IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Beta #2 5/2/12 is 346! 14dp3dt. Ultrasound scheduled for 5/14 to see if we have 1 or 2 little beans!

Yay! :yipee: Not much longer for the ultrasound! If I remember right that is higher than mine at that stage when I technically had 3 going, but you never know with those pesky Betas. I suggest a ticker. Time always seems to move faster for me when I have a ticker to the next milestone and can see daily progress :thumbup:

AFM - check out the change to the bottom of my signature - we found out genders yesterday :happydance:
My beta 11dp3dt was 221 and it seemed high, but still within normal for a singleton. But we were thinking maybe twins at first. I know other girls I cycled around and their betas were similar and some had twins and triplets! It is so hard to tell, but fun to guess.
Mrs. bear-So cool on one of each!! Congrats!!!

Desperate-Very good betas!!! Congrats!!!

Me-Started spotting again today. My body is trying to do something but what that is who knows. I did double my Glucophage 2 weeks ago so that could be it. Still having tummy troubles daily. Getting everything sorted out for the IUI. My mom is giving me more crap today about it. I'm close to just cutting everyone off from updates. I can't take this anymore.
ILuv- hope things get sorted soon so you can continue with the IUI. It does sound like it may be a good idea to keep things to yourself for a bit. AC is hard enough without the unwanted commentary :hugs:
Hi ladies,

Sorry I have not posted here in a while. Just thought I would give a quick update though. We are set to start BC in June, stims in July, and ER/ET at the end of July. They only do 5d transfers so I'm hoping for the best.

Mrs. Bear congrats on one of each!! :happydance:

desperate, congrats on the 2nd beta. :thumbup:

ILuv, sorry to hear that the family is still giving you a hard time. :hugs: I agree with Mrs. Bear in that keeping it to yourself might be the best way to go for a little while. Try not to let them get you down.
It's gonna be hard and I'm sure once I stop talking they will start asking questions. LOL Cramping with the spotting. And I just remembered my yearly is on Monday. Wonderful!
Wahaaaay Desperate - that's fab news! :dance:
Can't wait for your first scan results :thumbup:

Mrs B - one of each is perfect ... though it is going to mean a lot of shopping! :D

Care, that's so exciting! I wonder if we should run a book on how many you have in there??

Iluv - I agree with the others. If you're getting negative comments from the family when you update them with what's going on, stop updating them! They may well start asking when the news dries up, but that will give you the upper hand; you can then preface your update with 'are you sure you want to know this, because lately you've not seemed very happy about my news?'

Mrs C - you've got your dates! :dance: it's so much better once the period of indefinite waiting is over and you know what you're working towards. As soon as you start your meds time speeds up, you'll be there before you know it.

AFM I'm just starting to panic - nearly halfway there and there is so much to do on the house. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's like a building site. The biggest thing is that we need to completely redo the kitchen - the old one has to come out, pipes and wires need moving, whole kitchen wants plastering (some bits are bare brick) then the new kitchen has to go in. It is going to be a major upheaval :(

Upstairs our bedroom needs stripping and plastering, and we have a small front room that needs a window putting in it, as well as plastering.

Then the whole of the upstairs needs carpeting - and the downstairs needs all the finishing off jobs doing.


This weekend I'm trying to get the hall and stairs finished - there's a whole lot of old paint to be stripped and woodwork sanded, before any painting can happen.

It just seems never ending
CanAmFam congrats Triplets - wow did you transfer 3 or what? That's really amazing

we did, but we are still surprised. it was a frozen cycle, and one of the blasts was very behind ( still expanding, not even hatching yet. )

it was our 4th Xfer and last 3 blasts. we couldnt do another fresh until january, and when we did , we wouldnt use frozen, we also wouldnt re freeze the 3rd blast if we had fresh ones that were nicer, so we spoke to the embryologist, and she had a meeting with the doctor.

the embryologist said that it was a wise choice to do all 3. we had epic failure with all 3 previous Xfers. There was still a chance it would be all 3, since Im only 30, but given the track record, they were comfortable with it. This made me confident since in 25 years our doctor i believe has only had 12 cases of triplets. Of course the instant they were transferred i started to panic. Our beta was highish, but we never expected 3, (neither did many else really. ive seen singletons with higher betas - again numbers clearly mean nothing hah.)

we had our 6 week heart beat ultrasound yesterday, found 2 very strong, easy to see hearts (which the doctor was thrilled over) but the third one is still there and still growing. It wasnt blighted... but he searched for over 5 minutes and couldn't see a fetal pole anywhere. Just a super large Yolk. Even my miscarriage in June showed an easy to spot fetal pole (albeit very small) at an earlier amount of time

We go back Tuesday for another scan to see if the third has developed (id be 7 weeks exactly) . He would much rather see it deteriorate so we could have healthy twins. And honestly, I've been very relieved since only seeing the 2 progress. Hopefully Tuesday brings us a definite answer. Some fetal poles don't appear for weeks and weeks (not common but happens) I'm somewhat afraid ill end up at 12 weeks and they will find a surprise baby. hah.

