IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

We have our IVF information night tonight so really hoping to get some more information on IVF at our clinic, success rates etc. FINALLY feel like we have the ball rolling now that the info night is here!

I am THINKING about testing at 12dpiui which is Sunday. My husband HATES it when I test early he thinks I should just wait! So I may push it out to Monday. I will be so paranoid to see a stark white test staring back at me ....

How did the info night go? I would just go with your gut as far as when to test goes. I always hated testing on a weekday morning because then I would have to pull it together to go in to work so if it was enough dpo I would test on the weekend. Just depends on how you feel about it and what feels right to you :flower:

The big debate between my doctor and me is how many embryos to place. I have asked or a second opinion by one of the other doctors. He is a little old school and wants to do 1 so I can't end up with multiples but at the same time says it make take an extra cycle of IVF or two to get pregnant..... ?

Hmm, well next time ask him that incase you have to do another cycle ask him 1) Price info 2) How long will you have to wait for round 2

Because my clinic says the IVF package includes the multiple rounds until i get a BFP. But i have not asked her yet how long do i wait for round 2 and will that change my medication protocol?

I agree with Arimas. A lot will depend on the cost and their policies. I know NHS in the UK won't do more than one if you are younger but I would think that is a lot easier to live with if you aren't paying for it. When it is your money, and it IS a lot of money, you should have a little more say. He may not like putting back more than one but if you feel strongly about it and especially if doing another cycle isn't as financially feasible then you should fight for two if that is what you want. I doubt he would flat refuse to do two if you pushed for it.
Hi ladies, hoping I can join you after a failed IVF cycle. I should be cycling again in January or February, will find out at follow up on Monday. Off to read to catch up!
How did the info night go? I would just go with your gut as far as when to test goes. I always hated testing on a weekday morning because then I would have to pull it together to go in to work so if it was enough dpo I would test on the weekend. Just depends on how you feel about it and what feels right to you :flower:

Info night was fine. Honestly didn't learn much that I haven't already researched on my own via this site or the internet. It was good to see the statistics at the clinic over the past few years and how they calculate their statistics vs other clinics in my area.

In general for someone under 35 who has > 9 eggs retrieved regardless of the cause of infertility they are at about 50% success rate. She said depending on your condition, and your age this could be even higher.

Overall for all patients who undergo egg retrieval at the clinic regardless of age, number retrieved etc. it is a 40% success rate. Each year from 2006 through 2010 the number are going up and up which is a good thing I think!

She did talk about the day 3 vs day 5 and how they prefer to be conservative and do a day 3 transfer as everyday the embryo is out of the body it is more stress on the embryo etc. She did say though that if we are insistent to wait to day 5 they will do it or if we have several strong embryos that all look good on day 3 they will wait for a day 5. I have just heard that waiting for a day 5 increases my chances for success.

As for my testing .... I honestly do NOT feel like I am pregnant. I think my sore / heavy boobs were from the hCG trigger shot as that has faded and is pretty much gone now .... as is my hope that the IUI was successful.

I think I will wait for Monday morning and test then! Since I am not really expecting a BFP I don't think I'll be all that devastated before work on Monday.

Hi ladies, hoping I can join you after a failed IVF cycle. I should be cycling again in January or February, will find out at follow up on Monday. Off to read to catch up!

Welcome ttcfurrever! :hi:Sorry to hear that you just had a failed IVF :hugs: I know that you must be devastated right now and every emotion you're feeling is totally normal and justified. Let us know what the clinic says on Monday and then we can look forward to starting the new year off on the right food with a fresh cycle.
Hi ladies, hoping I can join you after a failed IVF cycle. I should be cycling again in January or February, will find out at follow up on Monday. Off to read to catch up!

Welcome! :flower:

Sorry to hear of your first IVF cycle not working out :cry:

Do you have a tentative schedule of your medicines/shots yet? Or does that depend on when your AF comes?

Take care :hugs:
Happy Friday afternoon everyone!

Welcome TTCfurrever.

