IVF Oct/Nov/Dec BFP Announcement & 9month term thread!

Happy - Oh my! I would call because you are just about 35 weeks and that swelling isn't normal; at least nothing that I have seen! Plus you are having twins, so it isn't going to hurt by calling and see what they say! Keep us posted ;)

Thanks Michelle! I did talk to the nurse and she said its normal unless one foot is bigger than the other. So for now I have my feet up and drinking plenty of water.
DH took a really awesome photo of us yesterday! We are both in the photo. I'm pulling a red Radio Flyer wagon while hes pushing it and its filled with diapers. lol. I think it's one of my favorites he's taken.

Your DH has such great ideas! I got two newborn hats and some headbands for my newborn session! I'm looking for an old wooden box and I need a tutu!
Happy - My right foot is as swollen as yours hun. Asked my OB about it last week while there for an appointment and he said its normal. He said as long as its only the feet and not the legs too. He said if your legs are swollen or if you are having pain in your legs it could be a circulation issue and then it would need to be checked out because our blood also circulates to the baby. He did say if that happens that it is treateable so not to worry but it needs to be treated. If you are feeling any pain or your legs are swollen then yes call your OB.

Thanks want! I had my NST and the nurse said to worry if one was bigger than the other. To make sure I called my OB. So far they both look the same. I have developed this nasty rash on the top of my belly. I can't stop scratching it! I think my body is giving up on me!

Oh, poor you, Happy. That does not sound like fun. You're almost at the finish line, so hang in there :thumbup:
That is good to hear Happy! I never had swelling with DS or so far with this LO. At least it is better to be safe then sorry!!! Happy 35 weeks :)

Sorry about your spotting First; definitely let your OB know, but it seems very common with women who go through IVF due to all the meds.
Hey everyone!! Can't wait to see who the next baby is to enter the world :)

I have some catching up to do on the thread! I hope everyone is doing well.

My entire body is starting to hurt/cramp and I just feel generally uncomfortable. I am sick of people telling me how my bump is small and I look great so there is no way I can be this uncomfortable.... Well I feel like shit most of the time (excuse my language) and just because I don't have a huge tummy doesn't mean I am not uncomfortable!! :growlmad: I have an appt at the end of this week and I am glad because the last few days I have developed a pressure/pain in my vagina (tmi sorry). It is very uncomfortable and takes my breath away! Anyone else experience this?? Besides the complaining, sorry... I am starting my little girls nursery and am so excited! I can't wait bring her home to it :)

I am going to take a bump picture tonight to show you girls! I realized I have never posted one. Anyone else want to share also :) I would love to see all those beautiful bumps!
Hold I'm sorry you are so uncomfortable. Even if you are not big it doesn't mean you can't be miserable! You are carrying a baby and the further along you get the more uncomfortable it is. I had like a sharp pain in my vagina last week and it took my breath. I've never felt that before. It happened like 3 times. I hope is nothing bad. Don't forget to share pictures of the nursery and your bump!
That is good to hear Happy! I never had swelling with DS or so far with this LO. At least it is better to be safe then sorry!!! Happy 35 weeks :)

Sorry about your spotting First; definitely let your OB know, but it seems very common with women who go through IVF due to all the meds.

You are so lucky not to have any swelling! I have three more weeks to go! I hope I can make it!
Hey everyone!! Can't wait to see who the next baby is to enter the world :)

I have some catching up to do on the thread! I hope everyone is doing well.

My entire body is starting to hurt/cramp and I just feel generally uncomfortable. I am sick of people telling me how my bump is small and I look great so there is no way I can be this uncomfortable.... Well I feel like shit most of the time (excuse my language) and just because I don't have a huge tummy doesn't mean I am not uncomfortable!! :growlmad: I have an appt at the end of this week and I am glad because the last few days I have developed a pressure/pain in my vagina (tmi sorry). It is very uncomfortable and takes my breath away! Anyone else experience this?? Besides the complaining, sorry... I am starting my little girls nursery and am so excited! I can't wait bring her home to it :)

I am going to take a bump picture tonight to show you girls! I realized I have never posted one. Anyone else want to share also :) I would love to see all those beautiful bumps!

Well, I'm only 8 weeks and I generally feel like crap. I wish I could take off the next 7 months of work. So, you're definitely entitled to feel how you feel! :thumbup:
Whisper - how exciting about Lili!! Hope everything turned out fine and she is already home :)

Happy - sorry to hear about the swelling :(. My SIL had that with her pregnancy too.

