Ivf oct/nov/dec

Yay, Em! I'm glad you can move forward.

Holy cow, Wanna! 20 eggs is amazing! I read your journal entry. It was nice to get a detailed idea of what might happen on ER day. Thanks!

I just saw the infectious disease Dr and he said I need to avoid antibiotics if possible because the infection can recur. Oh man. This is a time when reading stories on the Internet is not a good idea. I read about how this bacteria can affect pregnant women and it's terrible. :( I know they will likely give me antibiotics after the ER, but Dr suggested not taking them. I'll talk to my IVF Dr about it. For now I am just trying to stay healthy, hydrated and eat well. Oh yeah, and try not to let this new info stress me out.

Thanks, I am glad that my journal was helpful!! The ER really wasn't so bad so please don't worry!! :hugs:

I am not on antibiotics either after the ER because I am allergic to a couple of different ones and the DR's didn't have an alternative that they felt would be safe, so I just have to monitor myself and watch for any signs of infection.

I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping that your infection clears up so that you can be worry free for your IVF cycle!! Good luck hun!!! :hugs::hugs::dust::dust:
So I had my baseline ultrasound this morning. Still waiting to hear back about my blood work but it looks like I might not be able to start this cycle. I have four new cysts on my ovary. The RE that scanned me said she will call my RE and he'll make the final decision. She said my ovary might not respond to the stims with these new cysts. They usually make you wait until they resolve but I don't have that option. I've been postponing my surgery for the two cysts I have that are suspicious for malignancy and I just know my Oncologist won't let me wait another another month to have surgery. I'm trying not to get too down about this because we do have our frosties from last cycle but it's still a bummer :(

I am so sorry to hear that they found more cysts!! Big hugs to you hun!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: I really hope that your IVF cycle doesn't get delayed. I will be thinking of you hoping for the best possible outcome!! :hugs::hugs: Good luck with everything!! :hugs::hugs:
@Whisper, thanks for the advice and info.!!! :thumbup: I will be sure to ask my clinic what their policy i regarding this so I can find out for sure!! :thumbup:

Quick Question... Do you girls know if the DR's office is able to tell on day 2 that the embryos look good enough to make it to day 5 already? I am assuming that yes, they are able to because they have decided to let all 9 of mine go to day 5 for monday's ET. I suppose if they didn't think they were going to make it to day 5 than they would of course have brought me in on Saturday to do a day 3 transfer?? Do you girls know??:shrug:

My clinic decides on day 3 whether or not they can go to day 5. I think you get a call in the morning whether to come in that day for transfer or wait two more days. :hugs: For me this part is the hardest of the whole process just waiting for them to call. But like Mo said it's a great sign they are confident enough already that you're going to day 5!

Mine waited until Day 3 as well. It was a really stressful couple of days wondering if they were going to make it, and how many, etc. Best of luck and :dust:
Hey ladies holy cow gone one day and four pages lets see what i retained.....

Em- I'm sooooooo sorry to hear that I hope that everything comes back ok and you will be good to go!

Wanna, tcmc, mich- I'm sooooo excited I hear that!! You guys have a lot of eggs. And I have a grrrrrrrreat feeling about all of you!!!

Allie- how are you doing?

Ash- happy thanksgiving hope all is well

Want, wish- hope everything is going well! Let me know of we open up a new thread!!!

First- how are you doing???

Jdh- wow they make you wait awhile before your beta!! I bet it's way high!! Keep us posted!

Mo- I can def see te progression!! I'm kinda nervous cause took dollar general ones then the one from yesterday looks a little darker but the line is skinnier but the one today is a hint lighter but thicker. I'm wonder since its the cheapie if its cause it sat overnight that's why it's darker?!?! It is already stained yellow and with FRER it hardly ever turns yellow. So I don't know so now I'm worrying........

AFM- I'm super anxious kinda nervous. I want to do another beta ASAP I will feel a lot more comfortable if I know it doubled after the 137. Today I'm 8dp5dt. I have never been so concerned with something not sticking but again this is the first BFP (real) one ever so I'm praying I won't have any issues. Whew......

