IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

You girls are making me feel less terrified about jabbing myselves with needles!! haha!!

SQuirrel- Good luck will be stalking and hoping the doc sees what he or she is looking for :)
Pink- Good luck!!

It also infuriates me that IVF isn't covered under insurance here when some of the other things that are.. ugh.. infertility is a MEDICAL diagnosis just like anything else.

Berki, I won't lie... I had a major meltdown the first night I was to do an injection. I sat on the bed with the Follistim pen in my hand, and I... JUST... COULDN"T... DO IT. I bawled my eyes out and collapsed on the bathroom floor just sobbing. It's like it suddenly hit me that we were INFERTILE. My husband then did the injection for me. It didn't hurt at all.

So my point is that the injection itself is no big deal, however... but don't be too surprised if it's harder than you expect to do the first one. Once you do the first one, it's easy peasy... Just like all of the infertility stuff, the emotions are worse than the physical effects.

I dunno if that helps anyone, but it's one thing to say the actual injections are easy (because they are), but beginning the process is not... At least not for me. So don't be hard on yourself if you struggle with the first one.
Basically we have egg collection and share half the eggs with another lady and get a reduced priced cycle, it's mainly for people who can't afford private ivf :blush:

Hey, there's no shame in that! The cost of IVF is flipping ridiculous! It's really sad that most insurance doesn't consider infertility to be a "real" disease or disorder.

But they cover the cost of viagra for men. Girl....don't get me started!

REALLY!?!? :nope: that's disgraceful!!
We weren't allowed ivf on the nhs cuz DH has kids, I was appalled but got over it when I found out about the egg sharing, if it wasn't for this I would never be able to afford te costs of proper private ivf, and at the same time I'm helping another lady have a family too

Pink - so glad their not cancelling your cycle! It really sucks about af tho :hugs:
Well ladies unfortunately my scan didn't go too well today. When I got up this morning I was bleeding quite heavily (like AF) and knew something was wrong :nope:

When I got to the hospital they scanned me and said that my follies had not grown since Monday, and as my ovaries were not working hard enough my body wasn't producing oestrogen so my womb lining had started to come away :cry:

The nurse asked if I had missed any injections which I haven't - I've done them every day like clockwork. I'm sure she didn't believe me! She then said that she would need to speak to our consultant who was in surgery at the time to find out whether he wanted to start again from now counting today as Day 1 again, or whether we would need to abandon this cycle. I was so upset - I cried all the way home in the car which is an hour and a half drive!

Fortunately she called me this afternoon and said that we can carry on - they have increased my dosage from 50 iu Puregon to 75 iu and I have another scan on Wednesday to check how things are going. I really hope and pray that my ovaries work this time! I was so shocked and I think the hospital were too as I have an AMH of 21 and they had said I should respond well to the drugs - they were keeping it low to avoid over stimulating me. I feel a little as though my body has let me down today, although so glad that the cycle didn't get cancelled!
:hugs: So sorry you had such a hard day. Good news that you didn't have to cancel - FX upping the dosage does the trick and you have better news on Wednesday :hugs:

I started stimming on Sunday, so... 5.5 days. I was taking 150 in the morning and 100 units in the evening of Follistim. 10 units of Lupron (been doing that for 15 days now). Now they are increasing it to 200 units of Follistim both morning and night.

I called my clinic back and left a long-winded voicemail. I'm sure they just love the crazy messages they get. I asked why the doctor seemed to think today's scan was so bad. Well, they called me back and said that he just likes to explain why the dosage is being increased and that he wanted me to know the follicles had to get bigger. Oh really?? Seriously, who wouldn't already understand that??? So anyway, apparently his style is to over-communicate about the possible outcomes and I took that to mean he wasn't confident that things would go well.

I've been drinking lots and lots of water, but haven't been keeping track of exactly how much. Both you and PCOSMomto1 told me to drink water, so maybe I'll try to really knock it back. :haha:
I think 10 at 11mm sounds great for only stimming 5.5 days. From everything I have read 10 is pretty ideal, especially with them being around the same size. Glad you got some feedback from your clinic and feel better about things now. I hate when they feel they have to go overboard giving you worst case scenarios. FX for good news at your next scan. I've heard protein is good for the eggies too. :thumbup:
Tomorrow I will be going through IUI #2. The injection went very well last night. It wasn't bad at all. DH is wonderful for helping me, it would have taken me a while had I had to do it myself lol. I'm so ready to get to tomorrow so that I can start the dreadful 2WW.

How long does the trigger shot usually stay in someone system? Reading about it on here it seems like others get a positive test until so many days after the injection.
Tomorrow I will be going through IUI #2. The injection went very well last night. It wasn't bad at all. DH is wonderful for helping me, it would have taken me a while had I had to do it myself lol. I'm so ready to get to tomorrow so that I can start the dreadful 2WW.

How long does the trigger shot usually stay in someone system? Reading about it on here it seems like others get a positive test until so many days after the injection.

