IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Hi Mrs Bear, why don't they give you shots till cd20? How do you decide (or maybe who decides) long or short cycle? Are you currently doing IVF?

I'm not any meds yet because office is closed on Sunday so my apptmt won't be till tomorrow am.

I'm starting my IVF in early January, I am on short protocol though so I am on BCP right now. I take my last BCP 1/2 then start stims 1/7. If you are on a long down reg protocol you take something like lupron to shut down your ovaries in prep for IVF instead. I believe they start it cd20 so you are after O in that cycle. There is also a microflare that 31andTrying is doing where you do BCP and then lupron only just before and the first days of stims.

I just peeked at your journal - with PCOS and being in your 30s I would suspect they may put you short protocol but some Drs start everyone long protocol if that is their standard practice. I have PCOS as well and am 38 so I guess my RE went straight to short protocol for those reasons. Your Dr will probably decide based on the PCOS and how well you responded for your IUI cycle.

I guess what they can do this cycle will depend on what your baseline scan and bloodwork show tomorrow. You should definitely be able to do IUI but I don't know if they will start IVF stims cd5 (you have to mail order those unless your Dr has some to give you). They may be able to start you on BCP tomorrow for short protocol and let you start stims a few weeks after that. Either way you could probably start IVF stims in January.
*warning - a little rant*

Well my weekend was going pretty well even went to the movies with my good friend only after the movie she told me that she was pregnant again (just had her 2nd in Feb). I felt crushed but also bad because she felt bad and told me that she was sorry. I told her that she has no reason to be sorry (all the while I felt like I was dying inside). I swear that her DH can just breath on her and she gets pregnant. It's been THAT easy for her each time. As happy as I am for her it is still so depressing. I'm surrounded by pregnant people (I think like 13 total). Grrrr...

Sorry I just needed to get that off my chest.

I TOTALLY get how you are feeling .... I got a call from one of my best friends today and she got married on the 6th of August and she is now 12 weeks pregnant. They weren't even really "trying" just whatever happens happens. WTF was it so easy for them and I've been now trying, peeing on sticks having a coochie cam shoved up me month after month after month and I'm STILL not pregnant!??!?! SO ya .... rant away as I feel the EXACT same way today!!!!! :hugs:

Sounds like a bad weekend for 'announcements' :hugs:

bastetgrrl - I was in that same place this time last year where everyone was having a baby or announcing a pregnancy at least once a week it seemed. Relatives, friends, coworkers... it never seems to stop and it all seems so unfair :cry: Did your friend at least know how hard ttc has been for you and try to ease into it or was she one of the overly excitable hyper perky types? It seems a shame she had to 'ruin' your lovely night out with timing of telling the news. :hugs:

Springy - ugh, don't you hate the 'we weren't even trying' people?? :dohh: We will get there :hugs:

Hi Bastetgrrl - I had a lap done in July of this year. We were not told any restrictions about BD .... Here was my experience:

I had my lap done on a Tuesday and I was sore / bloated / uncomfortable from Tues - Saturday. I started very lightly spotting on the Friday and this continued through to the following Wednesday when AF showed up in full force. We then resumed our normal life after my AF and were encouraged to try naturally on our own after the lap. My lap was done on CD 19 so it did trigger my AF to show up a bit early. If you have any questions about the lap etc. don't hesitate to jump onto my journal or to PM me.

Thanks! Were you due for AF when it showed up? Since I have PCOS my cycles are crazy long so even though I'll be around CD30 when I have the lap done I should still have around 10-18 days before I ovulate.

My "game plan" appt with my FS is 13 days after my surgery so I'd rather not wait for him to say that we'll start injectables on my next cycle if I don't have to, you know?

I TOTALLY get how you are feeling .... I got a call from one of my best friends today and she got married on the 6th of August and she is now 12 weeks pregnant. They weren't even really "trying" just whatever happens happens. WTF was it so easy for them and I've been now trying, peeing on sticks having a coochie cam shoved up me month after month after month and I'm STILL not pregnant!??!?! SO ya .... rant away as I feel the EXACT same way today!!!!! :hugs:[/QUOTE]

I know, right!! :dohh: I mean she doesn't chart or do anything and she gets pregnant immediately after she's done with breastfeeding. S**t the same thing happened with the second one that she just had in Feb. WTF!!?? :growlmad: So now I've got two pregnant chicks in my office. Grrr As if the baby shower invites aren't getting annoying enough!

