Ivf oct/nov/dec

Sweetness - at least they know that you have a retroverted uterus so they can adjust accordingly - shouldn't be an issue at all!! :thumbup:
Sweetness - Sorry to hear about retroverted uterus. :hugs:
But as Hockey said - they will adjust accordingly. Don't stress. They know what they are doing.
Doctor told me thathe has to "pull my cervix down" to get to my left ovary because it's in a bad position and very high up(ooch):shrug:, I said don't tell me anymore." You making me scared, so do what you have to do." I don't want to stress. :nope: It's out of my control.:shrug:
So hang in there girl, it will be fine. Stay strong, you are a fighter. :flower:

Mich - Hope you had some good sleep and feeling much better. Good luck for your acupuncture appt. today.:thumbup:

Whisper - You went to work today?:thumbup: Go girl, you're a star. You sure you not Superwoman?:winkwink: Fert. report is excellent.:thumbup:
Is there alot of bleeding after ER? How many embryo's will you be putting back? You gonna be PUPO just now.:hugs::kiss:

Kchope - Thanks for keeping Fx for my ER.:hugs:
I am so excited. Don't stress about your insurance. Take oneday at a time. Good luck for your accup. appt tonight.:hugs:

Shar - You should really kick that women in the nail spa.:haha: Hang in there.:hugs:

Hockey - I hope AF comes soon. Sorry :shrug: don't know any vudu either.:kiss:

AFM - I can feel my left ovary twitching so much. And I am abit sore after ultrasound and internal exam yesterday. I feel so much heavier and my tummy is so bloated, I have to wear stretch pants. My arm is so bruised after blood tests yesterday. But I will do anything and go through any amount of pain to get my BFP.

Good luck ladies. Have a Great day.
Sweetness - It is good they found out about your retroverted uterus, so they can do whatever necessary during ET! It sounds like things will still move forward and the more they know the better!

kchope - How did your acu appt go?

hockey - Hang in there; it took 5 1/2 weeks before my AF started after my d&c, so hopefully she starts soon for you. I wish there was something we could do to bring her on when you want too, and of course I can say don't stress too much, but honestly going through any of this is just that, stressful. :hugs:

wish - Only a few more days! Hang in there girl, the end is in sight and after ER the bloating and heaviness does go away!

Shar - WOW, that nail tech had some nerve! I hate when people say that kind of stuff, it is so insensitive. I think that sometimes they do not realize that what they are saying is hurtful. I get many family members, friends asking me when I am giving my son a sibling....it is so frustrating.

one - How are you doing??

So I have been on a new meal plan/workout for the past 3 weeks. Well last night, it finally caught up to me...I have been doing more high impact exercises then normal. Last night I could barely move I am in so much pain. I popped out my sacroiliac joint; this happened last October and sent me to 8 weeks of physical therapy! I have taken 800mg of ibuprofen this morning and going to the gym in 30 minutes to do the stretches/exercises to pop it back in place. At least I have acu tonight so I am hoping that can relax me a bit.
Take care of yourself Mish.:hugs: Be careful. Hope you will feel better soon. :flower:It sounds so painful.ooch
Hockey - We are tentatively scheduled for a three day transfer. They said they will see how the embryos are doing and make the decision tomorrow morning.

Wish - Oh boy I have not felt like superwoman lately! I feel like I can't do anything productive because of how focused I am on this process. :wacko: My house is a mess right now! We are planning to transfer two embryos. I am fine with that because I would be stoked if we happened to have twins. I only had a little bleeding with egg transfer. The biggest bummer has been how bloated and crampy I have been. Ugh.

Michelle - Way to go on being so motivated on the exercise! Hope the pain goes away soon. At least you know you worked it really hard!

Sweetness - I think you are definitely due to have some good news start rolling in soon. Law of averages and all..... :hugs: Your doc will take care of you.

