IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Arimas, is this your first go with injectables? They are a bit scary at first, but you will quickly get the hang of it!

I start Lupron on Thursday. Then remove my Nuvaring birth control on Sunday. Then a baseline ultrasound on Wednesday of next week to be followed by starting the Follistim. So lots going to happen pretty quick. I'm soooo ready!

Yes, this is the first IVF cycle for me and I have a phobia of needles! After this I never want to see another needle for a LONG time. It didn't hurt though, and I had DH do mine in the thigh. My fat thigh didn't feel a thing so I am so relieved about that. Yes, time is flying by so fast! I am excited and nervous at the same time. How have you been feeling? I feel kinda sicky from the bcp and its too early for lupron symptoms. I had to start a z-pack on sunday also, an antibiotic, so that makes me really sleepy. I go for my endometrial biopsy on wednesday, will let you know how that goes.

Take care :flower:
Arimas, is this your first go with injectables? They are a bit scary at first, but you will quickly get the hang of it!

I start Lupron on Thursday. Then remove my Nuvaring birth control on Sunday. Then a baseline ultrasound on Wednesday of next week to be followed by starting the Follistim. So lots going to happen pretty quick. I'm soooo ready!

Yay for starting! :yipee: This thread is starting to ramp up! :happydance:

This thread is going to be the place to be! So glad we are here together! :hugs:
No issues with me but with DH. She wanted us to try 6-7 IUI's before going to meds but I told them today that I don't want to wait that long. She said it's totally fine and during the next cycle u/s we can go over what meds I can have. Clomid seems to be the popular one. Any major side effects of that I should be aware of?

Some people have bad side effects on clomid but it is definitely the most common first step for medications. Common side effects I've heard are headaches and mood swings. How bad will depend on your dose, and not everyone has a problem with it. A lot of the other ladies on here can jump in with their experiences with clomid.

I always took clomid right before bed to help minimize side effects. If they don't put you on clomid, femera is the other pill option. After that is injectibles which can get expensive depending on your insurance coverage.
No issues with me but with DH. She wanted us to try 6-7 IUI's before going to meds but I told them today that I don't want to wait that long. She said it's totally fine and during the next cycle u/s we can go over what meds I can have. Clomid seems to be the popular one. Any major side effects of that I should be aware of?

Some people have bad side effects on clomid but it is definitely the most common first step for medications. Common side effects I've heard are headaches and mood swings. How bad will depend on your dose, and not everyone has a problem with it. A lot of the other ladies on here can jump in with their experiences with clomid.

I always took clomid right before bed to help minimize side effects. If they don't put you on clomid, femera is the other pill option. After that is injectibles which can get expensive depending on your insurance coverage.

No insurance coverage for me at all! So lets hope this time works and if not its only meds. Thanks for the info on side effects. I guess I will just have to see what comes but like all of you I am hoping for the best.

Good luck to all of you and I'm glad I have found others to join. I'm very new at this.
Just a quick update from me - my hcg levels are finally coming down after my MC which is bitter sweet but good news none the less.
Back at hospital on Monday to confirm they are at zero, which they should be by then, and then we can finally move on from failed IVF #1 and get ready for IVF #2 in the new year!
Or of course a miracle natural BFP in the meantime!!

Hugs to you all x
Just a quick update from me - my hcg levels are finally coming down after my MC which is bitter sweet but good news none the less.
Back at hospital on Monday to confirm they are at zero, which they should be by then, and then we can finally move on from failed IVF #1 and get ready for IVF #2 in the new year!
Or of course a miracle natural BFP in the meantime!!

Hugs to you all x

So sorry for your loss :cry:

I hope that you find comfort during the holidays and look forward to IVF#2 in the new year. :flower:
Does anyone know if you have multiple babies during IVF, do they look the same? Just curious, and did not find any solid information online. Will ask my doctor tomorrow too.
Does anyone know if you have multiple babies during IVF, do they look the same? Just curious, and did not find any solid information online. Will ask my doctor tomorrow too.

