IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

hi all, i'm going to meet FS this thursday,22 Dec for a scan on lining. I'm going to have a natural cycle of FET. Hopefully the lining is thick enough for us to have FET..

i have 4 day-3 frozen embies since year 2008. Will the quality affected because they are already frozen for 3 years?

Hi Bebe

Unfortunately I do not have an answer to your question but I did want to wish you good luck!
hi all, i'm going to meet FS this thursday,22 Dec for a scan on lining. I'm going to have a natural cycle of FET. Hopefully the lining is thick enough for us to have FET..

i have 4 day-3 frozen embies since year 2008. Will the quality affected because they are already frozen for 3 years?

Hi bebe - not sure exactly as I haven't been in your position but the clinic I was with did say that the issue is with how the embryo's survive the thaw process I don't think it will matter if they were frozen for 1 month vs 1 year vs 3 years ... once they are frozen it is about how they thaw out. GOOD LUCK!!!! And let us all know how the scan goes!!

I have a question for all the IVF ladies, when does the bloating go down? I look like I have a baby bump and I am still in the 2ww. I know that I cannot go jogging or anything yet but please give me some hope. Of course if I get a BFP next week the bloat will be less of an issue except for dressing for work. Thanks!

Oh hopeful sorry to hear you're still bloated and uncomfortable! Did your clinic tell you to drink gatorade to decrease the chances of OHSS? Maybe you could give that a shot to help with the bloat? I know with my IUI + Injectable cycle where I had 12 follicles I was bloated and uncomfortable for a full 7 days after triggering. Hang in there and I'm hoping that the bloat turns into a BUMP!!!! :hugs:
Well ladies, the SIS didn't go so well and didn't happen. The dr tried three times and monitored each move with the catheter on the u/s but it appears there is some kind of blockage in my cervix just before my uterus which was VERY painful and I just couldn't handle it anymore so he stopped. He said not to worry that they would take care of it during my lap on the 12th but I can't help it. I'm just so scared. I can't help but wonder if it's endo or maybe scar tissue from the d&c that I had in August. I'm freaking out.
Hi. I had my scan and bloods yesterday and I showed I was not responding well to that dose of menopur (150 for two days then 75 for four days) so now I am on 150 for 3 days and on Thursday I will be back for another scan. I am not sure that we will have enough money left for iui we just borrowed 1500$ from dh brother. Just coming up with the money is so much stress. We decided that this will be our last cycle and we will take a break for a year to get our poop in a group.
hi all, i'm going to meet FS this thursday,22 Dec for a scan on lining. I'm going to have a natural cycle of FET. Hopefully the lining is thick enough for us to have FET..

i have 4 day-3 frozen embies since year 2008. Will the quality affected because they are already frozen for 3 years?

Hi Bebe

Unfortunately I do not have an answer to your question but I did want to wish you good luck!

Thanks. i wish you good luck too. I remember i also got bloated after i had trigger shot during my previous IVF and it last for a few days.

when are you going to have blood test? Are you still having bed rest now?

Finger crossed for you. xx
hi all, i'm going to meet FS this thursday,22 Dec for a scan on lining. I'm going to have a natural cycle of FET. Hopefully the lining is thick enough for us to have FET..

i have 4 day-3 frozen embies since year 2008. Will the quality affected because they are already frozen for 3 years?

Hi bebe - not sure exactly as I haven't been in your position but the clinic I was with did say that the issue is with how the embryo's survive the thaw process I don't think it will matter if they were frozen for 1 month vs 1 year vs 3 years ... once they are frozen it is about how they thaw out. GOOD LUCK!!!! And let us all know how the scan goes!!

I have a question for all the IVF ladies, when does the bloating go down? I look like I have a baby bump and I am still in the 2ww. I know that I cannot go jogging or anything yet but please give me some hope. Of course if I get a BFP next week the bloat will be less of an issue except for dressing for work. Thanks!

