IVF Oct/Nov/Dec BFP Announcement & 9month term thread!

Here are my twins. The week has gone by too fast. The twins have kept me busy. DH has stayed with me so wish me luck since he goes back to work tomorrow. My mom will help me next week. I hope I do ok on my own.


Aww, your twins are adorable!! :flower: I just love all of that dark hair!!! Congratulations to you!!!! :thumbup:

@Hold, I am so sorry that you are so uncomfortable. I hope you feel better soon and that your appointment goes well tomorrow. Big hugs to you!! :hugs::hugs: Did your DR ever have you get steroid injections just in case because of your risk for preterm labor? The steroid injection helps strengthen the baby's lungs and get them ready for delivery, and it also helps develop the baby's organs. I also got magnesium the day I had my C-section to help prevent brain bleeds. I believe that both of these things helped my twins do much better when i delivered them early at 28 weeks.

@First, I am so glad that everything looks great with your baby and that your appointment went so well!! :thumbup: Good luck with your upcoming test. :flower:

@Michelle, I am glad that you are back at home and that your baby can stay in a little bit longer to cook some more. Big hugs to you hun!! :hugs::hugs: I hope that you continue to feel well. :hug:

AFM, the twins are doing well, Lyric is growing fast, she is in a crib now and out of the incubator, and is maintaing her temperature well. We have to bring in a car seat to see if she can fit into it for bringing her home. The only thing she needs to work on some more is bottle feeding, she can eat about half of her feedings from the bottle but the rest is still being fed to her by the tube, I don't think it will be much longer though before she has mastered it. She is growing really fast now, she has gained 3 ounces for each of her last 2 weigh in's. :thumbup:

Elijah has been doing good and he has been getting up to where he needs to be on his feedings so far without any hiccups. We are thrilled with his progress so far. He has grown alot as well. His biggest problem right now is that he has alot of swelling all over his body from not getting enough nutrition. Hopefully it will come down as time goes on. I posted a few recent pics of the twins in my journal and wrote more details about their progress in there if anyone wants to take a peek. :thumbup:

Here is a link to my journal.
Update on me

It's been a very long day. I was sent back to the hospital for horrible pressure and contractions. They were worried that I was leaking fluid also but tests came back negative for that. Contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and painful. Upon examination, discovered that my cervix is starting to change and I am 1cm dilated.

Will update again when I know more
Hold - So sorry this keeps happening. Seems like the scares get worse every time. Thinking about you and sending prayers your way. Having 32 weeks under your belt is pretty good. FX your LO can stay in for a while longer though. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I'm sorry hold big :hugs: to you! I hope your baby hangs in there a little longer. Have they given you any steroids shots? Keep us posted!
wanna - Glad that things are progressing with Lyric and hope that things get better for Elijah!

hold - I am sorry for what you are going through! Prayers for you and your LO :hugs: Hopefully they get your contractions to slow down and get the steroid injections in for her lungs.
Hold - thinking of you and hoping the doctors can slow down the contractions. Stay positive x
Thanks girls :hugs:

I was allowed to come home for tonight. I go back tomorrow to be monitored all day again. My cervix is not progressing with the contractions, which is really good. But since I am already dilated to 1cm, my Dr is worried things could change at any moment. Baby looks amazing :thumbup: She tolerates the contractions very well and reacts normally. I have been labeled a "consistent contractor." In my hospital terms that basically means I am contracting off and on 24/7 and have been for a long time now. The remainder of my pregnancy will be back and forth trips/over night stays to the hospital for monitoring. Tomorrow we are going to discuss steroid shots and I think I will be having a meeting with a NICU nurse and pediatrician. My Drs don't want to intervene and disturb things if not absolutely necessary, because sometimes it does more harm then good.

I will update again tomorrow evening. Thanks for all the support :hugs:
Sorry I've been away a couple of days ladies.

Whisper - Try and get them into a routine. Once their last piece of the unbilical cord falls off and they can take baths it will make it easier. Give them a bath(wash their hair last) feed them and get them ready for bed. I've read it is easier for them to get sleepy and comfortable after taking baths.

Hold - Thank you. He was 8lbs 11ounces when he was born....And I pushed for 2hrs and 34min. So sorry your in pain. Praying for you hun.

Happy - I feel the same way. Nicholas is a true blessing in our lives.

Wanna - So glad Elijah is doing well. Hoping to see more updates soon.
here is another pic of our little Miracle Nicholas:

How is everyone fairing with breastfeeding? I'm not having much luck ATM... :(

Neither have I. I'm getting about 2 oz and that's not enough to feed two so I've been giving them formula. I've been pumping and still nothing more than 2. I was told I need to pump every 2-3 hours.

Love Nicholas pic!
How is everyone fairing with breastfeeding? I'm not having much luck ATM... :(

Neither have I. I'm getting about 2 oz and that's not enough to feed two so I've been giving them formula. I've been pumping and still nothing more than 2. I was told I need to pump every 2-3 hours.

