IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Hi ladies!! I wanted to join in :) We just had a failed cycle of IVF with ICSI and we are scheduled for ER on 1/9-1/11...... I am more nervous for this second cycle and scared as hell! I feel positive that this will be our cycle. I look forward to reading everyones success stories and being here for anyone :) I was in the IVF november thread, but since I am moving along to Jan now, this place seems more appropriate :)

I am on BCP now until 12/24, start Lupron Dec 21st, US/bloodwork Dec 29, gonal f dec 30 then add menopur a few days later.
Hi ladies!! I wanted to join in :) We just had a failed cycle of IVF with ICSI and we are scheduled for ER on 1/9-1/11...... I am more nervous for this second cycle and scared as hell! I feel positive that this will be our cycle. I look forward to reading everyones success stories and being here for anyone :) I was in the IVF november thread, but since I am moving along to Jan now, this place seems more appropriate :)

I am on BCP now until 12/24, start Lupron Dec 21st, US/bloodwork Dec 29, gonal f dec 30 then add menopur a few days later.

Glad you're here! Good luck!
:wave: Hi there, everyone!

I can't really explain why, but I'm just in a sad sort of mood. Have been since yesterday. So I'm sorry for not responding to everyone else, but I did read them and sent good thoughts your way!

So, I had my second ultrasound today. Everything is looking good. The follies grew over the weekend. Now have 8 or 9 that will definitely be mature. I have 4 to 6 bringing up the rear that MIGHT get big enough.

I go back for another scan on Wednesday. Depending on the smaller ones if they have a chance to catch up, my retrieval may be on Friday or Monday. So I'm definitely not getting cancelled.

So... why don't I feel happier!!???!! These stupid hormones. I'm sure they are to blame. I'm not hungry at all and just flipping tired and sad feeling. Can hardly wait to stop stimming/lupron and move on to the trigger and then progesterone. Just ready for this cycle to be over and HAVE A HAPPY ENDING, PUHLEASE!

Hang in there. Any mood swings can be blamed on the crap you are injecting. I am happy to see that they grew. I hope it gives you some relief from what you were feeling last week. ER on Friday or Monday is EXCITING!!!! :) You can feel grumpy from the meds...I'll be excited for you for today!! Tomorrow - I'm passing excited back to you. You better catch it. :)

This guy looks like he is unwrapping a gift that then explodes?!?
WOW! Four pages in one day! That will teach me to actually work and not check BnB during the day :dohh: :haha: Looks like this thread is going to be getting huge at that rate. Thank heaven for multi-quote :xmas12:
Had my retrieval today. My ovaries are the size of grapefruits and I feel like I've been run over by a truck. I am so glad the transfer is being put off until January so I can heal and enjoy the holidays. I start Lupron in 10 days. :)
Glad your retrievel went well and now you can focus on getting in top shape for your FET :flower:

In a nut shell I'm 10DPO this cycle and I really thought I was getting a good sign when my progesterone levels were at an all time high for me @ 38.5. Just felt like I am closer than ever before. Then at 8DPO I had a tiny but of brown spotting I thought could be IB. Hopes still pretty high...Then last night sort of the same thing....just less. (minute amounts mind you)

So now I am thinking maybe it's just AF trying to start early but can't cause I'm on the progesterone. :shrug: Any thoughts?

(tested this morning 10DPO and clearly a :bfn:)
Hi Klein :hi:
Sorry the TWW is driving you bonkers :hugs: 10dpo is still early. FX it is just too early and you will still see your BFP this month

Hi, am new here. Failed IVF, got my BFN today :cry:. 18 eggs retrieved, 12 fertilized and 4 transfered and still can not understand why it did not happen:shrug:. Still no AF at the moment, but am hoping to start next cycle. hope to start treatment last week in this month, wish me luck:baby:.
Welcome doshima :wave:

Sorry to hear your IVF failed :hugs: Have you spoken to your Dr. about doing a short protocol instead? I'm 38 and my RE has me going straight from BCP to stims 5 days later. I think it is supposed to work better for us older gals. FX your next IVF does the trick :dust:
I had my second follow up after starting stims. I'm 8 days. I have 14 follicles measuring anywhere from 7-13 mm. I'd really like to know when my ER is.....ugh.
14 follies is awesome! With the lead being 13 I would guess you have another 4-5 days before trigger depending on how fast they grow with maybe ER around 12/11 :shrug:

AFM- bETA drawn today and was negative so waiting on AF now. :(
After getting the news, I think I'm still in kinda shock mode and my mind going 50 miles a minute with what to do next. She told me that I could continue with the clomid/IUI but will still stay at 50mg because I did ovulate and if I wanted to give injectables a try I could schedule a appt for tomorrow or the next day with the doctor to discuss it but it was left up to us. Part of me wants to sit out a month and part of me doesn't. But I think I don't have it in me to sit out a month. If I decide to go another round of Clomid, all I have to do is call in once AF starts again for baseline CD2 or 3 scans and B/W. The expense is getting so costly and feels like gambling every month. This month I lost again! :cry:
DH kinda suprised me after this cycle of emotions of him being so negative that it wasn't going to work. He told me that he thought we should do another clomid/IUI cycle so looks like that is what we will be doing. So now I feel better but I'm affraid this is going to be my last IUI cycle because I need to start saving for IVF to talk him into that expense. lol. But I do feel better since he was being supportive and positive.
:hugs: so sorry for the negative

Go with your gut as far as sitting out a month goes. I have done it a couple times when the whole process just got to be too much and it really helped me get my head together. I forget, how many follies did you have on clomid? The next step after clomid is injectibles but if your insurance won't cover them they can get expensive really quick. If you are thinking about that route going ahead to IVF may not be that much more. As far as DH and the cost, the odds of IVF are way higher than IUI so it might be worth considering taking the money for a few IUIs and trying it toward IVF instead. Just something to think about as you have those conversations :hugs:

IVF #1 - Jan/Feb
Status: Waiting to start injections
Welcome PatsGirl :hi:

As for me- I had my scan today and I have a few follies. 1x13mm, 1x12mm, 1x11mm, and 1x10mm. My RE only likes to trigger with 1-2 follies, so I'm hoping that maybe the 11 and 10mm ones won't grow fast enough. I have another scan on Wednesday. I'm also going to be switching from Follistim to Menopur now, just waiting to hear back about my E2 results and how much Menopur to take. :thumbup:
I don't think 4 should be too many to do the IUI (I've done 5 or 6) but I guess it is up to your RE if they are willing to do it or not. If not you can always BD :shrug:. Hopefully you will have the perfect follies and it won't be an issue though :dust:

I can't really explain why, but I'm just in a sad sort of mood. Have been since yesterday. So I'm sorry for not responding to everyone else, but I did read them and sent good thoughts your way!

So, I had my second ultrasound today. Everything is looking good. The follies grew over the weekend. Now have 8 or 9 that will definitely be mature. I have 4 to 6 bringing up the rear that MIGHT get big enough.

I go back for another scan on Wednesday. Depending on the smaller ones if they have a chance to catch up, my retrieval may be on Friday or Monday. So I'm definitely not getting cancelled.

So... why don't I feel happier!!???!! These stupid hormones. I'm sure they are to blame. I'm not hungry at all and just flipping tired and sad feeling. Can hardly wait to stop stimming/lupron and move on to the trigger and then progesterone. Just ready for this cycle to be over and HAVE A HAPPY ENDING, PUHLEASE!
Big :hugs:

I think we have all been there and it is most probably the hormones doing the dirty work. The injections phase can get pretty tedious too with day after day of shots and scans. On the plus side it looks like you have some great follies coming along :xmas12: FX for another great scan Wednesday :dust:

Hi ladies!! I wanted to join in :) We just had a failed cycle of IVF with ICSI and we are scheduled for ER on 1/9-1/11...... I am more nervous for this second cycle and scared as hell! I feel positive that this will be our cycle. I look forward to reading everyones success stories and being here for anyone :) I was in the IVF november thread, but since I am moving along to Jan now, this place seems more appropriate :)

I am on BCP now until 12/24, start Lupron Dec 21st, US/bloodwork Dec 29, gonal f dec 30 then add menopur a few days later.
Welcome MoBaby :hi:
sounds like you will be right in there with a lot of us. I know myself and 31andTrying both start stims on 1/7 so we will be about a week behind you. And I can't remember but I think there are a few more ladies starting early January. FX #2 does the trick for you :dust:

Nothing much to report for me - have my first pre-IVF acupuncture session tomorrow so I'll let you know how it goes :xmas12:

