IVF Oct/Nov/Dec BFP Announcement & 9month term thread!

Hey everyone!

Want - GL with your u/s on Monday! Wouldn't be cool if they could tell the gender already?!?

Happy - Awesome twin bump! I had my hubby take a pic of mine today, but there is still not much to see, though it is just starting to get to the point where people will be wondering. Like Sandoval, it mostly looks like I am just packing on some holiday weight.

How are you Wanna?

Lucie - I looked at your lines and they look super dark and awesome! Hopefully you will get to see a heartbeat at your u/s, though sometimes I guess that can take a little longer. Fx for you!

Sandoval - So glad your little one is looking good! So cool to see them moving and such!

AFM - I have a u/s on Wednesday. I feel excitement with a twinge of anxiety every time I go in! Just hoping both twins still look good. My fatigue and nausea are starting to get a little better (I think) so I am going to try to do more walking and such. I went on a walk with DH today even though it is super cold and snowy here in Utah. It's hard not to stay curled up inside all the time! I am ready for spring! I'm going to ask my OB on Wednesday if it will be ok for DH and I to go on a road trip to California so I can get some warmth and sunshine. I think this could be our last vacation for a while!

Good luck with your upcoming ultrasound!! :thumbup:

I am doing good. Tonight is another quiet night in with DH and some Red Box movies. The staffing agency called me on Friday about a different job than the first one I went into the office for. So I am assuming that either the company wasn't interested in me or changed their mind about hiring a temp. The first job was a part time admin job starting in Feb and lasting 3 months. This new position is a receptionist job starting immediatly after interview and is full time for 3 months Monday through Friday day shift. I wasn't necessarily looking for a full time job and I am not sure if I will have the energy to do a full time position. However the money would be great since we could really use it especially since we have alot to buy for the twins. I was hoping that my energy level will increase once I am out of first Tri, which will be soon. I just hope that this job will be okay with me needing time off for my prenatal appointments. That is another reason why I preferred a part time job, so I can make appointments around the work schedule. Wish me luck with this other job!! :thumbup:
Sandoval I'm glad your baby is doing well. I know what you mean every time you get a scan! Good luck on Wednesday!

Whisper I can't wait to see your bump! California sounds like a great idea. My OB said I couldn't travel during the first trimester so I'm looking forward to the 2nd one so we can get away.

Wanna good luck on your interview. Everyone says you get your energy back during the second trimester I sure hope so because I am extremely tired. Good luck I hope you get it.

It looks like most of us are having scans next week. I hope everything goes well. I can't wait to hear your updates.
Thanks Happy! I'm still so tired too. Every book or internet site I read says that tiredness should be leaving me by now - well it isn't!! I can't wait to feel the increase in energy that is promised with the 2nd trimester, just hoping it comes soon. I shouldn't moan though as I've had no sickness or nausea at all, just tiredness and heartburn. God luck to all those having scans this week xx
@Happy, thanks for the good luck wishes!! :flower:

Good luck to all of you ladies with scans coming up!! :thumbup:

I am disappointed to hear that you girls that are almost out of first tri are still feeling so tired...hmmm.. I am hoping you girls will have more energy once you are officially out of first tri... so I can hope to follow in your foot steps since you ladies are ahead of me. :winkwink:

I don't have my next ultrasound until 01/18/2013. I will be about 10 weeks then so it will be pretty neat to see how much more the babies have grown!! On 01/17 I will have the prenatal counseling visit and I wish it wasn't a mandatory thing because I am not totally sure that my health insurance will cover this visit. If not than it will cost me $183.00. :wacko: I think it is a requirement in the state that I live in, because no one else I know that doesn't live in the same state has ever heard of it before. My previous OB would of made me go to it as well, so it is a common thing in this state I guess.

You girls that are further along than me, have any of you felt the baby move yet?? Do you girls know how early you can feel baby move??
I haven't felt anything yet. I've asked friends who have had babies and they all said around 16 weeks for their first baby. If there's 2 in there though, you may feel them earlier I would guess.

You will notice a huge difference at your 10 week scan Wanna. Dh and I had a scan at 8 weeks then at 10.5 weeks and the baby had changed so much. Also, at the 10.5 week scan the baby was really active and waving its little arms, which is so amazing to see. You'll love it x
So I am also still feeling pretty tired. I can easily sleep like 10 hours at night! And I'm not a fan of staying up very late. I have always been a night owl till now. I've also heard you can feel movement at about 16 weeks. I am 14 weeks tomorrow, and I don't think I've felt anything yet. I can't wait!
Wanna I'm sorry about the mandatory prenatal screening. I was told about some screening that it was optional. I did choose to do it but I called my insurance to make sure they covered it and I'm glad they do. I've also hear that movement happens around 16 weeks.

Whisper I hope your energy comes back soon. Happy 14 weeks!
I haven't felt anything yet. I've asked friends who have had babies and they all said around 16 weeks for their first baby. If there's 2 in there though, you may feel them earlier I would guess.

