IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Took me a few tries to log in so hope this post make sense.
I have to fight to stay awake after the retrieval so figured i would try and post. I keep nodding off though.
All night I felt what felt like ovulation pain before hand, and was freaking out that I was ovulating early. The nurse said it was normal though.
Both my DH and I were nervous and anxious all.night and had a hard time.sleeping, we were so happy when our alarm went off at 630.
I think the worst part was actually getting the iv started.3 different nurses tried and wouldn't do it. finally they asked my re to do it.... he got it somewhere in my.ARM thesecond try nd boy it hurt.
The retrieval itself didn't hurt so much.... little.pinching and im cranping still... but there was a lot of blood.

They retrieved 25 eggs! No idea yet thouh how many are mature.

Thats great they retrieved 25 eggs!!! :happydance: Get some rest, when do you go for your ET?
Wishing you all the Merriest of Christmases and hoping they are as wonderful as mine now that DH is finally HOME!!!!


So happy that he his back home safe :happydance:
I just found out another friend is pregnant and due in March. :cry:

Did people just want to ruin the holidays by all of these announcements??

Just wanted to vent :hugs:
I just found out another friend is pregnant and due in March. :cry:

Did people just want to ruin the holidays by all of these announcements??

Just wanted to vent :hugs:

Vent away - we definitely all know how you feel :hugs: My last 'announcement' was around the 23rd... Hopefully it will be our turn soon though :thumbup:
Took me a few tries to log in so hope this post make sense.
I have to fight to stay awake after the retrieval so figured i would try and post. I keep nodding off though.
All night I felt what felt like ovulation pain before hand, and was freaking out that I was ovulating early. The nurse said it was normal though.
Both my DH and I were nervous and anxious all.night and had a hard time.sleeping, we were so happy when our alarm went off at 630.
I think the worst part was actually getting the iv started.3 different nurses tried and wouldn't do it. finally they asked my re to do it.... he got it somewhere in my.ARM thesecond try nd boy it hurt.
The retrieval itself didn't hurt so much.... little.pinching and im cranping still... but there was a lot of blood.

They retrieved 25 eggs! No idea yet thouh how many are mature.

Hate it when they can't manage the IV but awesome news about 25 eggs! :happydance: Will you find out about fertilization tomorrow then?
Took me a few tries to log in so hope this post make sense.
I have to fight to stay awake after the retrieval so figured i would try and post. I keep nodding off though.
All night I felt what felt like ovulation pain before hand, and was freaking out that I was ovulating early. The nurse said it was normal though.
Both my DH and I were nervous and anxious all.night and had a hard time.sleeping, we were so happy when our alarm went off at 630.
I think the worst part was actually getting the iv started.3 different nurses tried and wouldn't do it. finally they asked my re to do it.... he got it somewhere in my.ARM thesecond try nd boy it hurt.
The retrieval itself didn't hurt so much.... little.pinching and im cranping still... but there was a lot of blood.

They retrieved 25 eggs! No idea yet thouh how many are mature.

25 eggs that is super! Bummer about the iv but such a good numbers of eggs. FX'd for a high number of fertilization.
Good luck hopeful that is a great number of eggs! Cant wait to hear how many get fertilized
Hi Ladies! :hi:

Went for my mid-cycle ultrasound today and also received my HCG trigger ovulation shot. Doc mentioned that I had 4 eggs, but only 2 were of a mature state; with one on the right measuring in at 19.1mm and one on the left at 18.3mm. Very happy to see those awesome eggs! :haha:

I go in tomorrow at 8am to have the IUI procedure. Since this is my first time, can anyone explain to me what I should expect this procedure to be like? I'm so nervous!
Hi Ladies! :hi:

Went for my mid-cycle ultrasound today and also received my HCG trigger ovulation shot. Doc mentioned that I had 4 eggs, but only 2 were of a mature state; with one on the right measuring in at 19.1mm and one on the left at 18.3mm. Very happy to see those awesome eggs! :haha:

I go in tomorrow at 8am to have the IUI procedure. Since this is my first time, can anyone explain to me what I should expect this procedure to be like? I'm so nervous!