Sorry if I missed anyone happy thanksgiving to everyone!!!
Thanks for your support everyone! I just got the call from my clinic and my RE said I can go ahead and start my stims :happydance:. I'm so relieved! Even if this cycle doesn't go that well or we don't end up getting any embryos to freeze, at least I will know that I tried everything possible before my surgery. That's all I really wanted, just a chance and the knowledge that I tried as hard as I could.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Em- I'm glad for your good news! Wishing you lots of luck with this cycle!

TCMC & Wanna- Great news about your reports! :happydance: Hoping all your embryos grow nice and strong for 5 day transfers!

Mo- Wow!! So exciting...nice progression! :wohoo:
Sweet- I had to go back in some pages and saw...... Congrats on your :bfp:! :wohoo: :wohoo: So exciting!! You must be ecstatic! Crossing my fingers for a double on your next beta!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I work this evening.. so I am missing family celebration. :cry: But I am making a small feast for me and DH. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday and I am grateful for all the support here! :hugs:
Congrats to the BFPs!!! :)

Had my hysteroscopy, and it was fine. Apparently the opening of my cervix is pretty small and the Dr. had a LOT of trouble getting through. That was the worst part of the whole procedure. He had to try a couple different tools until he was finally able to get through. Once that was done, there was no pain at all. He also said everything looks good!

Lucie, I had a similar issue, they ended up going in there (with me under) and doing a dilation of sorts. It widens the pathway so that you can get the catheter in for the embryo transfer. Has your Dr mentioned anything like that?

My first embryo transfer was, to quote my Dr., "textbook". In fact, I had no idea they were even doing it until the Dr. said he was done.
Half way through my 2WW. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving Ladies!!!

So glad that I have you all to talk to about IVF! I know I haven't spoken much, but I haven't had too much to say since I haven't fully started my cycle yet. I still get itchy feet if I don't take the benadryl, and I'm guessing it is from the Lupron. Only a few more days.. start my menopur and bravelle on Monday! Can't wait! I just hope I can juggle my home stuff, work stuff and all the upcoming Dr's appointments!

Cheers to those that have gotten their :bfp: and to those that are still awaiting theirs, may this holiday season bring us all our miracles :hug:
well ladies, I am just off the phone with the emryologist and as we were doing ICSI they would only inject mature eggs. sooo of the 14 eggs collected 13 of them were mature and injected yesterday:happydance: and of the 13 injected 11 have fertilised!!!!:happydance::happydance:

They are going to keep 7 out to chose from for transfer and the remaining 4 are going to be frozen:happydance:

I cant believe it we couldnt have wished for better results i just hope and pray that we get our little forever baby this time around and the little snow babies will be future siblings:hugs:

I will be having transfer at 2.30 tomorrow afternoon and they have said it looks like they will more than likely put 2 back:happydance:

Yay! Good luck tomorrow! So exciting! :hugs:
Morning Ladies, well today is my OTD so I did my digi (knew it would be positive, but wanted to save it!) Pic is attached :thumbup:

I've just got back from doctors and have had my BETA done, so just got to wait for the results. Probs get them around 5pm so a long wait yet. Just hoping for a good number.

I had some brown on the tissue paper this morning, that freaked me out. I know that's old blood but it's still so scary. I just want my rainbow :cry:
I'm going to try and remain positive though

Hope you're all well. :hugs:


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JDH- congrats again, i hope i get to see that in a cpl of weeks time:hugs: and dont stress its bad for the baby im sure your beta will come back nice and strong:hugs:
Well today is the day!! ET at 2.30, and then home to bed where i plan on staying all weekend. my clinic doesnt tell you to have any bed rest but i am taking no chances:nope: and DH agrees. not really looking forward to the progesterone gel inserts but i will do anything to help make this work. :hugs: i am hoping they are still gonna put 2 back. All prayers greatly appreciated:hugs::hugs:
tcmc, thanks, I am trying to stay calm lol

Good luck for ET today. You will be fine. I agree, bed rest for the rest of today and then do very little over the weekend xx
Yay jdh!! Love the digi!

Tcmc: gl girl!! Fx for you Hun!

