IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

MrsC - glad to hear the TESE went well, FX you have lots of swimmers to work with. Won't be long now til you will be in full swing with your IVF :thumbup: It seems like it takes forever to get to that point but once you get there it will fly by.
Started Provera Monday.... 5 days left. I am so sure this cycle is gonna be a bust. I almost don't want to waste my time. I think IVF is our only shot at this point. Once I get this started though, I'm gonna beg for shots. I already can't sleep at night worrying about it.
Hi ladies!

I just wanted to give an update. Hubby had his TESE today. everything went great. I don't know how many swimmers they got but things sound good. I will call tomorrow and find out. I'm due to start BC with July AF.

Right now I'm waiting on AF. I'm very confused as I ALWAYS have a 26 days cycle but today is CD28. :shrug: I haven't had acupuncture in a couple weeks because things are getting sorted out with the insurance. At first I was thinking the delay was due to the acupuncture but since it's been a few weeks I don't think that would happen. I'm sure now that I mention something AF will show up full force.

I hope everyone else is doing well. :flower:

Yay, so glad his TESE went well! So happy you are on your way!
MrsC very glad that the TSEE went well - will check in later for the Swimmers Count. MrsB's right, eggs at 40 can be absolutely fine ... mine were rubbish, but I think it's not usual to be quite as rubbish as I am in your early 40's

I feel like we need a MrsA to complete the set!

Iluv, hang on in there chikk :hugs:
hey ladies so I had an U/S on monday to check my progress and there was no change. I had done 3 days of 150iu menopur and then 3 days of 75iu menopur, now I am back on 150iu and I have another U/S on friday afternoon.

that being said, my husband and I have my neice (8) and nephew (5) for nine days starting today so I have to bring them to my appointments with me. Do you think it is ok to leave them in the waiting room at the re while I have my U/S. It is a small office and i am not worried about them wondering off I am however worried about bringing children in there. I am only 20 (almost 21, I know young) and I look it, and I am worried about the other couples in there, with me walking in with two kids. I know that I would be quite jealous if I saw a young girl do that at the fs.
Hi hon - most places won't let you leave children unattended in waiting rooms ... too much responsibility if something goes wrong. If you're thinking of doing this, I'd give them a ring first to check if this will be ok, otherwise you could come unstuck :thumbup:
Thanks ladies!

I called this morning and we got some great news. They got 3 vials! She said the count was about half a million!! :happydance: I was telling hubby I would be happy with 20 but to hear that number we were amazed.

urchin~ I think the eggs at 40 comment was for doshima. I'll be 25 in a week. Yes I know, I'm still young. Dh is a little older than I am so he wants to get things rolling. We do need a Mrs. A :haha:

ILuv~ Try to stay positive :flower: IUI might just be what it takes this time. FX for you.

Edamame~ How are you doing?

no_regrets~ I agree with urchin. I would call and see if it would be ok to bring them. Is there someone who can watch them just incase?

Mrs. Bear~ I hope you are doing well. I'm so excited for you. Having one of each will be wonderful. :thumbup:
Woohoo Mrs.C!!!

NR, I would see if somebody could go and wait with them. Like Urch said, I don't think the clinic or any office would want the responsibility if something happened. I wouldn't worry what others think either. It is not their business and lots of people going for IF have other children. Plus they won't be calling you mom.
hey ladies so I had an U/S on monday to check my progress and there was no change. I had done 3 days of 150iu menopur and then 3 days of 75iu menopur, now I am back on 150iu and I have another U/S on friday afternoon.

that being said, my husband and I have my neice (8) and nephew (5) for nine days starting today so I have to bring them to my appointments with me. Do you think it is ok to leave them in the waiting room at the re while I have my U/S. It is a small office and i am not worried about them wondering off I am however worried about bringing children in there. I am only 20 (almost 21, I know young) and I look it, and I am worried about the other couples in there, with me walking in with two kids. I know that I would be quite jealous if I saw a young girl do that at the fs.