Good luck on the IUI tomorrow. It's all pretty simple and nothing major. You get up there as if you are having an exam and they insert the catheter along with the little guys. They put everything in, takes only a couple minutes if that and set a timer. They tell you to lay there for a certain amount of time and once that goes off you should be free to leave. After they step out and I'm waiting on the time I always put the pillow under my bum :haha: not sure if it helps but if I was told to stand on my head for an hour to help it work I would do it. Anyways thats how it's done where I go. Maybe some other ladies could share what goes on during their appointment.

I hope everything goes well for you. Fx you get a BFP!!
Hi Ladies! :hi:

Went for my mid-cycle ultrasound today and also received my HCG trigger ovulation shot. Doc mentioned that I had 4 eggs, but only 2 were of a mature state; with one on the right measuring in at 19.1mm and one on the left at 18.3mm. Very happy to see those awesome eggs! :haha:

I go in tomorrow at 8am to have the IUI procedure. Since this is my first time, can anyone explain to me what I should expect this procedure to be like? I'm so nervous!

Best of luck tomorrow! It is so simple and painless. I was nervous before mine also but once they were finished I could not believe how easy it was. Mrs. C pretty much explained how it goes. It was the same for me so I won't go through the whole process again. Althouh I didn't put a pillow under my bum :haha:
Hi Ladies! :hi:

Went for my mid-cycle ultrasound today and also received my HCG trigger ovulation shot. Doc mentioned that I had 4 eggs, but only 2 were of a mature state; with one on the right measuring in at 19.1mm and one on the left at 18.3mm. Very happy to see those awesome eggs! :haha:

I go in tomorrow at 8am to have the IUI procedure. Since this is my first time, can anyone explain to me what I should expect this procedure to be like? I'm so nervous!

Best of luck tomorrow! It is so simple and painless. I was nervous before mine also but once they were finished I could not believe how easy it was. Mrs. C pretty much explained how it goes. It was the same for me so I won't go through the whole process again. Althouh I didn't put a pillow under my bum :haha:

Dh thought that was pretty silly also :blush: it now makes for a good laugh though!! :haha:
Yep, like the other ladies said, it's pretty much like an annual exam. The "worst" part, in my opinion, is the speculum. It's possible that it could hurt for a minute if the opening to the cervix is tilted to the left or right, but it's very likely you'll feel next to nothing. But in any event, it's nothing to be worried about and it's all very manageable.

The TWW is much much worse! :haha:
Oh, by the way, I got my second beta results.

My first beta was on Friday and as 133.

Yesterday's beta was.... 520!!!!!!! :yipee:

I'm so relieved that the number more than doubled. I go in again tomorrow and Friday to further verify the numbers continue to climb appropriately.
Oh, by the way, I got my second beta results.

My first beta was on Friday and as 133.

Yesterday's beta was.... 520!!!!!!! :yipee:

I'm so relieved that the number more than doubled. I go in again tomorrow and Friday to further verify the numbers continue to climb appropriately.

That is great news!
AF got me last night. :( DH & I will be taking a break from injectables to save some money. In the meantime I'm thinking of trying soy isoflavones just to possibly give myself a shot at ovulating! Good luck to everyone else!!!
Took me a few tries to log in so hope this post make sense.
I have to fight to stay awake after the retrieval so figured i would try and post. I keep nodding off though.
All night I felt what felt like ovulation pain before hand, and was freaking out that I was ovulating early. The nurse said it was normal though.
Both my DH and I were nervous and anxious all.night and had a hard time.sleeping, we were so happy when our alarm went off at 630.
I think the worst part was actually getting the iv started.3 different nurses tried and wouldn't do it. finally they asked my re to do it.... he got it somewhere in my.ARM thesecond try nd boy it hurt.
The retrieval itself didn't hurt so much.... little.pinching and im cranping still... but there was a lot of blood.

They retrieved 25 eggs! No idea yet thouh how many are mature.

