IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Had my transfer today. I had 6 embryos. 2 were grade A, 2 were B, and 2 were C. They threw out the C's because they were too degenerated to freeze. The Bs are going to be frozen (hope they survive!!!!!) and the two best quality ones were transferred.

So just chilling on the couch and taking it easy and not thinking about it too much! :thumbup:

Sooo happy for you! I'm glad things went well today. Yay for being PUPO with twins!! :hugs:
Had my transfer today. I had 6 embryos. 2 were grade A, 2 were B, and 2 were C. They threw out the C's because they were too degenerated to freeze. The Bs are going to be frozen (hope they survive!!!!!) and the two best quality ones were transferred.

So just chilling on the couch and taking it easy and not thinking about it too much! :thumbup:

Good luck!
i think i'll go with the long protocol, i still have a bit of time to start. i'll start busereline 26th Dec. i think he plans changing from menopur to smething else for stim this time around. i guess i'll just be hopeful.
Hope you will see better results with whatever changes he is making for this time around :dust:

Hi everyone,
I just need some calming words- I'm 35, we've been ttc for a year, finally went to a FS after the last BFN. He put me on Clomid and medication for hypothyroidism. HSG, SA, and everything else came back good. Yesterday I started getting really crampy, like I was going to ovulate, but two OPKs (one with 2nd mu and one in the afternoon) both neg. Today, a smiley and IUI scheduled in the morning. My worry because of the cramping is that the OPK is off and that the IUI will be too late! We last bd on Saturday and now of course need to abstain before the IUI tomorrow. I'm just afraid we'll miss the egg! Am I just being crazy? I've heard that Clomid can cause a lot of cramping before ovulation?
Thanks in advance!
I think you can definitely trust the smiley OPK to be accurate. You don't ovulate til 24-36 hours after you surge so your timing should be fine.

First acupuncture appt tonight. We'll see what this business is about. :)

You will like it! Nice and relaxing. Can't wait for my appointment after work tomorrow!! Followed by a nice birthday dinner out ;)
Welcome to the pincushion club 31 :xmas12: Springy - sounds like we are on the same schedule, I have accupuncture tomorrow night too :flower:

Well ladies I will keep monitoring you here but I'm out for IVF in Jan / Feb! I have opted to switch fertility clinics and I am expecting that it will take roughly 3 to 3 1/2 months to get into see the new doctor. Guess that's the price I am paying to see one of the top rated Dr.'s in Toronto :shrug:
Sorry you have to delay but I am sure a couple of extra months will be worth it for the piece of mind you will have going to the new clinic.

Holy Crap - We just got the call from the pharmacy. $6300 for meds. That is more than the 2500-5000 we were expecting. Let the spending begin...
I don't know who is lucky enough to get that 2500-5000 range. Full price at my dosage is closer to 5000+ just for the Gonal-F, not even counting the rest of the meds.

Hello ladies,

I start BCP tonight since AF arrived way early and I am on cycle day 3 now. My ER is now 01-18 and ET 01-23 :happydance:

Til then I will keep up with everyone here bcuz I am very behind on what is happening to who, but always wishing everyone :dust:
Yay for starting BCP :happydance: Sounds like your timing is right there with Princess, 31 and me - we should all have ER within a couple days of each other.

Hi ladies! Update on me... Af was supposed to show on 12/1 (provera) but she never came so today I went to see my RE I had an U/S and some blood work done. I get blood results back tomorrow. But my RE is letting me start injectables tomorrow! :happydance: I will be on 150mg of menopur for 2 days then 75mg of menopur for 4 days. I think that is right because it is 2 powder vials for 2 days and then 1 powder vial for 4 days, sorry I am new to this. Then next monday (19th) I have another U/S

I am hoping though that our iui won't fall over Christmas because if it does then we will have to try naturally because they won't be open. So I am a little nervous about that. But I am super excited to get to start the meds!
Glad you are able to start even without AF :thumbup: Most people stim around 9 days so you will probably make the IUI just before Christmas. Will keep my FX for you :dust:

Had my transfer today. I had 6 embryos. 2 were grade A, 2 were B, and 2 were C. They threw out the C's because they were too degenerated to freeze. The Bs are going to be frozen (hope they survive!!!!!) and the two best quality ones were transferred.

So just chilling on the couch and taking it easy and not thinking about it too much! :thumbup:
Yay for PUPO with 2 baby Squirrels!! :baby::baby: FX your other 2 make it to freeze. :dust::dust:
sekky and Edamame - good luck for your IUIs tomorrow :dust:

Hope everyone else is doing well :flower:

As for me, I start my BCP tonight so in the home stretch for my Jan IVF :xmas12:
sekky and Edamame - good luck for your IUIs tomorrow :dust:

Hope everyone else is doing well :flower:

As for me, I start my BCP tonight so in the home stretch for my Jan IVF :xmas12:

Your IVF will be here in no time! :xmas8:
Hi. Menopur does burn, but it helps if you numb the area with ice and dispense the med slowly. Good luck. The first time is the worst then it gets better. It is better to mix it with less liquid for the burning.
Good luck. Hope all works out great for you! :happydance:

Had my transfer today. I had 6 embryos. 2 were grade A, 2 were B, and 2 were C. They threw out the C's because they were too degenerated to freeze. The Bs are going to be frozen (hope they survive!!!!!) and the two best quality ones were transferred.

