IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Hi Ladies,

I had my endometrial biopsy today. :nope: I was very nervous last night and was searching online like a crazy person how people felt during the procedure. I read some horrible stories about pain being worse than childbirth and having bleeding and cramping for days. I cried and went to sleep. :cry: As soon as I woke up, I gave myself a pep talk and thought, the needles and medicine haven't been as bad as I thought, so maybe this will be fine. If it hurts, then maybe this is the part that will hurt and nothing else will. I took tylenol just before i leave the house just to be on the safe side. :thumbup: So i get to the doctor, they weigh me, i gave a pee sample cuz they wanted to see if i was pregnant (no chance) but still, they took my blood pressure and told me to undress and wait for the doctor. I notice the plastic tong type thing and a scraper and think ok, i don't see a needle or anything sharp so not bad. The doctor comes in and I told her right away that I read that this hurts, she said its gonna be just like a pap smear. Ok, so then she tells me to "assume the position". I say a lil prayer and try to relax. She puts in the tong thingy, asks me about Thanksgiving, I am not even paying attention to her, and say nothing, and then i feel a big pinch down there some burning and then its over! :blush: It wasn't terrible, but was a bit more rough than a pap smear. I was so relieved when she was done, I hope that you ladies don't go through freaking yourself out like I did. If you have to get this done then just relax and ask your doctor if you should take any pain med before coming in. I hope this helps.

I go for my ultrasound on Tuesday November 22nd to check my lining. :happydance:

Take care everyone

JDH: so sorry to hear what you've been through. I really admire your strength for being able to keep your chin up, it's hard to imagine how you would react of this happened to you, you're an inspiration. :thumbup:

Squirrelgirl: my advice would be not to worry about your age. I'm 32 this Sunday and spent all of 2009 and 2010 obsessing about not having had a baby by the time I was 30. I ended up completely falling apart and am still in counselling. I appreciate that like myself you probably hate it when people say you're still young, I just want to punch everyone who tells me that!!! I always wanted to have a baby by the time I was 30 but now I am starting to appreciate that it's really not such a big deal. Most of my friends are in their 30's and still don't have children and they are the best people I know. Also most of the coolest parents I know didn't have children till they were in their mid to late 30's or even older. There are worse things like pregnancies going wrong, in the grand scheme of things I think ok, maybe I'm 32 and never been pregnant but I've also never suffered a loss and I'd much rather keep it this way. :hugs:

Wanting 2010: hello and welcome! :thumbup:

Arimas: so sorry your OH had to have TESE *twice*! OMG! It's crazy that they didn't extract any the 1st time, why put the poor guy through it again? We've decided he'll only have to do it again if we really really need more sperm though they found 6 straws which we've been told could mean 8+ embryos so fingers crossed!
Also glad your biopsy went well. I'm just sorry I hadn't realised you were having it, I had one done years ago & could have reassured you so sorry about bein inattentive! :dohh:
Thanks, Mrs. Bear --- I had just been on a thread previously where some ladies would get their panties in a bunch because not everyone was responding to what they posted. :haha: So I'm probably a bit oversensitive about it now! What did they call us... Snotty I think? -- pretty sure Springy was on that thread too... good times!

Hippie -- my mind totally agrees with you! But... it's just... so .. hard! For my age (31) and not having anything readily apparent to show why I haven't gotten pregnant, I "should" probably be conservative this first time around and pray there is no "second time around"...... Hopefully my head and heart will agree in the end. :dohh:

Mrs Bear -- I totally agree with you too... anything more than twins would scare the bejeezus out of me. But what if that third one is the one that sticks! All of this just sucks that we have to choose. GAH!!!

Yeah, I stalked that thread and was 'this close' to calling that stuff out but figured I'd let the ladies posting already handle it. Craziness :wacko:

As far as the # to put back argument goes, I'm 38 so there is a little more urgency on my time frame and a LOT lower odds so that is why the default # for the clinic is 3 for a 3dt and 2 for a 5dt. If the quality is low they +1 to those numbers. I am guessing they worked out the odds of success vs. the odds of multiples to come up with those numbers. But at 38 I am definitely putting back 2. In my mind the risk is worth it since time is not on my side anymore. Definitely a decision everyone has to make for themselves based on their own situation.
Hey ladies, I'd like to join in here!