Well that stinks with no response! Hate that! Yea I wouldn't leave them. Liability reasons.... especially the 5 year old.
ILuv - hope you are pleasantly surprised and the IUI works for you :hugs:

MrsC - yay for 3 vials! :yipee:. They should definitely only need one per ICSI round. I've even read that if they have to they can scrape off just the top part to get enough and refreeze the rest if they have to so hopefully they will last you for several little ones :thumbup:

no_regrets - sorry the stims aren't doing their job, hopefully upping the dose again will do the trick :hugs:. I agree with the others, I don't think the clinic would let you leave them in the waiting room. They 'might' let you leave them in an exam room but even that is probably unlikely. Definitely call first. You don't want to have your u/s cancelled because of that. As far as having them in the waiting room, I think it is different that they are older. I suspect if you brought an infant in it might be more unsettling for some patients.

Urch - I haven't seen any MrsA on the AC boards. You might need to go recruit one :haha:
Thanks Mrs. Bear and Care!

That should be plenty. Now we are talking about how many we would put back when we get to that point. We are leaning towards 2 because this is like a one time shot for us. Of course if we had to do a FET we would have to look at the cost and go from there. The FS said he would do 2 for us. I have no issues myself. I guess each person has to decide what is best for them. The freezing fee isn't bad so we could always hold on to extras for a while if we have them.

I wanted to ask opinions on med ordering. The clinic gave me a list of places that they use. Freedom seems to be where most girls get theirs. Has anyone on this thread used somewhere else and had a good experience with them. We are fully out of pocket so I'm trying to keep it on the low end. Well as much as possible.
Thanks Mrs. Bear and Care!

That should be plenty. Now we are talking about how many we would put back when we get to that point. We are leaning towards 2 because this is like a one time shot for us. Of course if we had to do a FET we would have to look at the cost and go from there. The FS said he would do 2 for us. I have no issues myself. I guess each person has to decide what is best for them. The freezing fee isn't bad so we could always hold on to extras for a while if we have them.

I wanted to ask opinions on med ordering. The clinic gave me a list of places that they use. Freedom seems to be where most girls get theirs. Has anyone on this thread used somewhere else and had a good experience with them. We are fully out of pocket so I'm trying to keep it on the low end. Well as much as possible.

We used IVFmeds.com multiple times. They are in Britain I believe. My clinic gave me the info and was willing to let me fax my scripts there. No problems with them and soooo much cheaper!!
Thanks Mrs. Bear and Care!

That should be plenty. Now we are talking about how many we would put back when we get to that point. We are leaning towards 2 because this is like a one time shot for us. Of course if we had to do a FET we would have to look at the cost and go from there. The FS said he would do 2 for us. I have no issues myself. I guess each person has to decide what is best for them. The freezing fee isn't bad so we could always hold on to extras for a while if we have them.

I wanted to ask opinions on med ordering. The clinic gave me a list of places that they use. Freedom seems to be where most girls get theirs. Has anyone on this thread used somewhere else and had a good experience with them. We are fully out of pocket so I'm trying to keep it on the low end. Well as much as possible.

We used IVFmeds.com multiple times. They are in Britain I believe. My clinic gave me the info and was willing to let me fax my scripts there. No problems with them and soooo much cheaper!!

Thank you for sharing that. Was there any concern of the meds coming from another country? Also do you remember how long shipping time was? Those would be my two worries.
MrsC - I would definitely put two back if I were you, especially if this might be your only shot. There is no guarantee you will have any to freeze. I know in UK the push for SET at your age but the norm for most US clinics I believe is still two unless the patient requests SET. I think Freedom is the cheapest for out of pocket in the US. I think some ladies have gotten meds from mexico but not sure where :shrug:
MrsC - I would definitely put two back if I were you, especially if this might be your only shot. There is no guarantee you will have any to freeze. I know in UK the push for SET at your age but the norm for most US clinics I believe is still two unless the patient requests SET. I think Freedom is the cheapest for out of pocket in the US. I think some ladies have gotten meds from mexico but not sure where :shrug:

Thats kind of why we are leaning more towards two. We wouldn't mind twins so thats not an issue. Although it would be a challenge whit him going back and forth to Afghan. but we would make it work. When it comes to the meds I'm wanting to stick with meds from the US. Hubby isn't comfortable with getting them out of country. I can understand his thinking on that. Of course I have nothing against getting them out of country. :flower:

Mrs. Bear is your DH home for good or will he have to go back over?
Hi everyone! I finally have an update. Unfortunately, we didn't get lucky during our two month break. :( So, I'm starting femara tomorrow and we're giving iui one more shot. If it doesn't work, I'll do the clomid challenge test and all that on the next cycle, then ivf in July. My husband has been working hard to lose weight and has been taking fertility vitamins the clinic recommended, so hopefully his count will be much better this time!
Did anyone have bad side effects from femara? I got hot flashes from clomid but nothing worse so I'm hoping the femara isn't bad either. I'm in a carpool and one of the warnings is not to drive, I hope it doesn't do that!
MrsC - What happens with DH depends on whether he reenlists. His reenlistment window just opened but we found out he has a while to decide. If he stays active duty he will likely deploy sometime late 2013 or in 2014 depending on what is going on at the time.

