IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Hi everyone. My level was over 3800, so my cycle was cancelled. Too much risk for hyperstim with level that high and no stim meds for a few days. Waiting for AF then start 3 weeks birth control and start over in Jan. Good luck to those still left trying for this month.

:hugs: So sorry they had to cancel, I can't imagine how disappointing that is. Hopefully they know now what to adjust for next time and things will turn out better for January :hugs:

Now i have 2 follies from my scan but they are not yet as big as they should get still 16mm and 12mm:dohh:So one more 75iu of gonal f today and 10,000iu of pregnyl at 10pm sunday and iui tuesday 10am. So am finally getting there:thumbup: THE RE SAID THE SMALLER FOLLICLE CAN STILL CATCH UP:shrug: JUST HOPING I GET MY BFP BEFORE THE NEW YEAR

Woohoo, you're almost there!! :xmas12: I think the 12mm follie can definitely catch up especially with another dose of Gonal F, and they continue to grow after the trigger as well. Good luck!

Well AF finally made it. I start my baseline scans over again. Hoping for the best!

Hope all goes well!! :hugs:

I'm copying this straight from my journal, so apologies to those reading it twice! :haha:

I seriously just googled "When should I expect to be called for the fertilization report" AND


Ok, they retrieved 9. 2 of them were too fragmented. Of the 7 good ones, 6 of them FERTILIZED!!!! 4 were ICSI'd and all of them made it. 3 were just regular in a petri dish and 2 of those made it.

I have to be at the clinic at 1 on Monday and the transfer will be at 1:30.

That's amazing!! :xmas12: I'm sooo excited for you. You will be PUPO before you know it! I hope your transfer goes wonderfully.

Hi everyone. My level was over 3800, so my cycle was cancelled. Too much risk for hyperstim with level that high and no stim meds for a few days. Waiting for AF then start 3 weeks birth control and start over in Jan. Good luck to those still left trying for this month.

I am so so so sorry. :cry::hugs:Hopefully your next cycle will go a little more smoothly.

Well I had my ER today and I was SO nervous. The procedure was no as bad, but like SG said...afterwards is uncomfortable. I wouldn't say I'm in pain, but I'm really happy I have another day before work to relax.

The got 13 eggs. :happydance: I know all of them won't make it. We'll get an update tomorrow morning. They will let us know how the ICSI went and how many fertilized. :sex: Hopefully they were having a good time with the ICSI!

Such wonderful news!!!! :happydance: So happy for you!

As for me- my IUI this morning went great! I just had a little discomfort during the IUI itself and some light cramping afterward. Not bad at all!! DH's sperm count was great- 186 million post wash and 100% motility! We hadn't had a SA done because my RE said it wasn't necessary because I got pregnant earlier this year, but I was still slightly worried that maybe his count was low or something, so it's a huge relief that I'm the only problem, LOL. Now for the dreaded 2ww :dohh: I hope it goes by fast!
Well I had my ER today and I was SO nervous. The procedure was no as bad, but like SG said...afterwards is uncomfortable. I wouldn't say I'm in pain, but I'm really happy I have another day before work to relax.

The got 13 eggs. :happydance: I know all of them won't make it. We'll get an update tomorrow morning. They will let us know how the ICSI went and how many fertilized. :sex: Hopefully they were having a good time with the ICSI!
Great news! :happydance: Glad everything went smoothly and yay for 13 eggs! Looking forward to hearing your #s tomorrow. :xmas12:

As for me- my IUI this morning went great! I just had a little discomfort during the IUI itself and some light cramping afterward. Not bad at all!! DH's sperm count was great- 186 million post wash and 100% motility! We hadn't had a SA done because my RE said it wasn't necessary because I got pregnant earlier this year, but I was still slightly worried that maybe his count was low or something, so it's a huge relief that I'm the only problem, LOL. Now for the dreaded 2ww :dohh: I hope it goes by fast!

I'm surprised they didn't still do a SA but 186 million post wash is awesome! :thumbup: Glad the IUI went well. I always have cramping after IUIs too. Welcome to the 2ww :happydance:
Squirrel! Yay Cant wait to see your BFP

Desperate! So Sorry to hear :(
Wanted to come in and update that I am still in quite a bit of pain with nausea. 6 days after retrieval... So I put a call into the doctor last night and had a 9 am scan this morning. Good news is no fluid in abdomen!! But my ovaries are four times their size so that accounts for all this pain. I had to take the kids to the mall last night to return a shirt and it was brutal just walking one wing. I almost just went to the ER. They gave me another scipt for Vicodin so if I'm going to be home, I'm trying to take it so I can have the edge off. Been busy today making 12 dozen cookies for a cookie exchange tomorrow afternoon. Then we are having a company party at the zoo tomorrow and I am dreading the walking. May not see much. I'm just going to eat and let the kids see Santa!
Wow, Iluv, that sounds awful! I wish you could rest rather than having all those activities to deal with!! Hope the vicodin helps.