Hello Arimas, sorry just floating about here until something interesting happens to me next month! Usually multiple pregnancies resulting from IVF are as a result of multiple different embryos being transferred, so they won't be identical. There's always a small chance that a single one will split in two, though and give you identical twins! Are you hoping for a multiple? I'm only going to have one transferred, so won't happen for me, but it is safer. Tough old decision though!
Does anyone know if you have multiple babies during IVF, do they look the same? Just curious, and did not find any solid information online. Will ask my doctor tomorrow too.

Hello Arimas, sorry just floating about here until something interesting happens to me next month! Usually multiple pregnancies resulting from IVF are as a result of multiple different embryos being transferred, so they won't be identical. There's always a small chance that a single one will split in two, though and give you identical twins! Are you hoping for a multiple? I'm only going to have one transferred, so won't happen for me, but it is safer. Tough old decision though!

Hmm, i haven't discussed with my doctor how many will be transferred, i think once the embryos are created she will see the quality of them. I wanted two transferred just because if one doesnt stick the other might. Will update once I am there. Float around here more, glad you wrote, thanks! :flower:
I'm struggling with the "how many to put back" thing... I know in my head that a single embryo transfer is safer and supposedly the success rates aren't impacted that much. But my heart says "let's get a two for one special!" Twins would be super hard to adjust to and the risk of pregnancy complications is greater, but oh my goodness, how cute would they be!!!! Plus the possibility of never having to TTC/AC again?! Priceless.

But anyway...

I'm already finding I'm getting the fuzzy-brain stuff. I used to blame it on the medications for why I couldn't remember what people said in previous posts or keep up with everyone, but it's already setting in and I'm just on BCP! So, it must be more to do with all the overwhelming steps that are upcoming. So, just FYI if I don't respond to you, it's most definitely not because you're not welcome or I don't care!!!!!!!! :hugs:

Arimas, I have noticed nausea on the BCP, so I'm looking forward to being done with that. I think by the time you are done with this cycle, perhaps your fear of needles will be gone! I totally freaked out the first night I had to do a follistim injection, but after several nights of it being pain free, it's not a big deal now. I still pause before I can jab myself, but I can handle it now. But I've done three IUIs with injectibles, so it starts to get pretty routine...

Good luck to all you wonderful ladies!!!! :dust:
I'm struggling with the "how many to put back" thing... I know in my head that a single embryo transfer is safer and supposedly the success rates aren't impacted that much. But my heart says "let's get a two for one special!" Twins would be super hard to adjust to and the risk of pregnancy complications is greater, but oh my goodness, how cute would they be!!!! Plus the possibility of never having to TTC/AC again?! Priceless.

But anyway...

I'm already finding I'm getting the fuzzy-brain stuff. I used to blame it on the medications for why I couldn't remember what people said in previous posts or keep up with everyone, but it's already setting in and I'm just on BCP! So, it must be more to do with all the overwhelming steps that are upcoming. So, just FYI if I don't respond to you, it's most definitely not because you're not welcome or I don't care!!!!!!!! :hugs:

Arimas, I have noticed nausea on the BCP, so I'm looking forward to being done with that. I think by the time you are done with this cycle, perhaps your fear of needles will be gone! I totally freaked out the first night I had to do a follistim injection, but after several nights of it being pain free, it's not a big deal now. I still pause before I can jab myself, but I can handle it now. But I've done three IUIs with injectibles, so it starts to get pretty routine...

Good luck to all you wonderful ladies!!!! :dust:

I totally agree with you on the "lets get two for the price of one". And honestly, financially, physically, emotionally, who wants to do this part of the process over again?! I just want to have one baby and then think of the rest later. I feel like its a neverending staircase leading nowhere-do not want to go down and feels like forever going up. IUI was not an option for us because we have limited sperm to use. DH is missing his vas deferens so there is no tube for the sperm to come out. I hope IVF works out for you and you never had to do this again. I will keep ya'll posted on how many we transfer.