I'm sorry that you had to get that call from your friend. It's just so frustrating. :hugs:

Sounds like a bad weekend for 'announcements' :hugs:

bastetgrrl - I was in that same place this time last year where everyone was having a baby or announcing a pregnancy at least once a week it seemed. Relatives, friends, coworkers... it never seems to stop and it all seems so unfair :cry: Did your friend at least know how hard ttc has been for you and try to ease into it or was she one of the overly excitable hyper perky types? It seems a shame she had to 'ruin' your lovely night out with timing of telling the news. :hugs:


No, she knows everything and was very cautious and sensitive when she told me. She said she didn't know when to tell me and I'm only the third person to know because it is so early but she felt so bad about it. She kept saying she wished I had gotten pregnant before her. I just tried to put my happy face on and told her "congrats" and not to feel bad.
Is it possible to not do BCP for IVF?

Sorry for so many questions! :blush:

The announcements are bad, I ttoally agree. I am soo so happy for my friends but I can't help feeling inadequate myself.
Is it possible to not do BCP for IVF?

Sorry for so many questions! :blush:

The announcements are bad, I ttoally agree. I am soo so happy for my friends but I can't help feeling inadequate myself.

I think it is possible to go straight from a normal cycle to IVF but normally people are either on BCP or do down regulation with lupron or another med to quiet the ovaries before they start stimulating them. If you don't want to do BCP I am sure your Dr can discuss what other options you would have. Lupron is shots but I know some ladies are on a nasal spray for down reg.
No, she knows everything and was very cautious and sensitive when she told me. She said she didn't know when to tell me and I'm only the third person to know because it is so early but she felt so bad about it. She kept saying she wished I had gotten pregnant before her. I just tried to put my happy face on and told her "congrats" and not to feel bad.

Glad she at least tried to be sensitive to how you might feel. I would wonder why you are only the 3rd person she told but maybe she thought you would feel worse if you heard it secondhand :shrug: Don't you hate have to put on the happy face when inside you just want to die... Even though you are happy for them and it isn't like they are taking your baby away it doesn't make it any easier :hugs:
I am not going to be on BCP just down regging with Suprafect.

I too just got a phone call from another newly pregnant friend (two this week) and one just got married in September it is SOOO frustrating.. I have to believe that this journey is going to make the day we get our BFPS THAT much sweeter :)
No, she knows everything and was very cautious and sensitive when she told me. She said she didn't know when to tell me and I'm only the third person to know because it is so early but she felt so bad about it. She kept saying she wished I had gotten pregnant before her. I just tried to put my happy face on and told her "congrats" and not to feel bad.

Glad she at least tried to be sensitive to how you might feel. I would wonder why you are only the 3rd person she told but maybe she thought you would feel worse if you heard it secondhand :shrug: Don't you hate have to put on the happy face when inside you just want to die... Even though you are happy for them and it isn't like they are taking your baby away it doesn't make it any easier :hugs:

Well probably because we are close friends and I've shared my stories with her and she probably wanted to make sure that I didn't hear it seconhand or pick up on any signs. The last time she was pregnant she actually drank some wine when we had lunch to avoid giving it away. :dohh: It is VERY tough to put on a happy face and I'm not good at faking anything so I can only imagine the look that was on my face. I can't hide my feelings at all. I just hope that I at least seemed happy for her on the outside.
I am not going to be on BCP just down regging with Suprafect.

I too just got a phone call from another newly pregnant friend (two this week) and one just got married in September it is SOOO frustrating.. I have to believe that this journey is going to make the day we get our BFPS THAT much sweeter :)

I'm so sorry that you got one of those calls as well. :nope: They are never easy.

It will be the best thing in the world when we can all share our BFPs together. :happydance:
I am not going to be on BCP just down regging with Suprafect.

I too just got a phone call from another newly pregnant friend (two this week) and one just got married in September it is SOOO frustrating.. I have to believe that this journey is going to make the day we get our BFPS THAT much sweeter :)

I'm so sorry that you got one of those calls as well. :nope: They are never easy.

