IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

morning all!

CanAm - I'm sorry that the 2 didn't make it, but also glad that the feisty one is going strong.
It is hard to lose any, but try and remember that this is why they transfer 2 or 3 ... they are not hoping to produce twins or triplets, they are trying to increase the odds of one sticky one - and that's what they have helped you to get :hugs:

I know that I was very sad that Meenie didn't make it - from the day they transferred the two of them, I saw them as my two babies. At my 8 week scan I was hugely disappointed that only Eenie made it.

But over the following few weeks I adjusted my mindset, and as MoBaby said, focussed on Eenie who was (and is) doing well.

It's absolutely fine to be angry - it's part of the grieving process ... go easy on yourself and over time you will start to focus on the strong one who is doing great xxx
Oh I totally intend to do 2-3. I'm 39

Can- i know you are upset @hugs@. As hard as it is one bean means your chances of having a healthy baby at the end is so much higher. I know it is hard and you will grieve the ones that didnt make it. But hopefully that means this will end up being a low risk uneventful pregnancy
CanAmFam I am sorry about the loss, but happy to hear your one baby is going strong. One healthy baby is what you need to focus on right now. (((Hugs)))
I know... I hate to call them because I keep getting this one nurse that I absolutely cannot stand! Of all the nurses to leave, why is she still there?!?!?! UG!!!!

Maybe try calling and asking to talk to the RE and if they put her on then ask her to have the RE call you :shrug: You are paying for the RE to talk to you, not the nurse after all
I know... I hate to call them because I keep getting this one nurse that I absolutely cannot stand! Of all the nurses to leave, why is she still there?!?!?! UG!!!!

Maybe try calling and asking to talk to the RE and if they put her on then ask her to have the RE call you :shrug: You are paying for the RE to talk to you, not the nurse after all

You think I should? I'm just nervous not being scanned before then. But maybe with only 4 injections they just aren't counting the Femara. I don't know... Wait until they hear my plea for progesterone!!!!!
i luv- i agree with bear... talk to the doc. of course you should that is their JOB. i talked to mine like 5 times today (he kept calling about paperwork issues. plus i went for an us today). i just emailed him a question too..

afm- had my us today. all good. didnt get an antral count but.. saw a bunch of nice tiny follicles on both sides.. doc is funny. he actually said, ok, no cysts.. we agree right? (ive argued with him about follicle size in the past). im supposed to go back for blood work monday. and of course he says.. ok we will do us wednesday.. the only freaking day im working 30 min away instead of across the street.. i asked if it could be tues or thurs and he told me to talk to my ovaries and get them to cooperate. to add a nice hassle.. still didnt get my copy of labs from kaiser and the ivf clinic is chomping at the bit for them. kaiser is virtually impossible to find phone numbers for.. we faxed a release to who knows where cause they didnt send any labs (doc called me 2 more times today about paperwork issues). and while i was there i got a call from my credit card company asking if i charged over 5000 online.. umm yeah no, that wasnt me. luckily they had blocked it (but not my doctors office charges.. which was great). so now i am without credit card til probably monday. but yay for the company being all over it.. one of the calls from my doc was that he realized he hadnt done a sonohysterogram.. whee.. so i get to do that monday along with the bloodwork (im off that day anyway so it is all good).. i start menopur and gonal tomorrow and continue the medrol and lupron. yay 3 shots a day. but frankly what is the worst is the medrol. damn that tastes bad.. he only had me order 16 vials of menopur.. umm that is only 5 days worth and i wont know til monday if i need more.. hrm. just emailed my doc about that..
i luv- i agree with bear... talk to the doc. of course you should that is their JOB. i talked to mine like 5 times today (he kept calling about paperwork issues. plus i went for an us today). i just emailed him a question too..

afm- had my us today. all good. didnt get an antral count but.. saw a bunch of nice tiny follicles on both sides.. doc is funny. he actually said, ok, no cysts.. we agree right? (ive argued with him about follicle size in the past). im supposed to go back for blood work monday. and of course he says.. ok we will do us wednesday.. the only freaking day im working 30 min away instead of across the street.. i asked if it could be tues or thurs and he told me to talk to my ovaries and get them to cooperate. to add a nice hassle.. still didnt get my copy of labs from kaiser and the ivf clinic is chomping at the bit for them. kaiser is virtually impossible to find phone numbers for.. we faxed a release to who knows where cause they didnt send any labs (doc called me 2 more times today about paperwork issues). and while i was there i got a call from my credit card company asking if i charged over 5000 online.. umm yeah no, that wasnt me. luckily they had blocked it (but not my doctors office charges.. which was great). so now i am without credit card til probably monday. but yay for the company being all over it.. one of the calls from my doc was that he realized he hadnt done a sonohysterogram.. whee.. so i get to do that monday along with the bloodwork (im off that day anyway so it is all good).. i start menopur and gonal tomorrow and continue the medrol and lupron. yay 3 shots a day. but frankly what is the worst is the medrol. damn that tastes bad.. he only had me order 16 vials of menopur.. umm that is only 5 days worth and i wont know til monday if i need more.. hrm. just emailed my doc about that..

