IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

I don't know how you managed to keep from crying!! You are a strong woman. It's such an emotional thing to be laying there and thinking about what could actually happen in that room. I hope everything works out for you :hugs:

You asked when I will be testing... well this is a decision I have to make. I'm a little torn at what to do. AF is scheduled to be here between the 15th-17th. Our 1 year anniversary is the 17th. So do I test before the 17th, be super excited, and get a BFP for our anniversary or do I wait until after so that incase it's a BFN we can still enjoy the thought of it being possible. I guess it's all depending on if AF shows up before then anyways. I'm way over thinking it I know!! Either way we will know before DH heads back on the 19th.

Sorry for going on and on :wacko:
I guess I've just had a lot of practice holding in the tears this year :shrug: I prefer to do my crying in the shower where my nose won't get so stuffy :haha: I tend to hold it in anyways - I'm the 'strong' one of my siblings when it comes to family crisis (lucky me)

Glad to hear DH will still be home when you test - I always hated sending the BFN messages and DH is always so good about being optimistic when it is BFN. As far as when, if you had tested the 15th that would give you a couple days to enjoy it or adjust to it depending on the outcome and then you could focus on the anniversary on the 17th either way. If you wait til the 18th that only gives you the one day together for whichever result. Whether happy or sad news I suspect you might want more time with him to experience it together. Also, if you get a BFP earlier you should have time to get a beta result back before he leaves :thumbup:
I don't know how you managed to keep from crying!! You are a strong woman. It's such an emotional thing to be laying there and thinking about what could actually happen in that room. I hope everything works out for you :hugs:

You asked when I will be testing... well this is a decision I have to make. I'm a little torn at what to do. AF is scheduled to be here between the 15th-17th. Our 1 year anniversary is the 17th. So do I test before the 17th, be super excited, and get a BFP for our anniversary or do I wait until after so that incase it's a BFN we can still enjoy the thought of it being possible. I guess it's all depending on if AF shows up before then anyways. I'm way over thinking it I know!! Either way we will know before DH heads back on the 19th.

Sorry for going on and on :wacko:
I guess I've just had a lot of practice holding in the tears this year :shrug: I prefer to do my crying in the shower where my nose won't get so stuffy :haha: I tend to hold it in anyways - I'm the 'strong' one of my siblings when it comes to family crisis (lucky me)

Glad to hear DH will still be home when you test - I always hated sending the BFN messages and DH is always so good about being optimistic when it is BFN. As far as when, if you had tested the 15th that would give you a couple days to enjoy it or adjust to it depending on the outcome and then you could focus on the anniversary on the 17th either way. If you wait til the 18th that only gives you the one day together for whichever result. Whether happy or sad news I suspect you might want more time with him to experience it together. Also, if you get a BFP earlier you should have time to get a beta result back before he leaves :thumbup:

OHHH you are so good!! I like your thinking and I think thats what I'm going to do. Test on the 15th it is!! Thank you for the input and helping me see it in a different way :hugs:

I'm the same as you I tend to take care of my emotional feelings in the shower. It just helps me feel better and wake myself up a little bit. Kind of like starting a new day I guess.
Mrs bear, I'll look forward to cycling with you! :thumbup:

Did a rough working out earlier, if all the stimming lenths are the same as my last protocol my OTD will be my best friend who died in januarys 22nd birthday :cry:
I'm hoping this is a good sign :blush:
Good luck to all of our ladies having big days tomorrow!

SquirrelGirl - ER :happydance:
Pink Lolly - IUI :happydance:
Sekky and Wanting2010 - hope for great follies for your scans

FaithMommy - is your next scan tomorrow or Monday? Can't remember and don't have it in 'the list' on page 1 :dohh:

Sending lots of luck to anyone I may have missed for tomorrow too :dust:

no_regrets-91 - any sign of :witch: yet?

desperate4567 - how are stims going?

