IVF Oct/Nov/Dec BFP Announcement & 9month term thread!

Thanks ladies - I'll let DH know how much you girls loved it.

JDH - welcome back. Can't wait to see your 4D scan. So we have 6 boys & 6 girls with first & JDH yet to go.
It could still be all even depending on us!! So exciting x
So Reba had her 2 week doctor's appointment today. Casper has 'dropped' and his HB is at 130 which apparently means he's 'nearly done cooking' according to the doc. She wants to see Reba again in a week 'if she makes it that long.' Gaaa, I hate uncertainty. I'm not scheduled to fly out of here until Friday the 2nd. If she loses her mucus plug and/or has her 'bloody show' (I feel dirty even typing that), I'm going to hop on a plane right way, but for now I'm holding put. Complicating matters is this bloody tropical storm in the Atlantic. If it looks like the airport is going to be shut down for a day next week, I'm likely going to fly out ahead of it.
JDH - For sure post some pics after you get your scan. What a fun anniversary gift!

Chase - Sounds like you are super close. FX Casper holds out till his dad can get there. Keep us updated!

I think I mentioned the twins got their two month immunizations this week. Let me just say....it was no walk in the park. Poor kids had three shots each (and an oral vaccine) and they are still so tiny the needle poked pretty much to the middle of their little legs. :( Then, they were both miserable all night long and part of the next day. Both got fevers and Rose screamed at the top of her lungs for a long time after we got home from the doctor. She is usually a very calm and mello baby. I think they might have had an especially hard time because they are so small for two month olds....both still under 8 pounds. In any case, I would definitely recommend having baby Tylenol on hand and making sure to get the infant dosing instructions from your pediatrician. Luckily they are both back to normal now!
Chase - it won't be long now! I hope Casper stays put until you get there and the storm doesn't interfere.

Whisper - aww poor girls :hugs: I hope they're feeling better now!

JDH - what a great anniversary present! I can't wait to see pics those scans are always so incredible :)

AFM - I had my 12 week OB appt on Thursday and unfortunately found out I have a complete placenta previa. So I'll be going on bed rest really early possibly around 24 weeks. I was pretty upset but I've come around to the idea that this is what it's going to take to get my little girl here safe and sound.
Em - So sorry about the bedrest, it can be a bummer. :hugs: A few of the ladies here have been on bedrest...maybe they have some tips for staying sane. I was on bedrest for about a week before I ended up delivering. That was long enough for me! :wacko: FX you can stay up and about as long as possible before that happens. I'm sure you'll do whatever is necessary for your baby's wellness. So glad she is looking healthy!
@Chase, Fingers crossed the weather doesn't affect your ability to make it to Casper's arrival. I am so excited for you and I wish you all the best!! :thumbup: Good luck to Reba, I hope that she has a quick and easy delivery and that Casper is born happy and healthy!! :flower::hugs:

@Em, I am sorry about the need for bed rest and the placenta previa. Big hugs to you!! :hugs::hugs: I will keep you and your baby in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that you can have a safe and full term pregnancy:hugs::hug:

@Whisper, The picture of your twin girls is so adorable!!! Thanks for sharing!!!:winkwink: I am sorry that the shots were so ruff for your twin girls. :hugs: I am glad that they are feeling better now. :hugs: The NICU asked us if we wanted to do the twin's 2 months vaccinations and I refused for now because of how small they are. They are only 37 weeks old gestational, and my daughter is 5 lbs 9 oz, and son is 3 lbs 7 oz, and I can't imagine giving them all of the shots right now being this small and not as developed physically or weighing as much as a healthy 2 month full term baby would would. I am going to wait and do the shots at the pediatrician at a later time when they are bigger and stronger. Your twin girls are bigger then my twins and the shots sounded pretty ruff for them so I can't imagine doing this to them right now, especially my son with how small he is. It freaks me out. I struggled with this decision but I think it is the right one.

