IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Thanks 31 and trying. I see you have two mals also who look very happy n chilled in the snow :):)
My ovaries were 7 and 10 last week and now 1 is 4 and the other is 3 something. So obviously one week on the pill has made a huge difference! I feel normal again other than the nausea that I can't seem to shake.

I am on 2 more weeks of the pill and start Lupron Dec. 31st. A week or so later I begin the patch and estrace. They will have me do 2 cc of PIO. I did 1 cc with Preston's FET but more is better to cover the bases! They do a 21 day P4 check which I am so thrilled about! That way we can see where things stand and make sure everything is okay. Transfer is Jan 27th with 2 days of bedrest. Pregnancy test will be 10 days later.

I am very happy with how they are doing things compared to the last clinic! They are working with me on cost as well so we will be paying cash to reduce the bill significantly. They will thaw all 9 and take them to blast. Hoping and praying for at least 2 good ones!! :)

Sounds like you and your dr have a great plan in place. FXD :thumbup:
Congrats SquirrelGirl, very happy for you!!

I'm very moody over the last few days and tired - not sure if this is a reaction to the stress of TTC, the hormones, or what. Yesterday I fell asleep after work and didn't hear my DH call on his way. He sweetly figured I must have fallen asleep so picked up dinner on the way. He didn't know what I'd want, or if I was really hungry - as I've been bloated and finding it difficult to eat lately, so he played it safe by bringing home a sandwich that I usually like. I got so angry when he woke me that he brought 'lunch food' for dinner - a completely irrational reason to get angry. :nope:

Then, we were watching the news, and this story came on about a woman being charged with failing to provide the necessities of life to her newborn baby, but the baby is still missing. They were talking about her life, and they found that a little while ago when she testified in court regarding an unrelated incident, she was 7.5 months pregnant with twins - and they're not sure where those babies are either. So that's 3 babies this woman had, and the police can't find. This story really got to me and I was crying for those babies and the fact that they were given to her so easily and she didn't cherish them. When I was driving to work this morning, I foudn myself crying about it again.

Is everyone so emotional during stims, or am I going crazy?

On a side note, had to go in for another ultrasound today. My 13 follies aren't doing much in terms of growing, but lining grew from 10.7 yesterday to 12.5 today. My estrogen is also very high, above 8000 - so I'm assuming they might end up doing an FET next month instead of transferring this month :(
Just came across this site searching for random qs with icsi! Dont even know if im replying to the thread or some random ladies post :blush:

Ive read the stats and spoke to someone who went through icsi but know its my turn and im very excited but very nervous is this right?!

I started taking the pill last week and my scan dates are booked in for jan 30th i know then i start my hormones anybody know how much or do it differ person to person?

Again sorry if im in the wrong place! :blush:
Congrats SquirrelGirl, very happy for you!!

I'm very moody over the last few days and tired - not sure if this is a reaction to the stress of TTC, the hormones, or what. Yesterday I fell asleep after work and didn't hear my DH call on his way. He sweetly figured I must have fallen asleep so picked up dinner on the way. He didn't know what I'd want, or if I was really hungry - as I've been bloated and finding it difficult to eat lately, so he played it safe by bringing home a sandwich that I usually like. I got so angry when he woke me that he brought 'lunch food' for dinner - a completely irrational reason to get angry. :nope:

Then, we were watching the news, and this story came on about a woman being charged with failing to provide the necessities of life to her newborn baby, but the baby is still missing. They were talking about her life, and they found that a little while ago when she testified in court regarding an unrelated incident, she was 7.5 months pregnant with twins - and they're not sure where those babies are either. So that's 3 babies this woman had, and the police can't find. This story really got to me and I was crying for those babies and the fact that they were given to her so easily and she didn't cherish them. When I was driving to work this morning, I foudn myself crying about it again.

Is everyone so emotional during stims, or am I going crazy?

