IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

I agree with you 100%!! I will give it one more shot with them and if nothing changes I think we will look into another place to go. I was hurt when they said "well we can do a HSG but other than that there isn't much else" really nothing else?!?! The FS said after 7-8 failed cycles we will look into meds. I figured it wouldn't take that long but here we are going onto cycle #3. I don't know if I more mad, sad, hurt, disappointed, or just plain stressed but they make it a little harder than it has to be I think :growlmad:

On another note I know nothing about what an HSG. Looked it up a little bit but maybe you girls can help me with some tips. Is it normal to have to go somewhere other than your fertility clinic to get this done? I made some calls today and found the place I will be going to next month. The FS just needs to send over an order which hopefully they did today like I asked them to. Ugh I'm going crazy and I'm not even on the 2ww anymore :dohh:

Sorry for the little rant

7-8 cycles! You shouldn't be doing more than 6 IUI cycles total unless IVF just isn't financially an option. That is crazy they want you to do that many without any meds and then have you do more with meds after that. If I were you I would call and tell them you want to be put on meds next cycle or you will start looking for help elsewhere.

As far as HSG I think it depends on the clinic. Mine does most things in house but I have heard other ladies on BnB talk about going to hospitals, etc to get some stuff done. I think it is weird that you are the one who had to call around and set it up though, you would think they would have a relationship in place with somewhere that does them.

Have you looked on sart.org to see if your clinic is on there and what their success rates are? It is IVF rates but could give you an idea of how experienced they are with AC in general. Seems really odd that they aren't trying more with you - but could just be that it is not what I am used to I guess :shrug:
I agree with you 100%!! I will give it one more shot with them and if nothing changes I think we will look into another place to go. I was hurt when they said "well we can do a HSG but other than that there isn't much else" really nothing else?!?! The FS said after 7-8 failed cycles we will look into meds. I figured it wouldn't take that long but here we are going onto cycle #3. I don't know if I more mad, sad, hurt, disappointed, or just plain stressed but they make it a little harder than it has to be I think :growlmad:

On another note I know nothing about what an HSG. Looked it up a little bit but maybe you girls can help me with some tips. Is it normal to have to go somewhere other than your fertility clinic to get this done? I made some calls today and found the place I will be going to next month. The FS just needs to send over an order which hopefully they did today like I asked them to. Ugh I'm going crazy and I'm not even on the 2ww anymore :dohh:

Sorry for the little rant

7-8 cycles! You shouldn't be doing more than 6 IUI cycles total unless IVF just isn't financially an option. That is crazy they want you to do that many without any meds and then have you do more with meds after that. If I were you I would call and tell them you want to be put on meds next cycle or you will start looking for help elsewhere.

As far as HSG I think it depends on the clinic. Mine does most things in house but I have heard other ladies on BnB talk about going to hospitals, etc to get some stuff done. I think it is weird that you are the one who had to call around and set it up though, you would think they would have a relationship in place with somewhere that does them.

Have you looked on sart.org to see if your clinic is on there and what their success rates are? It is IVF rates but could give you an idea of how experienced they are with AC in general. Seems really odd that they aren't trying more with you - but could just be that it is not what I am used to I guess :shrug:

As far as IVF goes they only do out of pocket cash down before any treatment or financing and we just can't do that. If they did something different we for sure could afford it. DH was married before me and his credit got ruined pretty good. Thats a different story though and a long one! But yes 7-8 cycles and that seems crazy to me also. I think I'm going to have a talk with DH and see what we need to do. He's very supportive and he feels my pain through all this. I was on the phone most of the afternoon after we returned for the National Guard office (Dh had things he needed to get taken care of before he leaves Tuesday) and felt like I was getting the run around. I had not checked that website but I will do so as soon as I'm finished here. There aren't many places that I have found here in Oregon but maybe I do need to do some more looking around. I'm going to OHSU and thats suppose to be a great hospital so I thought the fertility would be the same. :shrug: Going to check the website now!
My HSG was done at the hospital, though the HSG had been ordered by my OBGYN. This was done before I was referred to an RE. They need big X-ray equipment, so I would think it would be pretty common for this procedure to be done at a hospital rather than a doctor's office. Plus, they needed a radiologist.

Perhaps some RE's have these kinds of resources at their disposal, but I wouldn't expect all of them to have it!
Well ladies i went for my beta. everything looks good lining in at 21mm and beta at 13dpo was 120mIU FXed for a sticky bean!!

