IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Mrs Bear - :wohoo: a cycling buddy!! However I still havent OV'd yet so hoping that either eggy waits until Sunday as DH is away until Saturday. We're giving it a good bash as this will be our last natural cycle.

Springy - Im really lucky as my clinic has the booking in dates online. I really hope that they're not fully booked when I come to book in.

Hope everyone is ok!! :dust:

Hope you can catch the eggy this cycle but if not it will be great to have so many of us going through it together :thumbup: Will they let you go ahead and book now and you can cancel later or do you have to wait and hope there is space?
No-one can book in until AF arrives, so its first come first served. The nurse didnt seem to think there would be a probably for me starting though. I am NHS funded so I have to have started D-regging before 15th March. Obviously Im keen to start but if I can't get on this cycle then I can enjoy christmas. The time always flies over christmas so Im not too worried.

Are you waiting until your next AF also? Are you doing short or long protocol?
Well ladies, AF has finally arrived and scheduled for my baseline u/s and bloodwork on Saturday! Really excited! Hope this is our month and works for us!
No-one can book in until AF arrives, so its first come first served. The nurse didnt seem to think there would be a probably for me starting though. I am NHS funded so I have to have started D-regging before 15th March. Obviously Im keen to start but if I can't get on this cycle then I can enjoy christmas. The time always flies over christmas so Im not too worried.

Are you waiting until your next AF also? Are you doing short or long protocol?

Hopefully your nurse is right and you won't have a problem getting booked. I would hate to get that far along just to have them delay you because of that.

I'm hoping for time to fly over Christmas too - much better than when it drags on and on in February or March :thumbup:

We are waiting til January because I have a new insurance starting Jan 1st that will cover some of the IVF for us. DH should be back from his deployment by then too :happydance: So I have two reasons for wanting the rest of the year to fly by :plane:

From what I understand I am going straight from BCP into stims so no lupron or anything for DR, so short protocol. I suspect it is because of my age and PCOS :shrug: I should start stims around Jan 6th or so.
Well ladies, AF has finally arrived and scheduled for my baseline u/s and bloodwork on Saturday! Really excited! Hope this is our month and works for us!

Hooray for AF! (this time anyway :winkwink:). Hopefully IUI does the trick for you :dust:
Hi everyone. I have started Lupron now, waiting for hubbie's surgery and then starting FSH meds Dec 3 or 4. All prework blood work done... 11 test tubes later.... lol. Mock and Sono scheduled for 11/15.
Hi everyone. I have started Lupron now, waiting for hubbie's surgery and then starting FSH meds Dec 3 or 4. All prework blood work done... 11 test tubes later.... lol. Mock and Sono scheduled for 11/15.

Yay for getting started! :happydance: Hope everything goes well for next week and for hubby.
Still no +OPK for me :grr: BUT means that we are still in with a chance as DH is back on saturday and we can have another bash! Atm I dont think its going to make a difference with my dates.

Mrs B = :thumbup: Short Protocol sounds fab!! No sniffing for you! We'll probably be doing EC at a similar time too :thumbup:

Angel - YAYY and :grr: for AF turning up. Wishing you loads of luck :dust:

Desperate - Wishing DH loads of luck with his surgery... are you havin surgical sperm retrieval?

Hope everyone else is doing ok xxx
Hello everyone, I'm looking forward to my ivf consult in early Dec. Feels like I've been waiting for a yr but now it's right around the corner. ;) I took Clomid cd5-9 and o'd at my regular time c10-11. It's just a waiting game now. After my consult I'll order meds and hopefully have the procedure in later Dec. My cd3 bloodwork came back (Estraidol 49, I've forgotten the other #s TSH & T4).

Mrs. Bear, yipee that your man will be back soon!

Fingers crossed for everyone.
Constance - Good luck with your appointment in Dec, hoping that you get to start very quickly. However I hope that you get to cancel that apointment because you have your :bfp:

AFM - STILL no OV!!! :grr: however this is now good news as DH is back today :wohoo:

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend xxx
I had an eventful morning at the doctors office. I think DH and I about had argument in the middle of the clinic resulting in me becoming teary eyed. It was quite embarrassing.

The clinic wanted him to test for transmitted diseases. They were adiment it was required before beginning any treatment. I had mine done when I did the reversal. My DH loudly said, every time I come in here it is more money. I told him the insurance covers this test. So he was FREAKING out! It blew my mind! I told them to cancel it, I can't do this alone. For 2 people who want a child is rediculous. So then his conscience kicked in and he did it. I was still upset over the fit. When it was all said and done, the extra test was $4.87. OMG! I was fuming but holding back the tears! I think it boiled down to the fact my DH is seriously afraid of needles! He did good and was sweet to me the whole way home. I'm still upset but I'm not rehashing it.

Anyways, he watched the vag sonogram and I think he felt stupid after he seen what I had to do and how frequently.