So, still pregnant with triplets, higher chance it will switch to twins. Twins is the safer and healthier result.

the doctor took the print out image without the third sac, just in case it doesnt develop.

I am sorry ILuv. I wish you didn't have to hear stuff like that.

MrsC, Congrats on the date!

Urch, I know now I only have one. I was just showing how betas can be so hard to go by. But yet fun to try and guess too. Wow, you have a lot of work ahead of you! I hope you are feeling up to it. Try to get lots of relaxing in too and don't over do it.

CanAmFam, we must have been posting at the same time. I am so happy there are at least 2 healthy babies in there. It is hard to say about the third because I have seen people with similar situations and that embie eventually grows. I can understand your fears for three. Medically speaking, two is the safer route. Hopefully everything will turn out as it should.
I am pretty new to this site and don't get on a lot, but a while back I replied to a really old post you wrote about Dr. Hofmann, but I don't know if you ever saw it. I would have sent you a personal message but wasn't sure how to... Anyway, I also go to Dr. H,

i sent you a message, so hopefully you can spot it!
CanAmFam, we must have been posting at the same time. I am so happy there are at least 2 healthy babies in there. It is hard to say about the third because I have seen people with similar situations and that embie eventually grows. I can understand your fears for three. Medically speaking, two is the safer route. Hopefully everything will turn out as it should.

thanks so much, it is hard after trying all this time for a baby to want to 'wish one away' i just know how difficult triplets are - not the amount of babies, but health concerns, survival rates, and the huge chances for maternal problems, as well as disabilities for the babies. i know you are never in the safe zone with any pregnancy, single double triple or higher, but triple has much larger risks and higher chance of those problems than even twins.

right now im just trying my best to enjoy the result. it has been the first time ive been able to really breath through all of this in years. im also trying to take my husbands advice; "what's gonna happen is gonna happen. you cant change it."

have a restful weekend folks.
I did double my Glucophage 2 weeks ago so that could be it. Still having tummy troubles daily.

do you use the extended release kind? they can help with the tummy troubles. i was on those and faired better than the regular (which im on now) . the nurse re wrote the prong script and i didnt want her to bother changing it. ive been on that for over 2 years now for this process. think im on 2500 atm.

when do you take your metformin? im supposed to take it in the evening with dinner (but all they really mean is with your largest meal)

what ive actually started to do is take it before going to bed. my doctor said this is fine, but some dont agree. your digestion changes/ slows over night and i find that i have less issues doing it at bed time. if i do have an issue, it is right when i wake up, or i make it to noon without problems.

before, taking it at dinner made me get up at 2-4 in the morning for a bathroom run and stomach pain. i also find that the metformin doesnt bother me as much when im on the progesterone. progesterone and pregnancy cause constipation, metformin basically causes the stomach flu, and they even out. hah.

good luck, i understand your frustration with everyone. hang in there.
I am pretty new to this site and don't get on a lot, but a while back I replied to a really old post you wrote about Dr. Hofmann, but I don't know if you ever saw it. I would have sent you a personal message but wasn't sure how to... Anyway, I also go to Dr. H,

i sent you a message, so hopefully you can spot it!

CanAmFam- Hey! I saw your message, but I can't seem to figure out how to reply or send a private message:shrug: This site can definitely be confusing! I think I don't have enough posts to activate my ability to message people? I would definitely like to chat more. I saw that you guys didn't hear a heartbeat on the 3rd baby...I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you have an uneventful pregnancy though, and maybe Baby #3 will surprise you guys and catch up!

We just had our first failed IVF in April, and are really struggling on what to do next :wacko: We are purely male factor and after 4 semen analysis, our best count was 2 million, motility 8%, and morphology was 0% so we opted for the quickest route to pregnancy...IVF with ICSI. Well, the day of retrieval, DH's count went up to 17 million, and 53% motility?? What the heck? Everyone was shocked, and when our cycle failed, doctor told us he would try an IUI just to see how the sperm washed, so that's where we are at now. We are doing our first IUI Monday. I feel like it is a waste, but DH wants to do it, so it's just one more step before we can possibly move onto another IVF if finances will line up. Or maybe just donor sperm IUI if we can't find the funding for another IVF since we have no coverage with insurance for IF.