Good luck ladies!!
I agree with you 100%!! I will give it one more shot with them and if nothing changes I think we will look into another place to go. I was hurt when they said "well we can do a HSG but other than that there isn't much else" really nothing else?!?! The FS said after 7-8 failed cycles we will look into meds. I figured it wouldn't take that long but here we are going onto cycle #3. I don't know if I more mad, sad, hurt, disappointed, or just plain stressed but they make it a little harder than it has to be I think :growlmad:

On another note I know nothing about what an HSG. Looked it up a little bit but maybe you girls can help me with some tips. Is it normal to have to go somewhere other than your fertility clinic to get this done? I made some calls today and found the place I will be going to next month. The FS just needs to send over an order which hopefully they did today like I asked them to. Ugh I'm going crazy and I'm not even on the 2ww anymore :dohh:

Sorry for the little rant

7-8 cycles! You shouldn't be doing more than 6 IUI cycles total unless IVF just isn't financially an option. That is crazy they want you to do that many without any meds and then have you do more with meds after that. If I were you I would call and tell them you want to be put on meds next cycle or you will start looking for help elsewhere.

As far as HSG I think it depends on the clinic. Mine does most things in house but I have heard other ladies on BnB talk about going to hospitals, etc to get some stuff done. I think it is weird that you are the one who had to call around and set it up though, you would think they would have a relationship in place with somewhere that does them.

Have you looked on sart.org to see if your clinic is on there and what their success rates are? It is IVF rates but could give you an idea of how experienced they are with AC in general. Seems really odd that they aren't trying more with you - but could just be that it is not what I am used to I guess :shrug:

As far as IVF goes they only do out of pocket cash down before any treatment or financing and we just can't do that. If they did something different we for sure could afford it. DH was married before me and his credit got ruined pretty good. Thats a different story though and a long one! But yes 7-8 cycles and that seems crazy to me also. I think I'm going to have a talk with DH and see what we need to do. He's very supportive and he feels my pain through all this. I was on the phone most of the afternoon after we returned for the National Guard office (Dh had things he needed to get taken care of before he leaves Tuesday) and felt like I was getting the run around. I had not checked that website but I will do so as soon as I'm finished here. There aren't many places that I have found here in Oregon but maybe I do need to do some more looking around. I'm going to OHSU and thats suppose to be a great hospital so I thought the fertility would be the same. :shrug: Going to check the website now!

I've been going to Oregon Reproductive Medicine and so far it has been a very good experience. They don't do the HSG in house but they set up the appointment for me. My sister went to them also- three unsuccessful rounds of IUI and then a successful round of IVF. I really like the doctor and staff.
I agree with you 100%!! I will give it one more shot with them and if nothing changes I think we will look into another place to go. I was hurt when they said "well we can do a HSG but other than that there isn't much else" really nothing else?!?! The FS said after 7-8 failed cycles we will look into meds. I figured it wouldn't take that long but here we are going onto cycle #3. I don't know if I more mad, sad, hurt, disappointed, or just plain stressed but they make it a little harder than it has to be I think :growlmad:

On another note I know nothing about what an HSG. Looked it up a little bit but maybe you girls can help me with some tips. Is it normal to have to go somewhere other than your fertility clinic to get this done? I made some calls today and found the place I will be going to next month. The FS just needs to send over an order which hopefully they did today like I asked them to. Ugh I'm going crazy and I'm not even on the 2ww anymore :dohh:

Sorry for the little rant

7-8 cycles! You shouldn't be doing more than 6 IUI cycles total unless IVF just isn't financially an option. That is crazy they want you to do that many without any meds and then have you do more with meds after that. If I were you I would call and tell them you want to be put on meds next cycle or you will start looking for help elsewhere.

As far as HSG I think it depends on the clinic. Mine does most things in house but I have heard other ladies on BnB talk about going to hospitals, etc to get some stuff done. I think it is weird that you are the one who had to call around and set it up though, you would think they would have a relationship in place with somewhere that does them.

Have you looked on sart.org to see if your clinic is on there and what their success rates are? It is IVF rates but could give you an idea of how experienced they are with AC in general. Seems really odd that they aren't trying more with you - but could just be that it is not what I am used to I guess :shrug:

As far as IVF goes they only do out of pocket cash down before any treatment or financing and we just can't do that. If they did something different we for sure could afford it. DH was married before me and his credit got ruined pretty good. Thats a different story though and a long one! But yes 7-8 cycles and that seems crazy to me also. I think I'm going to have a talk with DH and see what we need to do. He's very supportive and he feels my pain through all this. I was on the phone most of the afternoon after we returned for the National Guard office (Dh had things he needed to get taken care of before he leaves Tuesday) and felt like I was getting the run around. I had not checked that website but I will do so as soon as I'm finished here. There aren't many places that I have found here in Oregon but maybe I do need to do some more looking around. I'm going to OHSU and thats suppose to be a great hospital so I thought the fertility would be the same. :shrug: Going to check the website now!