Wanna - those pics are fantastic!! So glad the twins are doing so well!

Hold - aww I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable. I don't think it matters what size you are the discomfort is still going on inside :hugs: Would love to see your bump pic!

AFM - had my second ultrasound u/s yesterday and we still have a heartbeat :yipee: The heart rate was 120 and baby is measuring right on track at 6 weeks and 5 days. DH and I are on :cloud9:
Hi hold! Sorry you are feeling so crappy, but you are pregnant and entitled to feel that way no matter how small/big your bump is! I just took a bump pic the other day, it is in my journal if you want to take a look. And I have had some pains like that below too; the doctor said it isn't anything to worry about unless it doesn't go away.

So excited for you Em ;)

Happy - 3 more weeks, you got this ;) And your babies will be here before you know it!

I had my OB appt yesterday, 23 pound weight gain so far, measuring right on track, she said he is head down, but really doesn't matter cause I will still be scheduled for a c-section. They will schedule me around 35 weeks and said it will be around 39 weeks, just not before.
Happy - Again, so sorry about the swelling! It is absolutely miserable in my experience. Delivery is so close and yet so far away when you feel so crappy. :hugs:

First - I really hope your spotting stops so you don't have to worry. But I agree that spotting seems quite common with IVF pregnancies.:hugs:

Hold - I know how you feel....tons of people kept commenting on how small my bump was right up to the end. Doesn't mean you are not sick and uncomfortable. Every resource your body has is going to making a whole new person! That is not an easy thing to do! FYI I had a lot of sharp vaginal pains. Not sure what that was...:shrug:

Em - Woot! So glad you had a great scan! Grow baby grow! :happydance:

Michelle - Sounds like LO is getting ready to move out! Hey I was wondering if you had any numbness around your incision from your first c-section? I have a little numbness around mine....pretty sure it's not going to go away. :dohh:

AFM - Lili is home! She came home Monday and DH and I have just been busy taking care of her since then. Things are going pretty well so far and we are just so happy to have her with us. :cloud9: my biggest worry is that she has not had a BM since we brought her home. The hospital told us not to worry about it until three days. FX we get a full diaper today! If not, I will talk about it at our pediatrician appointment tomorrow. Also, have any of you heard about postpartum dizzyness? I had a really bad dizzy spell yesterday (as in: slump against the wall and slide to the ground so I don't fall like a ton of bricks) and have continued to feel dizzy off and on since then. It has been so bad that I have not carried Lili around since then because I am scared of falling with her. DH is off of work through today and will go back to work tomorrow. My family is all out of town on vacation, so I'm not really sure how how I will manage tomorrow alone. :shrug: Hopefully it goes away.
Hi Whisper! Hopefully LO stays put for another 7 weeks :) As for numbness, oh yes! I remember that and I believe it is due to the area healing. WOOHOO for Lili being home!!! I am sure you are both thrilled. How is Rose doing? The dizziness sounds scary; make sure you are staying hydrated! It is easy to forget to take care of yourself when you are busy with your baby. And hopefully Lili isn't constipated and has a bowel movement for you today.
Whisper, that's amazing that Lili is home! You must be so excited. Take it easy for the next week and definitely speak to a doctor about the dizzy spells, sounds scary.

Em, great news about your scan!

Hold, I'm sick of people telling me that my bump is small for how far along I am. Due to having IVF, the NHS offer 2 extra growth scans at 30 weeks and 35 weeks and at both of them I was told my baby is measuring perfect and is on track to being an 'average size' at birth. I was starting to get worried though because of what people were saying. Also, I've been really uncomfortable because my baby likes to sit so high up against my ribcage! So the size of your bump definitely doesn't correlate with how uncomfortable you feel! Hope you start to feel a bit better soon though x
Thanks everyone! We are on :cloud9: over here. Still can't believe this is really happening :)

Whisper - yayyyy I'm so happy Lili is home! :happydance: I hope she has had a BM by now. And sending lots of prayers that Rose comes home soon too. I think you should call your doctor about the dizzy spell. It sounds like you are having a vasovagal episode which is basically you're about to faint. If you feel that again you can lie down and bend your knees or raise your legs to help the blood get back up to your brain faster.