Good luck to all the ladies in the 2WW :dust:

And that is all for today's recap... :haha::xmas13:

I've started indicating which meds/protocol/other info etc. each of us is doing on 'the list' on page 1. That way we can refer to that when wondering what someone posted 20 pages ago about their medications etc. Rather than go back through the thread I'm just going to add them on as I see them posted.
OHHH you are so good!! I like your thinking and I think thats what I'm going to do. Test on the 15th it is!! Thank you for the input and helping me see it in a different way :hugs:

I'm the same as you I tend to take care of my emotional feelings in the shower. It just helps me feel better and wake myself up a little bit. Kind of like starting a new day I guess.
Glad I could help - I am always awesome at giving advice to others :flower: Now myself on the other hand :dohh: LOL

The 15th it is! Now - MUST GO UPDATE PAGE 1.... :haha: It is an obsession now... not enough to go rearrange it in some order or other but an obsession nonetheless... LOL

Mrs bear, I'll look forward to cycling with you! :thumbup:

Did a rough working out earlier, if all the stimming lenths are the same as my last protocol my OTD will be my best friend who died in januarys 22nd birthday :cry:
I'm hoping this is a good sign :blush:

:hugs: So sorry about your friend princess :hugs:. I definitely think it is a good sign :flower:. How long did you stim last protocol? Jan 22 seems a little early for OTD if you aren't stimming til 1/3 or so. But I guess each clinic is different :shrug:
she died in January this year and otd will be her 22nd birthday on the 2nd february
I didn't get round to stimming last time but they had it estimated at about 15/16 days
she died in January this year and otd will be her 22nd birthday on the 2nd february
I didn't get round to stimming last time but they had it estimated at about 15/16 days

:dohh: I don't know why I read that as OTD being January 22nd :wacko: I have caught up now...

I'm sure it will be rough regardless being only the first anniversary but hopefully OTD will help give you something else to focus on :hugs:
Yep no doubt my mates will wanna go out and have a drink in her name, don't think I'll be in much of a mood for that tho!
I'll have my own time spent thinking about her :blush:

Oh and I don't mean to be a whinge bag :haha: but on the front page it say I stop bcp on the 30th but it's the 31st :blush: sorry if I'm being picky

How are you feeling about the injections etc?
Wanted to make sure I didn't hop up on the bed in my underwear and that not be appropriate :) Same fear I had when I had my first massage.

Could make for a good story :winkwink:

Hi ladies,

Just checking in. I'm still in the 2WW although I have been reading whats going on here and this acupuncture thing sounds interesting. The things I learn about on BnB!! I hope everyone is doing well. :hugs:

Such a wealth of info BnB is!! Good luck with the 2ww :hugs:

I got to go into the super secret unmarked door sections of the office where they do all the actual IVF stuff. I admit I got a little emotional while I was laying there waiting for the Dr to come in because I was thinking about how this was the room where I could finally conceive my baby in :cry: Plus since they do it with the abdominal ultrasound I kept visualizing being at that stage too... Didn't cry though - kept making myself think of other stuff and read labels on things in the room :haha:
I think thats pretty normal and expected, its hard not to think of what lies ahead and the fear and excitement that comes along with it!!! :hugs:

Good luck to all of our ladies having big days tomorrow!
Good luck all, Squirrel, can't wait to hear how your retrieval goes!!
Yep no doubt my mates will wanna go out and have a drink in her name, don't think I'll be in much of a mood for that tho!
I'll have my own time spent thinking about her :blush:

Oh and I don't mean to be a whinge bag :haha: but on the front page it say I stop bcp on the 30th but it's the 31st :blush: sorry if I'm being picky

How are you feeling about the injections etc?

:xmas1: I'll go fix it as soon as I finish this post! I hate making errors, I am forever going back and editing my posts to correct spelling mistakes :blush:

I wouldn't want to go out drinking either, but I guess everyone handles it differently.