AFM, I did an update in my journal about the twins. They are both doing good over all. The link to my journal is in my siggy if anyone wants to take a peek to see the full details. Lyric is doing good but she still needs to get her bottle feeding down before she can come home. Elijah is doing good and he is working on maintaing his temp so he can move out to a crib and he is starting to practice bottle feeding. He does a good job with the bottle feeding. I am thankful that both babies are doing good.

However, I am getting mentally exhausted since they have been in the NICU for over 2 months now. I get depressed not having my daughter home yet and I feel like I am missing out on so much not being able to be with the twins like I would if I had them full term and they were able to be home with me everyday.:cry: I can't wait for this NICU roller coaster to be over with, hopefully we won't have much more time left to go.
@Sandoval, Congrats on the birth of your son!!! :happydance::happydance: I hope that the two of you are doing wonderful!!! :flower:


@Want, I love the picture of your son, it came out really cute!!! He is an adorable angel for sure!! Thanks for sharing!! :winkwink:
Wanna - IMO you made a good call to wait on the immunizations. It was pretty stressful for my girls; I can't imagine your teeny tiny LOs going through that. They will be ready for shots soon enough!
Hey everybody!!! This thread has been so quite lately, I hope that everyone is doing well and that you guys all have a wonderful weekend.


I am so excited to say that Lyric might be coming home in a couple of days!!! She is doing the 48 hours of ad lib feeding right now where she can wake up and eat freely when she gets hungry. As long as she gains weight then she should be released. Please keep your fingers crossed that she gains weight so we can bust our baby girl out of the NICU soon!!! So far she has been doing really good with the free feeding schedule so we are hopeful!! She passed her car seat test today as well!! :happydance::happydance:

My son is doing really good. He is working on getting better on his bottle feedings and he drank 30 ml one time from his bottle, so that was a huge achievement. His blood sugars are stable right now with him being on continuous feeds. He weighs about 3lbs 9 ounces which is great but for some reason he has been struggling to gain weight and he hasn't had any gains for several days now. The DR's are limiting putting any additional stress on him right now and just letting him focus on growing. Hopefully the next time he gets weighed he will start gaining weight again. Here is a link to my journal with the full details about the twins and there are a few videos in there as well. :thumbup:

Wanna - so glad your little ones are doing well and little girl may be home soon!

3rd tri for me today, woop! Can't quite believe it but i'm here, got 4d scan tomorrow so will post some pics.

hugs to all x
Wanna: It's great to hear that your twins are doing so well. I hope Lyric makes it home soon! And Elijah has made it such a long way; he will continue to get bigger and stronger.

JDH: Congratulations on reaching the third trimester!

AFM, okay, I'm ready for the big reveal. We found out the sex from the Verifi blood test a couple weeks ago. But have told NO ONE that we even know the sex! You ladies will be the first to know...that...we...are...having...a..............
Wanna - so glad Lyric might be coming home soon! Is she about 37-38 weeks? That is about when our first girl came home. It is super hard to feel like you are missing out on their lives. I felt the same way. You will start feeling better once they are home and you get to be with them all the time. It is tough to leave one baby behind in the NICU, but I've heard that once one twin goes home, the other twin realizes they need to work even harder to make it home too! :winkwink:

JDH - Congrats on third tri! It is hard to believe isn't it? Sometimes I can't believe these babies are really mine!

First - Geez I feel pretty special being amongst the first to know. :) Congrats! Now you can start buying cute clothes and decorating and such. So much fun! In order to balance the universe, JDH now has to have the opposite sex so that we have seven of each. J/k.....but that would be cool. :haha:

AFM - Little Rose has experienced a cognitive growth spurt this week. She has suddenly realized there are lots of things to see and do. As a result, she has been throwing constant fits wanting to be snuggled, played with, or held up so she can look around at everything. Her adjusted age is just three weeks old, so she is pretty little to be doing all of this. She can't hold her own head up for very long, so she wants me to hold her pretty much all of the time and help her balance her head. And she is already a pro at manipulating mommy. :dohh: Lili is also starting to really look at things so it won't be long till they are teaming up on me. :)
Everyone in my family thinks girl, so you never know! xx
My baby girl was born earlier this week. She weighed 5lbs, 17 inches and has a head full of hair :cloud9: I can't get over how beautiful she is!