Oh hopeful sorry to hear you're still bloated and uncomfortable! Did your clinic tell you to drink gatorade to decrease the chances of OHSS? Maybe you could give that a shot to help with the bloat? I know with my IUI + Injectable cycle where I had 12 follicles I was bloated and uncomfortable for a full 7 days after triggering. Hang in there and I'm hoping that the bloat turns into a BUMP!!!! :hugs:

thanks for your advice. My frozen embies are frozen since day-3. the embryologist said they will thaw the embies one day before the FET day and see if the embies are still survive the next day,FET day. We will only get to know if we can manage to have the FET on the same day. i'm so worry..
hi all, i'm going to meet FS this thursday,22 Dec for a scan on lining. I'm going to have a natural cycle of FET. Hopefully the lining is thick enough for us to have FET..

i have 4 day-3 frozen embies since year 2008. Will the quality affected because they are already frozen for 3 years?
Welcome bebe :hi: I agree with Springy - I don't think it matters how long they are frozen.

I have a question for all the IVF ladies, when does the bloating go down? I look like I have a baby bump and I am still in the 2ww. I know that I cannot go jogging or anything yet but please give me some hope. Of course if I get a BFP next week the bloat will be less of an issue except for dressing for work. Thanks!
I kept my bloat through the 2ww for my injectible IUI cycle but I was also on progesterone which adds to the problem. I know some IVF ladies keep it a few weeks but it probably depends on what meds you are on and how many follies you had.

Well ladies, the SIS didn't go so well and didn't happen. The dr tried three times and monitored each move with the catheter on the u/s but it appears there is some kind of blockage in my cervix just before my uterus which was VERY painful and I just couldn't handle it anymore so he stopped. He said not to worry that they would take care of it during my lap on the 12th but I can't help it. I'm just so scared. I can't help but wonder if it's endo or maybe scar tissue from the d&c that I had in August. I'm freaking out.
So sorry things didn't go well today :hugs: I guess it could be from anything - my clinic found I had some stenosis at that same part of the cervix during my mock transfer - they said it was probably from the tissue that had to be removed after an abnormal pap. It's only natural to be scared but hopefully they can take care of everything during the lap. :hugs:

Hi. I had my scan and bloods yesterday and I showed I was not responding well to that dose of menopur (150 for two days then 75 for four days) so now I am on 150 for 3 days and on Thursday I will be back for another scan. I am not sure that we will have enough money left for iui we just borrowed 1500$ from dh brother. Just coming up with the money is so much stress. We decided that this will be our last cycle and we will take a break for a year to get our poop in a group.

FX the higher dose does the trick and you will get your BFP so you won't need to worry about taking a break after all :hugs: It's no fair that on top of all the stress of TTC that we have to worry about the money part of it too :nope:
Well ladies, the SIS didn't go so well and didn't happen. The dr tried three times and monitored each move with the catheter on the u/s but it appears there is some kind of blockage in my cervix just before my uterus which was VERY painful and I just couldn't handle it anymore so he stopped. He said not to worry that they would take care of it during my lap on the 12th but I can't help it. I'm just so scared. I can't help but wonder if it's endo or maybe scar tissue from the d&c that I had in August. I'm freaking out.

So sorry it didn't go well today. :hugs: Fingers crossed whatever it is will be taken care of on the 12th!

As for me, I had iui #2 today. So it seems like I can't do anything the easy way. Had the catheter drama at the HSG, more catheter drama at iui #1, then today we had......speculum drama!