Faith, I feel like a moron, did I already reply to your post or did I just miss it entirely?? :dohh: Whether I'm saying this again or for the first time, WOOHOOOOO. That sounds awesome! Good luck!! Can't wait to hear the fertilization report!

Wanting -- yes, I hope the 2WW goes by quickly for all of us!! So much suspense!!
Wanting~ I hope the 2WW goes well for you and it goes by quickly. The 2WW for me is dragging on, I wish you luck and hope you see a BFP!!
Wanted to come in and update that I am still in quite a bit of pain with nausea. 6 days after retrieval... So I put a call into the doctor last night and had a 9 am scan this morning. Good news is no fluid in abdomen!! But my ovaries are four times their size so that accounts for all this pain. I had to take the kids to the mall last night to return a shirt and it was brutal just walking one wing. I almost just went to the ER. They gave me another scipt for Vicodin so if I'm going to be home, I'm trying to take it so I can have the edge off. Been busy today making 12 dozen cookies for a cookie exchange tomorrow afternoon. Then we are having a company party at the zoo tomorrow and I am dreading the walking. May not see much. I'm just going to eat and let the kids see Santa!

Sorry you are still feeling so bad but good news that there is no fluid :thumbup: It is too bad that you have so much going on and can't just rest. Hopefully you can find some time to relax and that you start feeling better soon :hugs:
Hi everyone, I'm over 10pgs behind. Desperate, I'm sorry they cancelled your cycle. Iluvbabies, I hope the Vicotin takes the edge off the pain.

My ivf consult last wk went well. I'll start Lupron around cd19 & decrease the dose about a wk later. Then I'll start hmg, Pregnyl, & have the ER on 12/30 and insem on 1/2. I have my first ultrasound this wk along with a progesterone test. I'm nervous and excited. Fx'd for all of us!
I am having a hard time keeping up which is great cause that means there are lots of us to support one another through this journey :) I love it!!!
Good luck, Constance!!

No kidding, berki! It's sooo hard to keep everyone straight! Yay for lots of company, though!
Hi ladies,

Quick question for you all. In my signature it shows how much Ovidrel I took... is that 5,000 or 10,000? I keep seeing these numbers pop up everywhere and I didn't look before I tossed the box. Those numbers may even be wrong. I have tried looking it up but I can't get a straight answer. Anyone know or have any ideas?
Was it a prefilled syringe? I'm pretty sure my Ovidrel was 10,000. I "THINK" 10,000 is pretty standard.
Was it a prefilled syringe? I'm pretty sure my Ovidrel was 10,000. I "THINK" 10,000 is pretty standard.

It was prefilled... silly me still sitting here trying to find the answer on other web pages:haha: The Ovidrel site isn't much help though
Wanted to come in and update that I am still in quite a bit of pain with nausea. 6 days after retrieval... So I put a call into the doctor last night and had a 9 am scan this morning. Good news is no fluid in abdomen!! But my ovaries are four times their size so that accounts for all this pain. I had to take the kids to the mall last night to return a shirt and it was brutal just walking one wing. I almost just went to the ER. They gave me another scipt for Vicodin so if I'm going to be home, I'm trying to take it so I can have the edge off. Been busy today making 12 dozen cookies for a cookie exchange tomorrow afternoon. Then we are having a company party at the zoo tomorrow and I am dreading the walking. May not see much. I'm just going to eat and let the kids see Santa!

Hope you get a couple minutes to rest soon!

Hi everyone, I'm over 10pgs behind. Desperate, I'm sorry they cancelled your cycle. Iluvbabies, I hope the Vicotin takes the edge off the pain.

My ivf consult last wk went well. I'll start Lupron around cd19 & decrease the dose about a wk later. Then I'll start hmg, Pregnyl, & have the ER on 12/30 and insem on 1/2. I have my first ultrasound this wk along with a progesterone test. I'm nervous and excited. Fx'd for all of us!

Fingers crossed for you!

