IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Wow! Thank-you! I'm just juggling thoughts in my head.

Would any of you take the trigger if there was 2 large follies on the blocked tube side? The one on my good side I don't think there is any hope and the response I got from my nurse this morning was like she didn't think it would progress. She did say there was a small chance my good side picking it up but I googled it and I just don't see scenarios where someone got BFP from picking up from
Non blocked side. It is no extra cost weather I do the IUI or not because it's the same price regardless. I don't want DH getting discouraged always having to give me semen in a cup. The trigger is 85 and I could save it for next cycle. Just at a loss to what to do.

I may just schedule appt with the doctor for her to do the scan rather than the nurse and do consultation for price range of IVF.
Hi Ladies! I was wondering if I could be added to the list on the first page? My husband was in an accident a couple months ago which left him sterile. They were able to retrieve 22 viles of millions of sperm from him, which they froze, for later use by us when we chose to have more children. Well for the past month; we've been getting ready for our first IUI procedure. AF came on Saturday morning, I start taking my clomid tomorrow, go in for an ultrasound on the 27th; if I have an egg or more they will give me the trigger shot for ovulation, then I have an appointment the next morning on the 28th for the IUI procedure. This is all new and exciting to me! :happydance:

Anyway, I was wondering if I could be added to your list? IUI ultrasound on the 27th with procedure potentially being the next morning (the 28th). Thanks!

Oh and if any of you experienced ladies have any words of wisdom/advice for me; I'd be glad to hear it! I'm so new to all of this :blush:
Wow! Thank-you! I'm just juggling thoughts in my head.

Would any of you take the trigger if there was 2 large follies on the blocked tube side? The one on my good side I don't think there is any hope and the response I got from my nurse this morning was like she didn't think it would progress. She did say there was a small chance my good side picking it up but I googled it and I just don't see scenarios where someone got BFP from picking up from
Non blocked side. It is no extra cost weather I do the IUI or not because it's the same price regardless. I don't want DH getting discouraged always having to give me semen in a cup. The trigger is 85 and I could save it for next cycle. Just at a loss to what to do.

I may just schedule appt with the doctor for her to do the scan rather than the nurse and do consultation for price range of IVF.

Why is it no extra cost whether you do IUI or not? Are they charging you for a full IUI even if they don't do it? Doesn't seem fair :growlmad: I don't think the odds are great for the good side to pick it up but I believe it is possible. It is really up to you. But even just saving the cost of the trigger might be worth waiting and just BD naturally this cycle and who knows, you might be the lucky one :shrug:

As far as injectibles - mine are through Walgreens specialty and a full cost 450IU vial of gonal F is close to $700. It is lots cheaper through Freedom Fertility though if you don't have insurance. Their website lists the costs for those paying out of pocket for the various meds.
Hi Ladies! I was wondering if I could be added to the list on the first page? My husband was in an accident a couple months ago which left him sterile. They were able to retrieve 22 viles of millions of sperm from him, which they froze, for later use by us when we chose to have more children. Well for the past month; we've been getting ready for our first IUI procedure. AF came on Saturday morning, I start taking my clomid tomorrow, go in for an ultrasound on the 27th; if I have an egg or more they will give me the trigger shot for ovulation, then I have an appointment the next morning on the 28th for the IUI procedure. This is all new and exciting to me! :happydance:

Anyway, I was wondering if I could be added to your list? IUI ultrasound on the 27th with procedure potentially being the next morning (the 28th). Thanks!

Oh and if any of you experienced ladies have any words of wisdom/advice for me; I'd be glad to hear it! I'm so new to all of this :blush:

Hi JennyLynn :hi:
Sorry to hear about DHs accident but great news that you were able to retrieve some sperm. Best advice for IUI is try to relax and trust the Drs. You can find a lot of info from ladies on here about the process as well. The IUI itself feels pretty much like a pap test and you can go about your day afterwards. I tend to cramp after but everyone's experience is different.

I'll go add you to 'the list' :flower:
Hi JennyLynn :hi:
Sorry to hear about DHs accident but great news that you were able to retrieve some sperm. Best advice for IUI is try to relax and trust the Drs. You can find a lot of info from ladies on here about the process as well. The IUI itself feels pretty much like a pap test and you can go about your day afterwards. I tend to cramp after but everyone's experience is different.