I have to say this upfront...my LEAST favorite part of a gyno visit is the speculum. So I get in to the room to do my iui, lay down, and "assume the position". I had to hold back a giggle at the song that was playing, C & C Music Factory's "Everybody Dance Now". For some reason, it was just really funny to me. Anyway, the Dr. starts doing his thing and I notice he's really working the speculum a bit. It's pretty uncomfortable, boarder-line painful. Then he gets frustrated, takes it out, and asks the nurse for a different one. So he puts the new one in, works it around (still pretty uncomfortable), and makes a comment about my cervix being "way far back". I have to give the Dr. credit though, he asked me every few seconds how I was doing and if I was ok. Then he had to have the nurse bring him another tool (I think he called it a tenuculum or something like that....excuse my horrible spelling!). I was a bit nervous at this point because at my last iui I had a few seconds of intense cramps, so I was anticipating them, but much to my relief, none came. After my 10 minutes of laying down, it was off to school. I've been pretty sore (down there) all day. Not cramps, just aches. Dh's count this time was 16 million post wash, which is up 5 million from iui #1!

And now the dreaded TWW begins......
As for me, I had iui #2 today. So it seems like I can't do anything the easy way. Had the catheter drama at the HSG, more catheter drama at iui #1, then today we had......speculum drama!

I have to say this upfront...my LEAST favorite part of a gyno visit is the speculum. So I get in to the room to do my iui, lay down, and "assume the position". I had to hold back a giggle at the song that was playing, C & C Music Factory's "Everybody Dance Now". For some reason, it was just really funny to me. Anyway, the Dr. starts doing his thing and I notice he's really working the speculum a bit. It's pretty uncomfortable, boarder-line painful. Then he gets frustrated, takes it out, and asks the nurse for a different one. So he puts the new one in, works it around (still pretty uncomfortable), and makes a comment about my cervix being "way far back". I have to give the Dr. credit though, he asked me every few seconds how I was doing and if I was ok. Then he had to have the nurse bring him another tool (I think he called it a tenuculum or something like that....excuse my horrible spelling!). I was a bit nervous at this point because at my last iui I had a few seconds of intense cramps, so I was anticipating them, but much to my relief, none came. After my 10 minutes of laying down, it was off to school. I've been pretty sore (down there) all day. Not cramps, just aches. Dh's count this time was 16 million post wash, which is up 5 million from iui #1!

And now the dreaded TWW begins......
Sorry for all the speculum drama - no wonder you were sore :dohh:

Yay for 5 million more spermies and no cramps! :yipee: Sending you lots of dust for the 2ww :dust:
How are all the ladies in the 2ww doing? Lots of test dates coming up! :dust:
bastetgrrl Sorry to hear it didn't go well, that doesn't sound very pleasant at all. I hope the lap goes great!

Lucie Sorry it was so uncomfortable, I hate the speculum- wish they didn't need to use it at all!

As for me, 7dpo/IUI. Trying to not symptom spot but that is pretty much impossible. Had a huge temp drop this morning a little below my coverline, hope it is an implantation dip but I've seen this pattern before. Really hoping it goes up again tomorrow morning! Got a nosebleed out of nowhere last night- but it has been pretty cold here the last few days. My gums are sore, but had popcorn so could have bit down wrong. Every symptom has an explanation! The hardest part is that I feel like I am unconsciously tightening up my stomach- I can feel that I'm doing it and relax for a little while, but then immediately go back to doing it! I'm afraid it will press off any little eggy trying to implant! Trying to read a relaxing book tonight. Arghy.

Good luck to everyone wherever you are in the process!
As for me, 7dpo/IUI. Trying to not symptom spot but that is pretty much impossible. Had a huge temp drop this morning a little below my coverline, hope it is an implantation dip but I've seen this pattern before. Really hoping it goes up again tomorrow morning! Got a nosebleed out of nowhere last night- but it has been pretty cold here the last few days. My gums are sore, but had popcorn so could have bit down wrong. Every symptom has an explanation! The hardest part is that I feel like I am unconsciously tightening up my stomach- I can feel that I'm doing it and relax for a little while, but then immediately go back to doing it! I'm afraid it will press off any little eggy trying to implant! Trying to read a relaxing book tonight. Arghy.

