IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Congrats Goldy! :happydance: I love seeing more proof that even if the first try doesn't work there are plenty of women succeeding on a second try or with a FET :thumbup:

When will you know your second beta? Did you transfer more than one - that is a high beta so I am wondering if there might be two in there...
Mrs Bear we transferred 2 I get 2nd beta results tomorrow
Congrats Goldy, its definitely giving me hope.

Ladies i need help. Is there any advise you girls can give to help with egg quality. I want to start doing something ASAP and not wait another 2 weeks and then i only start wiht meds like 2 weeks before my next IVF cycle.

Ive read alot about DHEA, MyInostol, CoQ10, Melatonin : Any input?????
Tella - the ones I hear about most are DHEA and CoQ10. However, when I asked my RE about using them before we started our IVF he said not to, that with my case it wasn't necessary. I don't know if they would have hurt to take them or not but it might be a good idea to run it by your RE first. Can you call and ask about that without having to wait for your consult?

Goldy - oooh, with that high of a beta at 14dpo I am thinking we might be adding another set of twins to the list :thumbup:

CanAmFam - how did your appointment go yesterday?
meh, im sliding back out of my happy happy. and starting to get anxious to start.. friday is bloodwork then start injections. yesterday i didnt wanna do it, now i just wanna get it going. i even started thinking maybe i dont wanna do this, maybe i really do wanna find a bf etc... but today im back to being sensible.. amazing how distracting even good hormones can be
Goldy that's fab news :dance: this thread really is doing well!

Tella, I'm sorry I know nothing about improving eggs - mine were so shit that I had to use someone else's :(

Squidling - just a hug to keep you going :hugs:
DrS - I think everyone goes through those emotions before IVF, and I'm sure doing it on your own just adds to it. I know I was way more anxious and emotional in the final days leading up to starting than I ever was during the actual IVF process itself. Once you get going with all the meds and scans the whole thing flies by and before you know it you are to the retrieval and transfer stage. Are you going to ICSI?

Good luck :dust:
mrs- yeah he recommends icsi with frozen sperm. part of me is curious whether my eggs are normal but not curious enough to risk not fertilizing. besides i can always ask about the zona and if a lot do well, then bah, not my eggs as the problem =)

urchin- thanks.

i just was a bit over the top happy for a few days over unrelated stuff (and maybe the sunny weather etc). but that wears off..
Congrats Goldy!!

My twin sister just got a positive beta today after a frozen egg transfer last Monday! The doctor transferred two embryos, but not sure how many implanted yet- the next beta is Friday. This was her fifth round of IVF- my nephew came out of round two, and hopefully I'll get another niece or nephew (or both!) this time! So, more confirmation that, while it might take several tries for some of us, it will truly work!
CanAm-Hoping you come and update us! Hope your scan went well!

Goldy-Awesome beta! Congrats!!!

Squid-I go back and forth all the time.. I hate this. It's too much to process somedays. (((HUGS)))

Me-Been spotting on and off since the D&C.... I called to get my provera so I can just start the next cycle already. I'm not getting any younger and no less busy. LOL I guess I'm grabbing life by the reins again. ;)
drsquid > I had the same feelings of aren't we rushing this? Shouldn’t I wait? But at the end of it, im glad we did it even though I didn’t get the results I wanted but at least we are now a few more things wiser as to what is causing my infertility.

MrsBear > I agree, once it started it felt like it flew by and even the tww went by quickly.

Edamme > You wont need more than 1 :winkwink:

ILuv > Im glad you are grabbing life by the reins as that is how most things gets done. Fx;d for a quick AF and a successful IUI

AFM > ok so I have egg quality issues apparently, so we need to work on that.

But it was so sweet yesterday, my step sister came and visited me for the afternoon and we where just discussing the IVF, donor eggs (if it comes to that) and all the costs.
So last night i get a text from her saying that she has thought about it and she is willing to be my egg donor if i need one instead of some stranger. She would like to be the one helping us and needless to say i was in tears all over again.

