IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

I had the lap done b\c they saw what they thought was a dermoid cyst on my ovary, once they got in they found tons of stuff from the endo. I was pretty surprised at how fast the recovery was, the worst part was my nerves leading up to it. I would have never known I had the endo, no pain, except when I was younger maybe and I don't know of anyone in my family who has it. Good luck I hope your lap helps you to get your BFP!

Wow thankfully they did the lap so that they could get the endo.

I pretty much had the same thing. My AF pain was HORRIBLE when I was younger. I would be in bed the first day of AF. Gosh...should be interesting to see what's going on in there.

How long did you have to wait to :sex: after lap? I'm thinking with my LONG cycles that O might be closeby and would love to try (of course if my dr allows). If not, I guess I'll have to wait until I start the injections.

We only had to wait about a week and I did my first iui with injectables on my first cycle after lap...so it was pretty fast after. Yes I was very thankful that I had the lap done
I hope the 2WW goes quickly for you, Jenny, and anyone else stuck there too!

Bastetgirl, I can't remember how long it was til I felt like BDing after the lap. I remember the first couple days were pretty uncomfortable, but I was back up and moving around a lot sooner than I would have expected.
IUI procedure was today! :happydance: Everything went accordingly. I know the doctor said he was hoping for a little higher percentage of motility in OH's sperm, but he said that's usually a normal concern he has with most of his patients. I'm just praying and hoping that it works....and I'm trying to stay positive. At first when he said he was hoping for better motility, I instantly started thinking negative thoughts; but the more I've researched and read, the more I understand it a little better now.

Here's to the 2WW! Hurry, Hurry!:dohh:

Glad everything went well today - sending :dust: your way!
SquirrelGirl - That is a very chubby squirrel in your avatar, looks like a preggo squirrel :haha:
Hi everyone, I'm currently on BCP and will be starting IVF Stims on Jan 5. Tomorrow I have a scan and blood work. We are also doing the injections teaching and settling all our payments etc. I will be using the following drugs:

Follistim AQ
Jan. 05, 2012 - Jan. 13, 2012

Jan. 11, 2012 - Jan. 13, 2012

Jan. 14, 2012 - Jan. 14, 2012

Ganirelix Acetate
Jan. 11, 2012 - Jan. 13, 2012

Jan. 15, 2012 - Jan. 19, 2012

P4 Micronized Caps
Jan. 16, 2012 - Jan. 31, 2012

Estrace 2 mg
Jan. 16, 2012 - Jan. 31, 2012

Medrol Dose Pk

Previously, I did an IUI using 100 IU of Follistim, but this time, they have me on 225 IU, is that normal? I produced 5 large follicles with 100 so I am a little scared to do 225. What do they usually have people on for IVF?

Are any of you guys also doing acupuncture? I would love to hear about your experiences with that.

Hi everyone, I'm currently on BCP and will be starting IVF Stims on Jan 5. Tomorrow I have a scan and blood work. We are also doing the injections teaching and settling all our payments etc.

Previously, I did an IUI using 100 IU of Follistim, but this time, they have me on 225 IU, is that normal? I produced 5 large follicles with 100 so I am a little scared to do 225. What do they usually have people on for IVF?

Are any of you guys also doing acupuncture? I would love to hear about your experiences with that.


They ideally want around 10-12 follies for IVF so it is totally normal that they increased your dosage. They may adjust it up or down as you go too. I am starting at 300IU Gonal-F for 3 days then 225 for 2 days before a scan to adjust from there. The dosages really vary depending on your situation and how you respond. It is great that you did an injectible IUI first since they had a test run on how you would respond. I did as well and only had 2 follies on 150IU so I am really glad that happened on an IUI cycle not the IVF.

Several of us on here do acupuncture. I find it very relaxing. My RE recommends it for stress relief and my acupuncturist is familiar with doing it for IVF. I have seen some reports show 15% higher success with those patients doing acupuncture so I figure it can't hurt and if it helps that is even better :thumbup: You might ask your RE to see if they have an acupuncturist they recommend.
Hi everyone, I'm currently on BCP and will be starting IVF Stims on Jan 5. Tomorrow I have a scan and blood work. We are also doing the injections teaching and settling all our payments etc. I will be using the following drugs:

Follistim AQ
Jan. 05, 2012 - Jan. 13, 2012

Jan. 11, 2012 - Jan. 13, 2012

Jan. 14, 2012 - Jan. 14, 2012

Ganirelix Acetate
Jan. 11, 2012 - Jan. 13, 2012

Jan. 15, 2012 - Jan. 19, 2012

P4 Micronized Caps
Jan. 16, 2012 - Jan. 31, 2012

Estrace 2 mg
Jan. 16, 2012 - Jan. 31, 2012

Medrol Dose Pk

Previously, I did an IUI using 100 IU of Follistim, but this time, they have me on 225 IU, is that normal? I produced 5 large follicles with 100 so I am a little scared to do 225. What do they usually have people on for IVF?