A dip at 7dpo sounds like great timing for an implanatation dip :thumbup: I don't think tightening your abdominals should effect anything one way or the other. You're halfway through the 2ww :happydance:
Just thought I would update! The RE put me on BCP's last week due to enlarged ovaries. I have another scan tomorrow but the plan is to start Lupron on day 18 of the pill. FET may be late Jan/early Feb. They plan to thaw all 9 embryos and take them to blast. I am really nervous about the whole thing.
Well ladies, the SIS didn't go so well and didn't happen. The dr tried three times and monitored each move with the catheter on the u/s but it appears there is some kind of blockage in my cervix just before my uterus which was VERY painful and I just couldn't handle it anymore so he stopped. He said not to worry that they would take care of it during my lap on the 12th but I can't help it. I'm just so scared. I can't help but wonder if it's endo or maybe scar tissue from the d&c that I had in August. I'm freaking out.

So sorry it didn't go well today. :hugs: Fingers crossed whatever it is will be taken care of on the 12th!

As for me, I had iui #2 today. So it seems like I can't do anything the easy way. Had the catheter drama at the HSG, more catheter drama at iui #1, then today we had......speculum drama!

I have to say this upfront...my LEAST favorite part of a gyno visit is the speculum. So I get in to the room to do my iui, lay down, and "assume the position". I had to hold back a giggle at the song that was playing, C & C Music Factory's "Everybody Dance Now". For some reason, it was just really funny to me. Anyway, the Dr. starts doing his thing and I notice he's really working the speculum a bit. It's pretty uncomfortable, boarder-line painful. Then he gets frustrated, takes it out, and asks the nurse for a different one. So he puts the new one in, works it around (still pretty uncomfortable), and makes a comment about my cervix being "way far back". I have to give the Dr. credit though, he asked me every few seconds how I was doing and if I was ok. Then he had to have the nurse bring him another tool (I think he called it a tenuculum or something like that....excuse my horrible spelling!). I was a bit nervous at this point because at my last iui I had a few seconds of intense cramps, so I was anticipating them, but much to my relief, none came. After my 10 minutes of laying down, it was off to school. I've been pretty sore (down there) all day. Not cramps, just aches. Dh's count this time was 16 million post wash, which is up 5 million from iui #1!

And now the dreaded TWW begins......

Thanks Lucie. I sure hope so. I'm pretty freaked out.

OMG even the word catether freaks me out now!! LOL

FXD for you and hopefully this 2WW goes quickly and you get your :BFP: :dust:
bastetgrrl Sorry to hear it didn't go well, that doesn't sound very pleasant at all. I hope the lap goes great!

Lucie Sorry it was so uncomfortable, I hate the speculum- wish they didn't need to use it at all!

As for me, 7dpo/IUI. Trying to not symptom spot but that is pretty much impossible. Had a huge temp drop this morning a little below my coverline, hope it is an implantation dip but I've seen this pattern before. Really hoping it goes up again tomorrow morning! Got a nosebleed out of nowhere last night- but it has been pretty cold here the last few days. My gums are sore, but had popcorn so could have bit down wrong. Every symptom has an explanation! The hardest part is that I feel like I am unconsciously tightening up my stomach- I can feel that I'm doing it and relax for a little while, but then immediately go back to doing it! I'm afraid it will press off any little eggy trying to implant! Trying to read a relaxing book tonight. Arghy.

Good luck to everyone wherever you are in the process!

FXD! The temp dip at 7dpo could be a very good thing. :thumbup: You are half way there! :dust:
As for me, 7dpo/IUI. Trying to not symptom spot but that is pretty much impossible. Had a huge temp drop this morning a little below my coverline, hope it is an implantation dip but I've seen this pattern before. Really hoping it goes up again tomorrow morning! Got a nosebleed out of nowhere last night- but it has been pretty cold here the last few days. My gums are sore, but had popcorn so could have bit down wrong. Every symptom has an explanation! The hardest part is that I feel like I am unconsciously tightening up my stomach- I can feel that I'm doing it and relax for a little while, but then immediately go back to doing it! I'm afraid it will press off any little eggy trying to implant! Trying to read a relaxing book tonight. Arghy.

