IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Quick update from me: Got call today from hospital and got a FU app for tomorrow at 4pm, so at least I don't have to wait till Feb now!! Can hopefully get some answers to some questions and find out exactly when next cycle will be

Hope you're all well

Hello Ladies,

I went for my third ultrasound today and after seeing I only have 8 follicles (only 4 that are big enough to extract) the doctor has cancelled my IVF cycle. My blood work also indicated that my hormones are not at the level they should be. I feel disappointed but glad that the doctor did not have me go through the rest of the cycle since we will not have enough eggs to retrieve. We also have limited sperm (3 vials-DH had TESE) and do not want DH to go through another surgery. So I figure, I can go through with my part again after AF comes (expected middle of december) and not use the sperm that we have frozen. I have to reorder some medications, and for the next cycle the doctor will not have me on BCP and instead of Lupron have ganirex (?). My tentative ER is now scheduled for end of December or first week of January, but depends when AF shows up, which should be in one or two weeks.

I will still keep in touch on the forum but take a lil break to rest up. I hope all of you will have a better cycle and get a BFP that becomes a healthy baby

Take care
Oh man, Arimas! :hugs: Like you said, at least they cancelled it rather than pushing on with a less than ideal situation.

The med you mentioned is Ganirelix, if you are wanting to look it up on the internet or something. I've not taken it, so don't know anything about it. Just know others who have been on it. :flower:
Hello Ladies,

I went for my third ultrasound today and after seeing I only have 8 follicles (only 4 that are big enough to extract) the doctor has cancelled my IVF cycle. My blood work also indicated that my hormones are not at the level they should be. I feel disappointed but glad that the doctor did not have me go through the rest of the cycle since we will not have enough eggs to retrieve. We also have limited sperm (3 vials-DH had TESE) and do not want DH to go through another surgery. So I figure, I can go through with my part again after AF comes (expected middle of december) and not use the sperm that we have frozen. I have to reorder some medications, and for the next cycle the doctor will not have me on BCP and instead of Lupron have ganirex (?). My tentative ER is now scheduled for end of December or first week of January, but depends when AF shows up, which should be in one or two weeks.

I will still keep in touch on the forum but take a lil break to rest up. I hope all of you will have a better cycle and get a BFP that becomes a healthy baby

Take care

I'm so sorry to hear your cycle was cancelled, but better now than after retrieval when they don't get the number or quality of eggs that they are looking for. Hugs to you and January is just around the corner!!! :hugs:
Hello Ladies,

I went for my third ultrasound today and after seeing I only have 8 follicles (only 4 that are big enough to extract) the doctor has cancelled my IVF cycle. My blood work also indicated that my hormones are not at the level they should be. I feel disappointed but glad that the doctor did not have me go through the rest of the cycle since we will not have enough eggs to retrieve. We also have limited sperm (3 vials-DH had TESE) and do not want DH to go through another surgery. So I figure, I can go through with my part again after AF comes (expected middle of december) and not use the sperm that we have frozen. I have to reorder some medications, and for the next cycle the doctor will not have me on BCP and instead of Lupron have ganirex (?). My tentative ER is now scheduled for end of December or first week of January, but depends when AF shows up, which should be in one or two weeks.

I will still keep in touch on the forum but take a lil break to rest up. I hope all of you will have a better cycle and get a BFP that becomes a healthy baby

Take care

I'm so sorry your cycle was cancelled, Arimas. :cry:What a disappointment! Thinking of you! :hugs:
Arimas I'm sorry to hear about your cancelled cycle. I wish you luck on your BFP after AF shows up. :hugs:

Update on me... Went in for u/s today and they said to watch for :) on OPK tomorrow morning and if it is not there to give them a call. If surge doesn't happen tomorrow I will get a trigger shot (Ovidrel). This will be a first for me and my first med ever for ttc. Looks like I just wait to see what happens in the AM.
So sorry to hear Arimas but on a bright note there are lots of us starting in January so we will have lots of support during the process and waiting time :)
Please can I join you? I have just started my first medicated IUI although we are using Donor Sperm as my DH has azoospermia (zero sperm) and although they tried to surgically retrieve sperm from his testicles it was unsuccessful :nope: Onwards and upwards...

