IVF Oct/Nov/Dec BFP Announcement & 9month term thread!

Thanks for the well wishes for my upcoming appointment on Tuesday girls!!! :hugs:

@Whisper, That's great that you have started decluttering your house and and getting ready for your twin's arrival. Good luck with getting everything done in time!! I know what you mean about feeling like time is running low since with twins they can often show up earlier than in a singleton pregnancy. Ihave the same worries as well and it is part of the reason why DH & I have been early with doing most of our stuff. Right now with my short cervix I am worried about being put on bed rest or being in the hospital so I am trying to get everything done early just in case. DH has been in nesting mode for a while now though too, and he has been cleaning, organizing and decluttering for a while now.

AFM, I posted a picture in my journal from another set of maternity pics DH & I did. We did this set outdoors around our house, since the spring is so pretty here right now, with flowers blooming all over. Here is a link to my pic that I posted in my journal in a spoiler. I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend. :thumbup:

want I'm glad the nursery is almost done. I'm sorry about being so tired:sleep:. I know exactly how you feel. Did you have a theme for your shower?

Whisper I'm glad the cleaning is coming around. I know what you mean about the junk around. DH is the one that has been cleaning around. Wow you can deliver at 35 how exciting:happydance::happydance:. Happy 29 weeks! I'm doing c-section. The Dr only delivers twins that way and since I'm considered high risk he is not going to take any chances.

Wanna I love your maternity picture and your invitations:cloud9:. I have a shirt in the same color as your dress. I still haven't done my pictures I've been so busy organizing my shower. I might do them next week. Good luck on your next appointment I think its tomorrow.

AFM I have been extremely tired. I do something and then have to take a break. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to work. I sit most of the time but I have to walk to go to the bathroom plus it's going to be around 90 degrees the next three days:dohh:. I can't believe we have made it this far. I can't wait for our first IVF baby! Have a great week.
want - No name yet :) But we still have some time. And that is great about the nursery! One less thing to worry about. Cannot wait to hear about your shower; hope you have a great time ;)

Whisper - We did get some good pics; I posted them in my journal Friday ;) Isn't a great feeling to get things done around the house. I am doing the exact same thing! One room at a time, each weekend. When I get home from work I am too tired, so I have just Saturday/Sunday's do work on them, but have been for the past 2 months. I have had a lot of garbage bags to throw out and it feels great ;) It is amazing how much stuff one can accumulate.

Hope everyone else is doing good ;) We had our scan Friday; asked the tech to show me that it was a boy and you certainly couldn't mistake this LO for a girl :haha: He is now head down, which explains why my bump dropped so much. But the echo went great and this LO is healthy; such a relief :)
@Happy, thanks for the compliment on my maternity picture and the invitations. :flower: Yes, tomorrow is my level 2 ultrasound and they should measure my cervix as well. I am hoping that the twins continue to look healthy and have grown since the last visit. Hopefully my cervix is still the same length or has increased since the last time they measured it as well.

I have been really tired as well. I have to take it easy and I am on restricted activities because of my short cervix so I have been depending on DH to do a lot of things for me and help me a great deal. Luckily he is really sweet and very helpful so it has made things much easier for me. I can only stand for a short period or else my feet get red, swollen and start to itch. Then by the end of the day if I am on my feet to much it feels like there is all of this pressure pushing down on my lady parts, and like everything is just going to fall out of me. :dohh: I get all crampy as well. For about a week now my fingers are tingly and numb, and I can't hardly feel them most of the day. :wacko: I spend most of the day on the couch with my feet up. Happy, make sure you don't over do it and get your DH to help you out as much as possible with everything. I am not even supposed to vacuum either, so I feel frustrated at times that I can't do more stuff around the house. Luckily DH & I have gotten most of our big stuff started or done. I am nervous about having to go on full blown bed rest or going into the hospital if my cervix changes for the worse. :wacko: Then I really wouldn't be able to get much of anything done. Carrying twins is a lot of hard work!!! :wacko:

@michelle, I am so glad that everything looks great with your baby boy and that he is healthy!! That is wonderful news!! :thumbup:
Wanna - I LOVE the colors in your newest picture. The pink flowers look amazing with your dress. Sorry you are having the discomfort of cramps, tingling, and all that unpleasantness. You are right....twins are not for the faint of heart!