Good luck tomorrow :dust:

The trigger will stay in your system and cause a false positive for a while. Most people that test it out will see it leave in 7-10 days but everyone's body processes it differently. When I trigger I won't test til 12dpo (14dptrigger) just to be sure. I'd rather wait to test than worry about a false positive.
Tomorrow I will be going through IUI #2. The injection went very well last night. It wasn't bad at all. DH is wonderful for helping me, it would have taken me a while had I had to do it myself lol. I'm so ready to get to tomorrow so that I can start the dreadful 2WW.

How long does the trigger shot usually stay in someone system? Reading about it on here it seems like others get a positive test until so many days after the injection.

I'm 10 days past ovidrel 250 trigger and still getting the faintest positive. Some women it leaves quickly 4-6 days and some take a little longer. I suspect my test will be negative tomorrow. I've tested every morning since 2 days past trigger. Lots luck to u!
Angel baby I've heard trigger only stays in your system for 5ish days, how soon does a bfp show??

Mrs c good luck for tomorrow!
Tomorrow I will be going through IUI #2. The injection went very well last night. It wasn't bad at all. DH is wonderful for helping me, it would have taken me a while had I had to do it myself lol. I'm so ready to get to tomorrow so that I can start the dreadful 2WW.

How long does the trigger shot usually stay in someone system? Reading about it on here it seems like others get a positive test until so many days after the injection.

I'm 10 days past ovidrel 250 trigger and still getting the faintest positive. Some women it leaves quickly 4-6 days and some take a little longer. I suspect my test will be negative tomorrow. I've tested every morning since 2 days past trigger. Lots luck to u!

Thank you!! Good luck to you also... Hopefully that line doesn't go away
Angel baby I've heard trigger only stays in your system for 5ish days, how soon does a bfp show??

Mrs c good luck for tomorrow!

I think it depends how fast each person metabolizes it and my metabolism must suck! Lol! It was super faint this morning. Another lady I just read left her system at 12 days past trigger. I go Monday morning for a beta. I hope the line starts getting darker but I don't think it will. There is another girl in another thread that is 9 days past it and her lines haven't faded too much. I really thought it wouldn't be there this morning because of how faint it was yesterday but it was and still faint.
10 follicles is a GREAT number! How long have you been on the drugs? And remind me of the dosage? Our clinic wants only 10 to 12 eggs at retrieval they feel that beyond that they risk quality of some of the eggs. With upping your dose tonight you should give those follicles a kicks start and should see some good growth over the weekend! Remember to drinks LOTS of water - for some reason that helps them grow. I was drinking 3 to 4L a day when stimulating for my IUIs with injectables.

I started stimming on Sunday, so... 5.5 days. I was taking 150 in the morning and 100 units in the evening of Follistim. 10 units of Lupron (been doing that for 15 days now). Now they are increasing it to 200 units of Follistim both morning and night.

I called my clinic back and left a long-winded voicemail. I'm sure they just love the crazy messages they get. I asked why the doctor seemed to think today's scan was so bad. Well, they called me back and said that he just likes to explain why the dosage is being increased and that he wanted me to know the follicles had to get bigger. Oh really?? Seriously, who wouldn't already understand that??? So anyway, apparently his style is to over-communicate about the possible outcomes and I took that to mean he wasn't confident that things would go well.

Thanks for reassuring me that 10 is good. I had it in my head that I wanted 15, but like I keep trying to tell myself, it's quality not quantity that really matters. ......and it only takes 1... or so I've heard :rofl:

I've been drinking lots and lots of water, but haven't been keeping track of exactly how much. Both you and PCOSMomto1 told me to drink water, so maybe I'll try to really knock it back. :haha:

Your numbers sound great to me! I hate that they overemphasized things to make it sound worse than it actually is! Hopefully they won't feel the need to give you worst case scenarios after your next scan!

I've been drinking a TON of water the last few days since I've seen a lot of people saying it helps the follies grow...but does anyone know how or why it helps exactly? Probably a stupid question with an obvious answer, haha. :xmas13:

You girls are making me feel less terrified about jabbing myselves with needles!! haha!!

SQuirrel- Good luck will be stalking and hoping the doc sees what he or she is looking for :)
Pink- Good luck!!

It also infuriates me that IVF isn't covered under insurance here when some of the other things that are.. ugh.. infertility is a MEDICAL diagnosis just like anything else.

I think the worst part of the injections is the build up and anticipation. I worked myself up over it so much the first time. I still get worked up over it, my heart starts racing and it takes me a minute or two to work up the courage to actually jab it in! :blush: The pain is very minimal, though.

I hear ya about infertility not being covered!! My insurance pays for diagnosis but not treatment, so everything has been out of pocket for DH & I. :dohh:

Tomorrow I will be going through IUI #2. The injection went very well last night. It wasn't bad at all. DH is wonderful for helping me, it would have taken me a while had I had to do it myself lol. I'm so ready to get to tomorrow so that I can start the dreadful 2WW.

How long does the trigger shot usually stay in someone system? Reading about it on here it seems like others get a positive test until so many days after the injection.