Our first cycle started on 23rd Nov and we are using injectible meds - Buserelin and Puregon. I had a scan on Monday which showed five small follies and have another scan on Friday to check progress.

I have to say that I know very little about IUI as we had been
geared up for IVF and most of the girls I've met on here have done IVF, so grateful for any advice or info from others!
Welcome Pink Lolly :hi:

Sorry to hear about DHs azoospermia :hugs: IUI on injectibles is pretty much the same process as IVF, just without the ER/ET. The IUI feels a lot like a pap so no big deal. There are several ladies on here doing IUI and most of us doing IVF have had several IUIs before now so feel free to ask any questions. :flower:

Quick update from me: Got call today from hospital and got a FU app for tomorrow at 4pm, so at least I don't have to wait till Feb now!! Can hopefully get some answers to some questions and find out exactly when next cycle will be
Yay! :yipee: Glad you were able to get your followup so quickly and might not have to wait so long. Hope they have some answers for you and you can get back on track asap :hugs:

I went for my third ultrasound today and after seeing I only have 8 follicles (only 4 that are big enough to extract) the doctor has cancelled my IVF cycle. My blood work also indicated that my hormones are not at the level they should be. I feel disappointed but glad that the doctor did not have me go through the rest of the cycle since we will not have enough eggs to retrieve. We also have limited sperm (3 vials-DH had TESE) and do not want DH to go through another surgery. So I figure, I can go through with my part again after AF comes (expected middle of december) and not use the sperm that we have frozen. I have to reorder some medications, and for the next cycle the doctor will not have me on BCP and instead of Lupron have ganirex (?). My tentative ER is now scheduled for end of December or first week of January, but depends when AF shows up, which should be in one or two weeks.
Big hug Arimas :hugs: Sorry to hear your cycle was cancelled but it is definitely for the best with low response and a limited supply of sperm. Sounds like we will be on a similar protocol. I will be on BCP then Gonal F with Ganirelix. I can't remember, what dosage of meds were you on this cycle.

I recall reading somewhere that if there is a limited supply of frozen sperm it is possible for them to scrape a little off the top of the vial and do ICSi so you do not have to thaw and use the entire sample. Might be worth checking into in your situation.

Hopefully the new protocol does the trick for you :hugs:

Update on me... Went in for u/s today and they said to watch for :) on OPK tomorrow morning and if it is not there to give them a call. If surge doesn't happen tomorrow I will get a trigger shot (Ovidrel). This will be a first for me and my first med ever for ttc. Looks like I just wait to see what happens in the AM.
Almost there! :happydance:

Ovidrel is no biggie, tiny thin needle. I don't recall having any issues with it. Sending dust your way :dust:
Welcome PinkLolly :xmas6:

I second everything that Mrs Bear wrote! If we're onto IVF we have most likely done several IUIs so ask away. It really is as she describes, just like a pap. Actually I find it less invasive as they tend to be done faster.

Squirrel - GOOD LUCK TODAY!!!! Cannot wait to hear your scan update, sending you huge positive vibes today for lots of follicles.

MrsC876 - Ovidrel is super easy. I have always had the clinic do the administration and it was an IM injection not into the tummy like the stimulating drugs, but it is fast and painless .... I will caution if you get the IM one like I have had and they give it to you in your butt / hip it will HURT to sleep and lie on that side but it is all worth it for the BFP!
Well no :) for me on the OPK this morning. Called the clinic and just waiting for a call back on the info for this injection. DH will give it to me as he has given shots before in the Army. I hope you all are doing well.
Hi Ladies - thanks for the warm welcome :flower:

I'm so glad I found you now as I already have a question. My IUI is medicated with injectibles - Buserelin and Puregon and I'm on Day 9 today and have got some bleeding :nope: I'm so worried something is wrong. I called the emergency number as its now out of hours and the IVF nurse asked if I have been taking my buserelin OK which I have at the same time every day without fail. I have a scan tomorrow so she said they can check my lining looks OK but I can't help worrying. Has anyone else ever experienced bleeding mid cycle when on meds?