Edamame - sorry you didn't get lucky on the break :hugs: FX the IUI does the trick. If not, at least IVF has better success rates. I don't remember having near the side effects with femara as with clomid. I always took mine before bed though so I could have slept through them :shrug:. Hope DH has a better sample this time after all his hard work to lose weight and the vitamins.
Hi everyone! I finally have an update. Unfortunately, we didn't get lucky during our two month break. :( So, I'm starting femara tomorrow and we're giving iui one more shot. If it doesn't work, I'll do the clomid challenge test and all that on the next cycle, then ivf in July. My husband has been working hard to lose weight and has been taking fertility vitamins the clinic recommended, so hopefully his count will be much better this time!
Did anyone have bad side effects from femara? I got hot flashes from clomid but nothing worse so I'm hoping the femara isn't bad either. I'm in a carpool and one of the warnings is not to drive, I hope it doesn't do that!

Sorry to hear there was no success during the break. Like Mrs. Bear said, if the IUI doesn't work IVF has a great success rate. Fx it does work though. Plus our clinic is great and they work hard for their patients. :thumbup: I couldn't be happier there. Thanks again for the good word about them. Thats great that your husband has been working so hard. If you do have to do IVF in July we can be buddies. :flower:

MrsC - What happens with DH depends on whether he reenlists. His reenlistment window just opened but we found out he has a while to decide. If he stays active duty he will likely deploy sometime late 2013 or in 2014 depending on what is going on at the time.

Edamame - sorry you didn't get lucky on the break :hugs: FX the IUI does the trick. If not, at least IVF has better success rates. I don't remember having near the side effects with femara as with clomid. I always took mine before bed though so I could have slept through them :shrug:. Hope DH has a better sample this time after all his hard work to lose weight and the vitamins.

What ever you guys decide I hope everything goes well. :flower:
Thanks Mrs. Bear and Care!

That should be plenty. Now we are talking about how many we would put back when we get to that point. We are leaning towards 2 because this is like a one time shot for us. Of course if we had to do a FET we would have to look at the cost and go from there. The FS said he would do 2 for us. I have no issues myself. I guess each person has to decide what is best for them. The freezing fee isn't bad so we could always hold on to extras for a while if we have them.

I wanted to ask opinions on med ordering. The clinic gave me a list of places that they use. Freedom seems to be where most girls get theirs. Has anyone on this thread used somewhere else and had a good experience with them. We are fully out of pocket so I'm trying to keep it on the low end. Well as much as possible.

We used IVFmeds.com multiple times. They are in Britain I believe. My clinic gave me the info and was willing to let me fax my scripts there. No problems with them and soooo much cheaper!!

Thank you for sharing that. Was there any concern of the meds coming from another country? Also do you remember how long shipping time was? Those would be my two worries.

No problems getting them here. We got the generic too and did quite well with them! And shipping was super fast! Less than a week I know! :)
Thanks ladies!

I called this morning and we got some great news. They got 3 vials! She said the count was about half a million!! :happydance: I was telling hubby I would be happy with 20 but to hear that number we were amazed.

urchin~ I think the eggs at 40 comment was for doshima. I'll be 25 in a week. Yes I know, I'm still young. Dh is a little older than I am so he wants to get things rolling. We do need a Mrs. A :haha:

Ooooops!:blush: sorry chikkie - I just put 15 years on you!
Fab news about the swimmers - that should be plenty for what you need :thumbup:

Urch - I haven't seen any MrsA on the AC boards. You might need to go recruit one :haha:

Mornin Mrs B! Hmmmm yes, I shall give this some thought ... I shall go stand int he town ventre with a placard I think :D

Edamame - sorry to hear you've not come back from your break with happy news - but I am liking the sound of your plan. I think the whole thing is much more manageable when you have some kind of plan in place, I know for me it was the endless waiting without a date for anything that was getting to me so much

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