I'm going to go update page 1 with all the new ladies - if I miss someone please let me know :flower:
Mrs. Bear - When do you start the BCP? I go to the doctor on Wed for CD4 to have bloodwork done and then I think they have me starting it right away. She said it would be just over a pack's worth because it has to take us through the end of the year when they shut down.
Mrs. Bear - When do you start the BCP? I go to the doctor on Wed for CD4 to have bloodwork done and then I think they have me starting it right away. She said it would be just over a pack's worth because it has to take us through the end of the year when they shut down.
I am on them now since I had a super long Sept cycle and didn't want to risk another long cycle screwing up the timing I wanted for IVF. My pre-IVF BCPs start 12/12. My RE lets his patients stay on BCP as long as 5 weeks if needed for timing so it shouldn't matter that you will be using more than the standard 3 weeks.
WOW! We are up to 44 ladies on this thread!!! :xmas1: This is the place to be :xmas12:
Mrs bear, tell me a bit more about this short protocol. Cos it seems AF has started roaring its ugly head now having stopped the cyclogest. Might be worth talking to the doc about it.
Hi. Has anyone taken Menopur? Last night was my first night on it and it burned and hurt with the injection and afterwards too. Will it help if i dilute it more or has anyone ever had this? Thanks

i guess eveyone is different. I had no side effect whatsoever will all the drugs. the nurse however told me that if i did have any burning with the menopur, i should add one more of the tiny winny water soultion. i was on 6x75 iu vial dilute with 3ml solvent per day.
Hi. Has anyone taken Menopur? Last night was my first night on it and it burned and hurt with the injection and afterwards too. Will it help if i dilute it more or has anyone ever had this? Thanks

I just finished with Menopur and yep it burns!!! They all burn it seems....
Hi everyone. Just took my last gonal f this morning. Going for my first scan tomorrow to see how well i responded. Really looking forward to it and am praying i get a BFP at the end.
Hi ladies!! I wanted to join in :) We just had a failed cycle of IVF with ICSI and we are scheduled for ER on 1/9-1/11...... I am more nervous for this second cycle and scared as hell! I feel positive that this will be our cycle. I look forward to reading everyones success stories and being here for anyone :) I was in the IVF november thread, but since I am moving along to Jan now, this place seems more appropriate :)

I am on BCP now until 12/24, start Lupron Dec 21st, US/bloodwork Dec 29, gonal f dec 30 then add menopur a few days later.

Welcome MoBaby! I'm sorry to hear that the first IVF cycle failed. Did you have a follow up with your doctor to discuss the cycle and to possibly make changes to the protocol? I'm assuming if you are doing the Lupron starting on the 21st that you are on a long protocol?

WOW! Four pages in one day! That will teach me to actually work and not check BnB during the day :dohh: :haha: Looks like this thread is going to be getting huge at that rate. Thank heaven for multi-quote :xmas12:

Welcome MoBaby :hi:
sounds like you will be right in there with a lot of us. I know myself and 31andTrying both start stims on 1/7 so we will be about a week behind you. And I can't remember but I think there are a few more ladies starting early January. FX #2 does the trick for you :dust:

Nothing much to report for me - have my first pre-IVF acupuncture session tomorrow so I'll let you know how it goes :xmas12:

I'm going to go update page 1 with all the new ladies - if I miss someone please let me know :flower:

Mrs Bear let me know how you like the acupuncture! I had an appointment last week and I am going for another one tonight. The recommended 1 to 2 treatments a week for the first bit so that the effects will be seen when I get to the ER & ET.

Hi. Has anyone taken Menopur? Last night was my first night on it and it burned and hurt with the injection and afterwards too. Will it help if i dilute it more or has anyone ever had this? Thanks

I just finished with Menopur and yep it burns!!! They all burn it seems....

Yikes! I'm hoping that the Suprefact & Luveris won't burn!!! I know the Gonal F is fine as I have used that before but never used the other two!!!!

Hi everyone. Just took my last gonal f this morning. Going for my first scan tomorrow to see how well i responded. Really looking forward to it and am praying i get a BFP at the end.

Good luck sekky!

AFM not much to report!

I have a question for you ladies who are on a long protocol or have done a long protocol. How long were you on the down reg meds before starting the stim ones? Is it always around the same number of days?

