IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

hi all, i'm going to meet FS this thursday,22 Dec for a scan on lining. I'm going to have a natural cycle of FET. Hopefully the lining is thick enough for us to have FET..

i have 4 day-3 frozen embies since year 2008. Will the quality affected because they are already frozen for 3 years?

Hi Bebe

Unfortunately I do not have an answer to your question but I did want to wish you good luck!

Thanks. i wish you good luck too. I remember i also got bloated after i had trigger shot during my previous IVF and it last for a few days.

when are you going to have blood test? Are you still having bed rest now?

Finger crossed for you. xx

Thanks! I only did bed rest for two days then a sloth day and then a semi sloth day. I hope that is enough. I am testing on the 28th and trying not to start POAS over the holidays.

Good luck on your scan tomorrow.
Hi ladies,

Update for me... I will go in for my HSG on Friday afternoon and I meet with the new clinic on the 11th of Jan. Thanks Edamame for helping with that bit of info on the clinic. :hugs: This will be my first HSG so not really sure what to expect but I will update you after the appointment.

I hope everyone is doing well and for the ladies on their 2ww as well as everyone else good luck with everything!!
Hi everyone, how is everyone doing today?

Went in for my day 12 monitoring today and have a question for you guys - is there such a thing as TOO thick a lining? My lining grew from 6.6 on Saturday to 8.5mm on Monday to 10.7mm today... its never been that thick and I'm a little worried it'll be too thick for my lil bean to stick?!

Other than that, grew some more follicles, but the old ones are growing slowly. Heres what I have:
L: 16, 15, 13, 13, 12, 11, 11
R: 17, 16, 14, 12, 11, 10
My two leads only went up by 1mm since Monday - is that normal? When I did iui at 100iu of follitism, they grew much faster. Right now I am at 125iu of follitism and 75iu of repronex. I'm hoping my retrieval and transfer can be while I already have holidays from work rather than having to take off some extra time!

Thanks everyone!
Just thought I would update! The RE put me on BCP's last week due to enlarged ovaries. I have another scan tomorrow but the plan is to start Lupron on day 18 of the pill. FET may be late Jan/early Feb. They plan to thaw all 9 embryos and take them to blast. I am really nervous about the whole thing.
Hope the BCPs help out so you can be more comfortable and ready for FET. Totally understandable to be nervous but you have 9 great chances :hugs: How many do you think you will transfer?

Hi Ladies, could I join you! :flower:

I am due my pre-treatment appointment on 6th feb and can’t wait. I will be having a donor egg due to lots of problems including multiple miscarriages and translocation of chromosomes; this will hopefully be pregnancy 18!
16 of those have been ttc naturally over a period of ten years.
In-between the other loses I had IVF with an egg donor in 2001 and it was successful, I now have a beautiful daughter who is 10. Just hope I can give her a brother or sister this time with an egg donor.

Please excuse any spelling errors!!

Good luck to everyone going through the journey
:dust::dust::dust: :dust::dust:
Welcome tinker :hi:
Sorry to hear about your losses :hugs: FX this cycle does the trick. Donor cycle success rates I have seen have been even better than some under 30 fresh cycle rates so you have great odds :thumbup:

Well my follies are still less than 10 on my good side. They suggested I continue with the IUI just in case my good side picks it up. I'm waiting on DH to tell me yes or no for him getting off work so I'm not sure yet if we will do it. I will take my trigger at 1am and my follies are 25mm and 26mm so there are 2 on that side. I made them give me a copy of my hsg pics and the report so I could see if there was a glimmer of hope and that would be a negative! Lol! Unless a miracle happens and my good side picks it up!
I guess it can't hurt to do the IUI but I agree the odds probably aren't high. You are out the money either way so I would just go with what feels right. You can always BD for your miracle if you don't want to do the IUI.

The doctor is having me come in Monday for a blood test to see if it worked, which will be 13dpo- doesn't that seem kind of early for a solid result? I had a chemical in July so I'm paranoid now about getting a positive only to see it disappear!
I think they can know pretty well based on the beta number whether they are confident it is viable or is likely a chemical. FX you won't have any more 'disappearing' lines :hugs:

Hi ladies,

Update for me... I will go in for my HSG on Friday afternoon and I meet with the new clinic on the 11th of Jan. Thanks Edamame for helping with that bit of info on the clinic. :hugs: This will be my first HSG so not really sure what to expect but I will update you after the appointment.