Take care :flower:
Just a quick update from me - my hcg levels are finally coming down after my MC which is bitter sweet but good news none the less.
Back at hospital on Monday to confirm they are at zero, which they should be by then, and then we can finally move on from failed IVF #1 and get ready for IVF #2 in the new year!
Or of course a miracle natural BFP in the meantime!!

Hugs to you all x
Glad to hear things are finally lining up for you. I know it is something you certainly didn't 'want' but now at least you can move forward. I'm sure it has been hard having that as a constant reminder of the MC :hugs:

I'm struggling with the "how many to put back" thing... I know in my head that a single embryo transfer is safer and supposedly the success rates aren't impacted that much. But my heart says "let's get a two for one special!" Twins would be super hard to adjust to and the risk of pregnancy complications is greater, but oh my goodness, how cute would they be!!!! Plus the possibility of never having to TTC/AC again?! Priceless.

But anyway...

I'm already finding I'm getting the fuzzy-brain stuff. I used to blame it on the medications for why I couldn't remember what people said in previous posts or keep up with everyone, but it's already setting in and I'm just on BCP! So, it must be more to do with all the overwhelming steps that are upcoming. So, just FYI if I don't respond to you, it's most definitely not because you're not welcome or I don't care!!!!!!!! :hugs:

Arimas, I have noticed nausea on the BCP, so I'm looking forward to being done with that. I think by the time you are done with this cycle, perhaps your fear of needles will be gone! I totally freaked out the first night I had to do a follistim injection, but after several nights of it being pain free, it's not a big deal now. I still pause before I can jab myself, but I can handle it now. But I've done three IUIs with injectibles, so it starts to get pretty routine...

Good luck to all you wonderful ladies!!!! :dust:

I am definitely putting back 2, my question is do I want to risk more than that. With the expense I don't want to 'waste' it and I'm not super concerned about twins. But at my age the clinic will do 3, and as many as 4 depending on quality, so it is even more to think about. I wouldn't do selective reduction and more than 2 gets into BIG risks. A college friend had triplets about a year ago and they were in ICU because they were so early. I don't want that. I don't think I would do 4 regardless due to the risk if all 4 take, I guess my main dilemma is between 2 and 3 :shrug:

SG-I'm not worried if I don't get a personal. Typically I only respond if I have something relevant to say about a particular post and if someone has already addressed a question I won't bother. So I'm not going to get worked up over it :flower: I suspect once things get rolling on this thread in a few weeks we will all be hard pressed to keep up and respond to everyone. Everybody just PM me if I miss an update on the first post list though so we can all have a cheat sheet :thumbup:

Arimas-I agree with SquirrelGirl. The injectibles are intimidating at first but after a couple times it is no biggie at all. Most of the injectible needles are tiny. My remedy of choice for any soreness from the injections is to make DH cuddle with me and act as a human heating pad for a bit til I feel better :haha:
I'm an IVF first timer & been told that unless they get none that they can freeze, they will only put 1 in. If that doesn't work & they have to defrost embryos, they will put 2. With the NHS it doesn't seem that you get much choice but this sounds pretty sensible to me. The thought of twins is of course appealing but also very scary as I know too many horror stories. I grew up with a boy who had CP due to being brain damaged at birth as he was a twin. My cousin's twin sister was stillborn. Many more, but don't wanna freak you out! Multiple pregnancies are much higher risk than single ones, so I think I'll go with the docs on this.
Like Arimas, we too have little sperm to use as my hubby has azoospermia & had to have TESE so it's a possibility that if this cycle doesn't work he'd have to have another TESE which cost us nearly £3,000 (almost 5,000 US dollars).
So as you can see, it's a bit dilemma for me too. But to be honest I've seen the risks that multiple births (and carrying twins) can have so I'm hoping all will be ok with the 1. After all, I feel it's better to have one healthy pregnancy & baby than prem or poorly twins xx
Thanks MrsB, I do feel more positive, as like you say, it has been a constant reminder of the MC. The hardest thing is that I had to do a HPT too, and of course that still said 'Pregnant' even though I'm not. I have to do 1 more HPT on Friday and see what that says then hopefully my bloods come back at zero (or close) on Monday.

