IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Had my retrieval today. My ovaries are the size of grapefruits and I feel like I've been run over by a truck. I am so glad the transfer is being put off until January so I can heal and enjoy the holidays. I start Lupron in 10 days. :)
I'm in a similar boat. We are doing our retrieval this week and. We'll do a frozen transfer after the holidays. Woohoo!

Glad the retrieval went well today! Do you know how many eggs were retrieved? Hopefully you can now relax and enjoy the holiday's and have a successful FET in the new year.:dust:
Yes, how many? I'm obsessed with follicle counts and eggs.

So little bit of drama in my neck of the woods today. I started spotting. That makes an 18 day cycle. What the heck?! I was hoping it would start early but not THIS early. I had this happen 1 hour before I was supposed to leave for the airport. I called the nurse/doctor because I am supposed to go in on CD3 for bloodwork. PANIC... The nurse called back and said to just come in on Wed (CD5) when I get back in. She said they already know that I will be on the highest dose based on previous blood tests so nothing to worry about; that they would just do it on CD5 and if it is still high, it would just double-confirm their plan. I lost it. Not sure if it was due to the panic of having to cancel the work trip, etc or if it was the reality that my IVF process has started. The nurse did say that the month of BCP is really just for timing and to prevent cysts so our stims would still be scheduled for 1/7 even with an early AF.

So after that drama - it is now 10:30pm and nothing more. Just the bit of red/brown spotting earlier today. What the heck?!? Good news is that the day of my bloodwork will now be no later than CD4 vs doing it on CD5. I had a moment of insanity thinking maybe it was implantation bleeding but there was a bit of red so that can't be it.

Fun times at fertility high.....

With my first I swear I got a full fledged period. Don't loose hope yet!

Hi. Has anyone taken Menopur? Last night was my first night on it and it burned and hurt with the injection and afterwards too. Will it help if i dilute it more or has anyone ever had this? Thanks

It burns horribly! I've asked around and it's normal, but PAINFUL.

This multi quote thing makes responding so much easier. :cloud9:

I had my second follow up after starting stims. I'm 8 days. I have 14 follicles measuring anywhere from 7-13 mm. I'd really like to know when my ER is.....ugh.

Hi Doshima-So sorry your IVF didn't work. :flower:I know your disappointed. Glad you are looking forward starting the next cycle.:hugs:
Welcome doshima :wave:

Sorry to hear about the failed IVF :hugs: Are you sure it didn't work since AF didn't show yet?

Good luck and hopefully a :bfp: soon!!
Tnk Mrsc8776,

I did the blood test and it was negative. still no AF and i stop the cyclogest today and wait to see if AF will show her ugly head. i hear people talk about lupron, i started with buserelin for the supression stage, then Menopur was added to that for stimulation then some other stuff was added before the trigger shot. should i request lupron? anyone had succes with it?
Doshima! Sorry for failed IVF! Hope to see you get a BFP soon!

AFM- bETA drawn today and was negative so waiting on AF now. :(
Hi, am new here. Failed IVF, got my BFN today :cry:. 18 eggs retrieved, 12 fertilized and 4 transfered and still can not understand why it did not happen:shrug:. Still no AF at the moment, but am hoping to start next cycle. hope to start treatment last week in this month, wish me luck:baby:.

Good luck!!!!
Doshima! Sorry for failed IVF! Hope to see you get a BFP soon!

AFM- bETA drawn today and was negative so waiting on AF now. :(

I am so so sorry :cry: Any info on starting another cycle yet?

After getting the news, I think I'm still in kinda shock mode and my mind going 50 miles a minute with what to do next. She told me that I could continue with the clomid/IUI but will still stay at 50mg because I did ovulate and if I wanted to give injectables a try I could schedule a appt for tomorrow or the next day with the doctor to discuss it but it was left up to us. Part of me wants to sit out a month and part of me doesn't. But I think I don't have it in me to sit out a month. If I decide to go another round of Clomid, all I have to do is call in once AF starts again for baseline CD2 or 3 scans and B/W. The expense is getting so costly and feels like gambling every month. This month I lost again! :cry:
Doshima! Sorry for failed IVF! Hope to see you get a BFP soon!