It will be the best thing in the world when we can all share our BFPs together. :happydance:

My friend knows what I am going through and she was very sensitve. Called me today to tell me as "the girls" are all getting together tomorrow and she is announcing it then but didn't want me to hear it then in that setting. And she says that she and her husband really hope that I get my bfp so I can be on maternity leave together. While I am happy for her I just can't help but resent it and think once again that life is not fair!!!
I am not going to be on BCP just down regging with Suprafect.

I too just got a phone call from another newly pregnant friend (two this week) and one just got married in September it is SOOO frustrating.. I have to believe that this journey is going to make the day we get our BFPS THAT much sweeter :)

I'm so sorry that you got one of those calls as well. :nope: They are never easy.

It will be the best thing in the world when we can all share our BFPs together. :happydance:

My friend knows what I am going through and she was very sensitve. Called me today to tell me as "the girls" are all getting together tomorrow and she is announcing it then but didn't want me to hear it then in that setting. And she says that she and her husband really hope that I get my bfp so I can be on maternity leave together. While I am happy for her I just can't help but resent it and think once again that life is not fair!!!

That was very nice of your friend to let you know before the get together. Hopefully you'll get that BFP and be able to take maternity leave together.

It's definitely difficult to not feel resentment when it is something that we want so very badly.
Good morning ladies,

Tomorrow is my SIS and hopefully it won't be too uncomfortable/painful. My company is having their Christmas lunch tomorrow and it looks like I'll miss that which is okay since I don't want to draw any attention to myself being bloated and whatever.

It's probably terrible to say but I'm just looking forward to moving onto 2012 and putting this horrible year behind me. I'm really hoping that 2012 is a great year!
Hi everyone,

I'm chiming in late but I'm also doing my first IVF cycle this month - currently on day 7 of stims. My RE is taking it slow with meds since I have PCOS - but I am now at 9 small (largest 16mm, with 5 at 10/11mm).

I'm a little worried as this month for the first time my TSH was elevated at my day 3 bloodwork - and that brings its own risks along - but we are very very hopeful that this will finally be it for DH and I!

Hoping we all get our BFPs VERY VERY soon!
Hi everyone,

I'm chiming in late but I'm also doing my first IVF cycle this month - currently on day 7 of stims. My RE is taking it slow with meds since I have PCOS - but I am now at 9 small (largest 16mm, with 5 at 10/11mm).

I'm a little worried as this month for the first time my TSH was elevated at my day 3 bloodwork - and that brings its own risks along - but we are very very hopeful that this will finally be it for DH and I!

Hoping we all get our BFPs VERY VERY soon!


Good luck on everything. I know its hard but try not to worry.

As for me I set up an appointment at the new clinic and I go in on the 11th. Dh won't be here as he left today so I hope I can wrap my head around all the new info again.

I hope everyone is doing well. How are the ladies on the 2ww coming along?
Good luck tomorrow IUI ladies! :dust:

Bastetgrrl - hope things go well tomorrow

No_regrets, How did your scan go?

Welcome Dis3tnd :hi: I'm on my phone today, but I'll add you to 'the list' on page 1 tomorrow.
hi all, i'm going to meet FS this thursday,22 Dec for a scan on lining. I'm going to have a natural cycle of FET. Hopefully the lining is thick enough for us to have FET..

i have 4 day-3 frozen embies since year 2008. Will the quality affected because they are already frozen for 3 years?
Just reading all your stories there. Brings back memories of 12 months ago for me. I started ivf in feb 2011 and am sitting here now with my four week old daughter. Ivf is hard going, especially the waiting. I was very lucky in that we only managed one egg, but had success. All u need is one good one. My thoughts are with u all and sending baby dust your way. My advice is sit with your feet up for the two weeks or so and let your ovaries do all the work xx
I have a question for all the IVF ladies, when does the bloating go down? I look like I have a baby bump and I am still in the 2ww. I know that I cannot go jogging or anything yet but please give me some hope. Of course if I get a BFP next week the bloat will be less of an issue except for dressing for work. Thanks!

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