IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Test was a light positive again this morning. I just got done at the doc. I still didn't respond to the menopur. They are cancleing this cycle. They checked my progesterone I will get the results tomorrow they will put me on Provera and then bc for a few months. She said it was possible to get a false positive on menopur.
But that's that, no iui for me.
:hugs: Sorry to hear you didn't respond to the menopur. Hopefully they will find another that will work better for you. Did they say why they want you to be on bc a few months? Seems like you should be able to start sooner than that.

I am not really sure why, I had one follicles on each overy that were about 8mm each they were bigger then the rest. it is the first time the ultrasound tech took note of any thing on my overies but the re said that nothing was happening. so i really dont know why the cycle was cancled or why I need to go on birth control for a few months. We are taking a break for a year (if I can handle it that is) so we can save up money and figure out what we want to do next. What would you ladies do? we could probably save up $5000-10,000 in the year during our break. but it will probably take $3000-4000 to stim me per cycle. or we could get a loan for an ivf 3 pack. which we pay a fee then get 3 tries at pregnancy then if all 3 fail we get our money back, at least this is how we understand it. and ivf has a higher success rate than just iui or natural. I just don't know what to do. any advice? what would you do in my situation?
I had an iui done on 12/17. I am now 12dpiui (Ihad the 250 ovidrel) and 10 dpo. I started to test out the trigger shot (250 mg Ovidrel) on Christmas day. I got two negative readings that day. The next day I decided to take another test mid-morning because I noticed a linea nigra on my tummy from my pubic bone to my belly button. It came on Christmas day out of the blue and the last time I'd gotten something like that I was pregnant (I got a dark spot on my face). I was soooo shocked. Even with the two negatives I thought something was up then and that there may have been a hint of a line on the second test that day. Anyway, I woke up on the 26th and waited until midmorning and took the last test I had. I wasn't too happy it was a digi as I thought I wouldn't get the benefit of being able to stare at lines until I was fully satisfied with my interpretation lol. It took the whole three minutes to come up with a YES! I couldn't believe it! I then waited to test again today in the morning (I had to wait and buy some more) with the same tests I'd gotten negatives on on Christmas day and now there's a line! I called my doctor and they had me go in for blood tests today. I will hear from them tomorrow I hope. Fingers crossed. I still can't believe it. I don't really have many symptoms at all except I'm not sleeping very well and my nipples have a burning sensation (and sometimes they itch) when something rubs against them. They are also fuller than normal but in line with what I normally get before my period. I also feel a bit tired at times but it's the holidays so that's to be expected. I can't believe that I don't feel more pregnant. I feel like this is surreal. This has got to be the month with the least amount of symptoms. On day 5 and 6 I woke up in the morning with stomach cramps that lasted about an hour or so... I wonder now if that was implantation. I was hoping at the time that it was. I also went to the bathroom a lot but that may be the effects of the trigger shot. Seeing the pregnancy line was what did it for me. When I saw that I was pretty sure that something was up, I just can't believe how early I got it!!! I pray for good news tomorrow with the beta results. I'll post more soon.
Oh, I guess I should also share that I used donor sperm with 24 million sperm count (not sure of motility). Also had four follicles measuring 15,16 left and right the day of trigger shot. I was on 150 units of Bravelle for cycle days 3-8 and then 75 units for cycle days 9-10. I triggered on cycle day 11, had iui on cycle day 13 and am now on cycle day 23.

Congrats Citrus! Fingers crossed that your blood test comes back with great numbers. It's funny how it always seems the months that everyone gets their BFP they have hardly any symptoms
Congrats on the BFP Citrus, and the great beta SquirrelGirl. Also, Mrs. Bear I am so happy for you that DH is back. All this TTC is difficult enough - can't imagine doing it alone! I'm so glad DH will be here to help with all the injections, the retrieval, and hopefully that BFP!!

So my clinic just called. Out of my 25 eggs, 21 of them were mature. The clinic had told us yesterday that because of the # of eggs and DH only producing 13 million sperm, that we should do ICSI, so we agreed and paid them right there before we left after the retrieval. So of my 21 mature eggs, I've got 19 fertilized!!! Very happy about this and Fx'd that plenty make it to day 5 blast.