I'm trying to calculate if / when my potential retrieval date would be if I am to start with my next cycle and I'm thinking the website I originally found might be slightly inaccurate at date predicting! :xmas8:
springy, the luveris doesn't burn :)

i down regged on lupron from 8/15-9/4. i decreased the dose when i started stimming on 8/25.

:wave: Hi there, everyone!

I can't really explain why, but I'm just in a sad sort of mood. Have been since yesterday. So I'm sorry for not responding to everyone else, but I did read them and sent good thoughts your way!

So, I had my second ultrasound today. Everything is looking good. The follies grew over the weekend. Now have 8 or 9 that will definitely be mature. I have 4 to 6 bringing up the rear that MIGHT get big enough.

I go back for another scan on Wednesday. Depending on the smaller ones if they have a chance to catch up, my retrieval may be on Friday or Monday. So I'm definitely not getting cancelled.

So... why don't I feel happier!!???!! These stupid hormones. I'm sure they are to blame. I'm not hungry at all and just flipping tired and sad feeling. Can hardly wait to stop stimming/lupron and move on to the trigger and then progesterone. Just ready for this cycle to be over and HAVE A HAPPY ENDING, PUHLEASE!

Yay for not being cancelled!! Excited for you, sounds like everything is going great!! Hope today is a better day for you and I think its totally normal and expected to have days like that... its a scary thing... hugs...

Hi ladies!! I wanted to join in :) We just had a failed cycle of IVF with ICSI and we are scheduled for ER on 1/9-1/11...... I am more nervous for this second cycle and scared as hell! I feel positive that this will be our cycle. I look forward to reading everyones success stories and being here for anyone :) I was in the IVF november thread, but since I am moving along to Jan now, this place seems more appropriate :)

I am on BCP now until 12/24, start Lupron Dec 21st, US/bloodwork Dec 29, gonal f dec 30 then add menopur a few days later.

SOrry for your failed cycle and welcome, we are going to have a record breaking amount of BFPS in 2012 :)

WOW! We are up to 44 ladies on this thread!!! :xmas1: This is the place to be :xmas12:

Yay and we are ALL going to be seeing BFPS in the New Year :happydance:

Hi everyone. Just took my last gonal f this morning. Going for my first scan tomorrow to see how well i responded. Really looking forward to it and am praying i get a BFP at the end.

Good luck!!!
11DPO test BFN...beta tomorrow, as well as preop testing for lap. I'm down but still praying for a miracle.
HI! so af still has not arrived. she was supposed to be here 12/1 but still nothing and for the last 3 days my temps have been below the cover line. they rose 3 days after first pill and then fell 3 days ago but still i have not gotten af. It has been 8 days since my last pill.
I called my re and I am waiting for a call back.
Mrs bear, tell me a bit more about this short protocol. Cos it seems AF has started roaring its ugly head now having stopped the cyclogest. Might be worth talking to the doc about it.

There are three common protocols:
Long protocol with DR (like you did last time)
Short protocol without DR
Microflare which is a short DR (31andTrying is doing this and can tell you more)

My short protocol I am on BCP the month before IVF. I will go in 1/3 for a baseline scan and if E2 is good and no cysts I stop BCP (last pill would have been on 1/2). Then I start stims 1/7 and go from there as in any IVF. I believe it is used more commonly in PCOS patients and in older patients who may have lower reserve. Worth asking your Dr about - plus you can skip all the DR :thumbup:
Hi everyone. Just took my last gonal f this morning. Going for my first scan tomorrow to see how well i responded. Really looking forward to it and am praying i get a BFP at the end.
good luck for your scan :flower:

11DPO test BFN...beta tomorrow, as well as preop testing for lap. I'm down but still praying for a miracle.

HI! so af still has not arrived. she was supposed to be here 12/1 but still nothing and for the last 3 days my temps have been below the cover line. they rose 3 days after first pill and then fell 3 days ago but still i have not gotten af. It has been 8 days since my last pill.
I called my re and I am waiting for a call back.

Stupid :witch: never there when you want her... :growlmad: Hopefully your RE will have some answers for you
Hi everyone. Just took my last gonal f this morning. Going for my first scan tomorrow to see how well i responded. Really looking forward to it and am praying i get a BFP at the end.

Good Luck! :dust: :dust:

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