Glad you got things sorted with switching clinics :thumbup: Even if the other one would have gotten you there eventually I think you will feel better about things and more empowered knowing you are taking charge and doing something. Good luck with your HSG

Went in for my day 12 monitoring today and have a question for you guys - is there such a thing as TOO thick a lining? My lining grew from 6.6 on Saturday to 8.5mm on Monday to 10.7mm today... its never been that thick and I'm a little worried it'll be too thick for my lil bean to stick?!

Other than that, grew some more follicles, but the old ones are growing slowly. Heres what I have:
L: 16, 15, 13, 13, 12, 11, 11
R: 17, 16, 14, 12, 11, 10
My two leads only went up by 1mm since Monday - is that normal? When I did iui at 100iu of follitism, they grew much faster. Right now I am at 125iu of follitism and 75iu of repronex. I'm hoping my retrieval and transfer can be while I already have holidays from work rather than having to take off some extra time!

I think it is possible to be too thick but I don't think you are anywhere near that range. I tend to question how accurate those measurements are too - my ultrasound techs seem to be doing that part awfully fast and the slightest difference in where they click can make things seem more or less than they really are.

Follies grow 1-2 per day on average with some days being more and some being less. I don't think it is worrisome that the leads had a couple of slow days. They want them all to be around the same size so looks good for that :thumbup:
Hey everyone..... :blush: Have some good news to share....

I'm 12 days past retrieval. My beta is on Friday, but I tested early due to feeling very exhausted.


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Hey everyone..... :blush: Have some good news to share....

I'm 12 days past retrieval. My beta is on Friday, but I tested early due to feeling very exhausted.

Congratulations!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: How wonderfully exciting. How are you feeling?

I hope you have started a wave of BFPs. You make me want to test early.
Hey everyone..... :blush: Have some good news to share....

I'm 12 days past retrieval. My beta is on Friday, but I tested early due to feeling very exhausted.

Congrats!! What an amazing early xmas present :happydance:
Hey everyone..... :blush: Have some good news to share....

I'm 12 days past retrieval. My beta is on Friday, but I tested early due to feeling very exhausted.

This is great news:happydance::happydance:

goodluck with your beta on friday
Well ladies bad news for me. I tested last night to avoid being so upset before work this morn and got :bfn:

Had tried to gear myself up for it but still gutted. Just about to do another to confirm.

Congrats squirrel! X
Well ladies bad news for me. I tested last night to avoid being so upset before work this morn and got :bfn:

Had tried to gear myself up for it but still gutted. Just about to do another to confirm.

Congrats squirrel! X

Sorry to hear about your test :hugs: You are 12 dpiui right? Don't count your self out until the witch shows up though. I truly know it's hard but hopefully it's just to soon to tell. :hugs:
Also on progesterone so guessing the :witch: will come once I stop them x
So sorry about the BFN but don't count yourself out yet(I know its hard) just a glimpse of hope hmmm:hugs:
My ovaries were 7 and 10 last week and now 1 is 4 and the other is 3 something. So obviously one week on the pill has made a huge difference! I feel normal again other than the nausea that I can't seem to shake.

I am on 2 more weeks of the pill and start Lupron Dec. 31st. A week or so later I begin the patch and estrace. They will have me do 2 cc of PIO. I did 1 cc with Preston's FET but more is better to cover the bases! They do a 21 day P4 check which I am so thrilled about! That way we can see where things stand and make sure everything is okay. Transfer is Jan 27th with 2 days of bedrest. Pregnancy test will be 10 days later.

I am very happy with how they are doing things compared to the last clinic! They are working with me on cost as well so we will be paying cash to reduce the bill significantly. They will thaw all 9 and take them to blast. Hoping and praying for at least 2 good ones!! :)
Thanks for the welcome Mrs Bear :)

Congratulations squirrelgirl, fab xmas pressie!

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