Does anyone have any thoughts on three day vs five day ET? Just wondering what you have heard/done in the past.
Michelle - I was definitely pleased with acu appt last night! I'm always a little skeptical of new places and such but the acupuncturist had a great personality which helped ease my mind. At your consult you will probably get the same spiel I did about eating healthy, exercise, water intake and organic foods which we've all been doing already. When the needle went into my forehead I could definitely feel the couped up stess! He also taped my feet (which is very new to me) and said I need to keep this on for 3 days I look lovely today in my flats and white tape - thankfully nobody has said anything yet!

Hockey - You were so right! Meds have been granted approval (though only until 10/2013) I'm so sorry AF has not arrived yet. So dang frustrating when you want to get on with the next step. I really don't have any ideas for making it start? I'm wondering if your hormones are still out of wack? When I had my MC AF was only 1 week late which even I was surprised by that but everyone is so different. Hang in there maybe a couple mile run will help?

Sweetness - don't worry about your retro U :) you're in good hands!

Whisper - For my #1 IVF I had a 3 day transfer because I only had 3 embies and couldn't risk the 5 day. I did get a BFP with 3 day. I've heard 5 day transfer is really good with a lot of + outcomes it just depends on how well everything is going when the take a peek

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Hey Ladies, I am sorry I havent posted much, with work and family commitments my life has been crazy, in a good way.

I have been stalking and of course rooting you all on! I have nothing new to report w/me same old stuff going on. I have been so bloated since my failed IVF, not sure what that's about, I went to a new OBGYN for a annual, they did a u/s and nothing was out of place, lol. I've also told my acupunturist and asked her to work her magic. Perhaps, its from the DHEA? its the only thing different I've been taking. I have my appt with my RE next Thursday for the biopsy and to discuss my next protocol.

Michelle, how was acupunture or do you have to tonight? Good luck and if you dont feel anything today, give it more time!

I'm sorry I didnt do personals. I promise this weekend, I will sit down and catch-up on all the posts..It does not mean I am nothing thinking about all of you! xoxo
Hi ladies, want to join this thread as the thread I was in is booming with BFPs from most of the other girls, not me.

I am doing a FET in November (hopefully).. I just started Provera to induce AF then I will start on estrace and progesterone inserts for the FET. I'm scheduled the week of Nov 12 :)
I have had 3 failed IVF, including one BFP w/ mc at 7wks and most recently a "chemical" pregnancy. I meet with my RE tomorrow to discuss things. :) looking forward to all of our BFPS!!!
Mobaby- Welcome and you will get a BFP that will stick! Also if you dont mind me asking what is a unicornuate uterus?

Mich- Hope your accupuncture went well!

One- I totally understand with being so busy! Well I hope that your bloating goes away.

KChope- How are you doing?

Whisper- Sorry dont know about the 3 and 5 day transfer but looked like kc answered your question pretty well, Also how are you doing as well?

Wish- Man that sounds supper uncomfortable but again Im also willing to do anything to have our first BFP ever.

Hockey- hope all is going good!

AFM- THANK YOU LADIES soooooo much for helping me not be so upset with the retroverted uterus thing. Also my meds will be here tomorrow and oh my there is A LOT of them, it is crazy we take ALL of this
Hi Ladies! I'm new to the IVF journey and would like to join your thread. DH and I have been trying for about 18 months with assistance due to severe endometriosis. We've done several IUIs with Clomid and then Femara, all BFN. Finally, we have decided to do IVF, which is not covered by our insurance. I'm doing the sonohysterogram (saline ultrasound) this afternoon and then calling with my next cycle in early Nov. to begin the meds. It's all a little overwhelming, but I am glad to be moving forward.
Hi Sweetness. It's a congenital abnormality where only half of the uterus forms. I didn't find this out until after 2 rounds of ivf. I went to have my fibroid removed b/c it grew to 10cm and I was in pain and surprise! I have a large right half and I had a tiny left half with a functioning Fallopian tube but unfortunately that put me at significant risk for pregnancy in the malformed side and if that happened I would lose my uterus. So he took it away. I have a right sided uterus 2 ovaries and 1 tube connected to the normal half. Doctor says the abnormality shouldn't affect ivf and just looking at my anatomy from the inside and with saline sonogram he sees no reason why I can't carry on with a normal pregnancy.
Our main reason is male factor due to surgeries dh had as a child on both testicles. My fertility is 100% normal and so far we have no reasons for ivf to fail as everything has been spot on. Okay I know that's more than you asked :) but that's sort of my story! I did put it all out there in my blog if you are interested :)