So just chilling on the couch and taking it easy and not thinking about it too much! :thumbup:

Good luck!
Hello ladies,

I start BCP tonight since AF arrived way early and I am on cycle day 3 now. My ER is now 01-18 and ET 01-23 :happydance:

Til then I will keep up with everyone here bcuz I am very behind on what is happening to who, but always wishing everyone :dust:

Glad to hear that you're able to get back into things!!!! Jan 18th will be here BEFORE you know it!!!

Had my transfer today. I had 6 embryos. 2 were grade A, 2 were B, and 2 were C. They threw out the C's because they were too degenerated to freeze. The Bs are going to be frozen (hope they survive!!!!!) and the two best quality ones were transferred.

So just chilling on the couch and taking it easy and not thinking about it too much! :thumbup:

That's awesome! You're PUPO with TWINS!!!!!! AND you have two frosties - AWESOME! What is your OTD?

sekky and Edamame - good luck for your IUIs tomorrow :dust:

Hope everyone else is doing well :flower:

As for me, I start my BCP tonight so in the home stretch for my Jan IVF :xmas12:

YIPPEE to the home stretch :) This will be totally worth it for you & DH.

31 - how was the acupuncture?

AFM - I have a consult at the new Clinic on the 22nd of February - not nearly as long a delay as I was initially thinking! PLUS I am on the cancellation list so we could get in sometime in Jan or early Feb if there is a cancellation!
Maybe I am a baby but I think acupuncture hurts. Especially in the ear. I got home and tried to find the hole to put an earring through it. I couldn't find it. I was laying there thinking "what the hell am I doing, laying here getting a bunch of needles shoved in me in an attempt to get pregnant". Wow. A preview to what will be in the month of January I guess. I have seen it on TV in the past but never thought I would be there. I didn't have the guts to look at the needles while they were in me. Or before for that matter. I am such a chicken.

I am going to give it 2 more attempts and will try to let the mental piece go and just be open to what it could do. I was pretty nervous so that didn't help. I did end up falling asleep w/the heat lamps so it must have done some good. I will take an ipod next time to help me relax.

You girls didn't tell me it hurts!!! :)
My iui went well. The clinic had me stay 2 hours on the bed after the procedure to rest. I also had light spotting after which the nurse said is not a problem. So am on cyclogest 400mg till otd on 30/12. Hoping for a bfp
My iui went well. The clinic had me stay 2 hours on the bed after the procedure to rest. I also had light spotting after which the nurse said is not a problem. So am on cyclogest 400mg till otd on 30/12. Hoping for a bfp

I'm glad to hear that your IUI went well!! Wow lay there for 2 hours!! Thats a long time compared to my 15 minutes. I also had some spotting but not much, it shouldn't last long. Welcome to the 2WW. Fx its a BFP for you :flower:
Springy - what's OTD? something Test date? 12/23 will be the (first) beta.

Maybe I am a baby but I think acupuncture hurts. Especially in the ear. I got home and tried to find the hole to put an earring through it. I couldn't find it. I was laying there thinking "what the hell am I doing, laying here getting a bunch of needles shoved in me in an attempt to get pregnant". Wow. A preview to what will be in the month of January I guess. I have seen it on TV in the past but never thought I would be there. I didn't have the guts to look at the needles while they were in me. Or before for that matter. I am such a chicken.

I am going to give it 2 more attempts and will try to let the mental piece go and just be open to what it could do. I was pretty nervous so that didn't help. I did end up falling asleep w/the heat lamps so it must have done some good. I will take an ipod next time to help me relax.

You girls didn't tell me it hurts!!! :)

It didn't really hurt me. EXCEPT a few times and he'd say that's where I had a blockage of energy. Did it hurt at first and then go away as the needles were in?

I also don't look at the needles. I keep my eyes closed through the whole thing and concentrate on breathing deeply.
Springy - what's OTD? something Test date? 12/23 will be the (first) beta.

official test date :) So 12/23! But if you're a POAS addict like some BnB members (who will remain nameless! hehe :haha:) you will be testing well before your official date! I'm sending you LOTS and LOTS of positive thoughts and prayers.