Did my second Lupron shot this morning and immediately got a big red bump and itching at the injection site. That was a bit surprising, but after googling, looks like it's a typical reaction. Also have had just a smidge of a headache after the injection and have it again now. Otherwise, I haven't yet turned into a raging hormonal biatch yet! So that's good news! :xmas13:

Hope you're all planning to have a wonderful weekend!!!
Hi ladies, hoping I can join you after a failed IVF cycle. I should be cycling again in January or February, will find out at follow up on Monday. Off to read to catch up!
Welcome! :wave:

Overall for all patients who undergo egg retrieval at the clinic regardless of age, number retrieved etc. it is a 40% success rate. Each year from 2006 through 2010 the number are going up and up which is a good thing I think!

She did talk about the day 3 vs day 5 and how they prefer to be conservative and do a day 3 transfer as everyday the embryo is out of the body it is more stress on the embryo etc. She did say though that if we are insistent to wait to day 5 they will do it or if we have several strong embryos that all look good on day 3 they will wait for a day 5. I have just heard that waiting for a day 5 increases my chances for success.

Those rates sound right on track for most good experienced clinics so sounds like you have got a good one :thumbup:

I've seen conflicting opinions on 3 v. 5 day transfer. Some are like your clinic and think body is best and others prefer to see them develop longer to make sure they pick the ones developing best for transfer. I suspect you would need to have at least 5 or 6 strong embies day 3 for them to consider day 5. I go back and forth as to my preference. Part of me just wants them back with me ASAP ya know :shrug:

As for me - got the last of my meds today (including the dreaded PIO) :happydance: So now nothing left to do but wait. Only about 6 weeks to go though :xmas12:
Well ladies 10dpiui and I am spotting and AF is here. While I am disappointed I don't think I ever really believed that it would work there is some disappointment.

But onwards and upwards for a fresh start in the new year and my IVF cycle.

Can't wait to go through this with you ladies.

Squirrel - how is the injection site now? Does the Lipton burn?

Oh - I did find out last night that we don't use the progesterone injections, it's vaginal suppositories and a vaginal cream! Phew!! And the trigger is just like the regula belly shots!
Well ladies 10dpiui and I am spotting and AF is here. While I am disappointed I don't think I ever really believed that it would work there is some disappointment.

But onwards and upwards for a fresh start in the new year and my IVF cycle.

Oh - I did find out last night that we don't use the progesterone injections, it's vaginal suppositories and a vaginal cream! Phew!! And the trigger is just like the regula belly shots!

Lucky! I think I have both PIO and suppositories :dohh:

Sorry AF showed up :hugs: At least now you won't have to second guess whether you should have done that last IUI though and you can move full speed ahead with IVF.

Wow ladies - time seems to be flying by! Before too long we will have stims starting around here :happydance:

Just introducing myself! I'm starting ivf in Jan. We've had 8 months of clomid, 2 iui's and everything has failed.

I have pcos and have very irregular periods to the point where I don't ov on my own. We were told dh sperm was good he had 153 million in his first test although morp wasn't brill. However when we went to do first iui it had dropped to 5 million which we thought was weird and then the 2nd iui it was only 700,000!! The nurse was vile and said well this won't work but we'll try anyway. I was devastated! She was yelling at me to relax which I couldn't!!!

Still from that point they said our next best option is ivf with icsi. Going to see doc on December 6th for info meeting.

Great to have found this forum to chat with others who get it as no one else gets it. If one more friend announces their surprise preg I'll screech!!!

Praying for bfp!

Pink xx
Yay for getting your meds, Mrs. Bear! Now put the needles in a drawer and don't obsess over them! That's what i did - spent forever looking at the one for my HCG shot, and it wasn't helpful in the least!! :haha: I hear they aren't actually as bad as they look. ...not sure how that could be, but I've heard it from my clinic and several people on BnB... :flower:

Well ladies 10dpiui and I am spotting and AF is here. While I am disappointed I don't think I ever really believed that it would work there is some disappointment.