Are any of you guys also doing acupuncture? I would love to hear about your experiences with that.

Definitely want more than 5 for IVF so thats why they have increased your dosage but 5 on 100iu is a good response so fingers crossed your IVF cycle is as successful!

I am doing acupuncture too and do it for stress relief and figure if it can help with a BFP when I do my IVF in a few months then it will be totally worth it!
Thanks ladies! I also noticed that I have 9 days of Follistim. This of course, just a preliminary calendar so things may easily change. My ovaries were quite enlarged last time. Have you ladies gotten an AMH test?
I was also wondering whether we had a choice for whether to do ICSI or not. Dr said we will be doing ICSI but based on what I've read on it, it isn't necessary the best option for us. DH's SA wasn't bad, and ICSI generally carries more risks and defects. I feel it doesn't benefit us the way it would for male sperm issues so why do it? Any thoughts?

Sorry I guess I'm a little nervous about the month ahead. Mrs. Bear, are you planning to exercise at all? Is that bad during IVF?

Springy, are you on BCP now to prep for IVF? Why the wait for IVF? This is a great time to prepare your body I suppose, I hope you're in tiptop shape by the time IVF rolls around.
IUI procedure was today! :happydance: Everything went accordingly. I know the doctor said he was hoping for a little higher percentage of motility in OH's sperm, but he said that's usually a normal concern he has with most of his patients. I'm just praying and hoping that it works....and I'm trying to stay positive. At first when he said he was hoping for better motility, I instantly started thinking negative thoughts; but the more I've researched and read, the more I understand it a little better now.

Here's to the 2WW! Hurry, Hurry!:dohh:

Good luck and :dust::dust:

I found the 2ww the hardest. FX'd for you.
Hi everyone, I'm currently on BCP and will be starting IVF Stims on Jan 5. Tomorrow I have a scan and blood work. We are also doing the injections teaching and settling all our payments etc. I will be using the following drugs:

Follistim AQ
Jan. 05, 2012 - Jan. 13, 2012

Jan. 11, 2012 - Jan. 13, 2012

Jan. 14, 2012 - Jan. 14, 2012

Ganirelix Acetate
Jan. 11, 2012 - Jan. 13, 2012

Jan. 15, 2012 - Jan. 19, 2012

P4 Micronized Caps
Jan. 16, 2012 - Jan. 31, 2012

Estrace 2 mg
Jan. 16, 2012 - Jan. 31, 2012

Medrol Dose Pk

Previously, I did an IUI using 100 IU of Follistim, but this time, they have me on 225 IU, is that normal? I produced 5 large follicles with 100 so I am a little scared to do 225. What do they usually have people on for IVF?

Are any of you guys also doing acupuncture? I would love to hear about your experiences with that.


I did clomid then 225 of Brevelle which is like Menapur. In the end they took 16 follies. They definately want a larger number to start with. Although I started with the intention of doing IUI and had it converted to IVF.

Good luck!
Mrs. C here is that website about the IVF Studies. I am sure there are probably others but this is the one that someone from here posted:

Hi everyone, its been a while i posted in because nothing to report about my progress. I have been testing since 24th (11 dpiui) and all bfn. Started spotting about 2hrs ago. It will be official tomorow when i go to the clinic for my pg test. I have told dh we are moving to ivf after taking 3 months off trying to enable me lose some weight and get ready my body ready for ivf.

Squirelgirl, hopeful - congrats on your bfps
Hey ladies, I had my IUI yesterday, DH count was good. Just praying for a miracle now. Merry Christmas everyone
Good luck!!
Took me a few tries to log in so hope this post make sense.
I have to fight to stay awake after the retrieval so figured i would try and post. I keep nodding off though.
All night I felt what felt like ovulation pain before hand, and was freaking out that I was ovulating early. The nurse said it was normal though.
Both my DH and I were nervous and anxious all.night and had a hard time.sleeping, we were so happy when our alarm went off at 630.
I think the worst part was actually getting the iv started.3 different nurses tried and wouldn't do it. finally they asked my re to do it.... he got it somewhere in my.ARM thesecond try nd boy it hurt.
The retrieval itself didn't hurt so much.... little.pinching and im cranping still... but there was a lot of blood.