Maybe I am a baby but I think acupuncture hurts. Especially in the ear. I got home and tried to find the hole to put an earring through it. I couldn't find it. I was laying there thinking "what the hell am I doing, laying here getting a bunch of needles shoved in me in an attempt to get pregnant". Wow. A preview to what will be in the month of January I guess. I have seen it on TV in the past but never thought I would be there. I didn't have the guts to look at the needles while they were in me. Or before for that matter. I am such a chicken.

I am going to give it 2 more attempts and will try to let the mental piece go and just be open to what it could do. I was pretty nervous so that didn't help. I did end up falling asleep w/the heat lamps so it must have done some good. I will take an ipod next time to help me relax.

You girls didn't tell me it hurts!!! :)

It didn't really hurt me. EXCEPT a few times and he'd say that's where I had a blockage of energy. Did it hurt at first and then go away as the needles were in?

I also don't look at the needles. I keep my eyes closed through the whole thing and concentrate on breathing deeply.

I have never ever looked at the needles as I think I would pass out if I was looking at them! I don't find that they hurt but at the same time the lady I have chats my ear off while she is putting them in so I am not really paying attention to them going in or being taken out. Taking your iPod will definitely help and if you feel asleep then it is TOTALLY working!! Just need to clear your mind and "turn off" the "what the heck am I doing here?!" thoughts! I know easier said than done!!! The entire two appointments where I was at a naturopath all I could think was "UM I DO NOT BELIEVE my can of diet coke a day is what is stopping me from getting pregnant!"

Mentally I haven't had issues with acupuncture, just take it for what it is and know that it will not do any harm but could help with getting the BFP.
Had my transfer today. I had 6 embryos. 2 were grade A, 2 were B, and 2 were C. They threw out the C's because they were too degenerated to freeze. The Bs are going to be frozen (hope they survive!!!!!) and the two best quality ones were transferred.

So just chilling on the couch and taking it easy and not thinking about it too much! :thumbup:

Congratz! :happydance: Thats great that you had such great quality embryos and you were able to freeze two! :cold:

Get alot of rest and know that we are sending lots of
sekky and Edamame - good luck for your IUIs tomorrow :dust:

Hope everyone else is doing well :flower:

As for me, I start my BCP tonight so in the home stretch for my Jan IVF :xmas12:

Yay!!! :happydance: I am glad that me you and wanting are gonna be having ER and ET around the same time!! :hugs:

What is the name of your BCP, mine is Loestrin Fe 24, its not bad but made me kinda weepy and not hungry at last time I took it, hope its not so bad this time.

Take care :flower:
My iui went well. The clinic had me stay 2 hours on the bed after the procedure to rest. I also had light spotting after which the nurse said is not a problem. So am on cyclogest 400mg till otd on 30/12. Hoping for a bfp

2 hours must have seemed like forever, did you take a book or ur ipod to listen to? I think I might take some relaxing music to listen to and pretend I am at a spa :sleep:
My iui went well. The clinic had me stay 2 hours on the bed after the procedure to rest. I also had light spotting after which the nurse said is not a problem. So am on cyclogest 400mg till otd on 30/12. Hoping for a bfp

2 hours must have seemed like forever, did you take a book or ur ipod to listen to? I think I might take some relaxing music to listen to and pretend I am at a spa :sleep:

I slept off while watching CNN and DH was there to keep me company:winkwink:
sekky and Edamame - good luck for your IUIs tomorrow :dust:

Hope everyone else is doing well :flower:

As for me, I start my BCP tonight so in the home stretch for my Jan IVF :xmas12:

Yay!!! :happydance: I am glad that me you and wanting are gonna be having ER and ET around the same time!! :hugs:

What is the name of your BCF, mine is Loestrin Fe 24, its not bad but made me kinda weepy and not hungry at last time I took it, hope its not so bad this time.

Take care :flower:

I was on loestrin for years. When I was on it I didn't notice any side effects but after stopping it I realized that it wasn't so good for the BD drive.
sekky and Edamame - good luck for your IUIs tomorrow :dust:

Hope everyone else is doing well :flower:

As for me, I start my BCP tonight so in the home stretch for my Jan IVF :xmas12:

Yay!!! :happydance: I am glad that me you and wanting are gonna be having ER and ET around the same time!! :hugs:

What is the name of your BCF, mine is Loestrin Fe 24, its not bad but made me kinda weepy and not hungry at last time I took it, hope its not so bad this time.

Take care :flower:

I was on loestrin for years. When I was on it I didn't notice any side effects but after stopping it I realized that it wasn't so good for the BD drive.

Yea it makes me feel like nothing just blah especially for BD lol
Just a quick update from me. My scan today was rushed, and all the Dr. said was "lots of little ones on each side". I think I may have seen 3 or 4 on each, but he did the u/s so quickly, I couldn't be sure. I'll go in Friday for another one. Hopefully the Dr. says a bit more this time.

Question to those who may know....does "lots of little ones on each side" sound about right for CD10? I spent the better part of my morning worrying about if that's what it should be right now. Thanks in advance for any insight! :)

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