Good luck with your IUI!! Your DH is an angel for helping you out. My hubby doesn't even like to be in the same room with me for injections, haha. :haha:

As for me, I had my scan today. I had a few follies between 6-8mm- nothing really breaking away quite yet- and my lining is looking good so far. My RE said I would probably stay on my dose of 150 iu, but they called me this evening with my E2 results and said it's rising and to cut back to 75 iu. So that's what I'll be on until Monday, when I have my next scan. :thumbup:
Hi. I am 25 and healthy. I am not opposed to twins when it comes to that or nothing. I think we will got with 2. Then hopefully have enough to freeze a couple for next time.

I'm planning on putting back two as well. My sister and law just did this and got a two for one deal. She's preggers with twins!

I'm 25. That's kind of what i was thinking too. I hope that I can have 2 embryos placed back and then freeze a few for another time.

The big debate between my doctor and me is how many embryos to place. I have asked or a second opinion by one of the other doctors. He is a little old school and wants to do 1 so I can't end up with multiples but at the same time says it make take an extra cycle of IVF or two to get pregnant..... ?

How old are you? I know that a lot of places make the distinction based on age. In Canada the clinics practice are sometimes 3 if you're over 35 and 2 if you're younger. Personally if I have 2 embies I want both put back and if I have more then hopefully they make it to freeze!
Hi all. The TESE went well and they were able to get 4 vials of sperm... :happydance:

Start stim meds tommorrow with scheduled retrieval on 14th depending on bloodwork and ultrasounds this next week.
Great news desperate4567 and YAY for starting stims!! :xmas12:
Hi all, am new to the forum and i hope you don't mind me joining in. Am 28 and ttc for 2 1/2 yrs now. Had a failed IUI in April 2011. Just started my second IUI on December 1, 2011 with 100mg of clomid and 3 doses of gonal f 75iu on alternate days. hoping to get a BFP before the new year.::baby:winkwink:
Let's see if I can manage to not mess up a multi-quote. :haha:

Squirrelgirl my clinic told me around 6-8 is average :thumbup:

THANK YOU! I don't want to go on google and look this stuff up (because I'm sorry, but Google gives bad advice!). I thought with IVF the numbers were supposed to be higher, but as Springy said, quality could suffer when you get beyond a certain point. I just want this to work out so badly ...obviously... :)

Tomorrow I will be going through IUI #2. The injection went very well last night. It wasn't bad at all. DH is wonderful for helping me, it would have taken me a while had I had to do it myself lol. I'm so ready to get to tomorrow so that I can start the dreadful 2WW.

How long does the trigger shot usually stay in someone system? Reading about it on here it seems like others get a positive test until so many days after the injection.

I'm 10 days past ovidrel 250 trigger and still getting the faintest positive. Some women it leaves quickly 4-6 days and some take a little longer. I suspect my test will be negative tomorrow. I've tested every morning since 2 days past trigger. Lots luck to u!

Hmm, as others have said, it really depends. It's possible that it will never become negative if you were pregnant, but it is possible that it's still the trigger. Only real way to know is the beta. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi all. The TESE went well and they were able to get 4 vials of sperm... :happydance:

Start stim meds tommorrow with scheduled retrieval on 14th depending on bloodwork and ultrasounds this next week.

YAY, good luck!!!!

Hi all, am new to the forum and i hope you don't mind me joining in. Am 28 and ttc for 2 1/2 yrs now. Had a failed IUI in April 2011. Just started my second IUI on December 1, 2011 with 100mg of clomid and 3 doses of gonal f 75iu on alternate days. hoping to get a BFP before the new year.::baby:winkwink:

Welcome! Good luck to you too!
Wanting -- I actually don't know why water would make such a difference. Good question! Never occurred to me to wonder! Heck, tell me to stand outside naked to get pregnant, I'd do it! :rofl:

Maybe I'll go google that question. No harm in that one, right?
Not sure why water helps but hey, it's not like it's telling me to eat raw frog legs ;) hahaha!!

Sounds like we have lots of ladies on meds now. Really hoping that there are lots of bfps just in time for the holidays!

Squirrel girl - your comment about google made me laugh so hard!! A friend of mine is an ER doctor and he says he can tell when people have self diagnosed via Dr. Google before coming in!!!!

Desperate so glad to hear the TESE went well and that you have four amazing vials!!!!

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend!
As far as Google says, drinking water helps your hair follicles grow more hair. It didn't seem to understand the real question I was trying to ask! :rofl:

So it's still a mystery as to exactly why water is so good for the follies. I would imagine it has to have something to do with how our bodies are mostly water....
Hi all, am new to the forum and i hope you don't mind me joining in. Am 28 and ttc for 2 1/2 yrs now. Had a failed IUI in April 2011. Just started my second IUI on December 1, 2011 with 100mg of clomid and 3 doses of gonal f 75iu on alternate days. hoping to get a BFP before the new year.::baby:winkwink:

Welcome sekky :wave:


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