I was supposed to have my first IUI this month, but because my RE is going out of town for Thanksgiving next week, it won't happen til December. Today is CD 3 and my RE has me taking BCP for 12 days so I won't have to wait til my next cycle to start treatment. I go back for my baseline scan on the 29th. I'll be using Follistim and Menopur.
Welcome wanting2010 :hi:
I had my endometrial biopsy today.
Glad it ended up not being as bad as you thought :thumbup: sometimes all this internet research just makes us worry for no reason, but we still do it all the same :wacko:
As far as the # to put back argument goes, I'm 38 so there is a little more urgency on my time frame and a LOT lower odds so that is why the default # for the clinic is 3 for a 3dt and 2 for a 5dt. If the quality is low they +1 to those numbers. I am guessing they worked out the odds of success vs. the odds of multiples to come up with those numbers. But at 38 I am definitely putting back 2. In my mind the risk is worth it since time is not on my side anymore. Definitely a decision everyone has to make for themselves based on their own situation.

I'm with you on that. Of course it depends on your age and health and so on. I've never had IVF and until proven otherwise, there is no reason why it shouldn't work (though as everyone on here knows, be prepared to expect the worst! :nope:) so i think for me the risk of a multiple pregnancy would outweight the risk of no pregnancy. Of course if that's not the case and I have to go back for a transfer with defrosted embryos I'd have 2 put in :flower: xx
JDH: so sorry to hear what you've been through. I really admire your strength for being able to keep your chin up, it's hard to imagine how you would react of this happened to you, you're an inspiration. :thumbup:

Squirrelgirl: my advice would be not to worry about your age. I'm 32 this Sunday and spent all of 2009 and 2010 obsessing about not having had a baby by the time I was 30. I ended up completely falling apart and am still in counselling. I appreciate that like myself you probably hate it when people say you're still young, I just want to punch everyone who tells me that!!! I always wanted to have a baby by the time I was 30 but now I am starting to appreciate that it's really not such a big deal. Most of my friends are in their 30's and still don't have children and they are the best people I know. Also most of the coolest parents I know didn't have children till they were in their mid to late 30's or even older. There are worse things like pregnancies going wrong, in the grand scheme of things I think ok, maybe I'm 32 and never been pregnant but I've also never suffered a loss and I'd much rather keep it this way. :hugs:

Wanting 2010: hello and welcome! :thumbup:

Arimas: so sorry your OH had to have TESE *twice*! OMG! It's crazy that they didn't extract any the 1st time, why put the poor guy through it again? We've decided he'll only have to do it again if we really really need more sperm though they found 6 straws which we've been told could mean 8+ embryos so fingers crossed!
Also glad your biopsy went well. I'm just sorry I hadn't realised you were having it, I had one done years ago & could have reassured you so sorry about bein inattentive! :dohh:

Thank you for such lovely kind words. :xmas2:

The ladies on here really are the best.

I've never been called an inspiration before, and with all the failed pregnancies and still waiting for our much loved baby after nearly 7 years it doesn't make me feel like an inspiration, but you have made me see how strong I actually am, even though it hurts like hell I know I'll dust myself off and carry on wanting and waiting till it happens!

thank you so much :xmas4:

P.S - loving the xmas smilies!!!
Hi Ladies! So sorry I have been MIA the past week. I have been swamped at work and we are in negotiations for a new car so that has taken up quite a bit of my time! Which on the one hand is great as it is passing my TWW quickly! now 9dpiui and not much to report. I have sore boobs and my hubby agrees that they look really swollen and "larger" but I am not holding out any hope that this is a symptom. I'm thinking I will test at 12dpiui as the trigger should be out of my system!

We have our IVF information night tonight so really hoping to get some more information on IVF at our clinic, success rates etc. FINALLY feel like we have the ball rolling now that the info night is here!

Thanks, Mrs. Bear --- I had just been on a thread previously where some ladies would get their panties in a bunch because not everyone was responding to what they posted. :haha: So I'm probably a bit oversensitive about it now! What did they call us... Snotty I think? -- pretty sure Springy was on that thread too... good times!