You will notice a huge difference at your 10 week scan Wanna. Dh and I had a scan at 8 weeks then at 10.5 weeks and the baby had changed so much. Also, at the 10.5 week scan the baby was really active and waving its little arms, which is so amazing to see. You'll love it x

Thanks for the info about what your 10 week scan was like!! :thumbup: I am getting excited about it and I can't wait to see the twins moving around in there!!! I just told DH that we should be able to see the twins moving as well since he will be going with me to the next ultrasound!! :happydance::happydance:
Thanks for the info about when I should be able to feel the babies move!!! That is very helpful girls!! :flower:
So the cat is officially out of the bag...I gave my sister permission to start telling people around our neighborhood (my sister lives a block away from me) and at our church and now everyone knows!!! We were at church today and got tons of congratulations from people. I have been anxious to start talking about my pregnancy because of my fear of something going wrong, but it was really nice to hear tons of support from our friends and neighbors. It's definitely not a secret anymore!!! :happydance:
Thats great Whisper!! :thumbup:

My family and a couple of my close friends knew I was pregnant right away because they knew that I was doing an IVF cycle. I ended up making a facebook announcement at about 7 weeks by posting my ultrasound twin picture after we saw both twin's heart beats after my first ultrasound. I was going to try to wait until I was out of the First Tri but I was way to excited to keep it a secret anymore. I just felt like if I lost the twins than it wouldn't hurt any less if I didn't make the announcement. Either way it would hurt like hell. I just keep telling myself that the majority of pregnancies end up being healthy ones . Plus I am showing right now and I have looked pregnant since I was about 5 weeks, so it is hard to hide at this point. Although I think everyone has to do what they feel they are most comfortable with!! :thumbup:
Great news Whisper! :)

Line Porn time!!!!


From Left to Right: Wed AM, Friday AM, Sunday AM test. Love that on today's the control line is super faint!

Had a bit of a scare today. Two different times I had like one little drop of blood after using the restroom. I'm wondering if I may have nicked my cervix with my crinone applicator (sometimes the top leaves a sharp edge). I've had no cramping or anything else.

I've got my repeat beta tomorrow, so I'll ask the nurse about it when they call with my number. Scan is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon...I can't wait!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Beautiful lines Lucie! I remember how excited I was when my test line was darker than the control line. Good luck tomorrow and on your scan.

AFM, I am counting the days for Thursday to come around! I can't wait for my scan.
Lucie - Yay for really dark lines!

Whisper - Congrat's on getting the news out to everyone. Your sister likes is really good at spreading the news.
Wanna - I bet everyone is super excited for you! I deleted my Facebook during the ttc phase because I couldn't handle all the baby stuff there and because I just started isolating myself from everyone. Now I'm thinking about getting back on and rejoining the world. :blush:

Lucie - Awesome lines! I bet the blood was because of the crinone applicator. Those things are so annoying! Necessary, but annoying. I was so glad to get done with the crinone. Gl with your upcoming beta and scan!

Happy - Yay for scan on Thursday! Will you maybe be able to get off bed rest?

Lotus - what's new with you lately?

Want - how are you feeling?

Afm - One weird thing happened yesterday at church when people started hearing our news. My neighbor came up to talk to me and said something I found rather awkward. This is the same neighbor who had a MC about a month ago. She would have had the same due date as me! Anyway, I was already talking to someone else and there were several people around and she said, "Wow, I had heard you guys couldn't have kids." I am not sure how she could have "heard" such a thing as that is not exactly totally true (stictly speaking). Plus, we have never told anyone about our ttc issues (I trust my sister implicitly so I know she hasn't told anyone). I just thought it was a rather odd thing to say to someone you don't know very well in mixed company. Does that seem weird to anyone else?
Wanna - I bet everyone is super excited for you! I deleted my Facebook during the ttc phase because I couldn't handle all the baby stuff there and because I just started isolating myself from everyone. Now I'm thinking about getting back on and rejoining the world. :blush:

Lucie - Awesome lines! I bet the blood was because of the crinone applicator. Those things are so annoying! Necessary, but annoying. I was so glad to get done with the crinone. Gl with your upcoming beta and scan!

Happy - Yay for scan on Thursday! Will you maybe be able to get off bed rest?

Lotus - what's new with you lately?

Want - how are you feeling?

Afm - One weird thing happened yesterday at church when people started hearing our news. My neighbor came up to talk to me and said something I found rather awkward. This is the same neighbor who had a MC about a month ago. She would have had the same due date as me! Anyway, I was already talking to someone else and there were several people around and she said, "Wow, I had heard you guys couldn't have kids." I am not sure how she could have "heard" such a thing as that is not exactly totally true (stictly speaking). Plus, we have never told anyone about our ttc issues (I trust my sister implicitly so I know she hasn't told anyone). I just thought it was a rather odd thing to say to someone you don't know very well in mixed company. Does that seem weird to anyone else?

Ummm... Yes! That is incredibly insensitive and rude! What is wrong with people? Regardless of whether that was the truth or not (clearly it is not), why would she think that is an appropriate thing to say to anyone? :dohh:

AFM: I'm going for a repeat beta tomorrow and then hoping to schedule an ultrasound for Fri afternoon as it's the only time in the next 2 weeks that my husband will be available to attend. :( I've been extremely lucky that he has been around for this whole IVF process, but I guess I've gotten spoiled now because I want him to be around for everything. I think I mentioned before that he is in the military. I'm actually planning to move to AZ for 3 months while he deploys so his parents can help this pregnant girl with 2- 100 lb dogs. :winkwink: Thank goodness they are cool with me staying with them even though they are unaware of the pregnancy so far... We're planning to tell family after hearing the heartbeat. My family is very aware of how long we've been ttc, but his family does not know. We haven't told any of them about doing IVF. They are all going to be quite surprised, I think. After the 3 months, we'll be moving to the east coast. It's sad to leave Hawaii, but I'm looking forward to better food choices and more affordable EVERYTHING. :winkwink:
Whisper, that was a horrible thing that lady said to you. I don't understand why some people don't think about what they say before they say it.

I had someone come up to me the first day of school a few years ago and say "Oh, you're expecting!" (I was wearing a new dress I thought I looked pretty good in, obviously she thought something different). She was obviously embarassed and should have stopped there. But no, then she says "Oh, I really wish you were pregnant by now (dh and I had just celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary)." Really lady???????

So had my repeat beta today. Last Monday's number was 99, and today's was 1,869!!!:happydance:

Now I hope the us tomorrow goes well!

Hope you all are doing well!

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