YIPPEEE that is an awesome amount of eggs :) Can't wait to hear the fertilization report tomorrow. Does your clinic call you daily? Do you know whether you're planning for a day 3 or a day 5?
Oh, by the way, I got my second beta results.

My first beta was on Friday and as 133.

Yesterday's beta was.... 520!!!!!!! :yipee:

I'm so relieved that the number more than doubled. I go in again tomorrow and Friday to further verify the numbers continue to climb appropriately.

What great news!! :happydance:
Hi Ladies! :hi:

Went for my mid-cycle ultrasound today and also received my HCG trigger ovulation shot. Doc mentioned that I had 4 eggs, but only 2 were of a mature state; with one on the right measuring in at 19.1mm and one on the left at 18.3mm. Very happy to see those awesome eggs! :haha:

I go in tomorrow at 8am to have the IUI procedure. Since this is my first time, can anyone explain to me what I should expect this procedure to be like? I'm so nervous!
Yay for 2 eggies! :happydance: The other ladies have pretty much covered the IUI. My clinic has part of the table that lifts so they usually raise that - so don't feel silly about the pillow MrsC since my clinic does essentially the same thing :thumbup: I always came home after and prop my bum for about another hour or so too :haha:. I tended to have some cramping after IUI but not everyone does.

Good luck tomorrow! :dust:

Oh, by the way, I got my second beta results.

My first beta was on Friday and as 133.

Yesterday's beta was.... 520!!!!!!! :yipee:

I'm so relieved that the number more than doubled. I go in again tomorrow and Friday to further verify the numbers continue to climb appropriately.
:yipee: Yay! Looking forward to hearing some more great numbers :thumbup:

AF got me last night. :( DH & I will be taking a break from injectables to save some money. In the meantime I'm thinking of trying soy isoflavones just to possibly give myself a shot at ovulating! Good luck to everyone else!!!

Sorry AF got you. :hugs: A break can be good for you mentally as well. FX you can get a BFP on your own while you wait.
I had an iui done on 12/17. I am now 12dpiui (Ihad the 250 ovidrel) and 10 dpo. I started to test out the trigger shot (250 mg Ovidrel) on Christmas day. I got two negative readings that day. The next day I decided to take another test mid-morning because I noticed a linea nigra on my tummy from my pubic bone to my belly button. It came on Christmas day out of the blue and the last time I'd gotten something like that I was pregnant (I got a dark spot on my face). I was soooo shocked. Even with the two negatives I thought something was up then and that there may have been a hint of a line on the second test that day. Anyway, I woke up on the 26th and waited until midmorning and took the last test I had. I wasn't too happy it was a digi as I thought I wouldn't get the benefit of being able to stare at lines until I was fully satisfied with my interpretation lol. It took the whole three minutes to come up with a YES! I couldn't believe it! I then waited to test again today in the morning (I had to wait and buy some more) with the same tests I'd gotten negatives on on Christmas day and now there's a line! I called my doctor and they had me go in for blood tests today. I will hear from them tomorrow I hope. Fingers crossed. I still can't believe it. I don't really have many symptoms at all except I'm not sleeping very well and my nipples have a burning sensation (and sometimes they itch) when something rubs against them. They are also fuller than normal but in line with what I normally get before my period. I also feel a bit tired at times but it's the holidays so that's to be expected. I can't believe that I don't feel more pregnant. I feel like this is surreal. This has got to be the month with the least amount of symptoms. On day 5 and 6 I woke up in the morning with stomach cramps that lasted about an hour or so... I wonder now if that was implantation. I was hoping at the time that it was. I also went to the bathroom a lot but that may be the effects of the trigger shot. Seeing the pregnancy line was what did it for me. When I saw that I was pretty sure that something was up, I just can't believe how early I got it!!! I pray for good news tomorrow with the beta results. I'll post more soon.
Oh, I guess I should also share that I used donor sperm with 24 million sperm count (not sure of motility). Also had four follicles measuring 15,16 left and right the day of trigger shot. I was on 150 units of Bravelle for cycle days 3-8 and then 75 units for cycle days 9-10. I triggered on cycle day 11, had iui on cycle day 13 and am now on cycle day 23.

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