Well I've been crying all day like a broken hearted school girl. I got a call this morning from my clinic. They told me only 5 were mature and all 5 fertilized. I have to do PGD and 50% of whatever makes it to blast will end up being no good. We were hoping to have enough to freeze for a couple tries and now we may not even end up with enough for one. The embryologist suggested we might want to do another round of IVF before moving any viable blasts to the PGD phase. He said that since the all fertilized, our issue is maturation and that's easy to fix. I feel so guilty for not speaking up, i felt like they triggered too soon from what i had been reading. My embryologist has been so wonderful. He and my dr have taken a 24k procedure and gotten it down to 14k...but I just don't think we can swing anymore at this time. He suggested they may be able to help us financially again. I swing between wanting them to give it to us for free and not feeling worthy of their charity. I am used to helping others, not the ther way around. Sorry for venting. I'm just overly emotional. I knew this whole process was going too well....
:hugs: I'm sorry Faith. I hope between your doctor, hubby and you, you come up with a plan that you feel ok with.
My ivf consult last wk went well. I'll start Lupron around cd19 & decrease the dose about a wk later. Then I'll start hmg, Pregnyl, & have the ER on 12/30 and insem on 1/2. I have my first ultrasound this wk along with a progesterone test. I'm nervous and excited. Fx'd for all of us!
Yay for getting started and getting all your dates :xmas12:
Quick question for you all. In my signature it shows how much Ovidrel I took... is that 5,000 or 10,000? I keep seeing these numbers pop up everywhere and I didn't look before I tossed the box. Those numbers may even be wrong. I have tried looking it up but I can't get a straight answer. Anyone know or have any ideas?
My box says it is 0.5mL. I don't know that it equates directly to IUs but it is supposed to do the same thing as the 10000IU per the leaflet inside. I take two of the shots (so 500) but the leaflet compares them both the same :shrug:

Well I've been crying all day like a broken hearted school girl. I got a call this morning from my clinic. They told me only 5 were mature and all 5 fertilized. I have to do PGD and 50% of whatever makes it to blast will end up being no good. We were hoping to have enough to freeze for a couple tries and now we may not even end up with enough for one. The embryologist suggested we might want to do another round of IVF before moving any viable blasts to the PGD phase. He said that since the all fertilized, our issue is maturation and that's easy to fix. I feel so guilty for not speaking up, i felt like they triggered too soon from what i had been reading. My embryologist has been so wonderful. He and my dr have taken a 24k procedure and gotten it down to 14k...but I just don't think we can swing anymore at this time. He suggested they may be able to help us financially again. I swing between wanting them to give it to us for free and not feeling worthy of their charity. I am used to helping others, not the ther way around. Sorry for venting. I'm just overly emotional. I knew this whole process was going too well....
First of all, massive :hugs: dear. I am so sorry the way things are working out for you this cycle. Try not to lose hope yet, You still have a chance for things to work out.

As for the other stuff:
1. Try not to let yourself feel guilty - they are the experts not you. It is not your job to judge the timing and odds are they would have done things the same either way.

2. Don't feel bad if they offer to discount the procedure. IVF is still so experimental that they need you as much as you need them. And if it makes you feel any better - my clinic would be around 14K full price for what you are doing so I don't think they are losing money on you. Plus if your eggs were mostly immature and they timed it wrong it IS their fault so they should absorb those costs anyway.

Wanted to come in and update that I am still in quite a bit of pain with nausea. 6 days after retrieval... So I put a call into the doctor last night and had a 9 am scan this morning. Good news is no fluid in abdomen!! But my ovaries are four times their size so that accounts for all this pain. I had to take the kids to the mall last night to return a shirt and it was brutal just walking one wing. I almost just went to the ER. They gave me another scipt for Vicodin so if I'm going to be home, I'm trying to take it so I can have the edge off. Been busy today making 12 dozen cookies for a cookie exchange tomorrow afternoon. Then we are having a company party at the zoo tomorrow and I am dreading the walking. May not see much. I'm just going to eat and let the kids see Santa!

Oooh, that sounds miserable!! I hope you start feeling better soon and are able to get some rest! :hugs:

Hi everyone, I'm over 10pgs behind. Desperate, I'm sorry they cancelled your cycle. Iluvbabies, I hope the Vicotin takes the edge off the pain.

My ivf consult last wk went well. I'll start Lupron around cd19 & decrease the dose about a wk later. Then I'll start hmg, Pregnyl, & have the ER on 12/30 and insem on 1/2. I have my first ultrasound this wk along with a progesterone test. I'm nervous and excited. Fx'd for all of us!

That's so exciting to get all the dates and everything! Glad your consult went well!

Well I've been crying all day like a broken hearted school girl. I got a call this morning from my clinic. They told me only 5 were mature and all 5 fertilized. I have to do PGD and 50% of whatever makes it to blast will end up being no good. We were hoping to have enough to freeze for a couple tries and now we may not even end up with enough for one. The embryologist suggested we might want to do another round of IVF before moving any viable blasts to the PGD phase. He said that since the all fertilized, our issue is maturation and that's easy to fix. I feel so guilty for not speaking up, i felt like they triggered too soon from what i had been reading. My embryologist has been so wonderful. He and my dr have taken a 24k procedure and gotten it down to 14k...but I just don't think we can swing anymore at this time. He suggested they may be able to help us financially again. I swing between wanting them to give it to us for free and not feeling worthy of their charity. I am used to helping others, not the ther way around. Sorry for venting. I'm just overly emotional. I knew this whole process was going too well....

:hugs: I am so sorry that you are going through this. I hope things look up for you soon hon. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

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