gonal F).

I am on Gonal F for my stimulated IUI and it is very easy to use and well tolerated - the only side effect I think I have is a bit of bloating but that could also be from the Halloween Candies I have been eating the past few days :rofl:

Hi all had consultation yesterday with 2 nurses not Alot happened to be honest however I left feeling more positive than I have for years, smiling like a Cheshire cat even know I know it's not going to be easy and there's no garentee it will be successful I just feel like after so long we are getting somewhere like there's light at the end of the tunnel!
So the appointment the nurses explains in detail every stage answers all my weird and wonderful questions we cam start when ever we like in the new year so we have decided to start right away in Jan! We have a consultation on the 29th nov with the doc to sort out treatment plan and confirm meds, it's so much to take in though isnt it x hope everyone else is doing well I must find out what all the abbreviations mean then I will understand what others are saying x

SO glad to hear that your consultation went well and that you are feeling positive about things. I think a positive attitude is KEY to success in this TTC journey we are all on, so keep that positive feeling alive till the IVF cycle starts and then through the cycle!!

If my IUI isn't successful this month our plan is to start the meds in January. My consult is the 28th so I'll have a lot more information after that but assuming I'm on a long protocol I'll start the dreaded BCP in January!
hmph.... I know I shouldn't put any thought into it, because my clinic must know what it's doing... but why is Desperate starting Lupron so much earlier and the Retrieval/Transfer so much later than mine? :dohh: So far as i know, I'm not on whatever the "short protocol" is.

Drives me crazy how everybody does things differently! I wish there was one protocol that worked 100% of the time, and we could all compare apples to apples!! :flower:
hmph.... I know I shouldn't put any thought into it, because my clinic must know what it's doing... but why is Desperate starting Lupron so much earlier and the Retrieval/Transfer so much later than mine? :dohh: So far as i know, I'm not on whatever the "short protocol" is.

Drives me crazy how everybody does things differently! I wish there was one protocol that worked 100% of the time, and we could all compare apples to apples!! :flower:

Not sure SquirrelGirl - If I understand the drug correctly, the Lupron puts your ovaries to "sleep" and maybe the time that is required for "sleeping" varies. Everything I have read it never really says how long the down regging should be it just talks about how they use it to down regulate and then go through a period of about 10 days of stimulating.

Maybe you could just ask your clinic why they chose the amount of time for Lupron for you and if this is something that varies from patient to patient or from clinic to clinic.

Try hard not to think about it and just trust that your doctors are doing what is best for you. They are medical professionals :)

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