Hippie -- my mind totally agrees with you! But... it's just... so .. hard! For my age (31) and not having anything readily apparent to show why I haven't gotten pregnant, I "should" probably be conservative this first time around and pray there is no "second time around"...... Hopefully my head and heart will agree in the end. :dohh:

Mrs Bear -- I totally agree with you too... anything more than twins would scare the bejeezus out of me. But what if that third one is the one that sticks! All of this just sucks that we have to choose. GAH!!!

JDH -- :hugs: I hope your bloods come back at zero so you can have a bit of closure. I can't begin to imagine how hard that was for you to go through.

All this TTC/LTTTC/TTCAL stuff is so unfair.... :nope:

Yep I was in that thread and was so disgusted at the comments one woman was making. All of us are here for support and I don't take it personally if people don't respond to me and I sure hope nobody takes offense if I don't address everyone individually - sometimes it is that I'm rushed but it doesn't mean that I am not thinking about each of you or reading your posts, I have to admit I can get lazy when responding!

Hey ladies, I'd like to join in here!

I was supposed to have my first IUI this month, but because my RE is going out of town for Thanksgiving next week, it won't happen til December. Today is CD 3 and my RE has me taking BCP for 12 days so I won't have to wait til my next cycle to start treatment. I go back for my baseline scan on the 29th. I'll be using Follistim and Menopur.

Welcome Wanting2010! Can't wait to hear how your baseline scan goes in a few weeks :) Praying for that christmas BFP for you!!!

As far as the # to put back argument goes, I'm 38 so there is a little more urgency on my time frame and a LOT lower odds so that is why the default # for the clinic is 3 for a 3dt and 2 for a 5dt. If the quality is low they +1 to those numbers. I am guessing they worked out the odds of success vs. the odds of multiples to come up with those numbers. But at 38 I am definitely putting back 2. In my mind the risk is worth it since time is not on my side anymore. Definitely a decision everyone has to make for themselves based on their own situation.

I'm with you on that. Of course it depends on your age and health and so on. I've never had IVF and until proven otherwise, there is no reason why it shouldn't work (though as everyone on here knows, be prepared to expect the worst! :nope:) so i think for me the risk of a multiple pregnancy would outweight the risk of no pregnancy. Of course if that's not the case and I have to go back for a transfer with defrosted embryos I'd have 2 put in :flower: xx

This is something that my husband and I have also discussed and given that I'm 33 in a few weeks and its been 2 years we are willing to put back 2. If we ended up with twins while it would be hell in the first year it would be worth it to have my instant family and never have to worry about TTC again!!!!

JDH: so sorry to hear what you've been through. I really admire your strength for being able to keep your chin up, it's hard to imagine how you would react of this happened to you, you're an inspiration. :thumbup:

Squirrelgirl: my advice would be not to worry about your age. I'm 32 this Sunday and spent all of 2009 and 2010 obsessing about not having had a baby by the time I was 30. I ended up completely falling apart and am still in counselling. I appreciate that like myself you probably hate it when people say you're still young, I just want to punch everyone who tells me that!!! I always wanted to have a baby by the time I was 30 but now I am starting to appreciate that it's really not such a big deal. Most of my friends are in their 30's and still don't have children and they are the best people I know. Also most of the coolest parents I know didn't have children till they were in their mid to late 30's or even older. There are worse things like pregnancies going wrong, in the grand scheme of things I think ok, maybe I'm 32 and never been pregnant but I've also never suffered a loss and I'd much rather keep it this way. :hugs:

Wanting 2010: hello and welcome! :thumbup:

Arimas: so sorry your OH had to have TESE *twice*! OMG! It's crazy that they didn't extract any the 1st time, why put the poor guy through it again? We've decided he'll only have to do it again if we really really need more sperm though they found 6 straws which we've been told could mean 8+ embryos so fingers crossed!
Also glad your biopsy went well. I'm just sorry I hadn't realised you were having it, I had one done years ago & could have reassured you so sorry about bein inattentive! :dohh:

Thank you for such lovely kind words. :xmas2:

The ladies on here really are the best.