So are you planning on taking some time off work then? I know that when I am stimming and my ovaries are big they are going to put me at triage because im not going to be pulling patients up or wrestling with them (I work in an inner city hospital,lots of PCP, drugs etc) Im just glad my work is awesome and works with me! Also about th ecomment that nothing is never normal and I said me too well my point exactly, i went to have the saline flushed in my uterus and of course he said it is one of the most retoverted uterus he has saw. UGHHHH story of my life[/QUOTE]

I think the whole work this is some of the anxiety I have lol, most of my nurses know what Im going through its amazing how many have gone through the same thing and are a great support. I just spoke to my supervisor today to inform her and ot let her know whats going on. Im sure they will work with me, they did with the other woman who went though this too....

I also just had the saline in the uterus... i found it sooo uncomfortable, no worries about your retoverted uterus, at least you know ahead of time and they can plan accordingly! :hugs:
morning ladies,
i just wanted to pop in and say a huge big thank u to u allfor the support this last week:hugs:
i have been popping in and out keeping up to date with where everyone is at but haven't had the heart to join in i haven't stopped crying this past week, me and DH both after our little puppy died.:cry: it has broken our hearts.

one good thing is that we are moving house so that has been helping to keep us distracted and gets us away from the constant reminder. its also helped the time to pass until my next appointment with FS which is 1 week from today. im nervously excited about going to pick up meds and finally get started. feeling quite bloated since have been on BCP for 23 days now but its all worth it if we get our BFP.:flower:

hope u are all doing well and im keeping u all in my thoughts and prayers that this will be our time :hugs:
Hi everyone:flower:

Just got back from the RE just now. Good news so far. follies are doing good:thumbup:, the biggest is about 16mm :winkwink:and I am on day 7 of stimms. Said lining is good too:thumbup:.
Having alot of cramping pains on my left ovary and the pain is going down my thigh aswell :cry:. Doctor said that the left ovary is stuck in. Next appt. will be on Saturday. ER is scheduled for Monday.:happydance: I am very bloated and in pain. I am now back at work and just finish see of of my patients already.

Whisper - Sorry it's hard to concentrate. This consumes so much of my day aswell. Even when I dream, I dream that I am pregnant, Just try to take things easy.:hugs:

Kchope - it's nice to hear you letting go of sum stress through your acupuncture and that you had a good appt.:thumbup:

one - no problem. It's good that you've been busy.:kiss:

Mobaby - welcome. I hope appt goes well today at the RE.

Sweetness - good news about the meds arrival.:happydance: Take one day at a time and seperate each week, so you don't see to much. It's less stressful.

Lotus Blossom - Welcome. hope your appt went well. :hugs:

Shar - Take one day at a time.:hugs:

tcmc - Thanks for praying for us. It's good that you are distracted, time will move much faster. Few more nights sleep before your appt next week.

AFM - got to take 2Menopur tomorrow and Saturday, it looks painful. I wonder how I am going to inject my butt? The thigh injection sounds much more painful.:wacko: I packed my bag for ER on Monday already.:thumbup:

keep well ladies.
Congrats on the great RE visit Wish2havbaby!! Sounds like everything is progressing along quite well!! Can't wait for Monday!!:happydance::happydance:

Definitely avoid the thigh shots - very very painful!!! Depending on where your shot needs to go, if its the upper quadrant of your butt, that is very do-able by yourself, just takes a little more effort - but definitely less painful than the thigh! :thumbup:
tcmc - I am again sorry about your pup :hugs: At least you have some distraction in the meantime.