Happy - Sounds like c-section is a good call and that your doc is being as careful and cautious as he can. Do you have any idea yet when they will schedule you for? Some of us are pretty close together...I can't wait to see who delivers first! I am in awe of you ladies who are still working full time. I don't know how you do it! So many of the women on this forum have so much strength and resiliency.

Michelle - I checked out your pictures and they are awesome! You already have an idea of what your LO looks like. Maybe seeing his little face can help you pick a name for him. We are also still looking for names! We will probably end up at the hospital rushing to finalize something at the last minute. :blush:
wanna I know what you mean about carrying twins! I never really thought about it. Everyone tells me its hard with one and I can't imagine two. My fingers get numb at night. I wake up and my hand are numb. I've been getting cramps in my legs in the middle of the night. I've also felt the pressure down there. DH has been doing pretty much everything for me. Its getting harder to bend over and pick things up. I can't sit up straight because right away they start kicking me. I hope everything goes well today on your scan. I hope your cervix has improved. I'm also glad your DH has been helping you out a lot. Once your twins are born is anyone going to help you out for the first weeks?
Michelle, I'm glad the echo went fine. It's alway nice to see the LO. I'll swing by your journal to see the pictures!

Whisper the Dr said I'll be luck to make it to 36 weeks which will be at the end of June. I'm pretty confident I will. I'm just tired all the time. Its getting harder to sleep at night. Its hard working full time. I've signed the FMLA so I can go home whenever I want to. The Dr said I will probably work up to 30 to 32 weeks depending on how I feel. My next OB appointment is next Thursday.
Wanna - Beautiful picture and what a great invitation! Hope all goes well today :)

Happy - I can sympathize working full time! I am only 23 weeks and it is hard, even though I sit all day, my back is killing me most of the time. I plan to work all the way through too ;) Sorry you are so tired; that part is hard cause how do you get more energy, you sleep but are still tired (at least that is how I feel all the time). I wonder if that is just to prepare us for what is ahead ;)

Whisper - I wish that helped us to pick out a name ;) My DH is just so stubborn; we have always had a girls name picked out, it would have been Jenna Paige. But a boys name..UGH! I feel we will be in the same boat; I will be delivering and we have no name picked out :haha:
I am really scared girls, my cervix was shorter today when they checked it. :cry: I ended up having to go to the hospital to be monitored for contractions. It was the longest day ever. :wacko: The twins are both healthy but one is measuring smaller then the other, so the DR's want to monitor them even closer as well now. Baby A aka our baby girl is 1 pound 4 ounces and baby B aka our boy is 15 ounces. I have read where it is normal for a twin boy and girl to measure differently though, so I am trying not to worry myself about that just yet. I wrote the full details in my journal about the appointment and here is a link to it.


Please keep me and the twins in your thoughts and prayers that they can keep cooking long enough to be born healthy!!!
So sorry things have been so tough. Posted more in your journal. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
wanna I know what you mean about carrying twins! I never really thought about it. Everyone tells me its hard with one and I can't imagine two. My fingers get numb at night. I wake up and my hand are numb. I've been getting cramps in my legs in the middle of the night. I've also felt the pressure down there. DH has been doing pretty much everything for me. Its getting harder to bend over and pick things up. I can't sit up straight because right away they start kicking me. I hope everything goes well today on your scan. I hope your cervix has improved. I'm also glad your DH has been helping you out a lot. Once your twins are born is anyone going to help you out for the first weeks?

Thanks for the well wishes hun!!:hugs: I am sorry that you are also so uncomfortable right now in your pregnancy. :hugs::hugs:

I wanted to answer your last question about having help with the twins. My DH gets 2 weeks for his maternity leave and then when he goes back to work my sister is supposed to be coming down to help out with the twins for a week or so. I got an offer for help with the twins from my SIL as well if I need it although I am not that close to her so I don't know if I am comfortable accepting help from her or not. :shrug:

So sorry things have been so tough. Posted more in your journal. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks so much Whisper!!! :hugs: I will be checking out my journal and your response shortly. :hugs:
Praying for you and your twinnies Wanna! I will go check out your journal now.
Wanna, I'm so sorry things weren't more positive at your appointment :hugs: The good thing is that your babies are healthy so I hope they hang in there as long as possible. I'll keep you in my prayers that your babies stay healthy and you have no further complications xx
Thanks for the well wishes ladies and for keeping the twins and I in your thoughts and prayers!!! I really appreciate it!!!!:hugs::flower:

Everybody - Sorry I've been away the last few days preparing for our baby shower this Sunday. personals below.