I'll go add you to 'the list' :flower:

Thank you Mrs. Bear! The doctor did say it was just like a pap test. I had a bunch of tests ran on me a month ago; one including the HSG test; I did not enjoy that test, so I figure if I can get through that one...then I should be fine with the IUI procedure! :thumbup:
Thank you Mrs. Bear! The doctor did say it was just like a pap test. I had a bunch of tests ran on me a month ago; one including the HSG test; I did not enjoy that test, so I figure if I can get through that one...then I should be fine with the IUI procedure! :thumbup:
Oh, I hated that! I didn't have HSG, I had HyCoSy but it is pretty much the same thing. Every time they say 'this might be uncomfortable' I say 'nothing can be as bad as the HyCoSy' :haha:

FYI to everybody - I'm rearranging the front page list to try to put everyone in order by dates. For anyone we haven't heard from I am putting them in a 'need updates' section - so if you see yourself there please post so we know how you are doing. It's a long list so I'm saving as I go but hope to have it all rearranged sometime today :flower:
Welcome, Jenny! Yeah, IUI really isn't bad at all. The "worst" part is all the monitoring appointments. Not from a pain standpoint, just you have to be there so often...
FYI to everybody - I'm rearranging the front page list to try to put everyone in order by dates. For anyone we haven't heard from I am putting them in a 'need updates' section - so if you see yourself there please post so we know how you are doing. It's a long list so I'm saving as I go but hope to have it all rearranged sometime today :flower:

Thanks, Mrs. Bear! I was just taking a look at the front page earlier and was thinking that would be a great idea! We've got so many people, it's hard to keep track of who is doing what, when. Thank you again, for your thread management! :flower:
Hi All

Hope you're all doing OK! :flower:

Only 4 days until I test and I am more nervous than excited!

Had some symptoms - lower back ache and shooting low stomach pains over the last couple of days & exhausted but expect they are more likely to be from the progesterone suppositries! Grrrr!
Can anyone who has used progesterone suppositries before answer this for me....will I still get my usual pre AF type feelings whilst taking them (E.g I usually have achey legs a few days before and know its on the way!)

Anyway sending you all lots of :dust: :dust:
Hi, great thread! I'd love to join. I'm on CD3 and will go in to talk to FS about either IUI or IVF this cycle. I just had a failed IUI. It was a really hard one to take with two of my best friends announcing their BFP's within a day of each other and my getting AF. It has been a really really rough week. My journey has not been long but it has been rough.

How long is the IVF cycle? If someone can get me a brief synopsis, I would really really appreciate that.

Welcome, Jenny! Yeah, IUI really isn't bad at all. The "worst" part is all the monitoring appointments. Not from a pain standpoint, just you have to be there so often...

Hi SquirrelGirl! Yeah it doesn't help that we have to drive an hour to get to our fertility office. Ugh--such a pain sometimes!
Can anyone give me an idea in US how much the gonal F and follistim are? The info sheet says it's taken for 8-14days. Im just contemplating my options and cost for injectable cycle. I may just have to give up and give IVF a shot.

I bought my meds from Ascend Specialty Pharmacy and it cost something like $834 for a 900 iu cartridge and $278 for a 300 iu cartridge of Follistim, give or take. I also paid around $600 for 8 vials of Menopur. I ended up stimming for 9 days and I have the Follistim 300 iu cartridge and 6 vials of Menopur left over. :dohh: (Which is good if I need it in the future, but not good if it just ends up going to waste!)
Welcome, Jenny! Yeah, IUI really isn't bad at all. The "worst" part is all the monitoring appointments. Not from a pain standpoint, just you have to be there so often...

Hi SquirrelGirl! Yeah it doesn't help that we have to drive an hour to get to our fertility office. Ugh--such a pain sometimes!

Oh, I know how you feel!! My RE is an hour and a half drive and I ended up going there 6 out of 7 days the week of my IUI. :wacko:
Hi ladies,

Just got back from a night away with DH for our anniversary and before he leaves again. We did some talking and he thinks it would be a good idea to switch clinics. So I will call them Monday and set up a consult.

Does anyone know if ICSI can be done without IVF? I've been reading and it seems that the chances are a lot higher than IUI. I just don't know if it's only available with IVF or it can be done by itself. Any ideas?!?
Hi ladies,

Have any of you had a laparoscopy done? If so, how long was it before you were allowed to :sex: again? I'm really hoping that we don't have to wait too long because with having such long cycles I think I'll ovulate about two weeks or so after my surgery and I'd love to catch the eggie if possible.

Hi All

Hope you're all doing OK! :flower:

Only 4 days until I test and I am more nervous than excited!

Had some symptoms - lower back ache and shooting low stomach pains over the last couple of days & exhausted but expect they are more likely to be from the progesterone suppositries! Grrrr!
Can anyone who has used progesterone suppositries before answer this for me....will I still get my usual pre AF type feelings whilst taking them (E.g I usually have achey legs a few days before and know its on the way!)

