Thanks girls!! I am glad I am not the only one who gets crap about bump being too small
Michelle- I am glad your appt went well!! Are you nervous about the c-section? and cute bump pic!
sand- my baby sits up very high too, so I know how you feel! She gets something stuck in my ribs all the time. Ouch! Are you finding yourself eating smaller meals because of her being up so high?
Em- beautiful ultrasound! glad everything is going so well for you! The amazing
feeling continues through out the pregnancy!
First- thanks! are you feeling better?
Whisper- congrats on bringing one of your baby girls home!!
and I hope the dizziness gets better for you!!
Happy- is there anything the drs can do for the swelling? That looks painful!!
Wanna- I hope you and the twins are doing well
I haven't checked your journal for an update, but I will head over there!
Sorry if I missed anyone!
AFM: I just got back from the Drs. It was a good visit overall and I am still not dilating at all
I have lost some of my mucus plug but FFN was negative. Any time I have more then 5 contractions in an hour, he wants me to go straight to the hospital. He doesn't care how many times I end up in there, better safe then sorry. I am glad he feels that way because between the endometriosis, still swollen ovaries and contractions.. I can't tell what anything is anymore
He said the pain in my vagina is baby's head engaging and pushing on nerves, totally normal but my nerves are extra sensitive. I go for an ultrasound in a week to check cervical length, growth of baby (she appears on the smaller side but not worried) and ovaries. I have no idea how much weight I have gained because a couple weeks ago I chose not to know the rest of the pregnancy
and that has been working out great for me!! I eat healthy, that's all that matters.