So on to my results after my ranting. CD 3 E2 48.6 and she said they like it under 100. Looks like I have 2 follicles starting to develop on my left side which is my open tube side. I will start 50mg clomid days 3-7. They gave me my prescription for ovidrel 240iu for trigger when the time comes. My next appt is on CD 10, next Saturday.

I'm teary eyed today and can't blame it on meds because I haven't started but I have a major worry of this failing and continue to dish out more money especially after that happening this morning. It's 950.00 per cycle at the clinic I go to.

Happy for good results today though.
Hello everyone, I'm looking forward to my ivf consult in early Dec. Feels like I've been waiting for a yr but now it's right around the corner. ;) I took Clomid cd5-9 and o'd at my regular time c10-11. It's just a waiting game now. After my consult I'll order meds and hopefully have the procedure in later Dec. My cd3 bloodwork came back (Estraidol 49, I've forgotten the other #s TSH & T4).

Mrs. Bear, yipee that your man will be back soon!

Fingers crossed for everyone.
wow, do you ovulate 1 day after your last clomid pill?
Hello everyone, I'm looking forward to my ivf consult in early Dec. Feels like I've been waiting for a yr but now it's right around the corner. ;) I took Clomid cd5-9 and o'd at my regular time c10-11. It's just a waiting game now. After my consult I'll order meds and hopefully have the procedure in later Dec. My cd3 bloodwork came back (Estraidol 49, I've forgotten the other #s TSH & T4).
Glad to hear things are moving forward - it always seems to take forever to get there but your wait is almost over! :thumbup:
AFM - STILL no OV!!! :grr: however this is now good news as DH is back today :wohoo:
Yay for Ov holding off for DH! :happydance: At least now you won't have to worry that you missed it this month. FX you catch that eggy :dust:

I had an eventful morning at the doctors office. I think DH and I about had argument in the middle of the clinic resulting in me becoming teary eyed. It was quite embarrassing.

The clinic wanted him to test for transmitted diseases. They were adiment it was required before beginning any treatment. I had mine done when I did the reversal. My DH loudly said, every time I come in here it is more money. I told him the insurance covers this test. So he was FREAKING out! It blew my mind! I told them to cancel it, I can't do this alone. For 2 people who want a child is rediculous. So then his conscience kicked in and he did it. I was still upset over the fit. When it was all said and done, the extra test was $4.87. OMG! I was fuming but holding back the tears! I think it boiled down to the fact my DH is seriously afraid of needles! He did good and was sweet to me the whole way home. I'm still upset but I'm not rehashing it.

Anyways, he watched the vag sonogram and I think he felt stupid after he seen what I had to do and how frequently.

So on to my results after my ranting. CD 3 E2 48.6 and she said they like it under 100. Looks like I have 2 follicles starting to develop on my left side which is my open tube side. I will start 50mg clomid days 3-7. They gave me my prescription for ovidrel 240iu for trigger when the time comes. My next appt is on CD 10, next Saturday.

I'm teary eyed today and can't blame it on meds because I haven't started but I have a major worry of this failing and continue to dish out more money especially after that happening this morning. It's 950.00 per cycle at the clinic I go to.

Happy for good results today though.

Oh no! :hugs: I bet you are teary after such an emotional day. You certainly had enough stress to deal with without him flipping out on you like that. Glad he came around in the end. My hubby hasn't been with me for any of the ultrasounds but he was there for 2 of the IUIs, though the pain I had after my HyCoSy kind of clued him in that I wasn't going to be going to a day spa through this process. I agree that once they see all that we have to go through they are much more cooperative :thumbup: Sorry you had to be upset before your guy got the picture. You already have enough on your mind I know :hugs:

The STD tests (and some others) are definitely a must for the clinics. They can't run the risk of contaminating their lab and entire patient community because someone doesn't want to take the test. I don't think he would be happy if someone refused and their sample exposed his to disease somewhere along the way right? We had all that before storing DHs sperm and have to do it again before IVF. My arm hurt for two days after the blood draw but you have to do what you have to do.

The good thing is you got great news today about your E2 and follies :flower: Especially since the follies are on the 'good' side so your tube shouldn't be a factor. FX this cycle does the trick for you :dust:
Thankyou! I was pretty frustrated yesterday! Love the support!

I have question though. This is my first time on clomid and I usually ovulate on my own and everytime it is CD 17. My follicular phase is more on target then my luteal phase. So I know the trigger will have to be before that and depending on the folkie measurements. What CD do you usually take the trigger and then what day after the trigger do they do the IUI? I really think mine will fall on Thanksgiving which is ok and probably better since DH is off and clinic is open.
I haven't taken Clomid, but from what I remember hearing from some of my BnB friends who have, your ovulation may not be at the same time as it would be for an unmedicated cycle.

Is your doctor planning regular ultrasounds to monitor the follicle growth? When the follies get to be over a certain size, they will then tell you when to trigger and when to come in for the IUI.

