IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Hi Springy!! Thanks for the welcome into the group..not the best group to be in but nice to have others to work through everything with!! Any insight on what to expect with the iui's would be much appreciated!! I've been reading up on it but to get actual info from someone that's gone through it would be such a great help! Whenever you did yours did you take clomid as well? Thanks in advance for any help!!! Good luck to you!!:thumbup:

When I had my IUIs most were on Clomid/Femera. The IUI is pretty much like getting a pap at your annual exam. I tended to have cramping after so would come home and rest an hour or two afterwards but it isn't necessary to do that. Once they are in they are in. Has your RE said anything about a 'trigger shot'? Most will have you do a shot to trigger ovulation and time the IUI. My IUIs were all 36 hours post trigger but there can be some variation on the timing depening on your clinic.
Hi Springy!! Thanks for the welcome into the group..not the best group to be in but nice to have others to work through everything with!! Any insight on what to expect with the iui's would be much appreciated!! I've been reading up on it but to get actual info from someone that's gone through it would be such a great help! Whenever you did yours did you take clomid as well? Thanks in advance for any help!!! Good luck to you!!:thumbup:

IUI is just like your annual pap smear. Might have a bit more cramping or some spotting if they knick your cervix, which has happened to me only once, all other times it was a very easy process.

For my first 2 IUI I did clomid 100mg once and 150mg once, and my last IUI was with Gonal F. This month's will also be with Gonal F which is an injectable drug. The only thing to watch when using the clomid is to have them monitor your lining thickness as clomid does have a tendency to thin your lining out and they can give you progesterone to plump it up if needed :)

If you have any questions ask away!
Hi all would love to join your thread :)
Have ivf consult 3/11 less than a week now :D been ttc 5yrs+ had laparscopy a month ago and found pcos, endo and both tubes are blocked hoping to start treatment in jan/ feb as hubby2be is in the army and posted elsewhere at present x
Hi all would love to join your thread :)
Have ivf consult 3/11 less than a week now :D been ttc 5yrs+ had laparscopy a month ago and found pcos, endo and both tubes are blocked hoping to start treatment in jan/ feb as hubby2be is in the army and posted elsewhere at present x

Welcome Dannib :hi: My consult is the 28th! Still hoping that I have my BFP from this IUI cycle and won't need it but I think I'm resigned to the fact we're going to need IVF so I'm just going through the motions in this last IUI.

CD 3 scan was today, no cysts and everything looks good so unless for some reason I have elevated estrogen that shows up in my bloodwork I'll be starting my Gonal F injections tonight! Scans booked starting on Tues for a full week.
Hi all would love to join your thread :)
Have ivf consult 3/11 less than a week now :D been ttc 5yrs+ had laparscopy a month ago and found pcos, endo and both tubes are blocked hoping to start treatment in jan/ feb as hubby2be is in the army and posted elsewhere at present x

Hi Dannib247 :hi:

I have PCOS and DH is in the Army too! He is deployed to Afghanistan so that is also why we are waiting til January. We will probably be on about the same schedule depending on how things work out. Glad your lap finally helped figure out the problem and you can get things moving now :thumbup:

My consult is the 28th!

CD 3 scan was today, no cysts and everything looks good so unless for some reason I have elevated estrogen that shows up in my bloodwork I'll be starting my Gonal F injections tonight! Scans booked starting on Tues for a full week.

So happy to hear your consult wasn't delayed very long :happydance:

Yay for no cysts! Now you can get things moving again FINALLY :dance:

Nothing much to report on my end. Now that the finance/insurance saga is over (for the moment) don't really have anything to do. Waiting for AF to start and then going to go ahead and have RE put me on BCP. Don't want another long cycle to delay IVF after waiting so long already.
Hi everyone!! I just saw the RE today and was told that all my tests look good so next step is to try clomid and at least 3 iui's before moving forward!! I'm excited and nervous at the same time..I'll do anything for a BFP but getting my hopes up every month is getting frustrating!! We've been TTC for 3 1/2 years and just recently I swallowed my fears and went and got checked out..I was kinda hoping for a problem so that I'd at least have an explanation bit unfortunately they say were just unexplained! :nope: good luck everyone!! :thumbup:

Hey there! Any questions just ask :) It can be nerve-wracking going into your first IUI but it is much easier than expected. Promise :)

We had our meeting with the FS today and no good news. We were planning on getting ready for IVF but found out the decision really isn't ours anymore. If there could be a negative AMH test it would be mine. It was only 0.12 and anything below 1.25 is bad. Mine is really bad. :cry:That explains why we had zero luck with 5 IUIs and 2 years of trying. The good thing is we don't have to stress over decisions. The bad things are that this will involve 4 shots per day (heavy dose of the medications due to rotten eggs) and that we don't qualify for any shared risk plans due to the low AMH results. Our lab is closed for 2 weeks at the end of the year so we will more than likely start BCP in December and injections and all the other fun in January. I wish we could start with the next cycle but will probably have to wait.

I was also told to start taking Micron 5 DHEA immediately. I guess it will help prevent miscarriage. Can't help but feel like my body is a failure. I wish I was normal. However, I am very grateful that the technology exists and that we are fortunate enough to be able to afford to try this at least once. Here's to waiting until December. I will be on a "microflare lupron protocol" whatever that is. Time to google.
We had our meeting with the FS today and no good news. We were planning on getting ready for IVF but found out the decision really isn't ours anymore. If there could be a negative AMH test it would be mine. It was only 0.12 and anything below 1.25 is bad. Mine is really bad. :cry:That explains why we had zero luck with 5 IUIs and 2 years of trying. The good thing is we don't have to stress over decisions. The bad things are that this will involve 4 shots per day (heavy dose of the medications due to rotten eggs) and that we don't qualify for any shared risk plans due to the low AMH results.

I was also told to start taking Micron 5 DHEA immediately. I guess it will help prevent miscarriage. Can't help but feel like my body is a failure. I wish I was normal. However, I am very grateful that the technology exists and that we are fortunate enough to be able to afford to try this at least once. Here's to waiting until December. I will be on a "microflare lupron protocol" whatever that is. Time to google.

:hugs: 31 I am so sorry you got bad news. I've never had my AMH tested so I have never looked into what the numbers mean, I guess they thought it wasn't necessary since they have seen how I respond :shrug:. I do think some REs are more concerned about AMH than others. Hopefully your REs plan will help get you the results you need :hugs:

I've aged out of the shared risk refund plans and we have decided that the one we could get isn't worth it since you forfeit everything if you get first time lucky and you forfeit the FET if you don't have frosties. Without the FET it isn't that much of a savings so try not to worry about that part of things. I have no idea what the microflare protocol is for sure but I want to say that it is a shorter protocol so there is less suppression.

I totally get how you feel - feeling like a failure. I've have cried many times saying that exact same thing to DH myself :cry:. It isn't fair that any of us have to go through this but all we can do is believe that the technology we have available to us will make the difference and bring us our BFPs in the end. Hang in there hun :hugs:
Gotten quiet on here but I guess that makes sense since most of us are playing the waiting game right now. How is everybody doing?

Springy - how are the meds going for your IUI? You should have your first scan soon right?
:wave: Yep, I've just been lurking. Don't feel like I have much to contribute at the moment! While I'm kind of enjoying the break, I do wish I could just get this show on the road!
I know - taking a break is so nice but I am so impatient to get things started :hissy:

I've been stalking the other IVF threads in the meantime so of course I go from hopeful to hopeless depending on whether people are posting good or bad results on any given day :dohh:

We will just have to live vicariously through Springy's IUI cycle to pass the time until the rest of us get going :thumbup:
I'm staying away from pretty much all of that. Otherwise, I start to second guess my meds, the schedule, everything.... My clinic must know what it's doing. So I'm just going to try to let them do their thing and not worry about it.
I keep telling myself to do that but so far it isn't working :dohh:

I remind myself over and over that everyone is different and all we can do is follow directions and hope for the best.