Other than that im busy getting more hope again and pray for my forever baby.
Tella - that's such a kind thing for your step-sister to offer... you are very lucky to have someone who is willing to do that for you

yaaaay for Step-sister-of-Tella! :hugs:
That is so sweet of her Tella! I used COQ10 and I believed it helped with a bunch of things. Plus the acupuncture.
tella- that is sweet

so tomorrow... lab tests... then lupron., pretty excited
CanAmFam - how did your appointment go yesterday?

i was away all week dog sitting for a friend so i havent had a real PC till just now. Appointment went well and he discharged us. 1 year to the day of us going to our IVF learning class (yep they made us take a class before starting IVF) at the clinic.

we are currently weening down the Progesterone (everyother day till the 17th then stop) and weening the estrace one pill each day till the 17th. i continue all other supplements and eat iron and protein like a mad woman. i havent called an OB yet but i need to make an appointment asap. he gave us a few to choose from for the hospital of my liking and we finally gave him the OK to forward our information on thursday. hoping to get an appointment for next week.

He found the 2 babies, still healthy, strong hearts (137 ish each for heart rate) measuring well.

so im hoping these babies stay and make an appearance Christmas day, which is our due date. (most likely not since it is two)

however, the third sac still exists and is still growing... not shrinking. the yolk is still there and intact. there is a veryyyy small chance a baby could develop (or is and we cant see), but it would be severely behind (most likely). i do know stranger has happened though. i highly doubt anything will come of it but it is still a possibility. He is making me stay on a diet for triplets and upped certain medications until we know for sure.

we still will not allow ourselves to get excited until we see more growth and the pregnancy continues uncomplicated. i guess im just being guarded.

these images below are from a cell phone, so i apologize, but ill scan my ultrasounds properly later on. im just pooped. So these are the 2 definite stickies (and you can see the third sac partially in one) Colourfully named by our RE : Jose and... JosB (we gonged him for that one in the room). The under pictures are the heart rates. Upper photos measure the CRL. He also entered the wrong cycle day on the ultrasound. it was 7 weeks exactly, unless they were developed more to 7wk1day.

What was super funny is that he had NEVER measured heart rate before on the ultrasound. 25 years in the business! i asked out of curiosity and he said "that isnt my specialty". I told him that now was the time to learn. There was an intern with him and she said she knew and showed him. so we got to be his guinea pig. very funny to see him learn something. the nurse heard the beat and said she thought it was around 135 as a guess -- pretty darn close. i told her she would get a gold star next time I saw her. i guess when you hear them all the time you can figure it out easily.

so we got our discharge kit with lots of goodies, picture frames, invitations for photo studio sessions for their wall of successes in the office, nutritional stuff on what is good to eat for multiples etc, and other info. and then they bid us adieu .

i wont be satisfied however until we have a baby in our arms. i dont think ill ever relax. we are 7wks3days... our previous personal best was 7wks4days. hoping we can throw a wonderful mothers day party and say it is the longest our babies have stuck around thus far, 7wks5days.

Thankfully ive been able to keep from throwing up. Ive come very close multiple times, usually when driving, but so far so good. i get nauseous almost each day, but nothing comes of it. i was about to ask about not throwing up and she said to not worry and count myself lucky, it had no relation to a higher miscarriage rate, and not to panic. Some people just do not get that symptom in pregnancy.

thanks for asking , Bear. sorry for taking so long to reply. im hoping for a definite answer about number 3 at some early OB visits.

still wishing luck to those trying and those that just found out they got positives. ive been through pretty much every (bad) scenario in our four ICSIs and 6 months of oral med attempts... it has been a terrible 2 years forus (hey im being honest - it sucks a lot of the time and it is OK to feel that way) keep trying if you feel you can.
CanAm-Hoping you come and update us! Hope your scan went well!

again sorry, i wasn't ditching, just very busy with 4 big dogs and working my regular hours, too. getting up at 5 am each day was tough.... especially when i got up EVERY SINGLE DAY at 3 am with a nose in my face licking me, which apparently makes me have to pee. perhaps the dogs knew i had to go. hah.

i hate 3am. can never fall asleep after i see 3 am!
CanAmFam - thanks for the update :thumbup: and no worries about not logging on til now, we were just worried when we didn't hear from you :hugs:

Glad to hear things are still going well and that 1 and 2 are going strong. I guess there is no telling what will happen to 3. Being hesitant to get excited is perfectly natural after all you have been through. Heck, I haven't been through half so much and am still worried something will still go wrong at 18.5 weeks. Great that you have graduated from your RE - that is a big step. All you can do at this point is follow instructions and do your best to make the best oven you can for your little ones.