But onwards and upwards for a fresh start in the new year and my IVF cycle.

Can't wait to go through this with you ladies.

Squirrel - how is the injection site now? Does the Lipton burn?

Oh - I did find out last night that we don't use the progesterone injections, it's vaginal suppositories and a vaginal cream! Phew!! And the trigger is just like the regula belly shots!

Sorry AF showed. I never felt optimistic about IUI either, but no matter how you prepare yourself it still hurts... :hugs:

The red, itchy bump only lasted maybe an hour or so. Not too bad! It's weird though. I've done three injections and my first in my right thigh was just a bit burney and slightly itchy. No bump. My second in my left thigh did the red itchy bump thing. This morning I did it on the right side of my stomach. No itch, burn or bump, but just a little redness that went away quickly. :shrug: It'll be interesting to see what happens tomorrow when I do the left side of my stomach...


Just introducing myself! I'm starting ivf in Jan. We've had 8 months of clomid, 2 iui's and everything has failed.

I have pcos and have very irregular periods to the point where I don't ov on my own. We were told dh sperm was good he had 153 million in his first test although morp wasn't brill. However when we went to do first iui it had dropped to 5 million which we thought was weird and then the 2nd iui it was only 700,000!! The nurse was vile and said well this won't work but we'll try anyway. I was devastated! She was yelling at me to relax which I couldn't!!!

Still from that point they said our next best option is ivf with icsi. Going to see doc on December 6th for info meeting.

Great to have found this forum to chat with others who get it as no one else gets it. If one more friend announces their surprise preg I'll screech!!!

Praying for bfp!

Pink xx

Wow, that sounds like a horrid experience with the nurse, Pink! :hugs: Next time, kick her in the face when you're laying on the table with your feet in the stirrups! "oops!!" :haha:

Just introducing myself! I'm starting ivf in Jan. We've had 8 months of clomid, 2 iui's and everything has failed.

I have pcos and have very irregular periods to the point where I don't ov on my own. We were told dh sperm was good he had 153 million in his first test although morp wasn't brill. However when we went to do first iui it had dropped to 5 million which we thought was weird and then the 2nd iui it was only 700,000!! The nurse was vile and said well this won't work but we'll try anyway. I was devastated! She was yelling at me to relax which I couldn't!!!

Still from that point they said our next best option is ivf with icsi. Going to see doc on December 6th for info meeting.

Great to have found this forum to chat with others who get it as no one else gets it. If one more friend announces their surprise preg I'll screech!!!

Praying for bfp!

Pink xx

Hi Pink :hi:

There are definitely lots of ladies on here in the same situation so we can all do it together :flower:

That nurse sounds like a royal BEOTCH! :grr: Even if the odds weren't good there are ways that she can handle it without being so negative. And there ARE women with success that low so no reason for her to be so nasty about it to you. And yelling at you to relax?!?! I don't know about you but someone yelling at me is definitely not going to help me relax. She is supposed to be the professional here :growlmad:

Good luck with you info meeting on the 6th. Hopefully you will get lots of great information and can move forward to IVF with a good plan in place :thumbup:
I just finished with my CD10 sono. I have 3 follies on my good opens side 7.0, 9.5, 20.3. Also I have 3 follies on my Right 15.2, 10.5, 8.5.

She said some people respond well will ovulate sooner and not to worry if you don't feels o pains. She also said on clomid, follies are usually mid 20's. We are thinking I will ovulate sooner because they were thinking 13mm around CD10. I have one already at 20. I go back on CD 13 and they took blood for LH, but I'm awaiting results for that. They also recommended I use a certain kind of LH strips and those on clomid should start testing on CD10, twice daily 12hours apart and stay hydrated or a false positive can occur. These strips they suggested are 44.00 just for 9 test!!!!! Wow!

Anyways, my uterine lining is 7.86 and they like for it to be greater than 8 before insemination so I'm getting close. I'm amazed at all this monitoring. Overwhelming with numbers.