I do like the IVF Success Stories thread though - only the BFPs :thumbup: I have mad a spreadsheet of them all though... :blush: it's a sickness... :haha:
Hi Ladies! I have had SUCH a busy weekend didn't get on here till just now :)

I'm 3 days into my Gonal F and no side effects. I didn't have any side effects on the 150IU so I'm expecting the same this month with only 75IU a day. My first scan is on Tuesday morning. One more shot tomorrow evening and then back to the clinic for bloods and scan to see how things are doing. Hoping that I am cooking up 3 to 4 good sized follicles ;)

IUI should be around this time next week and then into the dreaded TWW. The only good thing is I think I'm so fixated on moving to IVF and the consult and the information night that I won't be thinking about the TWW. I also don't hold out much hope for this month as it is just like all my other IUI and I think I'm destined for IVF.

I agree we should ALL be only looking at the IVF Success Threads!!!

31 I can't send you enough :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:. Hang in there!!!!!!
IUI should be around this time next week and then into the dreaded TWW. The only good thing is I think I'm so fixated on moving to IVF and the consult and the information night that I won't be thinking about the TWW. I also don't hold out much hope for this month as it is just like all my other IUI and I think I'm destined for IVF.

Very exciting - it is coming up fast for you! FX for good follies and no crazy high estrogen levels this time :thumbup:

I definitely get what you are feeling. After we had 5 follies and still no BFP I had a feeling it wouldn't work. I've been pretty much planning for IVF since then, even though we did a couple more IUIs. I think all the planning for IVF will definitely keep your mind off things in the TWW. Hopefully you will be surprised and get a BFP but if not I would think having the IVF plan in place will make it easier to take this time.

Sending lots of :dust: for a successful IUI for you!
Springy - We are depending on your cycle to give us our TTC fix. :) No Pressure

We are just playing the waiting game now. I should get my DHEA in the next couple of days so I will start that. I confirmed with the FS today that nothing will be covered by insurance so it will be the full $19,000 give or take a few hundred based on medication. Man, that is an expensive price tag. Our clinic is closed for a few weeks in Dec so I will start BCP around the middle of December. We are still going to try on our own this cycle but with odds less than 1% I don't have much hope.
I confirmed with the FS today that nothing will be covered by insurance so it will be the full $19,000 give or take a few hundred based on medication. Man, that is an expensive price tag. Our clinic is closed for a few weeks in Dec so I will start BCP around the middle of December. We are still going to try on our own this cycle but with odds less than 1% I don't have much hope.

Wow - $19K sounds so high to me. I guess it isn't once you add in all the meds though. I still think it is insane how the cost varies so much from clinic to clinic.

I also don't understand closing for weeks in December. I get it is the holidays but with AC closing like that puts people months behind on treatments. I guess I am spoiled since mine isn't a private clinic they are open year round, weekends and holidays included, so I don't know any other way :shrug:.

FX you can get that BFP on your own 31. Even a small % is still a chance, you never know. Might as well have the fun of :sex: now while you can too, right? :winkwink:
I'm devastated this morning .... only ONE follicle on my left side! 4 days of 75IU has yielded only ONE follcile!??! HOW can that be?!?!?! Last month on 150IU I had 12!!!! Is there no happy medium?!?!?!?!?!?

They are upping my dose tonight to 100IU but I am not holding out any hope that this will help my situation. Once again we're just washing money down the drain .....
I'm devastated this morning .... only ONE follicle on my left side! 4 days of 75IU has yielded only ONE follcile!??! HOW can that be?!?!?! Last month on 150IU I had 12!!!! Is there no happy medium?!?!?!?!?!?

They are upping my dose tonight to 100IU but I am not holding out any hope that this will help my situation. Once again we're just washing money down the drain .....

Oh no! Carolyn I'm so sorry hun, I know what a letdown that is for you :hugs:

There is still a chance more will develop, try not to lose hope. Will you still do an IUI if there is only one at trigger?

Even though it feels like a waste of money, there is a positive side because this will help them learn more when planning for your IVF. Better to have this happen on an IUI than when you are all geared up for an IVF cycle. This way when they are deciding your IVF meds they will know not to start you so low and can better judge your response.

Hang in there :hugs: When is your next scan?

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