I've never been called an inspiration before, and with all the failed pregnancies and still waiting for our much loved baby after nearly 7 years it doesn't make me feel like an inspiration, but you have made me see how strong I actually am, even though it hurts like hell I know I'll dust myself off and carry on wanting and waiting till it happens!

thank you so much :xmas4:

P.S - loving the xmas smilies!!!

JDH I am with you - I cannot stand when people tell me "Oh you're so young, you have time on your side!!" I want to smack them!!! While I recognize that 33 is by no means old I was ready 3 or 4 years ago to have kids so after this amount of time and the frustration of TTC I "FEEL" old!!

Glad to hear your numbers are dropping! You'll be back to TTC in no time.

Arimas - hopefully he doesnt have to have TESE done again! That does not sound like a pleasant experience at all.

Hope everyone is having a good week! I promise once I'm not as swamped that I'll be on here more often!
Woah, go away for a couple of days and lots happens! Just wanted to say I'm thinking about all of you, but have too much on my plate right now to post much.

Re: number to put back in, I've turned my head inside out about this because I have half the odds of other people my age. My doc won't really discuss it with me (he just wrote single on my form and told me that's what we're doing), but the more I think about it the more it makes sense, for me. He's the expert, and I have to trust him, at first anyway. I have a sticky with all my stats on (number of transfers needed for a 75% chance of it working), sometimes that helps keep some perspective, sometimes I want to burn it! It's such a personal decision, I hope you all get whatever you hope for :hugs:.

I was given hope about age by my RE though when we were discussing whether to wait for NHS treatment or pay for it ourselves - he said so long as we're under 40 it doesn't make much difference. I really respect him as a Scientist so I hope that's some comfort for you too. And the 'over 40 success' threads are a hope for everyone!
Arimas: so sorry your OH had to have TESE *twice*! OMG! It's crazy that they didn't extract any the 1st time, why put the poor guy through it again? We've decided he'll only have to do it again if we really really need more sperm though they found 6 straws which we've been told could mean 8+ embryos so fingers crossed!
Also glad your biopsy went well. I'm just sorry I hadn't realised you were having it, I had one done years ago & could have reassured you so sorry about bein inattentive! :dohh:

Thanks HippieHappy! :flower:

He had to go through with it twice because we had been bounced around from doctor to doctor, his urologist wanted to make sure there was sperm before he would refer us to a fertility clinic. So the first time just to see and second for freezing for the fertility clinic. Fingers crossed for you & the 8+ embryos :hugs:
No worries about the biopsy, just having everyone here to share it with is comforting. :thumbup:
Woah, go away for a couple of days and lots happens! Just wanted to say I'm thinking about all of you, but have too much on my plate right now to post much.

Hey PGLady, glad you are back! :flower:

I do agree with you, and we should trust our doctors since they are the expert and know whats going on with our body. Keep us posted :hugs:
Hi Ladies! So sorry I have been MIA the past week. I have been swamped at work and we are in negotiations for a new car so that has taken up quite a bit of my time! Which on the one hand is great as it is passing my TWW quickly! now 9dpiui and not much to report. I have sore boobs and my hubby agrees that they look really swollen and "larger" but I am not holding out any hope that this is a symptom. I'm thinking I will test at 12dpiui as the trigger should be out of my system!

We have our IVF information night tonight so really hoping to get some more information on IVF at our clinic, success rates etc. FINALLY feel like we have the ball rolling now that the info night is here!

Hi Springy! Thats exciting ya'll are getting a new car :happydance:
What date will you do the home test? I hope its a BFP :bfp:
Lots of Baby Dust your way....

Let us know how it goes tonight at the IVF clinic
I had my endometrial biopsy today.
Glad it ended up not being as bad as you thought :thumbup: sometimes all this internet research just makes us worry for no reason, but we still do it all the same :wacko:[/QUOTE]

Thanks Mrs. Bear! :flower:

I think a combination of all of the drugs we are taking mixed in with our sense of anxiety makes us way more paraniod and freaked out.