Whisper - yes it is comfy feeling them snuggle. Nicholas has really been kicking alot lately. My Dr. said he's probably going to be a soccer player, lol. Glad you have time to declutter your house cycle buddy. We've done alot of that too but have most of it in the garage until a garage sale next week and then donations after that. Then all that's really left is DH is going to clean out and reorganize the whole garage.

Wanna - Praying for you and your little ones girl. Hang in there and keep them cooking. :hugs:

Happy - thanks. And our shower theme is little prince. Also, you said you could be delivering around the end of June. If I only make it to 38-39wks then we could be delivering around the same time.

michelle - I know you have some time still but why not come up with a name so you can start calling him by name already...

Update on me - Well, As some may know our shower is this Sunday so I will post some pics afterwards. DH also took some cool pics he took of us and my bump. hope to share some with you ladies soon. I'll see if I can post at least one shortly. Also, DH finally showed me part of the vid he is working on and it looks awesome. Can't wait to share it with everybody when it's done as well. Can't believe I'll be 30wks in a couple of days. About 8-10wks from the finish line now.
Here is one of the pics DH took. Taken on our driveway. Felt a little guilty afterwards about complaining about the hot sun while he set up the camera(took a few shots) because it came out so good.

Want, that's a really cute picture. I did turn out quite well.

So, Reba was telling me today that she got some Braxton-Hicks contractions yesterday that went on for about 1/2 and hour. Seems to be normal enough - you do get them more with each pregnancy, I've read, and this is her 2nd. But other than that, all is well and she has her next appointment on Tuesday. I'm going to go over on May to buy some stuff, but it may or may not be at the time of her May appointment (wow, that's a lot of 'may' in that sentence). Need to make some final decisions about what crib and all that, but I have some fairly good ideas as to what I want.
Good morning everyone,

want I love the picture! That is so cute. I can't wait to hear about your shower this weekend. Mine is next weekend. How exciting we could be delivering around the same time. Happy 30 weeks! How are you feeling? Any swelling?

Sandoval how are you?

Chase I'm so glad Reba is doing well. Hopefully you can join her on her next appointment. Good luck picking out the crib. DH put ours together last weekend and even decorated the walls.

AFM, here is my 27 week shot! I don't feel too big but when I see the pictures I look big!:haha: I still haven't done my maternity shots I have to do them this weekend. Is anyone doing newborn pictures? I have to call around to see if anyone has experience with twins and set my appointment. We are not doing a nursery for our twins since the other twins have the extra bedrooms so we are placing one crib in our bedroom for both twins. DH has it all done. The crib the wall decorations and the extra two dressers for the twins. It turned out really nice. Next weekend is my baby shower I still have a lot to do. Have a great weekend everyone!

@Want, I love that gender reveal picture. It is super cute and you guys did a wonderful job with it!!! :thumbup: I am sure that the rest of your maternity pictures and video are going to turn out wonderful as well. :winkwink: I hope you enjoy your baby shower and have fun!! :thumbup:

@Chase, from what I have read online Braxton hicks are common, so try not to worry. :hugs: Otherwise I am glad to know that Reba is doing good. good luck with picking out your cribs, decorating, and getting ready for Casper's arrival. DH & I ended up getting convertible cribs for our twins, so the beds convert to infant toddler beds and then full beds so we won't have to buy beds anytime soon. :thumbup: We got our crib from walmart and got a really good deal on ours. :winkwink:

@Happy, cute bump pic!! :thumbup: I am going to try to do my own newborn twin photos myself first and if they don't come out good then I will use a professional photographer. I found some really good ones in my area by just doing a google search and viewing their portfolios. I would suggest you do the same. :winkwink: Your nursery sounds cute and like you guys made it work good even though it is in your room!! Are you going to post pics to show us how it came out? I would love to see it!! :thumbup: You have a good weekend as well!! :flower:

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