On a side note, had to go in for another ultrasound today. My 13 follies aren't doing much in terms of growing, but lining grew from 10.7 yesterday to 12.5 today. My estrogen is also very high, above 8000 - so I'm assuming they might end up doing an FET next month instead of transferring this month :(

I'm sorry that you have been so emotional but you aren't going crazy or alone. I've been all over the place emotionally as well. I cry when I watch TV that involves babies. I'm just not even in the holiday spirit this year. I feel like I have nothing to celebrate. No baby and no good news. :cry: I just want the holidays to come and go so that I can get on with my surgery and hopefully finally get some good news. I think I might crack if something good doesn't happen soon. :nope:

We just have to keep in mind that things will get better and we will get through this. :hugs:
Hi Ladies, could I join you! :flower:

I am due my pre-treatment appointment on 6th feb and can’t wait. I will be having a donor egg due to lots of problems including multiple miscarriages and translocation of chromosomes; this will hopefully be pregnancy 18!
16 of those have been ttc naturally over a period of ten years.
In-between the other loses I had IVF with an egg donor in 2001 and it was successful, I now have a beautiful daughter who is 10. Just hope I can give her a brother or sister this time with an egg donor.

Please excuse any spelling errors!!

Good luck to everyone going through the journey

Welcome tinkershell!! Sorry I missed your intro :blush: Good luck with the process. I think it's great you are trying to give your daughter a brother or sister

Just came across this site searching for random qs with icsi! Dont even know if im replying to the thread or some random ladies post :blush:

Ive read the stats and spoke to someone who went through icsi but know its my turn and im very excited but very nervous is this right?!

I started taking the pill last week and my scan dates are booked in for jan 30th i know then i start my hormones anybody know how much or do it differ person to person?

Again sorry if im in the wrong place! :blush:

Welcome k2chick :hi:

I do think it is normal to be excited and nervous at the same time. Good luck with everything!
Hi Girls

Just wanted to introduce myself as I am new to this site. I have been lurking for sometime but finally decided to post. I just did my first IUI this month on 12/13 & 12/14 with injectable meds. I have stage III Endo and my husband has low morphology.

I am in my 2ww and am going insane so I figured it would help to see who else is going crazy like me.

Congrats to everyone who got their BFP this month!
Hi Girls

Just wanted to introduce myself as I am new to this site. I have been lurking for sometime but finally decided to post. I just did my first IUI this month on 12/13 & 12/14 with injectable meds. I have stage III Endo and my husband has low morphology.

I am in my 2ww and am going insane so I figured it would help to see who else is going crazy like me.

Congrats to everyone who got their BFP this month!

Welcome :hi:

Good luck on your 2ww. Hopefully a BFP! What day are you planning on testing?
Hi Girls

Just wanted to introduce myself as I am new to this site. I have been lurking for sometime but finally decided to post. I just did my first IUI this month on 12/13 & 12/14 with injectable meds. I have stage III Endo and my husband has low morphology.

I am in my 2ww and am going insane so I figured it would help to see who else is going crazy like me.

Congrats to everyone who got their BFP this month!

Welcome :hi:

Good luck on your 2ww. Hopefully a BFP! What day are you planning on testing?

Thanks! I tested on 8DPO just to see if the trigger was out of my system, which it was. I am trying to hold out until my blood test on the 28th, but I doubt i will make it that long!
Hi Girls

Just wanted to introduce myself as I am new to this site. I have been lurking for sometime but finally decided to post. I just did my first IUI this month on 12/13 & 12/14 with injectable meds. I have stage III Endo and my husband has low morphology.

I am in my 2ww and am going insane so I figured it would help to see who else is going crazy like me.

Congrats to everyone who got their BFP this month!

Welcome :hi:

Good luck on your 2ww. Hopefully a BFP! What day are you planning on testing?

Thanks! I tested on 8DPO just to see if the trigger was out of my system, which it was. I am trying to hold out until my blood test on the 28th, but I doubt i will make it that long!

It's good to know it's out of your system already. Mine seemed like it took forever (11-12 days I think). I know it's hard to wait until the blood test so I don't blame you for wanting to test earlier.
Welcome BlueStorm! :wave:

FXD for you and that the 2ww goes by quickly. I agree that waiting in the worst and I don't blame you for wanting to wait for the blood test. Try to focus on other stuff and keep busy. It'll be here before you know it. :dust:
Hey everyone..... :blush: Have some good news to share....

I'm 12 days past retrieval. My beta is on Friday, but I tested early due to feeling very exhausted.

YAYYYYY!!! CONGRATULATIONS !!! Cant wait to see your beta results :)

Well ladies bad news for me. I tested last night to avoid being so upset before work this morn and got :bfn:

Had tried to gear myself up for it but still gutted. Just about to do another to confirm.

Congrats squirrel! X

Sorry lolly but not out til that witch shows!! FX!!