Don't let not being sick worry you. I never got sick once and that is even with all the OHSS madness. I got really nauseated at times and definitely felt carsick in the car, but never actually got sick. Sounds like we are having pretty similar journeys so far :flower:

Even if you don't get your Christmas baby maybe they will come on St. Nicholas day for you instead :xmas9:
CanAmFam - how did your appointment go yesterday?

i was away all week dog sitting for a friend so i havent had a real PC till just now. Appointment went well and he discharged us. 1 year to the day of us going to our IVF learning class (yep they made us take a class before starting IVF) at the clinic.

we are currently weening down the Progesterone (everyother day till the 17th then stop) and weening the estrace one pill each day till the 17th. i continue all other supplements and eat iron and protein like a mad woman. i havent called an OB yet but i need to make an appointment asap. he gave us a few to choose from for the hospital of my liking and we finally gave him the OK to forward our information on thursday. hoping to get an appointment for next week.

He found the 2 babies, still healthy, strong hearts (137 ish each for heart rate) measuring well.

so im hoping these babies stay and make an appearance Christmas day, which is our due date. (most likely not since it is two)

however, the third sac still exists and is still growing... not shrinking. the yolk is still there and intact. there is a veryyyy small chance a baby could develop (or is and we cant see), but it would be severely behind (most likely). i do know stranger has happened though. i highly doubt anything will come of it but it is still a possibility. He is making me stay on a diet for triplets and upped certain medications until we know for sure.

we still will not allow ourselves to get excited until we see more growth and the pregnancy continues uncomplicated. i guess im just being guarded.

these images below are from a cell phone, so i apologize, but ill scan my ultrasounds properly later on. im just pooped. So these are the 2 definite stickies (and you can see the third sac partially in one) Colourfully named by our RE : Jose and... JosB (we gonged him for that one in the room). The under pictures are the heart rates. Upper photos measure the CRL. He also entered the wrong cycle day on the ultrasound. it was 7 weeks exactly, unless they were developed more to 7wk1day.

What was super funny is that he had NEVER measured heart rate before on the ultrasound. 25 years in the business! i asked out of curiosity and he said "that isnt my specialty". I told him that now was the time to learn. There was an intern with him and she said she knew and showed him. so we got to be his guinea pig. very funny to see him learn something. the nurse heard the beat and said she thought it was around 135 as a guess -- pretty darn close. i told her she would get a gold star next time I saw her. i guess when you hear them all the time you can figure it out easily.

so we got our discharge kit with lots of goodies, picture frames, invitations for photo studio sessions for their wall of successes in the office, nutritional stuff on what is good to eat for multiples etc, and other info. and then they bid us adieu .

i wont be satisfied however until we have a baby in our arms. i dont think ill ever relax. we are 7wks3days... our previous personal best was 7wks4days. hoping we can throw a wonderful mothers day party and say it is the longest our babies have stuck around thus far, 7wks5days.

Thankfully ive been able to keep from throwing up. Ive come very close multiple times, usually when driving, but so far so good. i get nauseous almost each day, but nothing comes of it. i was about to ask about not throwing up and she said to not worry and count myself lucky, it had no relation to a higher miscarriage rate, and not to panic. Some people just do not get that symptom in pregnancy.

thanks for asking , Bear. sorry for taking so long to reply. im hoping for a definite answer about number 3 at some early OB visits.

still wishing luck to those trying and those that just found out they got positives. ive been through pretty much every (bad) scenario in our four ICSIs and 6 months of oral med attempts... it has been a terrible 2 years forus (hey im being honest - it sucks a lot of the time and it is OK to feel that way) keep trying if you feel you can.

Those pics are awesome! So glad to hear the 2 are doing well!!!! Elated for you!! :cloud9:

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