Think I'm going to call and get beta mon or tues... I can't wait until Friday!!lol.
@JDH, That digi looks great hun!! Congrats again to you!! :happydance: Good luck, I hope the spotting stops soon and that you will have a H&H 9 months!!! :hugs::dust::dust:

@TCMC, good luck with your transfer!!! I hope you get your a BFP!!! :dust::dust::dust:

AFM,So lastnight DH & me went to a casino buffet for Thanksgiving dinner. The food was okay, they had a decent variety. Turkey, ham, chicken, mashed potatoes, fried red potatoes, stuffing, etc along with deserts, pies, cakes and ice cream. It was a quiet Thanksgiving and relaxing. We have my sister's house to ourslves because her, her husband and their 2 kids all went to my brothers for the big family thanksgiving and we just decided to take it easy with us going through all of the IVF stuff.

So yesterday I started my meds for after the egg retrival, I am on a baby aspirin, progesterone cream vaginal inserts, estraidol pill inserted vaginally, and an injectible drug called Lovenox for 10 days, which burns like hell when you inject it, it feels like a bee sting. Ugghhh.. I thought I was done with the injectible drugs, but nope, i am not, I got prescribed it because my estrogen was so high and there is a risk of blood clots, so this is a blood thinner. I also am having a hard time getting the estraidol pill inserts far enough up my Hoo haaaa.. the dam things are a pain to get up in there and they are so tiny that they get lost in the vagina. :dohh:

Well I called my clinic because I had a couple of questions about my embryos. I am scheduled for a 5 day transfer for monday, but I wanted to know if my embryos didn't look that geat on day 3 which would be saturday if they would contact me and tell me to come in to do a day 3 transfer. The nurse I spoke to said yes, they will check them on day 3 and give me a call if they need to go in sooner than day 5, so I was happy to hear that. Then she also mentioned that they won't freeze any embryos unless they make it to day 5 or day 6 blast. So now I am worrying wondering how many of our 9 embryos will be able to survive this entire process. Eeeekkk... It seems like there is always something to stress out about in this process one way or the other.
Jdh- I can't wait to hear your beta how many days past transfer are you?

Tcmc- I would def rest and not take any chances either. And good luck with the progesterone I got lucky and opted out of doing them!( but I give myself a shot everyday)

Wanna- everything will work out just fine!! Just try to relax your embryos are making it to day 5!!!
Mo- I am also very eager for my next beta. My try and have my work do one tom ( since I work in an ER they sometimes do things like that). So if I do I will tell ya. I took another test today and its pretty dark. So I'm hoping its doubled
I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!

Wanna - I posted in your journal but 9 fertilized is GREAT! Can't wait for your ET and then you will be PUPO! I know how stressful it is not knowing what's happening with your embryo's but just try to stay positive, I know it's hard. I kept trying to tell myself that it is out of my hands now, that I did everything I was supposed to and now there was nothing I could do.

tcmc - good luck with ET today! I was told I didn't need bed rest but stayed on bed rest for the first day and then took it easy the rest of the days! I think you're making a good decision! Best of luck!

JDH - congrats! Must be so nice to see that word pregnant! Can't wait to hear about your beta!

lotus - I think a while back you asked about my OH and my hawaii wedding and I'm really not sure where we're going to have it on the islands yet buuuuuuut this girl that I kind of work with (I'm a nanny and she's a nanny and we have play dates all of the time) said that she got married in cape cod and it was so beautiful and now I"m kind of thinking that maybe I'll get married there instead. A hawaii wedding would be BEAUTIFUL don't get me wrong but there are things that I like about having the wedding closer. I feel like I can be more hands on when it comes to picking out the food and having a tasting and the cake and all of my flowers and the location, etc, etc. And although I don't have a huge family and I'm not realllly close with a lot of them, I would like it for them to be there. If I have it in hawaii I know that only about 10 family members would be able to come because of costs. So .. that's where we're leaning right now anyways. I think it will be beautiful either way. We're going to try to take a trip up there this spring/summer and see if we like it and if so I think we'll go with Cape Cod.

Sweet - so happy you're pregnant! That's amazing! Enjoy it :happydance:

Goodness I know I missed people but I've been MIA for so long, I'm just going to have to catch up with your all on a daily basis again!

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