As far as the injections, I did an injectible IUI so I'm not too worried about it. Not looking forward to the PIO shots but DH should be home to do those for me. He did an IM trigger for me last fall and I hardly noticed so glad he can take care of those (if he knows what is good for him... :haha:)
hello ladies just checking in. im now 5dpo pretty sure my trigger is basiclly gone. i took a test yesterday nad that line was so faint you could barley see it! :thumbup: maybe its all the water im drinking :shrug:

well i have been freaking out the last few day but today i woke up feeling an extreme sence of peace. so hopefully that will stick with me! the last few days i ate terribly due to stress so i need relax
hello ladies just checking in. im now 5dpo pretty sure my trigger is basiclly gone. i took a test yesterday nad that line was so faint you could barley see it! :thumbup: maybe its all the water im drinking :shrug:

well i have been freaking out the last few day but today i woke up feeling an extreme sence of peace. so hopefully that will stick with me! the last few days i ate terribly due to stress so i need relax

Glad the trigger is going so quick for you so you won't have to question your 'real' tests :thumbup: Have you decided when you are going to test yet?

I hope the peaceful feeling stays with you and leads you straight to your BFP :dust:
hello ladies just checking in. im now 5dpo pretty sure my trigger is basiclly gone. i took a test yesterday nad that line was so faint you could barley see it! :thumbup: maybe its all the water im drinking :shrug:

well i have been freaking out the last few day but today i woke up feeling an extreme sence of peace. so hopefully that will stick with me! the last few days i ate terribly due to stress so i need relax

Glad the trigger is going so quick for you so you won't have to question your 'real' tests :thumbup: Have you decided when you are going to test yet?

I hope the peaceful feeling stays with you and leads you straight to your BFP :dust:

awe thanks. well i will start testing around the 14th 14dpo would be the 17th but AF is dues between the 14th and 16th i have anywhere where between 25-27 day cylces and im pretty regular but not sure if the clomid will affect that is the worst happens
I just got a call from the nurse with my medication doses. 10 units of micro-lupron, 400 of follistim and 150 of menopur. I don't know what that means other than that it is high. He is going to start high and can reduce if we need to. My FSH was pretty good this week but the AMH is driving the high doses. Yeah!! Drugs called into the pharmacy :)

One step closer! :happydance: I'm sure getting your protocol sorted out and your meds ordered makes everything seem more real!

Hi ladies,

Just checking in. I'm still in the 2WW although I have been reading whats going on here and this acupuncture thing sounds interesting. The things I learn about on BnB!! I hope everyone is doing well. :hugs:

I hope the rest of your 2ww goes by quickly! :hugs:

Had my uterine mapping/mock transfer today. They didn't start it til 30 minutes after my appointment though - you would think when they want a full bladder they could manage to keep appointments on time :xmas18: could've been worse though I guess.

I got to go into the super secret unmarked door sections of the office where they do all the actual IVF stuff. I admit I got a little emotional while I was laying there waiting for the Dr to come in because I was thinking about how this was the room where I could finally conceive my baby in :cry: Plus since they do it with the abdominal ultrasound I kept visualizing being at that stage too... Didn't cry though - kept making myself think of other stuff and read labels on things in the room :haha:

As always, more in the journal - don't want to get too repetitive :xmas4:

I definitely understand why you would get emotional! :hugs: And yeah, you definitely would think they would stick to appointment times knowing their patient has a full bladder!

I had my scan today, both of my follies are now 17mm! :happydance: RE said he wants them to get a little bigger, so tonight I took 50 iu of Follistim. I go back again tomorrow for another scan (these 1.5 hour one way trips every day or every other day are NOT fun- tomorrow will be 3 in a row and the 4th time this week!) He said I will "most likely" trigger tomorrow and have my IUI on Sunday. I'm sooo ready! My hubby is getting a little antsy and nervous about doing his part in this, haha. :winkwink: I told him that if that's all he has to do he can just grin and do it after all I've been through!! LOL :haha:

Just a quick question for anyone who can help- I have been trying to decide if DH & I should BD tonight or just wait until the IUI. We last BDed on Tuesday night. I'm worried that if we did BD tonight and then my IUI ended up being on Saturday it won't be enough time in between. I don't know how my RE likes to time the trigger shot and IUI. :shrug:
why have i started thinking negative? I feel like i should not go on with my #2ivf. ohhhhhh.
I spoke to my doc and he said the IVF short procedure works well but he normally wont do it immediately after a failed cycle. so am thinking if i should go ahead with the IVF long procedure or wait a couple more months and do the short procedure:wacko:.
I had my scan today, both of my follies are now 17mm! :happydance: RE said he wants them to get a little bigger, so tonight I took 50 iu of Follistim. I go back again tomorrow for another scan (these 1.5 hour one way trips every day or every other day are NOT fun- tomorrow will be 3 in a row and the 4th time this week!) He said I will "most likely" trigger tomorrow and have my IUI on Sunday. I'm sooo ready! My hubby is getting a little antsy and nervous about doing his part in this, haha. :winkwink: I told him that if that's all he has to do he can just grin and do it after all I've been through!! LOL :haha:

Just a quick question for anyone who can help- I have been trying to decide if DH & I should BD tonight or just wait until the IUI. We last BDed on Tuesday night. I'm worried that if we did BD tonight and then my IUI ended up being on Saturday it won't be enough time in between. I don't know how my RE likes to time the trigger shot and IUI. :shrug:
Yay! Sounding perfect for your IUI :xmas12:
I had a similar comment for my DH at one point when he complained about something he had to do - with all we go through the least they can do is the few little things we ask of them. If that means sex with a cup so be it :haha:

As far as BD goes, if you trigger tonight your IUI will either be Saturday or Sunday in the morning so it might be best to wait and BD post-IUI if you are concerned about count. If he decides not to trigger til tomorrow you should be ok to BD tonight because you will have 2 days between.

why have i started thinking negative? I feel like i should not go on with my #2ivf. ohhhhhh.
I spoke to my doc and he said the IVF short procedure works well but he normally wont do it immediately after a failed cycle. so am thinking if i should go ahead with the IVF long procedure or wait a couple more months and do the short procedure:wacko:.

:hugs: Sorry you are feeling down. As far as which protocol what is your first instinct? In so many ways we just have to trust the Dr but sometimes you need to go with what feels right to you too. If you have to delay the IVF to do short protocol you may as well go with what he has planned rather than wait I guess. When will you need to decide?
Hi Everyone :wave:

So we had out first IUI today and are now officially in our first 2 week wait! :happydance:

It went well - she told me them post wash donor sperm count and it was 12 million and she said 75% of them were moving. I'm guessing that's OK as they told us that all donors have fertility checks, although as we have no sperm it's not something I'm really familiar with!

So it's just fingers crossed for us now! :thumbup: I start the progesterone pesseries tonight which I am dreading :blush: Be glad to get the first one out of the way!

Hope everyone else is ok? x
Hi Everyone :wave:

So we had out first IUI today and are now officially in our first 2 week wait! :happydance:

It went well - she told me them post wash donor sperm count and it was 12 million and she said 75% of them were moving. I'm guessing that's OK as they told us that all donors have fertility checks, although as we have no sperm it's not something I'm really familiar with!

So it's just fingers crossed for us now! :thumbup: I start the progesterone pesseries tonight which I am dreading :blush: Be glad to get the first one out of the way!

Hope everyone else is ok? x

:happydance: Those are good numbers. Anything over 10 million is good and that is a good motility too. My fresh sperm motility for DH was in the 60s normally. When are you planning to test? FX this is your BFP :dust:
Hi Everyone :wave:

So we had out first IUI today and are now officially in our first 2 week wait! :happydance:

It went well - she told me them post wash donor sperm count and it was 12 million and she said 75% of them were moving. I'm guessing that's OK as they told us that all donors have fertility checks, although as we have no sperm it's not something I'm really familiar with!

So it's just fingers crossed for us now! :thumbup: I start the progesterone pesseries tonight which I am dreading :blush: Be glad to get the first one out of the way!

Hope everyone else is ok? x

Goodluck lots of baby :dust:
Fx for you really hoping we both get our :bfp: together
. I'm sooo ready! My hubby is getting a little antsy and nervous about doing his part in this, haha. :winkwink: I told him that if that's all he has to do he can just grin and do it after all I've been through!! LOL :haha:

Oh I don't blame you for telling him that... my DH would have been wayyyy to scared to say anything (even if he was antsy about it), he would have been too scared of the wrath of me :gun: haha
I would tell DH if he complains about it it is the most action he will see all year :happydance:

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