Love Nicholas pic!

That's all I've been able to get at one time also is 2oz. and it takes quite a long time to pump it. I haven't had luck with him latching on(if this is TMI then skip to the last sentence) to breast feed. He'll latch on but after a couple sucks without milk he stops. A friend told me about a rubber nipple to put over the breast nipple that makes it seem more like a bottle. Gonna try that out and see if it helps. It's called a nipple protector and they sell it at babies r us for $10(pack of 2).
@Want, awww, your son is absolutely adorable!!! I love the picture of him!! :flower: Thanks for sharing!! :winkwink: I saw you asked about breast feeding in your previous post, I am pumping for breast milk for the twins in the NICU and it has been very difficult. It took me about 3 days before my milk came in, and for the first several days I just got a small amount of clear fluid, but not enough to actually collect and give to the twins. When my milk finally came in it was a small amount at first, about 1 ml and then it went up to 5 ml on each boob, eventually I got up to 1 to 2 ounces on each boob, for a total of 2 to 4 ounces total. It took me a while to figure out what size suction cup thingy I needed to fit my boobs, and it hurt like hell at first. My nipples got tougher after a while. The nipple cream is a god send and is safe for baby to ingest. I was so tired after my C-section from the pain meds I would literally be falling asleep as I was pumping. It was rough at first for sure, but you just have to hang in there. It gets easier once your supply gets established and you get a hang of it but it is tedious. My nipples still get soar and because it is so hot outside my supply isn't as good these days. Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids. I literally guzzle down an entire bottle of water before I pump. It also helps to massage your breasts before to help get things moving in there. I had 60 bottles of frozen milk at the milk bank in the hospital the last time I checked and the most they can hold is 80 so I am going to start storing my supply in the deep freezer at my house. I have decided to just pump exclusively and bottle feed. I am going to pump as long as I can but I know it is going to become a challenge once Lyric comes home, and then with Elijah in the hospital in the NICU it is going to be hard running back and forth. Then when their nutritional needs increase I don't think I will be able to keep up for long. My supply has leveled off and I can't get it to increase from where it is. Eventually I am going to have to substitute with some formula eventually. I am having a hard time keeping up with pumping now with just running back and forth to the NICU. You may want to use a breast pump to establish your supply at first. You should pump every 2 to 3 hours at first to establish your supply. Eventually you will watch it increase. I don't have much advice on breast feeding with baby latching on because I haven't been able to do it. The hospital should have a lactation consultant so be sure to ask for advice and tips on how to do it. Good luck!!:thumbup: I know if the baby latches on then it saves you from having to wash bottles and clean the pump etc. On the other hand with pumping you can track how much baby is eating. You will figure out what works best for you as you get the hang of it!!:thumbup:

@Hold, I am so glad that you are alright and your baby girl is still cooking!!:hugs: I hope she keeps cooking a lot longer. I will keep you and your baby in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs to you!! :hugs::hugs::hug:
Breastfeeding has been a total bust for me. I did everything the lactation people said, and after all this time, the most I ever get is 3 ounces per pumping session. No kidding...I've tried everything short of prescription drugs. And the drugs are not covered by my insurance and cost like $80 per month. And i probably still wouldnt get enough for 2 babies (our formula cost is currently about $130 per month because we have to buy special preemie formula - we are saving some money with coupons). I also had difficulty teaching the girls to suck at the breast because of prematurity issues. We are exclusively bottle feeding. The whole thing has been so stressful, that I have finally come to terms with just pumping what little I can and giving that to the twins (every little bit is beneficial). However, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep up pumping...it's a lot of work! Anyway, just don't let it stress you out. If you are interested, ask your doc about a prescription for Domperidone to increase supply but like I said, it's expensive. Could save on formula cost though, depending on your situation. Also keep in mind that it can take two weeks to a month for your full supply to come in, so you ladies might have better luck after a couple more weeks.
Want - I forgot to mention how darn cute Nicholas is. I'm all for setting up an arranged marriage right now....:haha:
How is everyone fairing with breastfeeding? I'm not having much luck ATM... :(

Neither have I. I'm getting about 2 oz and that's not enough to feed two so I've been giving them formula. I've been pumping and still nothing more than 2. I was told I need to pump every 2-3 hours.

Love Nicholas pic!