Good luck this round! The sono is a bit painful. I had cramps for a while afterwards.
Yes, the hsg was seriously no fun for me, but no problem for my sister- different for everyone, I hope you get lucky!

So I got this ugly, pimple-like rash under my breasts and up to my underarms and a little down the sides of my stomach. It started the night I started the femara, but I wasn't sure it was related because I had to do a bunch of stuff that morning before work and sweated like crazy, but didn't have a chance to shower or anything. It seemed to get better but then the last two days on the femara it got bad again. I called my doc who said it was likely a rare side effect of the femara. Has anyone else gotten anything like that? How long did it take to heal? I don't think it is spreading anymore, but what's already there doesn't really seem to be getting better.
Luv - I definitely think you should. You are paying to be treated by the RE not to be pawned off on the nurse. If you want the earlier scan and even if you want the pio they should listen to your wishes. You aren't disrupting their treatment by doing either. You are within your rights to talk to your RE

Edamame - I never had that with Femera but everyone is different :shrug:
Edamame-I see you are on Femara too! Anyone else have side effects?? I'm going bat shit crazy today. I don't even feel like I can deal with me. It HAS to be the Femara. Oh Lord I just need to be done....

I developed a weird pimple like rash once under my breasts. It was a combination of sweat and me trying to help it with baby powder. Holy painful and I never tried that combo again.
Hey ladies I wanted to update about me.... I have to have surgery before we can continue. Fibroid is just way too big and something in the cavity. So June 11th I will go under the knife for a myomectomy and hysteroscopy. Obviously this is no what I was hoping for but with a 9cm fibroid that's pushing everything to the side and something in the cavity distorting it the chances of ivf working or any pregnancy would be slim. this sets things back 3 months! Ugh! Please pray for me. Ive been researching how these surgeries are done and in a bit freaked out... I've only had 1 surgery under full anesthesia (tonsils) and never had anything on my abdomen. And I hate I will have scars! I scar really bad from even the most simple scratch. Bikini season over! Lol. I'm debating telling my mom because I worry that if something goes wrong (although it won't) I'd want her to know even though we dont really get along that well. She knows nothing about my ivf stuff so she can't be there for the surgery since the re is doing it.
Hey ladies I wanted to update about me.... I have to have surgery before we can continue. Fibroid is just way too big and something in the cavity. So June 11th I will go under the knife for a myomectomy and hysteroscopy. Obviously this is no what I was hoping for but with a 9cm fibroid that's pushing everything to the side and something in the cavity distorting it the chances of ivf working or any pregnancy would be slim. this sets things back 3 months! Ugh! Please pray for me. Ive been researching how these surgeries are done and in a bit freaked out... I've only had 1 surgery under full anesthesia (tonsils) and never had anything on my abdomen. And I hate I will have scars! I scar really bad from even the most simple scratch. Bikini season over! Lol. I'm debating telling my mom because I worry that if something goes wrong (although it won't) I'd want her to know even though we dont really get along that well. She knows nothing about my ivf stuff so she can't be there for the surgery since the re is doing it.

:hugs: FX this just means they likely found the reason for your mc and next time it will have a great chance for a sticky bean. I have a friend who had the same procedure done a few years ago and she got her bfp shortly after her recovery was over and now has a healthy 2 year old. It doesn't mean it is bad that they found it, it just means you will have a better shot when it is done.