Good luck to everyone wherever you are in the process!

Try hard not to symptom spot - I know easier said than done but it can drive you crazy! There are lots of women on here who symptom spot every month and are SURE they are pregnant and get a BFN and then with no symptoms at all think they are totally "out" and end up with the BFP! And using your ab muscles definitely won't harm your chances of implantation.

Just thought I would update! The RE put me on BCP's last week due to enlarged ovaries. I have another scan tomorrow but the plan is to start Lupron on day 18 of the pill. FET may be late Jan/early Feb. They plan to thaw all 9 embryos and take them to blast. I am really nervous about the whole thing.

Fingers crossed ILuvBabies! I assume when they thaw all 9 and take them to blast that they will refreeze some of them???? Try and relax over the holiday's and not stress about the upcoming FET. I've seen lots of successful FETs on this board so I am confident you'll be one of them!
Hi Ladies, could I join you! :flower:

I am due my pre-treatment appointment on 6th feb and can’t wait. I will be having a donor egg due to lots of problems including multiple miscarriages and translocation of chromosomes; this will hopefully be pregnancy 18!
16 of those have been ttc naturally over a period of ten years.
In-between the other loses I had IVF with an egg donor in 2001 and it was successful, I now have a beautiful daughter who is 10. Just hope I can give her a brother or sister this time with an egg donor.

Please excuse any spelling errors!!

Good luck to everyone going through the journey
Well my follies are still less than 10 on my good side. They suggested I continue with the IUI just in case my good side picks it up. I'm waiting on DH to tell me yes or no for him getting off work so I'm not sure yet if we will do it. I will take my trigger at 1am and my follies are 25mm and 26mm so there are 2 on that side. I made them give me a copy of my hsg pics and the report so I could see if there was a glimmer of hope and that would be a negative! Lol! Unless a miracle happens and my good side picks it up!
As for me, 7dpo/IUI. Trying to not symptom spot but that is pretty much impossible. Had a huge temp drop this morning a little below my coverline, hope it is an implantation dip but I've seen this pattern before. Really hoping it goes up again tomorrow morning! Got a nosebleed out of nowhere last night- but it has been pretty cold here the last few days. My gums are sore, but had popcorn so could have bit down wrong. Every symptom has an explanation! The hardest part is that I feel like I am unconsciously tightening up my stomach- I can feel that I'm doing it and relax for a little while, but then immediately go back to doing it! I'm afraid it will press off any little eggy trying to implant! Trying to read a relaxing book tonight. Arghy.

Good luck to everyone wherever you are in the process!

Try hard not to symptom spot - I know easier said than done but it can drive you crazy! There are lots of women on here who symptom spot every month and are SURE they are pregnant and get a BFN and then with no symptoms at all think they are totally "out" and end up with the BFP! And using your ab muscles definitely won't harm your chances

I know I know, I don't know why I do this to myself month after month ... after month. Was pretty good last month but the IUI has got me all hopeful again. At least my temp was back up this morning.

The doctor is having me come in Monday for a blood test to see if it worked, which will be 13dpo- doesn't that seem kind of early for a solid result? I had a chemical in July so I'm paranoid now about getting a positive only to see it disappear!
hi ladies

I am just trying to catch up. Thanks for the comments regarding the bloat. I was hoping it was a side effect that would pass. Before I was only on 100mg of progesterone and now I am on 600mg a day so that is probably causing some funky side effects. Good news my bloat is going down now though.

Welcome to the new ladies!

I hope everyone else is well. This is quite a journey we are all one whatever stage it is.

I hope everyone who wants a BFP gets one for Christmas.

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