Anyway sending you all lots of :dust: :dust:
Good luck Pink! Those sound like great symptoms but yeah the progesterone could be the culprit - that pesky med sure likes to mess with our heads... FX for your BFP! :dust:

Hi, great thread! I'd love to join. I'm on CD3 and will go in to talk to FS about either IUI or IVF this cycle. I just had a failed IUI. It was a really hard one to take with two of my best friends announcing their BFP's within a day of each other and my getting AF. It has been a really really rough week. My journey has not been long but it has been rough.

How long is the IVF cycle? If someone can get me a brief synopsis, I would really really appreciate that.

Welcome sunshine1217 :wave:

Sorry for such a tough week. Announcements are always hard to hear but hearing them all together like that when you were starting AF I am sure made it worse :hugs:

Are you on any meds yet for this cycle? If you are already cd3 they may have you wait til next cycle unless you can get your meds going right away. Some people start clomid as late as cd5. IUI generally won't take any longer than an average cycle. IVF depends on what protocol you are on (short v. long) so it can be anywhere from a couple months to close to a normal cycle depending on what your Dr has you doing. For example: If you were doing the long down reg IVF protocol they could start you on those shots around cd20 to prep for IVF next cycle. Timing varies quite a bit from person to person.

Hi ladies,

Just got back from a night away with DH for our anniversary and before he leaves again. We did some talking and he thinks it would be a good idea to switch clinics. So I will call them Monday and set up a consult.

Does anyone know if ICSI can be done without IVF? I've been reading and it seems that the chances are a lot higher than IUI. I just don't know if it's only available with IVF or it can be done by itself. Any ideas?!?
Glad you had a nice night away and also that you were able to get your plan sorted. ICSI has to be done with IVF because they have to inject the egg with the sperm in the lab. The ICSI is just the injection part. It is not required for IVF so you will see it listed as a separate charge on your clinic pricing.

Have any of you had a laparoscopy done? If so, how long was it before you were allowed to :sex: again? I'm really hoping that we don't have to wait too long because with having such long cycles I think I'll ovulate about two weeks or so after my surgery and I'd love to catch the eggie if possible.
I haven't had a lap but I would think two weeks after you should be recovered enough from the procedure - I guess it could depend on what they find/do with the lap though :shrug:
Hi Mrs Bear, why don't they give you shots till cd20? How do you decide (or maybe who decides) long or short cycle? Are you currently doing IVF?

I'm not any meds yet because office is closed on Sunday so my apptmt won't be till tomorrow am.
*warning - a little rant*

Well my weekend was going pretty well even went to the movies with my good friend only after the movie she told me that she was pregnant again (just had her 2nd in Feb). I felt crushed but also bad because she felt bad and told me that she was sorry. I told her that she has no reason to be sorry (all the while I felt like I was dying inside). I swear that her DH can just breath on her and she gets pregnant. It's been THAT easy for her each time. As happy as I am for her it is still so depressing. I'm surrounded by pregnant people (I think like 13 total). Grrrr...

Sorry I just needed to get that off my chest.
Hi ladies,

Have any of you had a laparoscopy done? If so, how long was it before you were allowed to :sex: again? I'm really hoping that we don't have to wait too long because with having such long cycles I think I'll ovulate about two weeks or so after my surgery and I'd love to catch the eggie if possible.


Hi Bastetgrrl - I had a lap done in July of this year. We were not told any restrictions about BD .... Here was my experience:

I had my lap done on a Tuesday and I was sore / bloated / uncomfortable from Tues - Saturday. I started very lightly spotting on the Friday and this continued through to the following Wednesday when AF showed up in full force. We then resumed our normal life after my AF and were encouraged to try naturally on our own after the lap. My lap was done on CD 19 so it did trigger my AF to show up a bit early. If you have any questions about the lap etc. don't hesitate to jump onto my journal or to PM me.

And your question about ICSI and IVF - yes they can only be done together. You have to harvest the egg in order to do ICSI.
*warning - a little rant*

Well my weekend was going pretty well even went to the movies with my good friend only after the movie she told me that she was pregnant again (just had her 2nd in Feb). I felt crushed but also bad because she felt bad and told me that she was sorry. I told her that she has no reason to be sorry (all the while I felt like I was dying inside). I swear that her DH can just breath on her and she gets pregnant. It's been THAT easy for her each time. As happy as I am for her it is still so depressing. I'm surrounded by pregnant people (I think like 13 total). Grrrr...

Sorry I just needed to get that off my chest.

I TOTALLY get how you are feeling .... I got a call from one of my best friends today and she got married on the 6th of August and she is now 12 weeks pregnant. They weren't even really "trying" just whatever happens happens. WTF was it so easy for them and I've been now trying, peeing on sticks having a coochie cam shoved up me month after month after month and I'm STILL not pregnant!??!?! SO ya .... rant away as I feel the EXACT same way today!!!!! :hugs:

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