You might tell your mom that you are having it just because it is a surgery and you will probably catch it from her after if she didn't even know about it. You can always wait and tell her at the last minute if you don't want her to know ahead of time or to be there when you have it.
afm- had my us today. all good. didnt get an antral count but.. saw a bunch of nice tiny follicles on both sides.. doc is funny. he actually said, ok, no cysts.. we agree right? (ive argued with him about follicle size in the past). im supposed to go back for blood work monday. and of course he says.. ok we will do us wednesday.. the only freaking day im working 30 min away instead of across the street.. i asked if it could be tues or thurs and he told me to talk to my ovaries and get them to cooperate. to add a nice hassle.. still didnt get my copy of labs from kaiser and the ivf clinic is chomping at the bit for them. kaiser is virtually impossible to find phone numbers for.. we faxed a release to who knows where cause they didnt send any labs (doc called me 2 more times today about paperwork issues). and while i was there i got a call from my credit card company asking if i charged over 5000 online.. umm yeah no, that wasnt me. luckily they had blocked it (but not my doctors office charges.. which was great). so now i am without credit card til probably monday. but yay for the company being all over it.. one of the calls from my doc was that he realized he hadnt done a sonohysterogram.. whee.. so i get to do that monday along with the bloodwork (im off that day anyway so it is all good).. i start menopur and gonal tomorrow and continue the medrol and lupron. yay 3 shots a day. but frankly what is the worst is the medrol. damn that tastes bad.. he only had me order 16 vials of menopur.. umm that is only 5 days worth and i wont know til monday if i need more.. hrm. just emailed my doc about that..

Glad things are looking good so far :thumbup: Not long now! I had an issue with getting labs too. The clinic called me the morning of my retrieval saying they 'had' to have them or they couldn't do anything with the embryos. Talk about stress on an already stressful day :dohh:. FX it gets sorted soon.

Boo about the credit card but at least they caught it. I've had that happen a couple of times and also had to deal with it on a couple of DH cards while he was deployed. Nice thank you for serving from whoever took his number huh? The good thing is that you aren't liable for anything. Always better to use a credit card than a debit so it isn't taking cash out of your account for sure.
MoBaby - that's exactly what I had - a 9cm fibroid that was protruding into the cavity and distorting it. I think it had been acting as a natural coil, and may also have been implicated in my MC.

The good thing is they've found it, and they are doing something about it. 9cm of 'roid doesn't leave an awful lot of room for implantation and growing - so IVF with it in situ stands a lot less chance of working, than if you wait for it to be removed

I know that it sucks having another 3 months to wait for it all to heal afterwards - but best to get it done and over with and then have a concerted effort.

It is major surgery and will require 6 weeks off work - essentially it's a c-section, but with more chopping about of your uterus. I have a scar that's roughly the length of my hand span ... but it is low down on my bikini line and is healing to just a silvery line ... so, the very briefest of bikinis aren't possible, but anything a little more substantial than a stringy thingy is ok :D
Of course, once I've had Eenie by c-section it will all be opened up again and probably won't heal as prettily the second time, but hey ho!
hes doing it laparoscopic...only 1-2 wks recovery :) only taking 1 wk off, will reassess after that wk. he said i shouldnt need more than 2. unless he converts to open. then the 6 wks. im not really worried about the scars either if i can have a lil one (or 2 :) ) the fibroid is degenerating already so he said it should be mushy and fairly easy to get out. but no belly button incision; a larger one on my belly somewhere.and 3 more small incisions.
Word of warning - the woman in the next bed to me (who turned out to be a friend of a friend) had hers removed laparoscopically ... and took much longer than me to recover - and her scar wasn't that much smaller than mine either!

Clear your desk for 6 weeks off, and treat any less as a bonus! :thumbup:
I have had three lap surgeries and the first two I healed within a week (or two) and the last one took over a month. I think, as with everything, that every surgery, pregnancy, sickness, etc, it can be different. Just go by what your FS recommends and know that even if you have scars and are set back a few months, it is all worth it in the end! Usually after something like this your chances of a successful pregnancy are greatly increased. :)

Ladies, I am happy to hear some of you are on your way to a ET!!! How exciting. Starting the meds is a pain, but one step closer to your dreams!
All very true Care :thumbup:

and Oh My Giddy Aunt - you're a cantaloupe! :wohoo:
Mobaby-I am so sorry to hear this. I hate setbacks. :( Good luck with the surgery!
Well, this is annoying. I'm CD13 today, and had a positive OPK this morning. I was supposed to have a follie scan tomorrow, but now the appointment has been turned into an IUI, and the nurse didn't think they'd do a scan before the IUI. When the nurse originally made the scan appointment, I asked if that wasn't a bit late since I have often gotten a positive OPK before day 14, she said not to worry about it because I could just take OPKs from CD11 and call in if I got a positive. But I wanted to see if the femara worked and how many follicles I had! Argh!
Well anyway, fingers crossed the femara worked and we won't have to get going on the IVF prep stuff next month!

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