*** I have been away for the past couple days, working and I am sick as a dog :(.... it sucks... xmas this year is feeling lame, being sick, no snow and all this IVF stuff on top of it , I truly hope this New Year brings us ALL a reason to celebrate ***
*** I have been away for the past couple days, working and I am sick as a dog :(.... it sucks... xmas this year is feeling lame, being sick, no snow and all this IVF stuff on top of it , I truly hope this New Year brings us ALL a reason to celebrate ***

I hear ya!!!! Bring on 2012 and lots of successful cycles and lots of :bfp:
Had scan and bloods done today. Scan showed nothing new and my bloods showed estrodial at 53 (I don't know what that means.) The re is keeping me on 150 of menopur and I have another scan on Monday. Can someone tell me what my estrodial should be.
Well ladies bad news for me. I tested last night to avoid being so upset before work this morn and got :bfn:

My ovaries were 7 and 10 last week and now 1 is 4 and the other is 3 something. So obviously one week on the pill has made a huge difference! I feel normal again other than the nausea that I can't seem to shake.

I am on 2 more weeks of the pill and start Lupron Dec. 31st. A week or so later I begin the patch and estrace. They will have me do 2 cc of PIO. I did 1 cc with Preston's FET but more is better to cover the bases! They do a 21 day P4 check which I am so thrilled about! That way we can see where things stand and make sure everything is okay. Transfer is Jan 27th with 2 days of bedrest. Pregnancy test will be 10 days later.

I am very happy with how they are doing things compared to the last clinic! They are working with me on cost as well so we will be paying cash to reduce the bill significantly. They will thaw all 9 and take them to blast. Hoping and praying for at least 2 good ones!! :)
Glad to hear you are starting to feel better - Jan 27th will be here before you know it! :thumbup:

I'm very moody over the last few days and tired - not sure if this is a reaction to the stress of TTC, the hormones, or what. Yesterday I fell asleep after work and didn't hear my DH call on his way. He sweetly figured I must have fallen asleep so picked up dinner on the way. He didn't know what I'd want, or if I was really hungry - as I've been bloated and finding it difficult to eat lately, so he played it safe by bringing home a sandwich that I usually like. I got so angry when he woke me that he brought 'lunch food' for dinner - a completely irrational reason to get angry. :nope:

Then, we were watching the news, and this story came on about a woman being charged with failing to provide the necessities of life to her newborn baby, but the baby is still missing. They were talking about her life, and they found that a little while ago when she testified in court regarding an unrelated incident, she was 7.5 months pregnant with twins - and they're not sure where those babies are either. So that's 3 babies this woman had, and the police can't find. This story really got to me and I was crying for those babies and the fact that they were given to her so easily and she didn't cherish them. When I was driving to work this morning, I foudn myself crying about it again.

Is everyone so emotional during stims, or am I going crazy?

On a side note, had to go in for another ultrasound today. My 13 follies aren't doing much in terms of growing, but lining grew from 10.7 yesterday to 12.5 today. My estrogen is also very high, above 8000 - so I'm assuming they might end up doing an FET next month instead of transferring this month :(
I think it is perfectly normal - between all the hormones and the stress it is a miracle we aren't all a mess all the time. Stories like that make me sick to. Sad that people like that are getting pregnant so easily while others struggle to get what she obviously doesn't want. :nope:

Just came across this site searching for random qs with icsi! Dont even know if im replying to the thread or some random ladies post :blush:

Ive read the stats and spoke to someone who went through icsi but know its my turn and im very excited but very nervous is this right?!

I started taking the pill last week and my scan dates are booked in for jan 30th i know then i start my hormones anybody know how much or do it differ person to person?
Hi k2chick :hi: I think we are all nervous and excited :flower: The meds vary quite a bit from person to person depending on the clinic and the patient so there really is no way to guess what your dosages will be :shrug:

Just wanted to introduce myself as I am new to this site. I have been lurking for sometime but finally decided to post. I just did my first IUI this month on 12/13 & 12/14 with injectable meds. I have stage III Endo and my husband has low morphology.

I am in my 2ww and am going insane so I figured it would help to see who else is going crazy like me.
Welcome BlueStorm :wave: FX this is your month :dust:

Had scan and bloods done today. Scan showed nothing new and my bloods showed estrodial at 53 (I don't know what that means.) The re is keeping me on 150 of menopur and I have another scan on Monday. Can someone tell me what my estrodial should be.
From what I understand, you would have E2 of 100-200 for each mature egg but I think there can be different types of estradial tests so who knows :shrug:

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