I went into labor at 35 weeks and Drs worked hard to stop it. My water ended up breaking and it was chaos from there on. I don't remember much of it, it was traumatizing. The epidural did not take, I was in labor for a couple days, ended up with placenta abruption and baby's heart rate dropped.

My little girl entered the world and I barely got to see what she looked like. She was immediately transferred to NICU, sedated and placed on a ventilator. Her lungs were developed about as much as a 32 week old baby. She had IVs and tubes everywhere. I wasn't allowed to hold her and she was allowed no visitors.

Its now been 5 days and she is doing wonderful :) her breathing is 100% and she is off all IVs and hungry all the time! She was bottle feeding great yesterday. Today she is under a black light for jaundice and feeding tube was was put back in due too them not wanting anyone to touch her under the light. They put me on a crazy pumping schedule 24/7, which I hate, but I seem to have no problem with milk supply. I am like a cow and could feed a couple baby's!

The NICU is a terrifying place and going back and forth is exhausting. I can't wait to take my princess home!!!! :) :)
My baby girl was born earlier this week. She weighed 5lbs, 17 inches and has a head full of hair :cloud9: I can't get over how beautiful she is!

I went into labor at 35 weeks and Drs worked hard to stop it. My water ended up breaking and it was chaos from there on. I don't remember much of it, it was traumatizing. The epidural did not take, I was in labor for a couple days, ended up with placenta abruption and baby's heart rate dropped.

My little girl entered the world and I barely got to see what she looked like. She was immediately transferred to NICU, sedated and placed on a ventilator. Her lungs were developed about as much as a 32 week old baby. She had IVs and tubes everywhere. I wasn't allowed to hold her and she was allowed no visitors.

Its now been 5 days and she is doing wonderful :) her breathing is 100% and she is off all IVs and hungry all the time! She was bottle feeding great yesterday. Today she is under a black light for jaundice and feeding tube was was put back in due too them not wanting anyone to touch her under the light. They put me on a crazy pumping schedule 24/7, which I hate, but I seem to have no problem with milk supply. I am like a cow and could feed a couple baby's!

The NICU is a terrifying place and going back and forth is exhausting. I can't wait to take my princess home!!!! :) :)

Congratulations, Hope!!! But I'm sorry it's been such an ordeal. Glad to hear she's doing better already. And great news about your milk supply. Have you named her?
Chase I can't believe Casper will be here soon! I hope everything goes smooth.

Want beautiful pic of Nicholas!

Whisper my twins have their 30 day appt in ten days and I'm not looking forward to it! Your poor girls! I'm glad they are back to normal now. Isn't great to see them grow? They grow up so fast.

EM I'm sorry to hear about the placenta previa! I was on bed rest from 9 weeks and went back to work at 24 weeks. It was long and boring but I did what was best for my babies. Have plenty of books to read. TV gets boring after a while. I hope everything turns ok. Take it easy.

Wanna I'm so glad Lyric will be going home soon! I hope Elijah continues to improve so he can go home soon. They are both beautiful babies.

JDH I hope the scan went well. I can't wait to see the pics. Welcome to the 3rd trimester.

First yay! Congrats on being team blue! Thanks for sharing with us.

Hold congratulations! I'm glad your little princess is doing well. It's must be hard having to go back and forth. Hopefully she will go home soon.

Michelle I hope you are getting plenty of rest. Your LO will be here soon.

AFM, I have been extremely busy. Two babies can be very demanding. Sometimes they want to eat at the same time and that's hard to do not impossible just hard. They are a month now starting to look around and figured out if they cry someone will pick them up. We took them out shopping yesterday they did well. We are doing an u/s on the babies legs since they were breeched. I hope it goes well. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
been and had our 4d scan done today, what an amazing experience :cloud9:

attached pics for you to have a look at, baby has Daddy's pet lip :haha:

hope everyone is well :hugs:


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JDH beautiful pics! I'm gonna say its a boy. Hopefully I'm right. What do you think you are having? Any guesses?

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