They retrieved 25 eggs! No idea yet thouh how many are mature.
25... woah mama!!

I just found out another friend is pregnant and due in March. :cry:

Did people just want to ruin the holidays by all of these announcements??

Just wanted to vent :hugs:
I got a few of these too.. facebook was overrun with pics of preg tests, pics of friends babies on xmas morning and posts about how xmas isnt the same now that they have a little on to share it with it is so much better... blah blah blah... sigh... :dohh:

Sooo I got my blood test results back a little while ago and it's a BFN. I am not shocked because I had a lot of spotting since Monday but they still wanted me to come in for blood test. We are not going to do another IUI since the chances are so low of it working with our situation and we are self pay. We are now waiting to hear if we are approved for an IVF study where they transfer only one embryo ( well actually they transfer one embryo in half the women and 2 in the other half) You don't know untill the last minute which half you are selected to be in. They pay for everything except cryopreservation fees and anesthesia. I am very lucky that they do this study at my RE office and hopefully we are approved for it. I think I will find out tomorrow and then we should be able to start as soon as my cycle starts.

WOuld be awesome to get into the study! good luck!! and sorry about your BFN but on to buigger and better things ;)
So is it ok to post my results here? I got the call from the clinic and I have a BFP, beta is 577. I go back for a second test on Friday. :happydance:
yayyyyy!!! I am betting there is not just one babe in there ;)

Thats great hopeful so happy for you!!!

My clinic called and said my RE has decided to do an FET instead of transferring this cycle, so bummed :(
Sorry to hear but I hope the time flies for you :)

IUI procedure was today! :happydance: Everything went accordingly. I know the doctor said he was hoping for a little higher percentage of motility in OH's sperm, but he said that's usually a normal concern he has with most of his patients. I'm just praying and hoping that it works....and I'm trying to stay positive. At first when he said he was hoping for better motility, I instantly started thinking negative thoughts; but the more I've researched and read, the more I understand it a little better now.

Here's to the 2WW! Hurry, Hurry!:dohh:

Good luck.. fingers crossed!!!

Congrats hopeful and hope you and squirrel are feeling well.

I missed so much over thew holidays (I was away at the inlaws), but I am back for good now and excited for 2012 to start!!
I was also wondering whether we had a choice for whether to do ICSI or not. Dr said we will be doing ICSI but based on what I've read on it, it isn't necessary the best option for us. DH's SA wasn't bad, and ICSI generally carries more risks and defects. I feel it doesn't benefit us the way it would for male sperm issues so why do it? Any thoughts?

Sorry I guess I'm a little nervous about the month ahead. Mrs. Bear, are you planning to exercise at all? Is that bad during IVF?

Springy, are you on BCP now to prep for IVF? Why the wait for IVF? This is a great time to prepare your body I suppose, I hope you're in tiptop shape by the time IVF rolls around.

My RE has never checked AMH - I think because of the PCOS which is supposed to mean I have better reserve :shrug:

As far as ICSI I would think that you ultimately have the choice of what you want to do but some REs like to use it to ensure better odds for fertilization. Some of the clinics with the highest success rates do ICSI on almost all of their patients. The odds of birth defects is slightly higher but it is still tiny and not much more than a normal pregnancy. It is really up to you what you would prefer.

If the issue is the sperm not penetrating the egg they will not know that til they put them all in the petri dish for IVF. So you could have 18 eggs and only a few fertilize if that is your ultimate problem. My plan is to ICSI at least 50% and may do 100% depending on how many eggs we end up with and what DHs sample looks like the day of the ER. We are also doing assisted hatching due to my being 38 and it being more likely that my egg shells are thicker. I would rather pay the extra to ensure that we have fertilized eggs with the best possible shot to implant. It is really a personal decision on what you feel comfortable with based on your personal situation.

I don't plan to exercise a lot during IVF. Probably walking at most - though my office is up 3 flights of stairs so I can't really avoid that :dohh:. The main issue is that as you stim you don't want to risk ovarian torsion from your overloaded ovaries. As you get going on stims and around ER/ET you probably won't be in much of any mood to exercise anyway because once there are a lot of follies in there and the ovaries get big it can get pretty uncomfortable.

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