I pray no one has to go through this, and that we are all celebrating on this thread come the new year.

New Year - New Start :thumbup:
Thanks, Mrs. Bear --- I had just been on a thread previously where some ladies would get their panties in a bunch because not everyone was responding to what they posted. :haha: So I'm probably a bit oversensitive about it now! What did they call us... Snotty I think? -- pretty sure Springy was on that thread too... good times!

Hippie -- my mind totally agrees with you! But... it's just... so .. hard! For my age (31) and not having anything readily apparent to show why I haven't gotten pregnant, I "should" probably be conservative this first time around and pray there is no "second time around"...... Hopefully my head and heart will agree in the end. :dohh:

Mrs Bear -- I totally agree with you too... anything more than twins would scare the bejeezus out of me. But what if that third one is the one that sticks! All of this just sucks that we have to choose. GAH!!!

JDH -- :hugs: I hope your bloods come back at zero so you can have a bit of closure. I can't begin to imagine how hard that was for you to go through.

All this TTC/LTTTC/TTCAL stuff is so unfair.... :nope:
Hey ladies, I'd like to join in here!

I was supposed to have my first IUI this month, but because my RE is going out of town for Thanksgiving next week, it won't happen til December. Today is CD 3 and my RE has me taking BCP for 12 days so I won't have to wait til my next cycle to start treatment. I go back for my baseline scan on the 29th. I'll be using Follistim and Menopur.
Hey ladies, I'd like to join in here!

I was supposed to have my first IUI this month, but because my RE is going out of town for Thanksgiving next week, it won't happen til December. Today is CD 3 and my RE has me taking BCP for 12 days so I won't have to wait til my next cycle to start treatment. I go back for my baseline scan on the 29th. I'll be using Follistim and Menopur.

Welcome :wave:
Hey ladies, I'd like to join in here!

I was supposed to have my first IUI this month, but because my RE is going out of town for Thanksgiving next week, it won't happen til December. Today is CD 3 and my RE has me taking BCP for 12 days so I won't have to wait til my next cycle to start treatment. I go back for my baseline scan on the 29th. I'll be using Follistim and Menopur.

Welcome Wanting2010 :flower:
Hey ladies, I'd like to join in here!

I was supposed to have my first IUI this month, but because my RE is going out of town for Thanksgiving next week, it won't happen til December. Today is CD 3 and my RE has me taking BCP for 12 days so I won't have to wait til my next cycle to start treatment. I go back for my baseline scan on the 29th. I'll be using Follistim and Menopur.

Welcome Wanting2010 :flower:

Thank you! :hugs:
I'm an IVF first timer & been told that unless they get none that they can freeze, they will only put 1 in. If that doesn't work & they have to defrost embryos, they will put 2. With the NHS it doesn't seem that you get much choice but this sounds pretty sensible to me. The thought of twins is of course appealing but also very scary as I know too many horror stories. I grew up with a boy who had CP due to being brain damaged at birth as he was a twin. My cousin's twin sister was stillborn. Many more, but don't wanna freak you out! Multiple pregnancies are much higher risk than single ones, so I think I'll go with the docs on this.
Like Arimas, we too have little sperm to use as my hubby has azoospermia & had to have TESE so it's a possibility that if this cycle doesn't work he'd have to have another TESE which cost us nearly £3,000 (almost 5,000 US dollars).
So as you can see, it's a bit dilemma for me too. But to be honest I've seen the risks that multiple births (and carrying twins) can have so I'm hoping all will be ok with the 1. After all, I feel it's better to have one healthy pregnancy & baby than prem or poorly twins xx

Yes, its a dilemma we are all facing now. How many and what risks we may have if we go for multiples. I did not get to ask my doctor today how many to transfer. Today I had the biopsy and that's it. I am so sorry your DH had to have a TESE, it is painful and costly. My DH had to have it twice, the first was just to see if they would find sperm and the second was to collect for freezing. I hope things work out with you and you have a healthy pregnancy either way. :hugs:

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