That's all I've been able to get at one time also is 2oz. and it takes quite a long time to pump it. I haven't had luck with him latching on(if this is TMI then skip to the last sentence) to breast feed. He'll latch on but after a couple sucks without milk he stops. A friend told me about a rubber nipple to put over the breast nipple that makes it seem more like a bottle. Gonna try that out and see if it helps. It's called a nipple protector and they sell it at babies r us for $10(pack of 2).
I tried it at the hospital and it didn't really work for me. I tried pumping a second time and got about an ounce. They do the same thing, they latch and then stop feeding.
@Want, awww, your son is absolutely adorable!!! I love the picture of him!! :flower: Thanks for sharing!! :winkwink: I saw you asked about breast feeding in your previous post, I am pumping for breast milk for the twins in the NICU and it has been very difficult. It took me about 3 days before my milk came in, and for the first several days I just got a small amount of clear fluid, but not enough to actually collect and give to the twins. When my milk finally came in it was a small amount at first, about 1 ml and then it went up to 5 ml on each boob, eventually I got up to 1 to 2 ounces on each boob, for a total of 2 to 4 ounces total. It took me a while to figure out what size suction cup thingy I needed to fit my boobs, and it hurt like hell at first. My nipples got tougher after a while. The nipple cream is a god send and is safe for baby to ingest. I was so tired after my C-section from the pain meds I would literally be falling asleep as I was pumping. It was rough at first for sure, but you just have to hang in there. It gets easier once your supply gets established and you get a hang of it but it is tedious. My nipples still get soar and because it is so hot outside my supply isn't as good these days. Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids. I literally guzzle down an entire bottle of water before I pump. It also helps to massage your breasts before to help get things moving in there. I had 60 bottles of frozen milk at the milk bank in the hospital the last time I checked and the most they can hold is 80 so I am going to start storing my supply in the deep freezer at my house. I have decided to just pump exclusively and bottle feed. I am going to pump as long as I can but I know it is going to become a challenge once Lyric comes home, and then with Elijah in the hospital in the NICU it is going to be hard running back and forth. Then when their nutritional needs increase I don't think I will be able to keep up for long. My supply has leveled off and I can't get it to increase from where it is. Eventually I am going to have to substitute with some formula eventually. I am having a hard time keeping up with pumping now with just running back and forth to the NICU. You may want to use a breast pump to establish your supply at first. You should pump every 2 to 3 hours at first to establish your supply. Eventually you will watch it increase. I don't have much advice on breast feeding with baby latching on because I haven't been able to do it. The hospital should have a lactation consultant so be sure to ask for advice and tips on how to do it. Good luck!!:thumbup: I know if the baby latches on then it saves you from having to wash bottles and clean the pump etc. On the other hand with pumping you can track how much baby is eating. You will figure out what works best for you as you get the hang of it!!:thumbup:

Breastfeeding has been a total bust for me. I did everything the lactation people said, and after all this time, the most I ever get is 3 ounces per pumping session. No kidding...I've tried everything short of prescription drugs. And the drugs are not covered by my insurance and cost like $80 per month. And i probably still wouldnt get enough for 2 babies (our formula cost is currently about $130 per month because we have to buy special preemie formula - we are saving some money with coupons). I also had difficulty teaching the girls to suck at the breast because of prematurity issues. We are exclusively bottle feeding. The whole thing has been so stressful, that I have finally come to terms with just pumping what little I can and giving that to the twins (every little bit is beneficial). However, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep up pumping...it's a lot of work! Anyway, just don't let it stress you out. If you are interested, ask your doc about a prescription for Domperidone to increase supply but like I said, it's expensive. Could save on formula cost though, depending on your situation. Also keep in mind that it can take two weeks to a month for your full supply to come in, so you ladies might have better luck after a couple more weeks.

Wanna & Whisper - I tried the advent nipple protector and he was able to stay latched on 10min the first time I tried it so hopefully this will work for us. You may want to try it. It was only $10 for 2.

Want - I forgot to mention how darn cute Nicholas is. I'm all for setting up an arranged marriage right now....:haha:

Whisper - lol, you'll have to get in line as our neighbor's granddaughter who is almost 2 is already first in line. :haha:

Maybe you can submit your application for Lily & Rose and he can pick his favorite one out of all the applicants. : )
How is everyone fairing with breastfeeding? I'm not having much luck ATM... :(

Neither have I. I'm getting about 2 oz and that's not enough to feed two so I've been giving them formula. I've been pumping and still nothing more than 2. I was told I need to pump every 2-3 hours.

Love Nicholas pic!

That's all I've been able to get at one time also is 2oz. and it takes quite a long time to pump it. I haven't had luck with him latching on(if this is TMI then skip to the last sentence) to breast feed. He'll latch on but after a couple sucks without milk he stops. A friend told me about a rubber nipple to put over the breast nipple that makes it seem more like a bottle. Gonna try that out and see if it helps. It's called a nipple protector and they sell it at babies r us for $10(pack of 2).
I tried it at the hospital and it didn't really work for me. I tried pumping a second time and got about an ounce. They do the same thing, they latch and then stop feeding.

try the nipple protector. He latched on for 10min and got some milk the first time I used it. It was about 9 1/2min more then any time before I used it.

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