I'd be very grateful for any replies xxx
Well no :) for me on the OPK this morning. Called the clinic and just waiting for a call back on the info for this injection. DH will give it to me as he has given shots before in the Army. I hope you all are doing well.
Just as well to have the trigger anyway since sometimes you can have LH surge but not ovulate, the trigger will help make sure. My DH is in the Army and I let him do my IM shots when he is home.

I'm so glad I found you now as I already have a question. My IUI is medicated with injectibles - Buserelin and Puregon and I'm on Day 9 today and have got some bleeding :nope: I'm so worried something is wrong. I called the emergency number as its now out of hours and the IVF nurse asked if I have been taking my buserelin OK which I have at the same time every day without fail. I have a scan tomorrow so she said they can check my lining looks OK but I can't help worrying. Has anyone else ever experienced bleeding mid cycle when on meds?
I've had bleeding when on BCP but I don't remember any on meds. I am sure it happens with all the hormones running around down there. As long as your lining measures ok you shouldn't have a problem though.
I'm finishing up my 3rd medicated IUI this month with the intent for IVF in February.

We want a month to re-group so taking a much needed vacation in January which will be the month we are on BCP's and then start the meds in February for a retrieval date during the last week.

It's a little later in the month than I hoped but my doctor only does retrievals 1 week per month and I really need January off to NOT TTC!

So sign me up for this thread!!! Looking for lots of BFP's!!
Springy -- my scan isn't until tomorrow. Boooo! But at least I have the day off work tomorrow, so I'm going to treat myself to some shopping once I'm done. Celebrate if the scan goes well, and drown my sorrows if it doesn't.

Pink -- I actually have been spotting ever since AF even though I've been on Lupron and Follistim. I called my clinic yesterday and they weren't concerned "at this point".
Springy -- my scan isn't until tomorrow. Boooo! But at least I have the day off work tomorrow, so I'm going to treat myself to some shopping once I'm done. Celebrate if the scan goes well, and drown my sorrows if it doesn't.

Pink -- I actually have been spotting ever since AF even though I've been on Lupron and Follistim. I called my clinic yesterday and they weren't concerned "at this point".

You know what the really sad part is .... I know its on Friday and I was TOTALLY thinking all morning this morning that it was Friday! Means tomorrow at work is going to be a really really long day ;)
Oh, how I know that feeling all too well. I hope it flies by for you!
:hi: ladies
Mind if I join you?
I'm waiting to start a new cycle in january after my current cycle was cancelled today :(
I started dr on the 16th nov and was due to start stimming tomorrow but can't due to af being a no show :dohh:
Welcome Princess!! Sorry about your cancelled cycle!! We are all in this together!! :)
I'm finishing up my 3rd medicated IUI this month with the intent for IVF in February.

We want a month to re-group so taking a much needed vacation in January which will be the month we are on BCP's and then start the meds in February for a retrieval date during the last week.

It's a little later in the month than I hoped but my doctor only does retrievals 1 week per month and I really need January off to NOT TTC!

So sign me up for this thread!!! Looking for lots of BFP's!!

Hi hockey24 :wave: Welcome to the thread!

I've been on a break before IVF since Sept and it really does help to take some time off from all the meds and scans for a while and settle down a bit. Even though it will be later than you hoped I suspect you will be glad you had that down time in the end. :hugs: Hopefully this IUI works and you won't need it though :thumbup:

:hi: ladies
Mind if I join you?
I'm waiting to start a new cycle in january after my current cycle was cancelled today :(
I started dr on the 16th nov and was due to start stimming tomorrow but can't due to af being a no show :dohh:

Welcome Princess :hi:
Sorry your cycle was cancelled due to AF not showing up. The one time you actually want her :dohh: There are a lot of us on here in January. Have they given you an idea of your dates yet? I'm set to start stims 1/7 myself.

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