Welcome Lotus; sorry about your long journey. Hopefully IVF will be the ticket for you ;)

wish - YAY for a great appt; 16mm is a good size and means you are that much closer. Awesome ER is Monday :)

Sweetness - YAY for meds coming!!!

Hi Mobaby! We both deserve our BFP!

Hope everyone else is doing good!

one - I did not get to my acu appt; so frustrating....read below.

Tuesday evening I started having HORRIBLE back pain. It was still bad yesterday and started having pain in my lower right abdomen. I finally went to the walk-in clinic yesterday afternoon and ruled out my SI joint which I thought it was. They sent me to the ER; so I went there, they did an u/s, ct scan, etc... They found a 2cm cyst on my right ovary and some fluid around my uterus. It is causing me so much pain, they had to give me morphine and sent me home with pain meds. This morning my entire back is achy. I have to follow-up with my OB today, but last year I had a 4cm cyst on my left ovary and never felt a thing. SO why would this small cyst bother me this bad and now I am so scared it will post-pone my cycle; I have an appt next Wednesday for blood and to start lupron. Anyone have this before; I am really worried. Thanks in advance!
Congrats on the great RE visit Wish2havbaby!! Sounds like everything is progressing along quite well!! Can't wait for Monday!!:happydance::happydance:

Definitely avoid the thigh shots - very very painful!!! Depending on where your shot needs to go, if its the upper quadrant of your butt, that is very do-able by yourself, just takes a little more effort - but definitely less painful than the thigh! :thumbup:

Thank you so much Hockey. I am afraid to inject my thigh. How must I inject my butt. Thinking of marking it with a pen, then standing by mirror, so I can try and see where to inject. They said intramuscular injcetion, and 3/4 of the needle depth. o gosh, I am so afraid.:cry:
O dear Mish. I am so Sorry to hear about the cyst. :hugs: I hope you feel better soon and this doesn't affect your cycle. I hope your FS can help with situation. I am praying:baby: for you to get better soon and to get your BFP soon too.
Not too sure about the affects of the cyst.:shrug:

Hope you get better soon. :kiss:
tcmc - I am again sorry about your pup :hugs: At least you have some distraction in the meantime.

Welcome Lotus; sorry about your long journey. Hopefully IVF will be the ticket for you ;)

wish - YAY for a great appt; 16mm is a good size and means you are that much closer. Awesome ER is Monday :)

Sweetness - YAY for meds coming!!!

Hi Mobaby! We both deserve our BFP!

Hope everyone else is doing good!

one - I did not get to my acu appt; so frustrating....read below.

Tuesday evening I started having HORRIBLE back pain. It was still bad yesterday and started having pain in my lower right abdomen. I finally went to the walk-in clinic yesterday afternoon and ruled out my SI joint which I thought it was. They sent me to the ER; so I went there, they did an u/s, ct scan, etc... They found a 2cm cyst on my right ovary and some fluid around my uterus. It is causing me so much pain, they had to give me morphine and sent me home with pain meds. This morning my entire back is achy. I have to follow-up with my OB today, but last year I had a 4cm cyst on my left ovary and never felt a thing. SO why would this small cyst bother me this bad and now I am so scared it will post-pone my cycle; I have an appt next Wednesday for blood and to start lupron. Anyone have this before; I am really worried. Thanks in advance!

So sorry Michelle! I had a really huge ovarian cyst years ago. Mine was 13 x 9 x 7 cm and I didn't even know that I had it until I started having really bad pain one night (like throwing up bad). When I asked the doctor why it hurt so bad, he said it had twisted on itself and was "dying." My impression was that it is not uncommon for them to hurt. Hurts like crazy doesn't it?! I hope they can take care of it without affecting your cycle! So hard to keep having delays! My thoughts/prayers are with you! :hugs:

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