Honestly, I found it best to not think too much about it, and just do what the doctor tells me to do. It can be reaaaaaaaaaaaalllly hard, particularly when it seems like everyone else is doing something different here on BnB... But that's the advice I try to adhere to for myself.
I haven't taken Clomid, but from what I remember hearing from some of my BnB friends who have, your ovulation may not be at the same time as it would be for an unmedicated cycle.

Is your doctor planning regular ultrasounds to monitor the follicle growth? When the follies get to be over a certain size, they will then tell you when to trigger and when to come in for the IUI.

Honestly, I found it best to not think too much about it, and just do what the doctor tells me to do. It can be reaaaaaaaaaaaalllly hard, particularly when it seems like everyone else is doing something different here on BnB... But that's the advice I try to adhere to for myself.

They will be monitoring but I can't help but think ahead. Mostly because my job is flexible and DH is not. I just wanted to see when everyone else was and have an idea what to expect.
Hi all,
hope you don't mind me joining in. I've just posted a new thread about IVF in December and then found this, :dohh:. Typical!

About me: I'm 32 next week, hubby is 28 with azoospermia. TTC for about 4 years, was told there was nothing wrong with me until July when I had my pre-IVF scan. They found 'something' on it, was referred (in September- told you they're slow!) for a lap and found I had hydrosalpinx so both tubes have now been disconnected (or 'separated' as they say it). I would have taken this a heck of a lot worse if I hadn't already been down for ICSI due to OH's azoo!!! As it happens it didn't make that massive difference, it was going to be IVF either way and finding and getting rid of the hydrosalpinx has doubled our chances so yay!

Anyway, I had the lap just over a week ago and after this I was told to ring in on CD1 which was after a few days as they'd given me Norethisterone before the lap. I am down for ICSI on long protocol at St Mary's in Manchester and unfortunately they close the labs over Xmas so they have a 'no referrals' period for long protocols between the end of October and the end of November, which of course I fell into. Not too bad though, after spending years and years waiting to see consultants I can live with that. Also at least this way, when I finally get to need the labs, they will be very clean!

I should also add that I'm an IVF/ICSI first timer, so all the talk of which drug etc passes me by a bit at the moment, sorry about that :dohh:

I've seen there are a fair few peeps from the UK on here so feel free to message me to share NHS experiences.
Anyone who wants to buddy up is also more than welcome. xx
Welcome hippy!

Angel, ok, I understand! Unfortunately, I found in my own experiences, thinking ahead led to surprises... For my first IUI I was ready much later than I expected. For my second, I was ready way earlier. For the 3rd, it was about when I expected, but only had 1 follie. :shrug: So even one month to the next for the same person isn't going to be the same.
They will be monitoring but I can't help but think ahead. Mostly because my job is flexible and DH is not. I just wanted to see when everyone else was and have an idea what to expect.

As S-G said, they will monitor to know when to scan. I suspect you will O earlier than your normal 17 on clomid. Many women O earlier than normal on it, though of course that can vary from person to person and cycle to cycle. Most likely you will trigger and O between CD10 and CD14. Try not to obsess about it too much, it will all depend on what they see on the scan and there isn't a thing you can do to speed things up or slow things down.

My clinic always does IUI 36 hours after trigger but that can vary a little from one clinic to another depending on what they prefer
Hi all,
hope you don't mind me joining in. I've just posted a new thread about IVF in December and then found this, :dohh:. Typical!

About me: I'm 32 next week, hubby is 28 with azoospermia. TTC for about 4 years, was told there was nothing wrong with me until July when I had my pre-IVF scan. They found 'something' on it, was referred (in September- told you they're slow!) for a lap and found I had hydrosalpinx so both tubes have now been disconnected (or 'separated' as they say it). I would have taken this a heck of a lot worse if I hadn't already been down for ICSI due to OH's azoo!!! As it happens it didn't make that massive difference, it was going to be IVF either way and finding and getting rid of the hydrosalpinx has doubled our chances so yay!

Anyway, I had the lap just over a week ago and after this I was told to ring in on CD1 which was after a few days as they'd given me Norethisterone before the lap. I am down for ICSI on long protocol at St Mary's in Manchester and unfortunately they close the labs over Xmas so they have a 'no referrals' period for long protocols between the end of October and the end of November, which of course I fell into. Not too bad though, after spending years and years waiting to see consultants I can live with that. Also at least this way, when I finally get to need the labs, they will be very clean!

I should also add that I'm an IVF/ICSI first timer, so all the talk of which drug etc passes me by a bit at the moment, sorry about that :dohh:

Welcome hippiehappy :wave:

Don't worry you will pick up on all the meds and lingo soon enough :thumbup:

I guess it is a good thing hubby had issues or it may have been a while longer to discover yours. Awesome that you don't have muc longer to wait. As much as I wish IVF was covered in the US, the wait list aspect of NHS would drive me bonkers :wacko:

So if you start long protocol in Dec will you be stimming in Jan then?

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