We love Dr. H, but totally understand his poor bedside manner....ever since our failed IVF though, I feel like he is much nicer to us and explains things so much better. It's awesome to find someone else who has so much history at the same clinic. Sometimes it's really difficult going through all this because no one I know really has experienced IF so it's hard to find people to talk to.
MrsC-yay for getting your plan in place, not long now :happydance:

Urch - yeah, lots of shopping. definitely need more boy though since no boys in my family for 20 years but lots of girls. luckily since my sister had twins a few years ago we won't need to buy a lot of the pricier stuff because between her and my parents we have 4 of lots of things. Our big purchase will be cribs/mattresses and most of the rest will be the little stuff.

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the house. Try not to wear yourself out doing too much. Eenie won't care :flower:

CanAmFam - we were in that same position. We transferred 3 and all implanted so it was a strange feeling because you don't want to hope one doesn't make it but you also don't want the risks involved with triplets either. We lost #3 around 7+2 I think and there was a lot of bleeding for a few hours that day and some spotting the next week. We kind of knew that was possible on #3 but it was still scary. We went to the RE to get an u/s to make sure it was #3 and all ok with the other two. Just wanted to give you a heads up about the bleeding part in case #3 doesn't catch up. :hugs:
CanAmFam - we were in that same position. We transferred 3 and all implanted so it was a strange feeling because you don't want to hope one doesn't make it but you also don't want the risks involved with triplets either. We lost #3 around 7+2 I think and there was a lot of bleeding for a few hours that day and some spotting the next week. We kind of knew that was possible on #3 but it was still scary. We went to the RE to get an u/s to make sure it was #3 and all ok with the other two. Just wanted to give you a heads up about the bleeding part in case #3 doesn't catch up. :hugs:

Thanks,and good timimg.
i have an emergency apt tomorrow. Came home after anniversary dinner and thought i was maybe about to pee myself. Went to go and revealed a ton of blood and largeish clot. First reaction was anger (and i mean i was pissed- fuming angry) . Called the doctor leaving a message and waited. An hour later another large clot. I then paged the nurse.

She has told me to lay down, take tylenol to prevent any cramping and come in in the morning. Said she hopes it was the third expelling, but can never be sure. I was sure if it miscarried it would re absorb. So now i wait to see how many have miscarried, and hopefully ill still be pregnant tomorrow. Sigh.
CanAmFam - we were in that same position. We transferred 3 and all implanted so it was a strange feeling because you don't want to hope one doesn't make it but you also don't want the risks involved with triplets either. We lost #3 around 7+2 I think and there was a lot of bleeding for a few hours that day and some spotting the next week. We kind of knew that was possible on #3 but it was still scary. We went to the RE to get an u/s to make sure it was #3 and all ok with the other two. Just wanted to give you a heads up about the bleeding part in case #3 doesn't catch up. :hugs:

Thanks,and good timimg.
i have an emergency apt tomorrow. Came home after anniversary dinner and thought i was maybe about to pee myself. Went to go and revealed a ton of blood and largeish clot. First reaction was anger (and i mean i was pissed- fuming angry) . Called the doctor leaving a message and waited. An hour later another large clot. I then paged the nurse.

She has told me to lay down, take tylenol to prevent any cramping and come in in the morning. Said she hopes it was the third expelling, but can never be sure. I was sure if it miscarried it would re absorb. So now i wait to see how many have miscarried, and hopefully ill still be pregnant tomorrow. Sigh.

FX it is just #3 and all is fine. :hugs:

For me we had a scan on a Monday and the RE said there might be bleeding when it went away. I was sick from OHSS so DH was helping me go to the bathroom etc and he said he saw some blood Wed AM I think but I hadn't noticed and no bleeding. But then Thurs AM I was up watching TV and felt a wetness (like heavy AF) and I checked and my nightgown, etc was soaked. We immediately called and left a message then decided to just drive there because if it was bad news I wanted to know it ASAP. They took me right in and checked cervix with speculum to judge what/why was happening and then did the u/s to check the pregnancy. Luckily all was well but it was super scary. I think that is the moment that DH realized how fragile the situation really is and exactly why I didn't want him telling people just yet.

Oddly, I have never really thought of it as a miscarriage. But I guess that is because by the time I had a scan with my RE they told me it wasn't viable so I have only ever thought of being pregnant with 2, not 3. :shrug: I guess technically I have an angel but I suppose since I wasn't emotionally invested in #3 it doesn't feel the same way as if I had only had that one. I was sad of course but not devastated since I knew it was coming. Strange how that is.

I would think it would take longer to get to the point you would bleed from mc from the other 2 since you just saw the hb on u/s so hopefully it is only #3 saying goodbye. But I know just how terrifying it is. There was definitely a point waiting for a call back and driving to the RE that I was in that numb 'it is over' place but try not to give up hope just yet. I definitely bled a lot right at first but it didn't last super long like AF. Probably a few hours. The one big bleed in the morning and then it tapered off through the rest of that day. I'm sure that varies though.

Thinking of you - I know it is going to be a long night for you guys til you know what is going on :hugs::flower:

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