AFM- bETA drawn today and was negative so waiting on AF now. :(

I am so so sorry :cry: Any info on starting another cycle yet?

After getting the news, I think I'm still in kinda shock mode and my mind going 50 miles a minute with what to do next. She told me that I could continue with the clomid/IUI but will still stay at 50mg because I did ovulate and if I wanted to give injectables a try I could schedule a appt for tomorrow or the next day with the doctor to discuss it but it was left up to us. Part of me wants to sit out a month and part of me doesn't. But I think I don't have it in me to sit out a month. If I decide to go another round of Clomid, all I have to do is call in once AF starts again for baseline CD2 or 3 scans and B/W. The expense is getting so costly and feels like gambling every month. This month I lost again! :cry:

Don't worry you are wining next time
Doshima! Sorry for failed IVF! Hope to see you get a BFP soon!

AFM- bETA drawn today and was negative so waiting on AF now. :(

I am so so sorry :cry: Any info on starting another cycle yet?

Yep, i start 21 days after ugly AF shows her head. that shld be hopefully before the month end. I feel alot better knowing than wondering if i was preg or not. Doc said i took the news well and i tot i did too until i got home and broke down. the 2 weeks wait was pure torture. I'll try it again. tnks everyone
It is still a couple months away but since I am already so impatient to get the process started I thought I would go ahead and start a thread for those of us planning IVF/IUI/etc. in December and January. Gotta find some way to pass the time til we get started right? :flower:

Here is a little background on me

Age: 38
DH: 36
TTC since: July 2010 (not counting NTNP)
AC History: 6 failed IUIs
Plan: IVF January 2012 - Gonal-F, should start DR in December.

I look forward to getting to know all you other ladies who will be enduring the countless shots, bloodtests, meds and ultrasounds at the same time I am :wacko:

:dust: We WILL get our BFPs :dust:
Mrs. Bear
IVF #1 - Jan
Status: Final BCP 1/2, start stims 1/7 with ER around 1/16

IVF - Jan/Feb
Status: IVF consult in November

IVF - Dec
Status: Microflare Lupron Protocol, start BCP in Dec, start stims around 1/7

IVF #1 - Jan/Feb
Status: Hoping to start DR after Dec AF to time ER/ET early Feb

IVF #1 - Nov
Status: Doing IVF in November

IVF #1 - Jan/Feb
Status: Waiting on IVF appointment referral

IVF #1 - Dec/Jan
Status: IVF consult Dec 1

IVF #1 - Nov/Dec
Status: Matched with donor! Starts meds 12/10

IVF #1 - Jan/Feb
Status: Plan to do IVF after lap in Jan

IVF #1 - Dec 6-14, retreived 4 vials through TESE
Status: Started Lupron, Stims to start 12/3, ER around 12/14

IVF #1 - Dec 9-12
Status: Started Lupron 11/17, Start stims 11/27, Stims increased 12/2, Next scan 12/5, ER around 12/9

IUI #1 - Nov/Dec
Status: Met with RE 10/26, next step is clomid + IUI

IVF #1 - Jan/Feb
Status: Consult 11/3

IVF #1 - Dec/Jan
Status: Starting IVF after Dec AF

IVF #1 - Jan
Status: One last IUI before IVF in Jan

IVF #1 - Dec
Status: Doing scans/bw - hope to start stims early Dec

IUI - late Nov/early Dec
Status: Waiting for AF then starting Gonal-F

Angel baby
IUI #1 - Nov
Status: First IUI using clomid IUI 11/23, in 2WW :wacko:

IUI - Dec
Status: Doing another IUI in Dec, looking at IVF for 2012 if no BFP

ICSI #2 - Jan
Status: Start 12/12 for Jan IVF

IVF #2 - Feb
Status: Waiting to start IVF#2 after MC, Consult 12/1 to discuss IVF#1 and timing for #2

FET - Jan
Status: Starts DR 12/25

IVF - Jan
Status: Starts DR 12/12

IVF - Dec/Jan
Status: Start long protocol in Dec, doing ICSI

IVF #1 - Dec, limited frozen sperm from TESE
Status: 11/13 cycle cancelled due to poor response, restarting in Dec on short protocol

IUI #2 - Dec
Status: Unmedicated IUI 12/3, in 2WW :wacko:

IUI #1 - Dec
Status: Started 150IU Follistim 11/29, 1st scan 12/2

IVF #2 - Jan/Feb
Status: Waiting on RE consult to determine timing

Pink gerbera
IVF #1 - Jan
Status: IVF info night on Dec 6th

IVF #1 - Feb/March
Status: Starts DR after Jan AF

IVF #1 - Feb (egg sharing)
Status: Matched and meeting with FS in Dec

IVF #1 - Dec
Status: ER around 12/7, doing PGD then FET next cycle

IUI #1 - Dec
Status: using injectibles, was to start cd1 12/1 but as of 12/4 still no AF

FET #1 - Jan
Status: Had to freeze eggs from Nov IVF #1

IVF #1 - Dec
Status: Hoping to start Dec but if AF late will be delayed

Pink Lollly
IUI #1 - Dec, using donor sperm due to azoospermia
Status: Started cycle 11/23, Stims increased 12/2, Next scan 12/7

IVF#1 - Feb
Status: One last IUI, if BFN taking Jan off before IVF in Feb

IVF #1 - Jan
Status: Dec cycle cancelled after AF was a no show, start BCP 12/4 for Jan IVF

IUI #2 - Dec
Status: Started cycle 12/1

IUI #2 - Dec
Status: Started cycle 12/4

Ladies with November BFPs!

IVF #1 - Dec/Jan
Status: Got her :bfp: on her last IUI before IVF :baby:

IUI #1 - Dec
Status: Met with RE, got natural :bfp: cycle before IUI :baby:

IVF #1 - Jan/Feb
Status: Waiting to start injections
Doshima! Sorry for failed IVF! Hope to see you get a BFP soon!

AFM- bETA drawn today and was negative so waiting on AF now. :(

I am so so sorry :cry: Any info on starting another cycle yet?

After getting the news, I think I'm still in kinda shock mode and my mind going 50 miles a minute with what to do next. She told me that I could continue with the clomid/IUI but will still stay at 50mg because I did ovulate and if I wanted to give injectables a try I could schedule a appt for tomorrow or the next day with the doctor to discuss it but it was left up to us. Part of me wants to sit out a month and part of me doesn't. But I think I don't have it in me to sit out a month. If I decide to go another round of Clomid, all I have to do is call in once AF starts again for baseline CD2 or 3 scans and B/W. The expense is getting so costly and feels like gambling every month. This month I lost again! :cry:

Our insurance reimburses 75% of injectables. So it's always a matter of do we have it laying around to pay upfront and wait for a check to come. It's a pricey difference for us. It is a gamble that will turn into an investiment when we get our BFP's.
DH kinda suprised me after this cycle of emotions of him being so negative that it wasn't going to work. He told me that he thought we should do another clomid/IUI cycle so looks like that is what we will be doing. So now I feel better but I'm affraid this is going to be my last IUI cycle because I need to start saving for IVF to talk him into that expense. lol. But I do feel better since he was being supportive and positive.
Hi, am new here. Failed IVF, got my BFN today :cry:. 18 eggs retrieved, 12 fertilized and 4 transfered and still can not understand why it did not happen:shrug:. Still no AF at the moment, but am hoping to start next cycle. hope to start treatment last week in this month, wish me luck:baby:.

I am so sorry that the IVF didn't work. :hugs: It just doesn't seem fair sometimes!!!!!

Doshima! Sorry for failed IVF! Hope to see you get a BFP soon!

AFM- bETA drawn today and was negative so waiting on AF now. :(

So sorry about the BFN! :hugs: I'm glad your hubby is being more supportive and positive!!

As for me- I had my scan today and I have a few follies. 1x13mm, 1x12mm, 1x11mm, and 1x10mm. My RE only likes to trigger with 1-2 follies, so I'm hoping that maybe the 11 and 10mm ones won't grow fast enough. I have another scan on Wednesday. I'm also going to be switching from Follistim to Menopur now, just waiting to hear back about my E2 results and how much Menopur to take. :thumbup:
Hi, am new here. Failed IVF, got my BFN today :cry:. 18 eggs retrieved, 12 fertilized and 4 transfered and still can not understand why it did not happen:shrug:. Still no AF at the moment, but am hoping to start next cycle. hope to start treatment last week in this month, wish me luck:baby:.