I've been going to Oregon Reproductive Medicine and so far it has been a very good experience. They don't do the HSG in house but they set up the appointment for me. My sister went to them also- three unsuccessful rounds of IUI and then a successful round of IVF. I really like the doctor and staff.

I just found the place you are talking about last night. DH and I are thinking about switching to them. It's a little tough to think about switching but I think it would be worth it. They seem to be the best there is around. I found a website last night that says they are the #1 place in the US? Not sure if thats right but last night I really started to think that we need to find a new place. I will have to talk with them on Monday and see what we can do. Thanks for letting me know that you are going there.
As far as IVF goes they only do out of pocket cash down before any treatment or financing and we just can't do that. If they did something different we for sure could afford it. DH was married before me and his credit got ruined pretty good. Thats a different story though and a long one! But yes 7-8 cycles and that seems crazy to me also. I think I'm going to have a talk with DH and see what we need to do. He's very supportive and he feels my pain through all this. I was on the phone most of the afternoon after we returned for the National Guard office (Dh had things he needed to get taken care of before he leaves Tuesday) and felt like I was getting the run around. I had not checked that website but I will do so as soon as I'm finished here. There aren't many places that I have found here in Oregon but maybe I do need to do some more looking around. I'm going to OHSU and thats suppose to be a great hospital so I thought the fertility would be the same. :shrug: Going to check the website now!
Well, doing more IUIs certainly makes sense if IVF isn't going to be workable for you but I definitely think they should be doing more to help you succeed. Sounds like the clinic Edamame mentioned would be a good option for you. I agree it can be scary to switch but if you are going to invest the money you might as well switch to the best, and one that will do more for you. :thumbup:

Well ladies i went for my beta. everything looks good lining in at 21mm and beta at 13dpo was 120mIU FXed for a sticky bean!!
Great news - congrats mrs.r! :happydance:
Unfortunately, I think I may not do the IUI this cycle but I will decide on Wednesday scans. I have 2 large follies on my blocked tube side, 17 & 18mm and a 8mm one on my good side. It's looking like a waisted cycle. I'm not sure if I will take the trigger to speed up this cycle or just ride it out. I'm just disappointed.
Unfortunately, I think I may not do the IUI this cycle but I will decide on Wednesday scans. I have 2 large follies on my blocked tube side, 17 & 18mm and a 8mm one on my good side. It's looking like a waisted cycle. I'm not sure if I will take the trigger to speed up this cycle or just ride it out. I'm just disappointed.

So sorry Angel. Sending good vibes for Wednesday's scan.
Can anyone give me an idea in US how much the gonal F and follistim are? The info sheet says it's taken for 8-14days. Im just contemplating my options and cost for injectable cycle. I may just have to give up and give IVF a shot.
Sorry Angel. Hope your scan goes well on Wed and the follie on the good side is ready to go for you.
Angel, I have insurance that pays 80% of my follistim. My copay is about $80 per 300iu cartridge. So it's pretty pricey stuff.

Depending on the dose they start you on, you're looking at at least 3 cartridges -- I think that's what I had to buy on my 75iu a day IUI cycles. For my IVF cycle I had to buy....10 of em. :shock:
Can anyone give me an idea in US how much the gonal F and follistim are? The info sheet says it's taken for 8-14days. Im just contemplating my options and cost for injectable cycle. I may just have to give up and give IVF a shot.

With the mail-order pharmacy we are using the follistim is $278 for a 300iu pen, $834 for the 900iu. That is without any insurance coverage.
31 -- what pharmacy are you using? Since I posted my earlier response, I Googled, and found that the price can really vary by pharmacy. WTF?

I'm using Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy. It's mail-order.
31 -- what pharmacy are you using? Since I posted my earlier response, I Googled, and found that the price can really vary by pharmacy. WTF?

I'm using Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy. It's mail-order.

Ascend is the name of it. I don't know if I am getting like a "sam's club" type of discount though because I need an un-godly amount of the stuff. 4 x 900 IU pens.

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