I'll get a progress report on my potential bubbas on Friday (day 3) and then I have to go in on Sunday to get my day 5 progress report, and hopefully the transfer. They haven't decided yet if I will be transferring fresh this cycle for sure yet - as my estrogen was very high the last time it was measured on Saturday (over 15000 in Canadian units, meaning over 4100 in US units). I'm drinking lots of gatorade and trying to make sure I can manage any potential OHSS so that I can have a fresh transfer - since my lining is a nice 12mm.

Any advice as to what can be done?
I just found out another friend is pregnant and due in March. :cry:

Did people just want to ruin the holidays by all of these announcements??

Just wanted to vent :hugs:

OMG I know what you mean. I just need to hang out in the bar or something seems like the only safe place....
Hi Ladies! :hi:

Went for my mid-cycle ultrasound today and also received my HCG trigger ovulation shot. Doc mentioned that I had 4 eggs, but only 2 were of a mature state; with one on the right measuring in at 19.1mm and one on the left at 18.3mm. Very happy to see those awesome eggs! :haha:

I go in tomorrow at 8am to have the IUI procedure. Since this is my first time, can anyone explain to me what I should expect this procedure to be like? I'm so nervous!

WOO HOO! That's awesome news! Good luck with the IUI today. FXD :dust:

Haven't had one done yet so not sure what to expect but these ladies will have plenty of good comments!
Oh, by the way, I got my second beta results.

My first beta was on Friday and as 133.

Yesterday's beta was.... 520!!!!!!! :yipee:

I'm so relieved that the number more than doubled. I go in again tomorrow and Friday to further verify the numbers continue to climb appropriately.

YAY! That's great news!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
Congrats Citrus! Hope everything goes well on the blood test! :happydance:

Dis3tnd - that's wonderful news! :thumbup: Can't wait to hear about the progress reports on Friday and Sunday!
Congrats Citrus! :happydance:

Dis3tnd, what a great report! Can't wait to hear the news on Friday!:thumbup:

No_Regrets, I'm sorry about your canceled cycle. :hugs:

Wanting, sorry the witch came. :hugs:

Jenny, good luck today on your iui!:thumbup:

Arimas, sorry about the announcement. I know how you feel. :hugs:

Squirrel, woo hoo for great beta numbers! :happydance:

Sorry if I missed anyone.

As for me, still NO symptoms. None at all. And I went in yesterday and got my progesterone tested, it came back at 8.3. Last cycle (iui#1) it was 16.5. Now, dh has reminded me that last cycle I also had two follies, and this cycle I only had one, so maybe that's why my number was so much lower. I just don't know. My clinic says anything above a 3 confirms ovulation. I just am having a very hard time staying positive about this cycle... :(
Congrats Citrus! :thumbup:

Dis3tnd, yay for so many fertilizing. I don't know of anything other than drinking a TON that would help with keeping OHSS at bay. Good luck!!!!
Oh, by the way, I got my second beta results.

My first beta was on Friday and as 133.

Yesterday's beta was.... 520!!!!!!! :yipee:

I'm so relieved that the number more than doubled. I go in again tomorrow and Friday to further verify the numbers continue to climb appropriately.

Mrs. Squirrel such great news on your beta numbers. :happydance: So exciting. I think I am just a couple of days behind you. I went for my bloodwork today and am now sitting by the phone, trying to work and let the time pass.

Hope you are feeling good.
Ugh, waiting for the phone to ring.... no fun at all!!! I wish they wouldn't make ladies wait so long!!! :hugs:

I feel pretty good. I just get super tired in the afternoon and have had a couple bouts of nausea, especially when I haven't eaten in a while. Snacks = good! (especially NUTS! :rofl: )
Sooo I got my blood test results back a little while ago and it's a BFN. I am not shocked because I had a lot of spotting since Monday but they still wanted me to come in for blood test. We are not going to do another IUI since the chances are so low of it working with our situation and we are self pay. We are now waiting to hear if we are approved for an IVF study where they transfer only one embryo ( well actually they transfer one embryo in half the women and 2 in the other half) You don't know untill the last minute which half you are selected to be in. They pay for everything except cryopreservation fees and anesthesia. I am very lucky that they do this study at my RE office and hopefully we are approved for it. I think I will find out tomorrow and then we should be able to start as soon as my cycle starts.
Sooo I got my blood test results back a little while ago and it's a BFN. I am not shocked because I had a lot of spotting since Monday but they still wanted me to come in for blood test. We are not going to do another IUI since the chances are so low of it working with our situation and we are self pay. We are now waiting to hear if we are approved for an IVF study where they transfer only one embryo ( well actually they transfer one embryo in half the women and 2 in the other half) You don't know untill the last minute which half you are selected to be in. They pay for everything except cryopreservation fees and anesthesia. I am very lucky that they do this study at my RE office and hopefully we are approved for it. I think I will find out tomorrow and then we should be able to start as soon as my cycle starts.

:hugs: I'm so sorry that you got a BFN.

I might have missed your story about why your chances are so low with IUI but I'm also very sorry to hear that as well.

I hope that you are able to get into the IVF study and get your BFP that way! :hugs:
Sooo I got my blood test results back a little while ago and it's a BFN. I am not shocked because I had a lot of spotting since Monday but they still wanted me to come in for blood test. We are not going to do another IUI since the chances are so low of it working with our situation and we are self pay. We are now waiting to hear if we are approved for an IVF study where they transfer only one embryo ( well actually they transfer one embryo in half the women and 2 in the other half) You don't know untill the last minute which half you are selected to be in. They pay for everything except cryopreservation fees and anesthesia. I am very lucky that they do this study at my RE office and hopefully we are approved for it. I think I will find out tomorrow and then we should be able to start as soon as my cycle starts.

:hugs: I'm so sorry that you got a BFN.

I might have missed your story about why your chances are so low with IUI but I'm also very sorry to hear that as well.

I hope that you are able to get into the IVF study and get your BFP that way! :hugs:

Thank you! I hope we get approved too. The reason the chances are so low for us is that I have stage III Endo and my hubby has 0% morphology (kruger) so if we were not self pay I would give it 2 more tries but we just can't afford to drain our entire savings and we don't have much time to waste because I just had Lap done and endo is going to start to make a mess again :growlmad:
Sooo I got my blood test results back a little while ago and it's a BFN. I am not shocked because I had a lot of spotting since Monday but they still wanted me to come in for blood test. We are not going to do another IUI since the chances are so low of it working with our situation and we are self pay. We are now waiting to hear if we are approved for an IVF study where they transfer only one embryo ( well actually they transfer one embryo in half the women and 2 in the other half) You don't know untill the last minute which half you are selected to be in. They pay for everything except cryopreservation fees and anesthesia. I am very lucky that they do this study at my RE office and hopefully we are approved for it. I think I will find out tomorrow and then we should be able to start as soon as my cycle starts.

Sorry to hear it was a BFN :hugs: That would be great if you are approved for the study.

Question... how do you ladies find out about these studies? Does the clinic offer them to you or is it something you look up on your own and go after it?

AFM I called about my HSG results yesterday and they said they won't be able to tell me anything until Friday. If I don't hear from them by Friday I'm suppose to call on Monday... ugh why does it have to be so difficult :growlmad: The place I got the procedure done at said they sent the test over on Friday the 23rd. This is not helping my day at all. Please excuse me I just needed to vent real quick.
Mine had it on the wall displayed taking names for soon studies in 2012 and when I went in for IUI I discussed it with both dic andnurse in charge of it so my name is on the list for it. You could call your clinic and ask if they participate in the studies for IVF. I am glad my clinic does this too.
Mine had it on the wall displayed taking names for soon studies in 2012 and when I went in for IUI I discussed it with both dic andnurse in charge of it so my name is on the list for it. You could call your clinic and ask if they participate in the studies for IVF. I am glad my clinic does this too.

Thank you, I will have to check on that.
So is it ok to post my results here? I got the call from the clinic and I have a BFP, beta is 577. I go back for a second test on Friday. :happydance:
Thats great hopeful so happy for you!!!

My clinic called and said my RE has decided to do an FET instead of transferring this cycle, so bummed :(

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