How have you been doing? Have you been eating any different types of fruits and veggies? I have heard people eat spinach, pineapple, cranberry juice, and pumpkin seeds to get their fertility boost. I have been eating more spinach and cranberry juice. The cranberry juice helps with the irritation the BCP were giving.
Hi Ladies,

I am still getting the hang of replying to everyone, if i forget to reply to anyone I apologize, will get the hang of this real quick

take care
Hi Ladies! So sorry I have been MIA the past week. I have been swamped at work and we are in negotiations for a new car so that has taken up quite a bit of my time! Which on the one hand is great as it is passing my TWW quickly! now 9dpiui and not much to report. I have sore boobs and my hubby agrees that they look really swollen and "larger" but I am not holding out any hope that this is a symptom. I'm thinking I will test at 12dpiui as the trigger should be out of my system!

We have our IVF information night tonight so really hoping to get some more information on IVF at our clinic, success rates etc. FINALLY feel like we have the ball rolling now that the info night is here!

Hi Springy! Thats exciting ya'll are getting a new car :happydance:
What date will you do the home test? I hope its a BFP :bfp:
Lots of Baby Dust your way....

Let us know how it goes tonight at the IVF clinic

I am THINKING about testing at 12dpiui which is Sunday. My husband HATES it when I test early he thinks I should just wait! So I may push it out to Monday. I will be so paranoid to see a stark white test staring back at me ....
Mock and Sono went as well as to be expected with good results. Now just waiting for his TESE and away we go. His appt went well. Just waiting 15 days to go to takeoff..... lol Hope all is going well with you.
Hi everyone. I have started Lupron now, waiting for hubbie's surgery and then starting FSH meds Dec 3 or 4. All prework blood work done... 11 test tubes later.... lol. Mock and Sono scheduled for 11/15.

Yay for getting started! :happydance: Hope everything goes well for next week and for hubby.
Good luck tonight. :thumbup:
Hi Ladies! So sorry I have been MIA the past week. I have been swamped at work and we are in negotiations for a new car so that has taken up quite a bit of my time! Which on the one hand is great as it is passing my TWW quickly! now 9dpiui and not much to report. I have sore boobs and my hubby agrees that they look really swollen and "larger" but I am not holding out any hope that this is a symptom. I'm thinking I will test at 12dpiui as the trigger should be out of my system!

We have our IVF information night tonight so really hoping to get some more information on IVF at our clinic, success rates etc. FINALLY feel like we have the ball rolling now that the info night is here!

Hi Springy! Thats exciting ya'll are getting a new car :happydance:
What date will you do the home test? I hope its a BFP :bfp:
Lots of Baby Dust your way....

Let us know how it goes tonight at the IVF clinic

I am THINKING about testing at 12dpiui which is Sunday. My husband HATES it when I test early he thinks I should just wait! So I may push it out to Monday. I will be so paranoid to see a stark white test staring back at me ....
Hi Ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA, works been crazy busy.

Good to see that everything is moving forward for everyone. Sorry for not replying to everyone individually :flower:

Im just waiting now to see if our last cycle au naturelle has worked, and if not call the clinic on CD1.

Will try much harder to keep up with everyone xxx Lots of love and luck to you all xx
The big debate between my doctor and me is how many embryos to place. I have asked or a second opinion by one of the other doctors. He is a little old school and wants to do 1 so I can't end up with multiples but at the same time says it make take an extra cycle of IVF or two to get pregnant..... ?
The big debate between my doctor and me is how many embryos to place. I have asked or a second opinion by one of the other doctors. He is a little old school and wants to do 1 so I can't end up with multiples but at the same time says it make take an extra cycle of IVF or two to get pregnant..... ?

How old are you? I know that a lot of places make the distinction based on age. In Canada the clinics practice are sometimes 3 if you're over 35 and 2 if you're younger. Personally if I have 2 embies I want both put back and if I have more then hopefully they make it to freeze!
Hi ladies,

Sorry that I can't chime in on what you all are going through with your decision. It must be a hard choice. I wish you all the best of luck though. :hugs:
The big debate between my doctor and me is how many embryos to place. I have asked or a second opinion by one of the other doctors. He is a little old school and wants to do 1 so I can't end up with multiples but at the same time says it make take an extra cycle of IVF or two to get pregnant..... ?

Hmm, well next time ask him that incase you have to do another cycle ask him 1) Price info 2) How long will you have to wait for round 2

Because my clinic says the IVF package includes the multiple rounds until i get a BFP. But i have not asked her yet how long do i wait for round 2 and will that change my medication protocol?

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