I'm sorry it didn't work. Wishing you luck next month!
:wave: Hi there, everyone!

I can't really explain why, but I'm just in a sad sort of mood. Have been since yesterday. So I'm sorry for not responding to everyone else, but I did read them and sent good thoughts your way!

So, I had my second ultrasound today. Everything is looking good. The follies grew over the weekend. Now have 8 or 9 that will definitely be mature. I have 4 to 6 bringing up the rear that MIGHT get big enough.

I go back for another scan on Wednesday. Depending on the smaller ones if they have a chance to catch up, my retrieval may be on Friday or Monday. So I'm definitely not getting cancelled.

So... why don't I feel happier!!???!! These stupid hormones. I'm sure they are to blame. I'm not hungry at all and just flipping tired and sad feeling. Can hardly wait to stop stimming/lupron and move on to the trigger and then progesterone. Just ready for this cycle to be over and HAVE A HAPPY ENDING, PUHLEASE!
Oh, I also told the nurses that I'd been drinking tons and tons of water because I read on the internet it helps the follies grow. They looked at me like I had three heads! :wacko: I said, well, there's a lot crazier things I could try, water can't hurt! :haha:
:wave: Hi there, everyone!

I can't really explain why, but I'm just in a sad sort of mood. Have been since yesterday. So I'm sorry for not responding to everyone else, but I did read them and sent good thoughts your way!

So, I had my second ultrasound today. Everything is looking good. The follies grew over the weekend. Now have 8 or 9 that will definitely be mature. I have 4 to 6 bringing up the rear that MIGHT get big enough.

I go back for another scan on Wednesday. Depending on the smaller ones if they have a chance to catch up, my retrieval may be on Friday or Monday. So I'm definitely not getting cancelled.

So... why don't I feel happier!!???!! These stupid hormones. I'm sure they are to blame. I'm not hungry at all and just flipping tired and sad feeling. Can hardly wait to stop stimming/lupron and move on to the trigger and then progesterone. Just ready for this cycle to be over and HAVE A HAPPY ENDING, PUHLEASE!

I'm sure it is the hormones! I've been in a funky mood the last couple of days, plus feeling really tired. I'm so glad your follies are growing and that your retrieval is right around the corner!! :hugs:

The nurse called me back a little while ago and said my E2 is 722, so they don't want me to take any medicine tonight, and tomorrow night I am to take 75 iu of Menopur. I want to be more excited because this cycle is off to a much better start than my last cycle with injectables, but I'm worried that my RE won't want to do the IUI or want us to BD with four follicles. :dohh:
Oh, I also told the nurses that I'd been drinking tons and tons of water because I read on the internet it helps the follies grow. They looked at me like I had three heads! :wacko: I said, well, there's a lot crazier things I could try, water can't hurt! :haha:

Hey...I've jumped on your bandwagon... :thumbup: lots of water for me!
Oh, I also told the nurses that I'd been drinking tons and tons of water because I read on the internet it helps the follies grow. They looked at me like I had three heads! :wacko: I said, well, there's a lot crazier things I could try, water can't hurt! :haha:

Haha!!! Did you tell her that you were overdosing on CoQ10 as well?? Or going to eat pineapple core and walnuts after the transfer??? LOL

:wave: Hi there, everyone!

I can't really explain why, but I'm just in a sad sort of mood. Have been since yesterday. So I'm sorry for not responding to everyone else, but I did read them and sent good thoughts your way!

So, I had my second ultrasound today. Everything is looking good. The follies grew over the weekend. Now have 8 or 9 that will definitely be mature. I have 4 to 6 bringing up the rear that MIGHT get big enough.

I go back for another scan on Wednesday. Depending on the smaller ones if they have a chance to catch up, my retrieval may be on Friday or Monday. So I'm definitely not getting cancelled.

So... why don't I feel happier!!???!! These stupid hormones. I'm sure they are to blame. I'm not hungry at all and just flipping tired and sad feeling. Can hardly wait to stop stimming/lupron and move on to the trigger and then progesterone. Just ready for this cycle to be over and HAVE A HAPPY ENDING, PUHLEASE!

Definitely the hormones!!!! If you can get around 10 to 12 that is a PERFECT IVF cycle!!!!

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