Sandoval - sorry people were giving you hard time about your bump size too. Wow, I just can't imagine ever commenting on someone's size, pregnant or not, but especially pregnant.
Thanks everyone! We are on :cloud9: over here. Still can't believe this is really happening :)

Whisper - yayyyy I'm so happy Lili is home! :happydance: I hope she has had a BM by now. And sending lots of prayers that Rose comes home soon too. I think you should call your doctor about the dizzy spell. It sounds like you are having a vasovagal episode which is basically you're about to faint. If you feel that again you can lie down and bend your knees or raise your legs to help the blood get back up to your brain faster.

Sandoval - sorry people were giving you hard time about your bump size too. Wow, I just can't imagine ever commenting on someone's size, pregnant or not, but especially pregnant.

Yup that sounds right - after it happened I shouted for DH and told him I almost passed out. Thanks for the tip about elevating the legs. I am for sure going to try that if it gets bad like that again! I did call my doc and they had me come in for a blood test to check my iron yesterday. I will hopefully hear the results today. The nurse said my iron was on the low side the last time they checked it in April. :shrug:
Thanks girls!! I am glad I am not the only one who gets crap about bump being too small :winkwink:

Michelle- I am glad your appt went well!! Are you nervous about the c-section? and cute bump pic!

sand- my baby sits up very high too, so I know how you feel! She gets something stuck in my ribs all the time. Ouch! Are you finding yourself eating smaller meals because of her being up so high?

Em- beautiful ultrasound! glad everything is going so well for you! The amazing :cloud9: feeling continues through out the pregnancy!

First- thanks! are you feeling better?

Whisper- congrats on bringing one of your baby girls home!! :happydance: and I hope the dizziness gets better for you!!

Happy- is there anything the drs can do for the swelling? That looks painful!!

Wanna- I hope you and the twins are doing well :hugs: I haven't checked your journal for an update, but I will head over there!

Sorry if I missed anyone!

AFM: I just got back from the Drs. It was a good visit overall and I am still not dilating at all :happydance: I have lost some of my mucus plug but FFN was negative. Any time I have more then 5 contractions in an hour, he wants me to go straight to the hospital. He doesn't care how many times I end up in there, better safe then sorry. I am glad he feels that way because between the endometriosis, still swollen ovaries and contractions.. I can't tell what anything is anymore :shrug:

He said the pain in my vagina is baby's head engaging and pushing on nerves, totally normal but my nerves are extra sensitive. I go for an ultrasound in a week to check cervical length, growth of baby (she appears on the smaller side but not worried) and ovaries. I have no idea how much weight I have gained because a couple weeks ago I chose not to know the rest of the pregnancy :thumbup: and that has been working out great for me!! I eat healthy, that's all that matters.
Whisper - good, I'm so glad you're getting everything checked out. My DH taught me that trick because I'm a fainter.

Hold - so good to hear everything is going well with you and your LO :hugs: I hope she stays put for another 11 weeks!!
Hold - I think the next baby into the world is going to be my SIL's! Was talking with her on the phone earlier today and she told me she thought her mucus plug had come out. So now dh and I are anxiously waiting for the phone call. Sorry you are feeling so uncomfortable hun, we are all feeling that way at this point. I have been sleeping on a sofa chair sitting up(only position I am able to be in any comfort to sleep) for the last few weeks. It really sucks. Oh, and I'm still waiting to see your bump pic hun! Great OB appointment. Your LO will be here before you know it.

Happy - Both my feet were actually swollen today. I think because I'm trying to walk more to try and induce labor.

Em - Glad Everything is on track with your LO!

Michelle - Great news hun. Did they say if you will be able to pick the actual date you will deliver in that 39th week?

Whisper - Awesome that Lili is home! :happydance: So how does it feel with a baby in the house, have you gotten any sleep? And do you know yet when her sister coming home? Sorry about the dizzy spells and I hope they go away. Are you eating enough to keep from getting dehydrated?

Wanna - How are Elijah & Lyric doing hun? Any news on when they can go home?

Sand - Don't worry about what people say. I had the same issue but the other way because I'm so big. I've been asked for the last month if I'm still pregnant. and for the past 3months if I'm sure it's only one. people sometimes just don't know what to say so they end up saying stupid things. Don't get worked up about it though.
Had an ultrasound today and um..... yeah, Nicholas is measuring 8lbs 9ounces. Not sure how he's going to fit through that little hole. Still not dialated at all either. I know my family has a history of big babies but from our last appointment I was expecting something in the 7lb range this week, not almost 9lbs. lol

OB said everything is still ok and that we can only induce labor @39wks. So we have another appointment on Wednesday and if nothing has changed by then that we would schedule to induce labor @39wks which is 9days away. Will depend on what the hospital has available that week.

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