I go back on CD13
Hello ladies! I posted on here at the beginning of the month as we had just had our first appt. with our RE! DH and I were scheduled for an IUI in December! but I am so pleased to announce that I got a BFP yesterday! Went and had blood work and HCG levels are great!! We did it all on our own!! God is so good!!
Wow, congrats Liv!

I agree, all those numbers are a bit overwhelming, Angel! My clinic doesn't really tell me the numbers. I can catch it as he's telling the nurse, but often I don't think too much about it considering I've got an ultrasound wand up in there! LOL.
I took a pic of the the ultrasound results! Lol!! But the nurse came in spouting the numbers and what we will do if they were at a certain range before putting the magical wand in! I was like, can we do this slowly so I can comprehend what your saying! Lol!
I just finished with my CD10 sono. I have 3 follies on my good opens side 7.0, 9.5, 20.3. Also I have 3 follies on my Right 15.2, 10.5, 8.5.

She said some people respond well will ovulate sooner and not to worry if you don't feels o pains. She also said on clomid, follies are usually mid 20's. We are thinking I will ovulate sooner because they were thinking 13mm around CD10. I have one already at 20. I go back on CD 13 and they took blood for LH, but I'm awaiting results for that. They also recommended I use a certain kind of LH strips and those on clomid should start testing on CD10, twice daily 12hours apart and stay hydrated or a false positive can occur. These strips they suggested are 44.00 just for 9 test!!!!! Wow!

Anyways, my uterine lining is 7.86 and they like for it to be greater than 8 before insemination so I'm getting close. I'm amazed at all this monitoring. Overwhelming with numbers.

I go back on CD13
Are you not doing a trigger shot then? I would suspect the 20 and the 15 would both be mature eggs by the time you O. Sending :dust: your way!

Hello ladies! I posted on here at the beginning of the month as we had just had our first appt. with our RE! DH and I were scheduled for an IUI in December! but I am so pleased to announce that I got a BFP yesterday! Went and had blood work and HCG levels are great!! We did it all on our own!! God is so good!!

Congrats Liv! :happydance:
I think the nurse confused me about the trigger. The doctor told me initially, I would do the trigger for timing purposes. So the nurse says today that if I get a positive LH surge before Tuesday to call and I will take the trigger then. Then when I questioned that she just said the final maturation before ovulation. But I suspect if I don't ovulate by Tuesday, they will make me take the trigger on Tuesday.
I think the nurse confused me about the trigger. The doctor told me initially, I would do the trigger for timing purposes. So the nurse says today that if I get a positive LH surge before Tuesday to call and I will take the trigger then. Then when I questioned that she just said the final maturation before ovulation. But I suspect if I don't ovulate by Tuesday, they will make me take the trigger on Tuesday.

I'm surprised they are waiting til Tuesday unless they are just hoping the smaller follies catch up. With one already at 20 I suspect you will start to surge before then. You never know though :shrug: I know it is possible to have a surge but not O so I guess they still want you to trigger for insurance. FX for lots of good eggies for you :flower:
I have a stupid question and I've searched and searched and I just dont know if I'm wording it right! Lol!

So maybe y'all can tell me!

When DH gets ready to ejaculate in the cup, can he do it twice to have a bigger specimen? He asked this and I really don't know! I think it maybe time consuming because I have to get it there in 1 hour but he thought he might be able to do it twice, quickly! What do y'all think? I can ask at my doctors appt Tuesday but I'm little worried I may surge before then and notbe able to ask.

Im Amalina here. I am married for three years and been trying to have a baby. I was advised to seek two options IUI and also OD. I was wondering if anyone can advise if you have gone through ovarian drilling before and how long will it take to get pregnant.

Currently i have ceased eating Povera + Clomid (50mg /100mg / 150mg). My body doesnt seem to have any respond to this medication. I also have smaller egg size. According to the OBGyne, I can also seek IUI but there are risks. May i know if anyone have gone through IUI and how does it work?

Im afraid of the side effects and im feeling very depressed. Is it true that by loosing alot of weight, it can reduce the effects of PCOS? Please help me.

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